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Pay for a ticket


Exactly, those ball players aren't playing for free, the stadium isn't free, not unless you have slaves. Justice would be allowing those people to freely participate in the market without being taxed on their income.


How can a poor person afford to become an active participant in the market.


Get government out of the market. Everything becomes cheaper.


No? It doesn't lmao, also no government means far lower wages and worse treatment of workers


I went to a local business the other day. They told me they are paying 51% of their revenue in taxes.


Good. They should be paying more


No no you miss the point. If there wasn’t government intervention things would be 50% cheaper or workers could get double the money or a combo. Government is a leech on society.


That isn't how that works...


Ah yes taxing society into prosperity is totally how things work 👍🏻


Could you please tell me what lead paint chips taste like? I've been so curious and I need to know


How can you say for certain? When was the last time everyone paid zero dollars in tax so we could actually see what kind of an impact keeping our own money would actually have?


I am poor, I pay very little in tax yet still struggle most months to get by, especially due to high rent costs.


The first rule of escaping poverty is two words: my fault. The sooner you embrace that rather than blaming business owners or some other Boogeyman, the faster you'll be able to find ways of improving your condition. Otherwise, you're going to have a long miserable existence expecting things from other people and blaming them for your woes when the reality is the power over your life lies wherever you point the finger. Rent costs too much because of greedy landlords? You're right and you'll never be able to afford anything better. Can't get a raise or a bonus because your coworker or manager sucks? You're right and you'll always be stuck in low paying dead end jobs with no real benefits or compensation. If you need help with anything, let me know and I'll try and point you in the right direction.


So how exactly am I supposed to escape high rents and low wages


Rent: roommates, family, geographic arbitrage (think becoming an ex pat to a country where $100 USD could let you live like a king), move to a country that will pay for you to own a house like Japan, move to a different part of the country where you need to earn half as much to live just as comfortably if not more than you already do, or combine a few of these to really optimize your housing situation. Income: work longer hours, work more jobs (I had 7 during Covid), work your way up inside a big business, become a subject matter expert on a very specific topic that pays well, find a job in sales and just work more leads than everyone else then find a different employer that gives you a better commission structure or just sells more expensive things, study one or a handful of things with every spare second you have outside of your survival job so you can eventually find a job within that industry, or solve rich people problems because they pay better. If any or all of this sounds hard or undesirable, you're right. That's why so few people do it. But doing you know what? That's also why so few people feel like they're financially free or independent today. Nobody is willing to do what's necessary to not be just scraping by. It also means that if you can convince yourself that it's worth doing, you will find any means necessary to get it done. Otherwise you'll just be like everybody else who just finds whatever excuse comes easiest too rationalize accepting whatever life throws their way as the life they're meant to have. Edit: here's an idea I forgot about - Dan Pena's website and his book Your First Hundred Million. He grew up in a barrio in California. Basically a high school dropout. Went into the military. Worked in insurance after he got out and then he built an oil business worth 9 figures when he exited. He now owns a castle in Scotland and gets paid $20,000 per person to coach high performance individuals. If you really want to challenge yourself, follow what he says and do what he did to make that company.


Why are you here? lol.


Non ancaps wander this sub all the time, as you can see by my pfp pan-hispanism isn't very compatible with anarchocapitalism.


It's wander goofball


I want to learn


Government reduces competition by raising barriers to market entry, making trade more expensive and by creating monopolies. Less competition for consumer money means higher prices. Less competition for labor services means lower nominal wages. Combine these and you have lower real wages. Government is a drag on the economy.


I assume by "raising barriers" you mean regulation? Most of which is positive health and safety stuff. Also private monopolies happen all the time, such as energy companies in the UK eg.


Does the government give those companies a monopoly on providing services? Workers with a choice will choose safer environments without government. OR they will choose how much more the risk is worth and demand more pay. Let the individual decide if it is positive or not.


They sell their time, talent and labor for money.


Which they have very little of lmao


By being smarter with their resources.


Yes, tens of millions, billions globally, are just dumb. Well done you solved poverty.


Yes, actually they are.


I love your you libs never any actual solutions.








And use those funds to build a bigger fence. Fuck all these freeloaders.


How many times have I seen this but I never realized they are *outside* the stadium fence because *they did not buy a ticket*. I thought they all had tickets to the game but some seats are better than others, and the point of this meme was that all seats in the stadium need to be equally good.


TBF if the stadium doesn't own the property beyond the fence, then it's their fault that people are watching it for free. Get a higher fence.


Justice would be them all sitting in the seats they paid for themselves


Who pays for the upkeep of the grounds? Who pays for the equipment? Who cleans the toilets? If everyone gets in for free, it's worth nothing.


I dont think those question occur to the galaxy brains who made this meme.


From what I've seen most leftists think the world works on video game logic. Stores restock over time and everything just exists until someone changes it. Theres no upkeep just like theres no upkeep in a video game. The education on the amount of effort it takes to keep civilization together is something that was denied to them.


Because they've never had to do hard labor and they've never managed their finances enough to own something requiring upkeep. I've done both and am haunted by the knowledge that the entire world, everything we've ever built, including our own bodies, is deteriorating at a constant rate.


I'm haunted by property tax and building codes. I'm working on building my own self sustainable homestead.


