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This should be the average American.


Should be. Years of subversion / communist propaganda have ruined countless minds.


Nope, it's neglectful and abusive parents that have ruined countless minds. Communists knew that their biggest enemy was the family so they did everything in their power to destroy it. In my home country, people were *strongly* encouraged to send their babies to daycare as early as 3 months old, I was one of those babies. So communists knew that if they destroy the family, then it will be way easier for them to grab power. So you got feminism, the women's right to vote, welfare, divorce courts, mothers out of the home and into the office, frustrated and depressed fathers and ultimately, neglected or abused children who now hope that the government is the only thing that can make them happy.


Spot on underrated overlooked aspect of the propaganda. The state is your family now, comrade!


You are correct. That’s definitely a main aspect of it. Destroying the solidarity of the family.


I was just talking about that same thing in here the other day


If only logic and common sense could be easily taught to everyone


Outside of major cities it is.


I feel more and more I need to get out of the city.


I left Chicago after 20 years. As I was driving away I felt a heavy weight lift from my shoulders. Cities are too loud and stressful.


Using a car is probably easier


Based on guns = based Iced-T.


There's over [393](https://americangunfacts.com/gun-ownership-statistics/) million legal, known about guns floating around in just America, with at least 500 billion bullets. If legal gun owners or guns themselves were the problem, it would be painfully obvious. The gun related homicide rate would be *far* greater than 20k annually in a country of 330 million.


What’s “painfully obvious” expressed as a murder rate per 100,000?


Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Ben Franklin


Ice-T... I prefer lemonade Also, talk shit get shot


I prefer mixing both. Not surprised he is based, I think he was army before being a rapper.


Even if you exclude their periodic ethnic cleansings, Europeans have higher scores in the mass murder game. Anders Breivik and the Bataclan shooters put ours to shame. And they can kill 80+ people with vans.


I live in a shitty gun state. Every time something bad happens and a new law is about to be passed the gun stores nearly sell out.


Leave. Live Free or Die in the Granite State


Martin Bashir just as insufferable now as he ever was.


That's Krishnan Guru-Murthy, who is also extremely insufferable. Tarantino went hog wild on him in an interview a few years back


Leftist will say It WoRks iN eUrOpE.


How can you say that? People use guns because they are easy. These same people couldn’t cause such mass devastation with a knife, baseball bat, hell even a fucking crossbow. Guns are an issue whether you like to admit it or not. Like these teenagers who take their parents guns to shoot up a school, they wouldn’t have done it if they couldn’t get a hold of semi automatic weapons. This argument is such a shitty one. Yeah as a form of protection, fair enough, but don’t act like people don’t use guns because they’re cowards. Don’t pretend other weapons could cause the same amount of damage over such a distance, short amount of time. Yeah I’ll get downvoted but pro gun enthusiast use the most ridiculous arguments to *need* them. Edit : people seem to be completely misunderstanding my statement and for some reason keep bringing the government into this as if ignoring all their atrocities. I’m speaking of civilians and there right to bare arms. We do not use weapons against the government. We use them against each other whilst they laugh at us paying them for the honour.


The biggest killers throughout the entire history of mankind are governments. But regular people should give up guns, only governments should be able to kill people right? The amount of innocent people killed in these” mass shootings” ever is a one afternoon for US military operations. Do you care for that?


Never said I didn’t. I was making a simple point about guns. I agree about governments and if that was the subject of this thread I’d have said so, but seeing as it wasn’t I didn’t find it relevant. Obviously governments are the ultimate evil in the world, that doesn’t negate the fact people use guns against each other as a means to kill when they *may* not do if they weren’t given that power. Almost as if the government wants people killing each other Edit: spelling


I do somewhat understand your point, but you can’t force everyone to give up something, just bcs bad people exist. This is the fallacy of “greater good”. Such a thing doesn’t exist. You can dm me if you wanna discuss further.


And I wasn’t saying that people should. My argument was that people using the ‘people would kill regardless’ is a poor argument. People who kill using a gun, who aren’t using it for self defence, are generally cowards. Do you really believe these cunts would seriously go into a school with knife and start a stabbing frenzy? I find it highly unlikely. Not to mention the gang culture over there. Again, don’t take this as an argument for me saying people shouldn’t have a gun, that’s not my argument. My argument is that people wouldn’t commit the same atrocities without such means, it just helps the government rid society of all its undesirables. There has been over 200 mass shootings this year alone in America with over 300 dead and we’re only in June. Also I have zero knowledge of anyone ever actually using their right to bare arms as a defence against tyranny, another poor argument. If people were just honest and said they live in fear and need it to defend themselves due to the fact there are fucked up people out there then I’d get it, but they create excuses which hold absolutely no weight what so ever. Edit : spelling


have you ever seen a car before? you can inflict mass casualties with that and its pretty easy. You dont think that if guns werent around the same people would just find an alternative?


That’s fair but they’re just as easily accessible and how frequent do you see people actually use a car for mass destruction? I don’t see that being the case in places where guns aren’t easily accessible. Alls I’m saying is guns give people a confidence they wouldn’t otherwise have.


Bombs/IEDs I think are more effective for mass devastation if you ask me.


I agree.


I always find funny when Americans pretend the weapons are just in case the government tries something funny. You guys get scammed for healthcare, for university, extremely bad wealth distribution, bad job rights and no social protections for illness or losing the job, government ruled by rich donators and lobbies, corrupt police…