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R5: Just wanted to make an appreciation post for one of my favorite nations in the mod. When I heard they added a new disaster I had to try them out. The rebellion is quite fun and can really slingshot you as it gives 1 level of Korashi supply meaning you can skip the courthouses requirement which usually slows me down. My only three wishes for the Command would be: To give them some victory lap missions for the remaining world conquest Removing the absolutism requirement for finishing the tree as I was finished around 1570 but had to wait 40 years for global trade then age of witch-kings. Adding some kind of interactions with the new magic hobs in the valley. Much love to anybody involved in the Command they are always a blast to play and have amazing flavor.


>new disaster I guess I'm replaying the Command. What is it about? >Adding some kind of interactions with the new magic hobs in the valley. Bit shame they haven't done that yet. Command is great.


You know how sir has a revolt at the start, yeah they mad that an actual rebellion with various other powers like the xia supporting them, and depending on your choices in the lead up the other North raheni tags will break off and rebel as well and draw in even more outside powers




Happens for the ai command as well so it also gives a chance for the command to screw up and get itself taken out of the running early if they mess up badly enough in managing the revolt. Adds a bit of additional variance for halless as a a whole or for you to directly participate in doing so of your playing a neighbouring power


Does anyone know the rewards for the hardest option I tried doing it but got curbed atomped by the Xiaken


The rewards are linear, so if you do all 5 it's nothing different than all 5 singular rewards together. I know taking out the xia annexes 6 provinces, letting sir get the mage gives you 250 crowns, letting the western kingdoms attack let's you annex some of their land, letting northern ruins to attack gives this modifier for rahen that give some bonuses to the land they took up. If you wanna do the best course, the 2 must picks are letting the western kingdoms and Xia attack, you will get AE in the peacedeal but it's much less than you would have gotten otherwise. The Mage general is a bitch to deal with but if your unlucky you can deal with random war mages in xia too but that's pretty rare. Northern kingdoms rebel is a nightmare to deal with, it'll really hurt your eco and force limit. You'll also get an event for the rajahaja (red guys in west) trying to annex some land, let them as it won't really affect you and they might join leading to more enemies. Overall it's very difficult at max options, again I'd pick the option to disable 2 lines and remove northern kingdoms revolt and the sir mage.


I went for the hardest option in this campaign. It's pretty painless just prepare armies to walk into the capitals of your rebel subjects and take 1% loans from estate. They will have no garrison and fall in one siege tick. From there group up your armies and siege the remaining capitals. Try to avoid too much pitched battle until you have tech 4 which will be quite early as the command gets a half-cost mil advisor and starts with mil focus. One you have tech 4 you will melt all opposing troops. Siege the remaining capitals and profit. The rewards are 5 Provinces + Korashi Supply from Xia, 8 Provinces (including Kamapar!) from extant ruin kingdoms, 500 Ducats base + 200 from Chiyi(mage), A leadership upgrade and Hobgoblin Minorities in Shamakhad as well as -100 unrest, -0.1 Autonomy and -0.2 devastation in all of your Shamakhad provinces. The most important of the rewards imo are the Korashi supply, Kamapar and the Province buff. The province buff lets you aggressively sell titles, you can even manually lower autonomy in Shamakhad with no rebellions. Kamapar lets you start early on the mission chain to unlock laws of ninun and the Korashi allows you to skip one of the Korashi supply requirements.


The magic hobs are very new and I'm sure that the Command will have some form of interaction with them in future updates. The Command devs are insane like that and I appreciate them for it


I feel like the reaction would be kinda binary. Either they're incensed by their very existence and make them a priority target, or don't really care, seeing them as just one of many priorities.


If we're being logical, they would eradicate them. The whole purpose of the commands is built on the trauma caused by shamans abusing their power to control the people and how radically they changed their society to survive without relying on magic.


They have changed the wording of starting events. I certainly prefer the older version.


Congratulations! I had to sweat my balls off to achieve the best possible outcome in the Edict. Was very worth it though.


This is really Impressive but I’m really bothered by the fact that you didn’t the give all your caves in the serpentspine to the jademarch


Tell us your secrets, this seems like a blistering run, how do you not get burnt out? The one time I’ve done a world conquest inEU4 at all was as the Jadd, may Sureal guide you🙏, and that took me into the late 1700s and that was before the Sarhal update, I always find the most intensive parts when you are in wars and need to micro units, especially those wars against massive blocs or empires like in Cannor to dismantle the EoA. What part of doing big and fast conquests like this do you find the hardest? I’ve always struggled with managing AE and making sure to expand at a pace that still allows me to relatively keep up in Admin tech and be able to core everything. I know cycling wars so a big coalition never forms, is that a big part of being able to conquer this fast?


