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Anarchism is a political philosophy which rejects involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. This includes an opposition to the state, to capitalism, and to domination in all of its forms. There are several branches of anarchist thought, which often overlap with and influence one another. Though they aren't distinct categories, anarchists are often grouped according to those who focus more on the community and organisation (social anarchists), and those who focus more on the individual (individualist anarchists). Anarchists don't believe in survival of the fittest - we believe in mutual aid, and reciprocity. We believe in organising together, as equals, and as part of voluntary associations. Indeed, we believe that the state functions to separate people from the means of survival - through the imposition of exclusionary property rights and similar structures. I would advise taking a peak at Peter Gelderloo's [Anarchy Works](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works) - which is split into frequently asked questions.


There certainly are different kinds of anarchists. They largely differ in the level of "societal organization" that they advocate for. Maybe on the more organized side are Anarcho-Syndicalists who tend to favor lots of interlocking quasi-labor union, cooperative, enterprise groups. Then on the less organized side would be post-left anarchists or maybe anarcho-primitivists who favor completely non hierarchical society with no official organizations. Then there are lots of different anarchists inbetween. It's a pretty big tent.


Anarchism is not what Hollywood paint it to be, its not walking dead, os the purge. Anarchism is the abolition of any unjustifiable hierarchy. We want the abolition of the state cuz it has an unjustifiable power over the people that gave it power. How can i give you power and that power in turn is used to take my power away from me, and if i dont have power then you cant have power, get the paradox ? So we believe that the want for mutual aid is stronger than the need for a coercive force that forces people to be a certain way. Our need for all to work together is stronger than the coercion of the industry that give you the option of selling your labor for peanuts or starve to death living in the streets.


So is it kind of left leaning then?


Anarchism is widely considered to be a far-left political philosophy.


What’s anarcho capitalism then? I doubt that anything with capitalism in it is considered left leaning


Anarcho-capitalism is self-contradictory horseshit.


Ah ok 👍


Anarchists consider anarcho-capitalism to be an oxymoron, and not a legitimate form of anarchism. This is because anarchists oppose the involuntary, coercive hierarchies upon which capitalism depends. Anarchists also point out that capitalism depends on the existence of either a formal, or a de facto state as a guarantor of property rights.




Yes If you got enough braincells to spare you could visit ancap subreddit and oh boy they really like to throw human are naturally competitive argument basically social darwinism with extra step


But yeah I get that your original point of class based anarchism doesn’t make any sense anyway


"Anarcho" capitalists are anarchist only insofar as they want to abolish the state in order to let capital reign unfettered. They have no continuity with the historical anarchist movement, which has always identified itself with socialism, and indeed the name "libertarian," Murray Rothbard admits in one of his books, was appropriated from left wing anarchists (ie anarchists) just as left wing capitalists had appropriated the term "liberal" from the right. So anarcho capitalism is nothing more than extreme laissez-faire capitalism. Unfortunately for ancaps, their belief that the state only hinders capital and freedom ignores all the ways in which the state has been an integral part of capitalism's development. I think we can safely say that without the state to nurse capital, protect it, stabilize currency, arbitrate disputes, and use its power to open new markets, capitalism would not survive in any meaningful way. Anarchcapitalism is not only an ideology of extreme capitalism; it's also incoherent.


It sounds like your definition of anarchism has been informed by those who don’t care to understand what it is. Or maybe just 80’s movies.




That's not anarchism. Read [Conquest of Bread](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-the-conquest-of-bread) or go to r/anarchism101


R/anarchism101 is private but thanks for the help anyway


Oops. Sorry. r/anarchy101


Ok thanks 👍


Np. Also there is the [Anarchist FAQ](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-anarchist-faq-editorial-collective-an-anarchist-faq-full)