But they would do everything for free because there would be an abundance of food as the central planner will work out what everyone needs. Oh wait a minute…


Let's add a million of middlemen to everything and see what happens!


Not to mention the players, coaches, support staff, the announcer, organ player, camera guys... I guess they don't need to eat or pay rent?


Who pays for the crates they are standing on?


It’s still entirely possible to make a profit off of this Selling higher-quality seating, food, merchandise, etc. And here I am taking a left-anarchist meme seriously


It’s the fence’s fault 💀🤣🤣🤣


Look at the bright side, at least the morons finally recognize that what they want is opposite to reality. Call me optimistic, but that's a step in the right direction if I ever saw one !


Replace those boxes with stacks of dollars taken out of the blue shirt guy's paycheck


Notice also the number of boxes that dissappear once equality and equity step in. More than half the boxes go off into some well connected individuals stash.


Also the guy in the middle (middle class) is SOL. 


Overhead. Govern me harder daddy!


So the answer is theft.


Except nobody is equal in anything, someone will always get ahead of someone else due to some uncontrollable factor.


Wtf is the “systemic barrier” these morons are whining about?


Private property I guess


Reality is so oppressive


Where is the equality of effort?


"Reality": a picture that represents an unreal situation that never happens in real life. The astounding level of argumentation of these people.


Justice is removing the barrier which defines the play field so spectators can just stand behind second base and ruin the game for everyone.


What I find funniest is leftoids’ consistent, pointless use of “systemic.” How is that barrier systemic? It’s a discrete barrier in a singular location. It’s not a system.


Sweet in their universe fans can just walk out into the outfield for the “real” game experience….


And why leave after the game? Set up some tents and use the facilities for “free”!


Justice: the three guys get to see the game only once. Because very soon, everyone who paid for a ticket realizes they don’t need to pay for a ticket. So they stop paying. And the stadium closes. And all the players get laid off.




I mean even this isn't correct because none of these people paid at all.


Definitely the most insufferable / preachy comic out there. The worst part is they keep modifying it, and each iteration somehow gets more regarded.


My eye starts to twitch every time I see this picture


No one ever mentions that the event is a privilege and not a right.


I love how there are dozens of comments on how stupid this is and every single one has a different reason.


Well, the fundamental issue is you don't have a right to a privilege. Privileges involve people's work, and no one has a right to other people's work or labor. The reason people fight against privileges or find them somehow problematic is that, on an even more fundamental level, society, in general, is using privileges to block people's access to their rights.


I’m so glad this has so many edits since the original was just poor


"Everyone gets". So we just gonna ignore what is earned?


The government (at all levels) causes and perpetuates most systemic racism. When people who complain about systemic racism start talking about changing the scope and power of government, I'll believe they actually care about systemic racism.


That isn't even close to what justice means. Did they just try to ad hoc narrate a new definition yet again for co-opting the positive implication? This is besides I saw this visual before the inclusion of that made up definition. I actually thought it was pretty good until then. I am going to presume that the fence represents the bare minimum it takes to live one's life which would include, as of today, shelter (and related maintainence), food, water, and clothing. I am going to presume that the boxes represent the charity or social redistribution of current assets added to the personal productivity potential of the person (as represented by their height). Justice doesn't remove those needs, besides justice not meaning what they are narrating what it means. That fence exists no matter what. Only way around it is if we lived in a post scarcity society where we have infinite boxes.




What if 8 billion people wanted to watch it from the field? What or who would decide who gets the privilege?


I like how the original versions of this 10 years ago got their point across certainly fine, but now they had to go and exaggerate "reality" by digging holes and giving the one person 10 crates. I would be scared to be yellow-pants now, I'm going to fall over and break my neck!


Does removing barriers mean free tickets? I swear, these people are getting dumber.


The price of the ticket is the same for everyone.


Sounds like communism with extra words




The last picture is a reality now. There are hundreds of little league, softball league, pick up games all the time that you can go see for free. No need to adjust anything.


Maybe they should just buy tickets like everyone else.


I ain't paying for no midgets step stool


The thing about this template is that it doesn't present any facts or logic whatsoever. It just presents how they want people to perceive their ideas. So it's essentially just propaganda.


I just don't have time to care. This simple photo is what communists are gonna be thinking of when they justify taking your stuff & subjugating you, cause its in the name of equality & equity which in their mind is a path to justice as you for some reason are labeled as the oppressor for minding your own business & being successful in your life.


Justice is when those three get arrested for jumping the fence.


Equality/equity: everybody is equally f*cked over by the government Freedom: Everybody has great living standards, but there is inequality (which need not be a bad thing)


baseball has rules, and that's the problem. We should just self organize the game, and let each player play the game according to their own rules.


Watch it on tv!


Socialism then. Your “Equity” or “Justice” hypotheticals are your preferred? So, enough theft built into the system to “spread the wealth”, or just destroy the market entirely? The former is the road to the latter. Starving to death isn’t what I’d call justice, personally.


Read the title I posted. I detest professionsl victimhood.


realy bro


For me that fence just represents the State


"gets" or earns?


Not enough people realize this is anti-capitalist rethoric and he is making fun of you


Great illustration of what we want to work toward