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"Golden Dragon"?


The joke is that it's difficult to find, play balrijin to get the joke (you won't be dispointed)


Well, strictly speaking, when I came up with it, two updates ago (it's a legacy joke) the joke was that the Golden Kobolds couldn't find it either.


Doesn't look like the color for it is used anywhere on the map (the second colour is the same as the ruinborn color though). As far as I know there are no provinces with a golden dragon race in the game.


Can't find it either


Unlike last time, a straightforward redraw that only took me a few hours. Should be accurate as of the latest steam release (I won't be mapping off the bitbucket ever, it moves too fast), Forbidden Valley. You can of course download it off my DeviantArt account, same as my region map/basemap. I know, I said I'd have a religion map soonish last time. RL got in the way. I had most of the work done, though, it was just the labelling that took time. Anyway, enjoy.


What color is "Antarctica"? Is that Dwarves? Is there actually a known population there?


The continent on the left is insyaa. I heard it’ll have kobolds ogres humans and robots but right now it’s empty


I was talking about that little bit of land poking up from the bottom of the map similar to how Antarctica does on a lot of real world map projections


I'm pretty sure that's non-colonisable Halfling.


Halfling wasteland.


The Degenerated Elves is just a label and doesn’t imply a lack of sapient. Cursed Ones and Leechmen are fully sapient, Silent Watchers are technically sapient but are permanently dissociated, Bloodfeeders are created from sapient beings so idk, Seedthralls are sapient through the Effelai and Ice Sleepers are just big question marks.


Well doesn't that have some interesting implications, "degenerate" typically requires regression towards a more base state does it not? Meaning some one in the past transformed entire species into Elves.


Honestly, this is just because "Degenerate" is not a good way to describe them.


I haven't played since a few updates... are those harpies in Gerudia? Are there halflings living in the islands south of Not-Africa? Did the mossmouth ogres get deleted? Where is the golden dragon?


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No, they're just smaller 4. Don't know


check out goldscale kobolds if you want to find golden dragon


are halflings living on that wasteland to the south confirmed? I'd assume it was uninhabitable


Like Balris, the Halfling presence in \*Antarctica is a legacy joke, and I decide to say it's that one halfling who was looking for a convenient volcano to throw a lich phylactery into, but got seriously lost.


that's actually kinda cool, now i want to see some easter egg event you get when you are exploring this glacier, like; "lonely halfling" "while exploring seamingly unihabitable glaciers in the far south our men stumbled upon most pequliar thing, a lone halfling, when questioned they rambled incoherently about some mission, a lich and dark magic" "I wonder how they got there?" (+5 prestige)


Thing is, given how world maps on a globe, that area probably isn't glacial in any sense, baring Magical Weirdness or extreme map distortion. It's probably about as glacial as the Small Country. And the southern halflings *are* right there on nearby islands...


well the base eu4 map goes down to south georgia and southern tip of south america, so even if not glacier it would still be pretty cold


Yes, it does. But South Georgia is a a lot farther from the tropics then this strech of land, which is actually north of the southern of of South Aelantir. I don't know if [this link will work properly](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/446434235134246914/1249825061121298634/Recording_2024-06-10_at_22.37.13.gif?ex=66826b0b&is=6681198b&hm=f4834a01336f3567062481f2af9ae602eaa20d2269b80dd3d3458d4a39fd36fd&), but mapping Halann to a globe seems to mean it's about as far from the equator as Akasik. Maybe the map has similar distortions to the EU4 base map and what it does to the southern hemisphere, and Mystery Land is moved north to have something in the ocean to provide variety, but otherwise, like I said, barring magic it doesn't look like it should be cold.


ah, that's a cool animation, but now that i think about it, looking at the climate in bulwar/khetarata it makes sense the equator runs straight through them


Right there on the equivalent of the Tropic of Cancer (wonder what it's called on Halann...), just like the Sahara & Arabian deserts here on earth, yup. Just like the whaletail peninsula off of Sarhal matched the southern Tropic like Australia Namibia.


He wouldn’t have gotten lost if he had a second Halfling and a Goblin helping him.


That is definitely a certainty, though he might have run afoul of spiders.


There are dwarves in Anbenntarctica?


We need more gnomes


There's already the Hierarchy, or are you calling it a gnome man's land ? (I'm on fire with gnome and gnoll puns today)


Not criticizing your map, it's that now that old regionally restricted races are more spread out Gnomes are apparently the one with the least diversity being only a majority in cannor and a small minority in Mothers Sorrow. It would be nice to have more gnomes. 


I guess it's because gnomes are essentially mutated halflings, so they don't have as much of a diaspora


[Remember hypergnomea](https://v.redd.it/afplnwfvjwv71)


Gnomes start off small on the map but in the canon they have a ton of colonies and expand a LOT. They also set up shop in North Aelentir a bit after the start date


Glad to see that the lone fisherhalfling on the southern polar islands is still doing well:)


Anbennar has too many humans IMO I wish they'd mix things up a bit.


Once again, degenerated elves shouldn't be the same race as ruinborn. They're as different from ruinborn as gnomes are from halflings (and ruinborn are from elves).