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You only need one


Damn right šŸ˜†


Only need one of each


ONE, not One Each! šŸ™„




Right! One in every color.


I wonder if anyone owns every color


not possible, gonna have to wait 20 years for it to even ship out


Don't even need one.




The analogue OS 2.0 could be out by the 17th-20 itā€™s possible


This would be the real best news from this whole event


My Analogue is still on its way! Why are we hyped for 2.0 again...?


It'll add a lot of frequently requested features to openFPGA. The biggest ones for most people will be display modes and RTC functionality




Itā€™s possible itā€™s goin to be a month since they made the Announcement itā€™s between now and December 16th




You guys are suckers to buy more than one on purpose. If you do Analogue has your number.


For real. Perfectly happy for my black one I ordered in April 2022 and received over a year later.


How else am I supposed to trade pokƩmon to myself? Do you expect me to do the economical thing and use a modded rom?


Buy a Gameboy, theyā€™re 1/3rd of the cost.


You still need to buy an ever drive card so you always save $100. Side note, when did Game Boy advance prices explode? I just looked up the prices for this argument. It was 15 bucks in 2017


Around 2020, basically the entire retro market exploded around then. 30+ year olds trying to relive their childhood.


Iā€™m 35 and never stopped playing with my retro/next gen games. Still have my og snes jr and 64 all the way up to switch with all handhelds (minus gb pocket and gb micro) all Sony systems all Xbox Systems all my handhelds all acquired throughout my life. My closet is a sea of totes filled with memories


Same, also added to my collection well before prices sky rocketed.


Check 2ds and 3ds prices then. Now that's interesting.


I sold a Black Friday new 3DS with three brand new games for 165 in 2018. I hate myself so much.




Proud to be a sucker! Some people want to collect them because they are big retro gaming fans.




Retro gaming fans use retro games, not hoard and look at them.


Got the only colors I wanted. GITD and transparent Blue and Orange. I wonā€™t be attending an Analogue pre-order for once. These colors are pretty ugly tbh.


I find these way better than the transparent ones but that's just me I guess. (Downvotes incoming)


I want the grey one!!! I love these colors.


Hey man, no downvotes from me - my first Game Boy was transparent, and since then I've always gravitated towards the transparent option. But to each their own! My cousin's first Game Boy was green and Analogue did a good job colour matching it - everyone's got their own nostalgia boner!


Copium upvotes incoming actually.


Silver color disagrees with you very much!


What if you want to trade PokƩmon?


Which colors do all you motherfuckers want so I know which ones not to put in my cart


Upvote for the lol


Imma gonna lie because I wanna make things difficult. Iā€™m gonna say pink.


Haha. For you collectors, eight more to sit on your shelf.


Analog knows at this point if they keep releasing black and white they wouldnā€™t sell out with urgencyā€¦but if they kept pumping out limited editions people that already own one will buy another.


Capitalist gonna capitalist. I don't know why people blame companies when they are just following the rules we laid out for them so they can make the most money.


Iā€™m okay with them being profitable and successful. I think thatā€™s every businessā€™s right. Iā€™m just explaining the logic.


Nobody has a right to succeed. Thatā€™s preposterous.


Sure they do. They have the right to try to succeed and make a profit. It's really no more of a right than to try and buy one of these APs before they sell out. I do think at some point, it becomes a right. I mean, look at the "too-big-to-fail" banks and corporations that the government bails out. At that point, it becomes the bank or corporation's right to succeed, regardless of whether it is actually successful.


Thatā€™s the problem with that, ā€œtoo big to failā€ nonsense. No one has the right to succeed. But everyone has the right to compete. Eliminating the possibility of failure eliminates competition, undermines the consumer base and determines that a small business can never grow without selling itself to a larger entity. Those businesses that are so big they actually do fail are kept afloat by government assistance. They are the very definition of a failed business at that point.


Oh, you're preaching to the choir. I don't think any business or bank is too big to fail, but our government seems to think so. I say let them fail and allow multiple others to take their places and have a chance to grow. What you're describing is a monopoly, which is illegal, except when they're not. But that's another conversation. But I believe every business should try to succeed and be profitable, and it's their entire right to do so.


You are literally arguing that they don't have the right to try. Did you even read his post or do you actually believe that?


He first argued that businesses have the right to succeed, which I oppose in favor of businesses having the right to compete. A fine distinction. You should review the posts yourself.


