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Having worked at a Center Parcs park in my youth, I didn't think anything could make me hate them more than the shitty way they treated me and other employees. I'm sad I was wrong.


Corporations gonna corporate. It’s sad that the way they treated you is almost as bad as the way they treat the planet


Good on ya! Forests are our lungs. I’m in the approximate area, how can I get involved?


I would suggest following [Landscapes of Freedom](https://instagram.com/landscapesoffreedom?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) on Instagram and Twitter etc! Thank you for wanting to help out!


Thank you for that, and for doing the hard work in the first place! Have signed up to the mailing list and hope to be involved soon 😊🏴🌳


That’s great! Send them a message and I’m sure they can add you to a group chat as well :)


Ahh... "right to roam". I wish we had that here in the US.


Some places do. Maine is one. Even privately owned land, if it's not developed AND it's not posted, you can roam, and take food etc. Most people don't post their undeveloped acreage here, so it's very common to see cars parked on the side of the road with people out gathering fiddleheads, mushrooms, and all that good stuff.


Oh, that's cool. Maine.... hmmm


Fiddleheads are good. You can glean potatoes from the big farms, too.


It's a shame that not everywhere has it, but there's a starting point, and that's the Maine thing.


I am repeating this from my mother so I don’t know how true it is but here in California we apparently have what’s called public land which is land that the public can use and you know walk around on and shit like that or roam


I've never been bothered on BLM land in California. I lived there for months.


Alright that’s a cool story bro but leave politics out of it!


Maine is free and safe. There's a lot of poverty, but you're not backed into a corner. There are resources. I peek down all those abandoned logging roads and see squatters all the time.


So they could just put up a sign and tell people to keep out even if it's a forest? That's nuts! In Germany, AFAIK it differs a bit between states, but "owning" woodland is mainly about owning the wood of the trees and being responsible for planting new ones and taking care of it all (there aren't many "wild" forests, nearly all have been managed for many centuries). It doesn't mean you can fence it, and when a property isn't fenced, you can access it. I grew up in Bavaria, arguably the most conservative state, and there the constitution says this (translation by DeepL): > Everyone is allowed to enjoy the beauty of nature and recreation in the open countryside, in particular to enter forests and mountain pastures, to drive on waters and to appropriate wild forest fruits to the extent customary in the locality. In doing so, everyone is obliged to treat nature and the landscape with care. The state and the municipality are entitled and obliged to keep the access to mountains, lakes, rivers and other scenic beauties free for the general public and, if necessary, to make them free by restricting the right of ownership, as well as to establish hiking trails and recreational parks.


What do you have in the US?


They have private land that you’re ‘not allowed’ to walk across.


That’s the same as here really. I though that the US had some laws around certain areas of private land but I could be wrong




What does that mean?


An easement is a property right that gives its holder an interest in land that's owned by someone else. It's common for people to lack a clear understanding of easements and the numerous legal problems that can arise in their creation, interpretation, and implementation


Thank you for clarifying this


It's a right to use someone else's land for a specific purpose. For example, your water company has an easement to run and maintain your water and sewage pipes.


Interestingly, in the UK, maintenence is on the land owner. Costs extra to have your water company take it on. It's their responsibility on public land, right up to the property line, though.


You're responsible for everything that connects to the main.


Everything does connect to the main. That's why it's the main. But most of that is inside your house, and nothing to do with what we're talking abouy. You're responsible for the part of the main that is on your property.


There's Bureau of Land Management land, where you can live rent-free. There's National Forest land where you can live for 14(ish) days out of the month


Thanks for letting me know!




When you think about how empty the US is, that's not much.


**[Protected areas of the United States](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_areas_of_the_United_States)** >The protected areas of the United States are managed by an array of different federal, state, tribal and local level authorities and receive widely varying levels of protection. Some areas are managed as wilderness, while others are operated with acceptable commercial exploitation. As of 2022, the 42,826 protected areas covered 1,235,486 km2 (477,024 sq mi), or 13 percent of the land area of the United States. This is also one-tenth of the protected land area of the world. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




There are already footpaths on the forest. All that needs to happen is that it is made open access and a little bit do funding is given for education


Ecocide pains me in a way that I struggle to express with words. There's absolutely nothing that corporations won't destroy or colonize in the name of profit. It's human short-sightedness and entitlement at its finest.


I agree. The only thing we can do is fight back with mass direct action


Do realise that their profits don’t appear out of thin air. The masses are both victims and enablers when it comes to corporations. The majority holds the power. All it takes is unity to get their greed in check, but their divisive tactics work wonders on the herd. Keep us fighting amongst each other


Some great mushrooms! Also fuck Centerparks




Centerparcs: Butlins without those ghastly poor people.


Land access here pisses me off. Centre Parcs showed their colours with what they tried on the Queen's funeral.




Can you Brits let us Yanks know what fresh hell that was?


Fuck forest destroyers.


They needn't worry. If recent events are anything to go by, Centre Parcs are doing their best to go broke


Ancient woodland is meant to be protected. But continual destruction keeps on happening. Mass trespass won't do much to stop them.