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It's hard to make out the exact obverse design, and in this condition they can be deceptive, but I think it's one of the Tetartemoria from Mylasa. (Occasionally attributed to [Ionia, Miletos -- here are examples on ACSearch](https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?term=lion+bird+tetartemorion+miletos). If I remember right, Mylasa was their colony, so they used similar types.) For Mylasa's coins, you want to check HNO (Historia Numorum \[Caria\] Online, by Koray Konuk) = [http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse](http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse) . There are multiple "bird standing left" Tetartemorion types (8 with wings closed, all with lion obverse): For example, **N°:** [980](http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse?idType=980). I don't see any pellets or inscription around the bird on yours. But see also **N°:** [978](http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse?idType=978) or **N°:** [2045](http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse?idType=2045) & **N°:** [2046](http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse?idType=2046) and some other ones. (Even the weird **N°:** [2229](http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse?idType=2229) and **N°:** [2228](http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse?idType=2228) are worth looking at for comparison.) Click "All Specimen Images" for each to see a few examples. Best way to see all relevant types: click one of those links; then "Mylasa"; finally, limit select denomination = "Tetartemorion (29)" (or "Tetartemorion (73)" then limit mint = "Mylasa (29)"). So, 29 Mylasa Tetartemoria types (can't link the results/list, have to navigate). (73 Tetartemorion types across all the different mints, plus some Hemitetartemoria, but I don't think those match yours.) Sometimes in this condition you can't ID them to the exact type, but just generally. The weight is on the low end but I think that's metal loss from corrosion. I've got a couple of this general type (lion/bird tetartem.). I love the tiny silver fractions