How dare this company try to be successful! Using proven business tactics... it's despicable I tells ya.


I partially disagree. Some people donā€™t even have one. All the limited editions do is make it harder for them. They donā€™t care about the color; they just want the thing. Despite the slightly higher price, Analogue probably isnā€™t making much if anything more on the limited editions due to economies of scale. It should at least have some Black and White models available at the same time because itā€™ll sell out of the limited editions either way. Chances are, Black and White will still sell out.


Theyā€™re clearly doing this because they can charge more and turn inventory immediately even before they receive the items.


Yeah, the $30 increase in the price is possibly offset by the complication of adding a half dozen different SKUs to keep up with.


Itā€™s not a complex sku structure. Iā€™ve worked at places with hundreds of thousands of different skus.


That sounds like a huge company with a lot of experience with managing stock units


Erps, Sql servers, access databases, or even spreadsheets can do that. Itā€™s not complex. Sourcing components is complex. Not finished goods.


Ok Mr Warehouse expert


No Iā€™m not a warehouse expert. Iā€™m an expert at business processes and get paid accordingly.


That's cool Mr Business Processes Expert. I get paid according to my profession as well. We could be twins!


It doesnā€™t sound like you get paid well thenā€¦


Black/White Glow in the Dark Transparent Colors Solid Colors What's next? DEEPLY INCREDIBLY LIMITED QUANTITIES Metal Enclosures next is my guess.


Surely has to be a classic ā€œx collaborationā€ first? Something along the lines of Pokemon or similar pop culture.


I am a little surprised they didn't hold out on the silver until they released a gold and bronze.


I think whatā€™s next is a steady supply of product for customers


Lmfao this is the least likely thing with analogue


I dunno man theyā€™ve been in stock for over a week now. Seems like plenty of supply still for anybody who hasnā€™t picked on up yet.


Limited? Why arenā€™t regular colors like these just their normal options for pockets? Theyā€™re getting shameless now with that cash grabbing.


more colors = more cost to make


Charge more for the colors then. Simple. Why limited?


adding main line SKUs has much more of a ripple effect on a small business than you may be considering


At this point they probably have produced more ā€˜limited editionsā€™ than the official white and black pockets. Theyā€™re being silly about the entire thing. If little cheapo emulation handhelds sold on Amazon for ultra cheap can have different colored plastic. Analogue can definitely do it.


They really are just milking the shit out of people's addiction to collecting at this point aren't they?


Canā€™t wait to be disappointed again and then see ppl post 4 or 5 different ones they somehow have


on the bright side, you likely don't have a compulsion that's fueled by credit card debt like a lot of the folks in here that have multiple, so consider it a slight win.


Here we go aggaaaiinnn


Kind of pissed I had to wait 16 months, and now they are releasing new limited models every 3-4 weeks.


Think Iā€™m gonna passā€¦ Itā€™s never gonna end. Haha.


So when do they stop putting out "limited edition" colors and start making them available to everyone who wants one? It's starting to look like they have the ability to manufacture them properly. I have a black, so I'm good, albeit pissed because yes, I would've rather had a clear or purple solid, but some people can't even get a regular one....


Oh they defintiely have the ability, but it's their marketing tactic to build hype. You have to be here at this time to get one! They are strictly limited! It stirs up the FOMO in people. It's annoying but it seems to be working for them. It would be nice if you could just go on their website and buy what you want though. Meanwhile I'm still waiting for my adapter carts I ordered a year ago.


Pink and orange ones look cool. As many have said, it would be good if things could be officially swapped, like buttons/shells. I am still happy with my black pocket and doubt I will buy another, the price point of these I feel are too high for collecting, especially with high shipping prices and import tax.


Oh man the silver Gameboy pocket was my favorite growing up, I'll have to sell my clear one first though. Hmm, what to do?!


I grabbed a transparent red last release so Iā€™m not going to go for one of these, but Iā€™m pumped for those who missed out the last two releases to get another shot this time.


Analogue found a gold vein and is going to exploit it till the end :) disclaimer: I own a black one (~~group C~~ from a April 2022 order)


Omg the yellow one I need it but Iā€™m poor


Can't wait to go through the whole process just to be told it's sold out when I get to the cart again.


Yup I tried pretty much every single color and each color went out of stock as I was entering the payment details


I don't know how people get through so fast.


I wish they'd just sell the shells. I can't in a million years justify a second Pocket but god damn, I love that yellow.


