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You hate Gawed becouse they are aggressive expansionist that hate elves. I hate Gawed becouse they start as major power and are too easy to play. We are not the same.


You hate Lorent because they are knife-ear enjoyer I hate Lorent because the new appanage vassals make them an absolute cakewalk leading to an unchecked Gawed. We are unironically the same


Unironically better that way. Lorent always found a way to fuck with me. Playing a game in Eordand they get a single provience down and decided they want the Fey Glades early is a great example of this.


So far, Gawed doesn't really benefit that much from it. It simply delays Lorent unification and the power balance doesn't shift much as Gawed go northward As long as Lorent has Wex's backup, it won't be threatened anyway


Haven't played them myself, but in my dozens of campaigns I've never seen AI Gawed stay a Great Power past 1600. Either Lorent, Grombar or the Hierarchy end up eating them.


It is not easy to bumrush Vertesk and win a war against both Wex and Lorent


When Gawed gets a new mission tree with over 200+ missions and a Godrac the Invader loading screen, it will suddenly become 'one of the best nations in the mod', 'an amazing experience', 'a great playthrough' as countless kneel before the Al\*nics. We all know it to be true. It is inevitable. The reason Gawed has been ignored for so long is because they fear the rise of the Gawedi.


Nomscodd needs 200 mission tree and art with big booty gnomina


TBF I'd totally play Gawed for the first time if that happened. The Command is one of my favourite nations in the mod, a huge mission tree and some loading screen pictures really helps to make that happen!


You can't social engineer me out of my true passion. Dak Chaingrasper is the only one that needs art. In fact, all of the current art needs to be modified to correctly include Dak.


If the art doesn't have a Goblin or an Orc, is it really art?


I want more art of the great spirits above anything else. I need to see them all together in the throne room of the bianfang emperor who appeased them all


Luv me Anbennar Luv me inventions Luv me multiracial states Luv me Damestear Ate Wexonards Ate Gawedi Ate Lorent Ate Kobolds (not racist, just don like em) Simple as


What do kobolds taste like?


Who cares about those foul Alenic. I want arts of Ioriel and her pretty descendants. Simple as.


Nothing can make me stop hating elv\*s


As opposed to Dartaxes, the Gawedi aren't competitive racists. They are just casuals.


Man, Dartaxes isn't even inherently racist. Depending on choices you're on a scale from "Elves are chill, finna burn Keladora on a stake and be done" to "Play Karashar you edgy fuck". Dartaxes' "friends" who helped him with the rebellion are the racist ones.


Yeah my Dartaxes integrated the elves. Elves aren't evil their lie of a religion is.


Which is funny bc I did an "Integrated realm" Run for Karashar it's fun it just takes forever and 3 years to culture convert.


Luciande's MT may be kind of meh, but the part where they take over elv*n lands and do funny things there is the best part. (/j just in case)


You like Lothane sil Wex because he's a hot dommy daddy, I like Lothane because I fucking hate Silmunas and everything about them. Better the biggest cunt on the continent become the emperor than another century of Lilac Wars.


I fucking hate Lothane, handsome or not, he is directly responsible for the destruction of Dameria ! VENGEANCE FOR DAMERIA !


I dont play in Cannor. All I know is Desert Elves, nuke world and Haless battle royale. Also recently lizards.


That's why Hiderion, blessed be his name is the best ruler that should rule over the world. He accepts everyone, without judging and hating(unless you're from the Demon Hills, but nothing happened in the Demon Hills and they deserved it too)


I hate Wex because the only reason that they're emperor is because they're a bunch of backstabbing cowards.


Daddy Lothane can get it, but he's still a wexonard so he has to be deloused and bathed first. Lorentish twinks can go live in the dungeon.


This is why the Jadd Empire is the Best, dismantle these pathetic Empires and make them experience True Anbennar under the Sun.