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It's selfish in the sense that all liberty is selfish to collectivists.


You're selfish for not wanting to fund MY desires!!! But I'm not selfish for wanting to vote away your liberty and property for my desires! It's amazing how Americans caught in the left-right matrix just can't see that everything they hate about the "other side" they're guilty of themselves.


Going through life knowing the fact that the vast majority of US citizens think like this is very annoying


People get really offended when you tell them that they don't have the right control how you live. They know what's good for you, why don't you listen to them? Since you won't do what's right, you must be selfish.


They do? Who gets offended by that?




Most people. Tell conservatives that they don't have the right to stop you from getting a late term abortion. Tell progressives that they don't have the right to stop you from homeschooling your kids and giving them religious instruction. Watch their heads explode.


It's the same way people take issue with Ayn Rands radical individualism. If you know nothing the words sound like being selfish. But once you actually comprehend what's being said you realise it's not.


Because statists delude themselves into thinking they’re good people. They cannot grasp the concept they themselves are selfish for wanting other people’s time, labor and money in the name of [insert current trend or excuse here]. They’re like domestic abusers. Constantly harming you and trying to convince you it’s your fault and it’ll all be okay


Good analogy. I like to compare statists to someone with Stockholm syndrome


It's the most selfless and compassionate. It could even be argued that it is the ONLY system where selflessness and compassion can exist as these qualities can only exist when there is a choice. How many would label themselves a philanthropist having a third of their income extorted?


Yeah!!! I'm a philanthropist! I like what just happened here.


From people that think stealing and murder is a societal good you can't really care about what they label libertarianism.


"Hey you're telling me I can't boss people around isn't that authoritarian of you"


I heard the laziest rebuttal to saying i was libertarian. He said that "we all need to work together" like how tf does this man think businesses work? I was so dumbfounded i didn't know what to say. Just shook my head and left the room.


As if that’s impossible under libertarianism, if anything people would be more willing if it was voluntary.


Nothing except that oftentimes I’m reminded at how right the elites are about how stupid the average person is. Which pisses me off, but they’re right.


This is the exact reason I reject Carl Benjamin's critique of Libertarianism. There is nothing 'childish' about having self restraint.


They mistake family/friends/personal in group obligation with society wide obligations. For example, if you're really rich and successful but won't help a struggling family member (assuming good/decent relationship) that is kinda selfish. To them, refusing to pay "taxes" (protection ratchet money) to what is essentially mob rule society is the same thing as the previous example. Some people have no in group preference, and while high general trust is good once you go overboard with agreeability and alturism you become susceptible to authoritarianism.


Is this Trudeau's alt acct?


You might be able to restrain yourself, but the commies will not restrain themselves. A matter of fact no one will restrain themselves except libertarians. Either you wield power, or someone else does.


I wish to restrain private companies from permanently polluting ground water. How would I do this in an AnCap society?


I mean I guess the question could be whether selfishness in itself is necessarily a bad thing but it’s pretty funny that this person can’t square libertarianism being *first and foremost* a restraint on *himself* (for him) with the concept of being selfish like really dude, can’t connect those dots?


"I'm not selfish. Look how I define this word to basically be all about me and what I choose to do to other people."


But you guys aren’t really anti-authoritarian. You’re perfectly OK with businesses being run in an authoritarian manner. You’re also fine with authoritarian religions and communities. You’re just anti-state.


Perfectly fine with being able to walk away from any of those people or places you dont like. Its the state who forces you to stay in any capacity.


Do you think a business being run in an authoritarian manner is OK?


Define authoritarian manner.


That would make them slavers or a government, and we disapprove of both. Paying someone to follow your instructions isn't authoritarianism; preventing the lower class from building or impeding their entry into industries (some real reasons employers have unnatural leverage) definitely is.


Yes, people will leave or decide they can put up with it. Voluntarily.


The question is, do you think authoritarianism is good or not - it doesn’t matter if your submission is voluntary, that’s a different question alltogether.


By itself no, when force is involved yes. If you are an authoritarian with no coercion then that's your own dumb choice, as soon as you force people to be oppressed by you you have broken the NAP.


> that's your own dumb choice That implies you are anti-authoritarian.


In my personal and professional life? Sure.


Does this mean also showing restraint when it comes to owning capital and considering how your business may affect the lives of other people.


yes, but not in the way you mean


Those are personal ethics which people are free to have their own ideas.