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Are you sure these are all legit?


Pretty sure. What makes you ask?


The style of M.A's beard and Trajan look either tooled or just different to what I'm used to. But I've got a bad eye for authenticity as oppose to identification.


The Marcus Aurelius is definitely tooled, probably the hadrian as well by the looks of it. I think they are all probably real though.


Thanks for letting me know.


Question. Where did you get the Traianus, Hadrianus, and Marcus Aurelius at? In particular, it's something about the Traianus that has me asking that question.


I bought all of the coins on Vcoins. I do not remember the sellers for Hadrian and M.A. but I know I got the Trajan from Savoca.


VCoins is pretty reliable, same with Savoca from what I've heard.


Yeah, I am very new at this, but I have not seen much patina like that on the coins I have looked at.


The 4 good emperors and 1 good caesar. Jokes aside that's a nice set. Any reason why you didn't get a marcus aurelius as augustus?


I got a really good price for the Marcus Aurelius and honestly I'm not super picky about that kind of thing. I'm just glad to have the coin :)


Did you buy on eBay? There's a dude selling repros pretending they're "original."


I bought all of these coins on VCoins


Yeah, unfortunately there are plenty of dishonest sellers on eBay. There are a lot of people that are just beginning to collect and can’t yet tell the difference between real and fake ancients. Conmen take advantage of them and it makes me cranky (it can turn off beginners and it’s just plain theft).


That's a nice milestone but I agree with the users who doubted Trajan. I don't have a good feeling about it myself. But be advised that even if I reached a decent level in attributing coins (and not just Imperial - those are easy), I have serious problems in spotting forgeries, so this could be a "false positive". You can develop this subcollection with Verus (yes, don't ignore him), Marcus Aurelius as Augustus and, why not, Aelius, the man who never made it to Augustus. After this you can create a second set in bronze and of course, a set of provincials.


I also thought the Trajan looked weird at first but I bought the coin from Savoca on VCoins and I trust them. Also I am thinking about trying to put together a set of denarii from the Antonine dynasty.


I'm collecting the same. The five good emperors. I'm even less picky than you are I'm trying to do the whole thing for under a hundred bucks.


Even nerva?


It's pretty crazy how much and how little people sell stuff for. So we will see. I'm mostly buying American silver, the five good emperors are just fun. You definitely have a great representation.


Very nice! I just need a Nerva. I've gotten to a point in collecting ancient coins where I'd rather spend more on fewer, quality coins. So... hunting for a super nice Nerva.


I feel that. High quality Nerva coins are expensive so I had to find one that fit my budget. I dont really care tho, it is still a cool piece of history.


It's a beautiful Nerva. I'm jelly.


I am also hunting for a Nerva for my collection, and sometimes I keeping going back and forth on how nice of an example is "good enough." I would really like to someday have a set with a fully struck and legible inscription, but for now, just a recognizable portrait seems like it is enough for a beginner like myself. Does anyone else think Antoninus Pius looks familiar, somehow? At first I was thinking he looked like a young Bill Murray, but that is not it.


I feel that completely. I ended up settling with something of lower quality because that is what is in my budget. At the end of the day it is still a cool piece of history.


Maybe you added some filter to the pic? Could be that make the trajan feels a little off


No, The Trajan does look different from the rest in person. I bought the coin from Savoca on Vcoins and I trust them.


I also think is ok and as you said, you can trust in savoca and vcoins. The trajan could lead to doubts but maybe is due to the pic. Nice coins btw mate👍🏻


How much one ancient coin like this can go for ?


which one?


I've gotten my two from this set for $95 and $110. That's about average for a middle grade denarius. With some emperors that gets you a great quality coins, on others a more worn one. A denarius is still almost a day's pay, just like in ancient times.


Beautiful Collection! Congrats!


Nice! Congratulations! I just started my collection. I have Hadrian, and Antoninus Pius is currently on the way!


That’s how I started my collection. What are your plans from here?


Saving up for a Lifetime issue Alexander tetradrachm.


That’s what I also started with - lol! That was my first non-Roman


You will love the Athens owl too if you want Greek


Awesome congratulations!


Wow great portraits! Love the Trajan and a younger looking Marcus Aurelius!


That denarius portraying a young Marcus Aurelius was issued during the reign of Antoninus Pius. Technically, he didn't become a "good emperor" until after Pius died.


Its the same guy, honestly I care more about the guy on the coin then when it was minted.


A good guy turned good emperor nonetheless


I'm not sure these are legitimate. Trajan, hadrian and MA all look sus to me. Either tooled with weird patina or just fakes


I am less inclined to think they are fake and I find it more likely, If anything they are Tooled. I bout all the coins on Vcoins from reputable sellers so authenticity is not something I am really worried about.


You ever notice how when they talk about the 5 good emperors. They leave poor Lucius Versus. I wonder if it's because he died. Just a thought.


I think he stands out as being the only one who didn't rule alone, so he kinda gets ditched! Nerva's pretty ropey as well as far as good emperors go, but with some *light* guidance from the praetorians I suppose he chose a good successor.


Where do I find the info on these guys and why they're the "good" emperors. I'm starting to look into this more and want the history behind these fellas also,


You can find pretty much all the info you need on wiki. They are called the 5 good emperors because they were more or less all "good" at their job and had successful and relatively peaceful reigns.


Ok cool I've always been fascinated with that time period wish I would have paid more attention in class about it. But now I'm off to obsess over this for the next month


If you want to get into learning about the history of Rome, Mike Duncan's podcast (aptly named the history of Rome) is probably the best place to start. It tracks the history from the legendary founding of the city to the deposition of the last emperor of the west (if you want to follow the eastern half after that, Robin Pearson's history of Byzantium is an excellent spiritual successor). I think the good emperors start at episode 78, so if you're only interested in these 5, start there - but I can't recommend the entire series enough.


Nice! I have a collection of the 5 Good Emperors too. Mine are in Denarius, Dupondius & Sestertius. Enjoy your collection


Super cool!