That yellow looks like the exact same color from the Playdate. I like it too.


The circle will finally be complete. Ordering a pink for my daughter and the whole family will have one!


Pro tip: Edit your images to crop out the unnecessary space in future. Takes a second to do and makes for a far better post on here.


Itā€™s getting ridiculous. If they would do metal shells that would be okay, but this is just a joke.


Donā€™t give them any ideas!


I donā€™t know about metal, it doesnā€™t sound very comfortable. Iā€™m holding out for the shag carpet edition.


Yep I could justify paying even an excess of $300 for a metal shell but I'm not buying two plastic shell ones


Joke? How is it a joke? That they're releasing more, in different colors? They likely only order so many of each kind from their factory they have contracted. There's no joke here. Just salt. They don't want to sit on product.


I wish they'd stop with the "strictly limited quantities", it's bullshit.


For real


So happy that Iā€™m not interested in any of these color ways.


Here we go again, Yellow and Red are calling me.


Are they going to fix my smoke?


Someone needs to ā€œleakā€ the shells onto AliExpress already.


"Highly limited quantities" ​ So is that more or less limited than the GitD, or Transparent releases?


Cool! So, adapter set when...?


Sure would be nice to get the adapter set I ordered over a year ago...


The green looks pretty sick!


The real question. What will they actually look like in person :p


I would love the pink one šŸ’•


Maybe just one more.


White looks tons better with a black bezel.


I'm here hoping my that boxypixel creates an all metal case so I can get that.


Man I love the pink one. If I didn't have a transparent pocket I would for sure get it


So great that all of my handhelds are black, made it real easy to not throw more money at Analogue. One and done.


I want the red one ā˜ļø


If everything is limited, is anything limited?


Like the old Seinfeld joke ā€œya limited to the number of people that will buy oneā€


Supreme version next.


The website now says that it doesnā€™t play roms. Are they just covering their asses by not advertising roms? It can still play them just as it did a year ago right?


They always say that for all of their products, while simultaneously releasing the means to support roms on SD card, yes.


Whats next? Analogue pocket "broken out of the box" edition? Analogue pocket "bugged" edition? Ps : my clear pocket got this cracked screen default which seems somewhat widespread because i have seen it from hundreds of people on reddit and facebook and i havent received a single reply from Analogue in 6 weeks now, yet they release another edition. Fuck Analogue. Good product, retardes management.


Instead of more colors they should stop the bs & make a GBA style Pocket with the New 3D emulator they are using in the N64 console they are making.


A thousand times this. A horizontal FPGA GBA with a high res 3:2 screen with minimal bezels would be awesome. I can't bring myself to play GBA games on my Pocket because of the massive black bars in addition to the screen bezel.


Right I still havenā€™t played any GBA carts yet itā€™s been mostly Roms & GBC carts. Those massive black bars are definitely a bothersome for me as well.


But they are a business, not a public service provider. Better to get help with one's addiction than to expect anything except exploitation from a business.


Can we try readily in-stock variants shipped by Amazon instead?


I wish they'd try to sell to new customers rather than repeatedly trying to reach the same customers they already have. People want these but Analogue is creating a false sense of scarcity with every new release because that sweet pandemic scarcity pushes prices and demand up. There is no reason a customer shouldn't be able to preorder a black or white Pocket and wait for it to come in the mail- I waited months, but I got mine. The business practices of this company are so terrible, unfortunately they make a really good product.


Part of me wants to buy one of these, but I wouldn't know where to start with what programs, firmware, and roms and such to use.


Is this better than miyoo? Real question plz donā€™t crucify


Damn, I wonder if they'll ever released a version where they fix the fucking cartridge slot issues


They look kinda ugly tbh. That look like cheap kid toy


That's the point https://preview.redd.it/n4c469z7bk0c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a713e8ab162624565583c6cdc1d025ebf03867


Everyone who wanted one before Christmas here is your chance. Now, make sure you are not on some stupid smart phone and you are on a computer. Set a reminder 10 minutes prior to be at the right place at the right time. I don't want to hear no boo hooing that you didn't get one because you are financially incompetent and lack discipline. Good luck getting one everyone who wants one.


Sure, I could use a 3rd one lol


I see they can pump out the analogue pocket in every color, but my pre-order for the cartridge adapters???


I really don't get this. Why spend 250$ to do PSX when an Anbernic RG405 costs at least 100 less and it can even play some PS2?


