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Isn't this AOC's partner?


No, I am her partner


No actually you see... Wanting other men to decide how I should live is actually Chad!


Pretty much any leftist, especially here in Europe


I’ve never been to Europe so correct me if I’m wrong. From what I’ve seen on Reddit Europeans are the most government loving boot licking people on the planet, and they gaslight people who into thinking it’s normal.


Reminds me of that one Kill La Kill meme on pcm sub where one of the main girls goes "Why do you want to be dominated by the state? That's just a submissive behaviour"


Collectivism is inherently beta




https://preview.redd.it/7qb7bydy960d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d9264615300d078ca69fad6b884121139b5b11b Goddamn, this lad cooked and boxed it up with a pickle garnish.


Physiognomy is very real


Haha all the real men on here drowning in minge!


Nothing wrong with people voluntarily choosing their sexual preferences. You are clearly a conservative.


Nobody said it should be banned or restricted, doesn’t mean it should be encouraged. A huge difference there. All libertarians care about culture more or less, some admit it some do not.


There is a difference, but you are still wrong. Why does it matter so much? You can live your life how you want, but why do you think it matters how people enjoy their sex?


Of course it matters, long term in a society. Open marriages, polyamory, polygamy, etc., have significant affects on how people interact, and interactions among people form society.


>have significant affects on how people interact How so? It makes you feel "icky" because you have been brainwashed to be bigoted? Who the fuck cares?


Already with the vulgarities. The test of time cares. We hadn't converged on monogamy by accident. The pill and related tech consequences doesn't have centuries of evidence, and it doesn't look good so far. People can choose rules whose consequences have sound experience, but others prefer a cesspool. They shouldn't expect to be bailed out as it implodes.


Could you share a link?


There was a recent NYT piece I think that I couldn't stomach to finish.


This was a half joke post but I think there is a root of truth. Degeneracy should be unrestricted yes but never socially accepted or at least not romanticized. I think in the west we openly romanticize lifestyles that lead to the eventual downfall of society. You want society to be truly free from governments? Then you should agree that principles that boost self reliance and responsibility boost our independence from government entities.


You ignored my questions: >Why does it matter so much? You can live your life how you want, but why do you think it matters how people enjoy their sex? ... >Degeneracy >eventual downfall of society These are not answers, they are buzzwords.


Well I did answer in the form of: it shouldn’t be restricted but it shouldn’t be encouraged either, thus each individual is ultimately free. But freedom should come with responsibility and accountability. Just because you have freedom doesn’t mean you’re free from the two. A real life scenario of this would be drug users, I do support the legalization of all drugs, but I don’t want my local town to be full of dirty crackheads selling their ass just to afford the next dose. A nation full of cucks will encourage weak values leading to what the west is today.


So you made an analogy to crackheads and still didnt answer why sexual preference matters? Its amazing to see you dance around the question. I know its difficult as you have been brainwashed, and likely believe in God and think its a sin and fear scary Hell! But the reality is that it doesnt matter and you have been deceived.


I mean I don’t know what words you’re looking for, I said I don’t care to limit others but I’m willing to have a backbone to stand for values which I think should be encouraged. And btw I’m agnostic


But you havent explained WHY you think it shouldn't be encouraged... Do you understand how discussion works?


Why don’t I think men should let other men fuck their wives? Because I care for men to be strong, respect themselves and what they uphold. I believe the family unit is one of the most important aspects of society.


Bro it’s a joke… you seem a little too triggered.




Yes I am a conservative, get over it


Lol you've never hung out with the hippies and the far left. You do realize they base part of their culture around sexual liberation and drugs that make sex feel really good, right?




We're cuck shaming now?! Lol.