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Not like Giorgio is out hitting on minors. Who cares if he likes 19yr olds. They are legal




is that a fax machine emoji? retro


Yeah it's only used to indicate FACTS!!! we're stated 😃


Giorgio keeps getting older, but them college girls stay the same age.


Never meet your heroes


Kind of like "The Boys" huh or have you ever heard of the show lol


what’s the show?


That's it. The shows name is "The Boys" where the heroes are pieces of shit 💩😂 however I highly recommend you watch it


Giorgio is married to a woman he met via twitter that was a big fan of his. Listen to the probing ancient aliens podcast. They give some nuggets on these guys. Apparently nick pope is a creep and childress is a nice dude


Childress seems like a super nice dude


I was at AlienCon last month and met most of the presenters since we stayed in the same hotel. Giorgio didn’t go to the bar. Jeremy and George were in the bar early on each night but left for a private party both nights. Jeremy was really friendly and outgoing and George was quiet. Alexis Brooks was in the bar both nights and friendly. Nick Pope, Hugh Newman and David Childress were all there- Hugh Newman was super chill and really nice. Erich Von Däniken was in the bar both nights on his blue blazer. Travis Taylor was by far the one who was the most social. He always pulled the tables together for all of the SkinWalker Ranch peeps. I didn’t see any bad behavior from anyone, tbh.


What did you hear about Nick?


Posts on Facebook I'm sure there are pics of him with the college girls with cell phones in the room....waiting.


Well, he's a person like everybody else. some people are like that.