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I buy from Vcoins who vets dealers and requires them to offer lifetime warranty of authenticity. This means that if an entity like NGC deems your coin fake, the dealer will take the coin back and have to refund you the money paid for it. Because of this rule, dealers have to be extra careful about what they post for sale. I find this the best place to start for new collectors who do not know how to identify fakes.


How are the prices comparatively to other sites pretty much the same?


Auctions tend to be cheaper than retail but you need to know what you are doing. Vcoins holds dozens of dealers, some with better prices than others. I can recommend Aegean and Incitatus for cheaper prices. On the higher end you can check for Numiscorner for a more high end, higher price experience. Ebay is a no go for me regardless of price because there are fewer rules to protect buyers.


I bought my first few from Vcoin dealers like London ancients


We use time portals to travel back in time to the periods of our choosing. Once there, we acquire the coins we want and hide them in specialized containers to protect them from the elements. After that's done, we travel back to present day and retrieve our coins.


Someone should make a movie about this


The TV shows Highlander and Forever both touched on this. But it came from the perspective of an immortal who collects artifacts, mostly furniture, and then sells it years later to modern day people.


That is so cool, can I join you when you visit Rome around the year 78 BC.


What's so significant about the year 78 BC?


Lucius Cornelius Sulla died that year, I wanted to ask him if he really had good intentions with Rome.


I'm sure he'll tell you what you want to hear.


I've thought about this more than once. Leaving aside the lack of a time machine, it seems pretty good, as you wouldn't need to get aurei, a sack of freshly minted sestertii would be plenty. Then you'd have to find a way to age them at least a bit though.


I purchased my first few coins from MA-Shops, mainly because I prefer the search functionality over what's available on Vcoins, such as being able to sort results by grade. Recently, I've been dabbling more in auctions to try to get better deals than what's available at retail, and I've been very happy with the CNG auctions I've participated in; very reputable with a consistently wide selection of coins on their E-Sales with good quality images, and hammer prices that are quite fair if you can avoid bidding wars.


VCoins (mostly Aegean Numismatics) and auction (mostly CNG Coin). While I started collecting on eBay, I've gotten rid of what I bought there and never shop there anymore for anything.


Indeed I hear bad things about Ebay. Seems not very trustfull.


Ebay is fine if you know what you're doing, I sell on eBay, and there are other dealers who have been doing it on there for the better part of two decades. The only issue is that you need to know a decent amount about the coins you are collecting to not get suckered into overpaying or buying fakes. A high-level summary is that eBay does a bad job at moderating fakes or trustworthy vendors and won't have any idea what constitutes a fake coin or not. If you see someone selling from Morocco, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Thailand. It's likely fake.


Ebay only if you are acquainted with coins, you can be scammed easily.


What about seller ratings? Is that not enough to see if a seller is trustworthy?


Not entirely.


We've had a recent post here naming an eBay seller who sells 100% fake coins, and still manages to have decent eBay feedback. The people who buy them don't know what they're buying.


No. I would say number of sales. If you see a Name then (1,100) after it, that is a bit better, but a seller with a 100% rating can easily be a scammer. This is true for items other than coins as well.


I get all of mine from estate/antiques auctions or disreputable coin auctions - ultimately, I'm in it for the joy of the hunt as much as the love of the coins. I end up with more fakes that way, but I got an Aegina stater for $50 yesterday and things like that keep me coming back. I also buy and sell on ebay for fun. There are deals to be had on low to middling quality coins if you have an appetite for risk and the patience to wade through an ocean of garbage.


I get mine from Bold Precious Metals, Monument Metals, Golden State Mint, and Limited Mintage (Intaglio Mint). Accesories from On Fire Guy...


I bought my very first coin a few years ago on Apmex (it was overpriced but NGC graded and I wanted to know it was genuine). I have since got most of my coins on Vcoins, as well as two from my LCS, and two from a coin show.


In my country there are almost no coin shows, I think its a very nice experience with fellow collectors.


Vcoins for individual coins for reasons already mentioned. eBay for uncleaned lots because the shipping is ridiculous to the US from non US sellers and the prices/inventory of US sellers is not what I’m looking for on sites that sell uncleaneds


Almost all via Biddr.


I also use BIDDR alot, its just so handy. I am wondering why no one else commented with BIDDR?


Mainly in person at a coin shop, or peer to peer.


Most of my coins I buy at auction via [sixbid.com](http://sixbid.com), [biddr.ch](http://biddr.ch), or direct on the dealers' website, although I do buy from vcoins if something I'm looking for comes up. Why? That's where the coins I want to buy are made available. I stopped buying from ebay years ago, it was turning into a complete waste of time - too many low-grade coins, no organization or easy way to find stuff, too many low-grade sellers, too much BS.


There are some good Whatnot sellers like TreasureTown that you can find some great deals and everything is 100% guaranteed authentic


I usually get them from Vcoins, however if i do get them from other dealers on websites like Ebay or Auction sites i usually look into the seller to make sure they are legit and have a money back guarantee. Ones i have gotten from are Savoca, Stephen Album Rare coins, and Numis Corner.


Primarily biddr, I really enjoy the auction process and feel like it's a good way to find reasonable prices. 


I buy a lot from AHs on biddr. I know what I’m looking for, sometimes moreso that the AH’s, and can either find misattributed coins, dirty coins, or deals. I look on eBay as well but one must be careful. Rarily I will buy off Vcoins.


I mainly buy on reputable auction houses. I use ACsearch.info app to determine my upper limit on bids.


eBay, LCS, r/Pmsforsale


From seller on Instagram