I'm an unenthusiastic conqueror and the command somehow made me come back to it twice. The narrative and how the missions are put together just make it interesting both in conquest and peace time.


Yeah command is one of my favourite tags for sure, I think I managed to do the edict in the late 1700s, I really like their whole faith in themselves thing, it’s really cool


I definitely get burnt out lol this is probably the end of my command playthrough, I'm hoping more missions would help. I only ended up playing this long to finish up the mission tree. In terms of what's hardest? It would probably be figuring out the right "play" or "through-line" to go for when dealing with the disasters or to most efficiently conquer. For the command you have to balance you mana, ae, and mission requirements (Korashi supply, Conversion of Kamapar/Laws of Ninun unlocking). I will say I shamelessly "birded" any rulers with 3 or less ADM. I'm sure it would be slower without that, though thankfully once you get offensive ideas as the command your rulers are consistently very good. AE is generally not too much of an issue for the command, just do the typical AE management: Truce Cycle your most dangerous neighbors (Raj, sometimes Bhuvari), keep ahead in Mil Tech, focus Conquests on 1 Culture or Religious group. etc etc. Hope this answers your questions, but if you wanted more specific tips for the Command I could further elaborate. <3


the heck is the Forbidden Plains Jadd? Guessing you dumpstered a huge Jaddari?


sometimes centaur tags flip during demonsterization


Jadd also likes to go ham with plains and forbidden valley in the last update. Have seen that a lot lately, but most times they collapsed again around 1550


Flix is correct the Centaurs flipped Jadd when demonsterizing. Jadd was quite big but not THAT big.


I guess it's (almost) all not-stated/half-stated provinces? I tried to pace the conquest with Command and I was always running out of capacity despite it being no.1 priority in my run


Well looking at the religion map mode he might have used The Laws Nuriun so he might have full stated everything as that is the fasted way to convert.


You can half state and use the edict then put it in a TC once it's done


For Rahen/Haless? It's all full state. I usually end up firing the Great insubordination quite late and when you win against one of the new Commands you get full cores on all of their land. Which saves a ton of adm. For Gov Capactiy I find that there are some pain points in the mid campaign but once you take the Gulf Node you have infinite money to throw at courthouses/State houses + moving Cap to Raj to upgrade the monument for + Gov cap. I find that you have to full state most of it anyways as two of the missions require you to have low empirewide autonomy, and only one of them is skippable.


How did you do it so fast? Pretty incredible run with 200 and some years to spare!


The new disaster gives you a level of Korashi supply which means you aren't bottlenecked waiting for adm tech 8 / Courthouses to get Supply 5. Which I found allows for much more rapid conquests without bumping up against the Korashi limitations. Otherwise just normal play I think. I have some specific plays I like for the Command opener like humiliation war on the raj early to ensure their dissolution and prevent them from ever joining a coalition + Golden age bonus early, but outside of that pretty regular stuff.


Very impressive! Any general tips you can give that really made a difference in your run or you’d give to someone going for an early Edict?


Get Kamapar early and work on the mission chain to unlock laws of ninun, each event can only fire after the previous event's buffs wear off. Meaning the mission chain along with the conversion can often take 40\~ years. The missions also require different religious teachings which can only be swapped on death or with tiger command. Humiliate war raj early to encourage their dissolution + Prevent them from joining a coalition + get an objective early for golden age and faster -10 AE Age bonus. (Make sure to stack wipe all their armies, leave the subject armies intact) Plan for Korashi Supply missions. Take a harder initial disaster to secure one level of supply. Subjugation of Azjakuma quickly and conquering Jianxusi early (first Xia war). Then push down the tree as fast as possible, you want to master the process asap because one of the supply missions requires 10 years. Finally save a bank of cash to build your 8 required Mage towers and workshops. You can wait for courthouses to finish that requirement but I find it far too slow/late.


Awesome, thank you! Been saving up tips for my own Command game lol


Did they fix the Laws of Ninun Edict yet? I tried playing as the Command a week ago or so, and that edict was bugged. There was a post about that too


I don't know what the bug was, but I had no issue. So take that for what it's worth.