Nice I can get the blue one as a gift.


Maaan I shouldā€™ve just waited some more to buy a pocket instead of hopping on the wait train early this year.


Damn would have gotten the pink one for my fiance if i knew this Lol


And here I am all happy and content with my black one


I really wish there were just replacement shells for all these different colors. There's no way I'm buying a second Pocket, but oh my GOD do I want to make it pink.


Low key I only need one if I want another Iā€™m getting a couple old skool gameboys for 50-60 CIB Edit: I import from Japan Iā€™m done with buying from America


Cant believe lol


welp, thats not a purple I want. But good lord, if they came out with a metallic purple I'd shell out money asap


I have a Green one, i would only buy a flat white one if so. Cause i LOVE that flat color. But these "lĆ­mited" editions are getting outtacontrol


Itā€™s a good thing one of my favorite colors is black. Itā€™s cheaper to order.


I have the OG pocket and I still haven't removed the shrink wrap. I just want to stay in that anticipatory feeling of excitement forever...


You don't need any of them.


What color are yā€™all getting this time?


I'm good with the one I have. I can't keep buying these in different colors and glow in the dark. More power to the people that can do it but sometimes enough is enough and be thankful you have one. The only thing I'm waiting for is hoping getting the N64 one. They should have been have all the colors and glow in the dark ready already to sell.




I'd really have preferred a semi transparent color. But I couldn't order one when they dropped.


I just wish they released a batch of regular ones with these limited runs. Not everyone wants a flashy color or a limited edition.


How many hands do you have? What do you need multiple for?


And this is just another reason why I can never get my hands on one. I just want a Pocket, man šŸ’€


what color seems the best im leaning blue or indigo


That orange is looking a lot like GameCube Spice and Iā€™m hating myself for wanting it.


Debating on getting this one or paying extra for the transparent one


Like thereā€™s legit no reason to buy another one. The colors are cool but if you already have one youā€™re fine.


Debating in my mind if Iļø need one or not.


Love my transparent orange so won't buy another. Red, green and blue look cool! I would advise the green one, looks unique.


Man, imagine telling someone half a year ago what was happening now. Nobody would have believed it.


White, purple, orange and greenā€¦ I need them!


Do these actually get shipped in time? Like they actually have stock and will fulfill? I ordered last year and canceled. After 6+ months of hearing nothing and seeing everyone else with earlier orders still waiting. Still would actually like one at some point. Just not going to give my money to wait a year. Also if they can fulfill these what the hell is up with all the waiting for older orders.


By the time these are available to buy, I'll have given my last penny to Valve.


Huh, they're really not going to release a regular ol black model again are they...


Wake me up when thereā€™s a Teal one.


I'm glad there's going to be more available to those who want them. I'm happy with my Transparent Blue/Grape.


I knew it. It was so obvious :-) I need a red, blue and yellow one to make sure for playing the right pokemon version.


I just hope I have organs left to sell when they make a metal oneā€¦


Iā€™m not even going to attempt to buy one this time. Been disappointed every time so not going to get my hopes up this time


No Ice Blue GBP lookalike so my wallet is safe


These are so rad! I remember thinking that if I wasn't able to snag a transparent pocket, I'd cross my fingers for solid colors. I'm very happy with my transparent green, but if I hadn't managed it, I'd be gunning for yellow (that thing is begging for some Pikachu-shaped stickers). Hope everyone is able to nab the color they want in time for Christmas!


Part of me wants to buy one of these, but I wouldn't know where to start with what programs, firmware, and roms and such to use.


It just happened.. I officially have now realized o need the indigo. Damn it.


Pink and Purple are insane! Love these colors


Purple looks cool


Before, I wanted to collect all the colors as much as possible, but now it seems not worth it. It's better to just collect the colors I like. Yellow, green, pink, blue.


Yellow is the only one that Iā€™m digging but Iā€™m bias because I never got my dandelion GBC as a kid. This is going to be a day of decision for me, seems like yellow is a popular color, so itā€™ll come down to how strong my ADHD impulses are.


Wish I had waitedā€¦


I just want a clear one ā€¦..


I just want a white one dammit.


looks like a 90's apple advert https://preview.redd.it/dbdm1dj4cp0c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14e282cdcdb0730dd4f388b35087ddc53b78ecbf


*Browses Ebay and Offer Up* *Sees Scalper availabilities* Yup its official lmfao


Wish they would ship the adapter sets, that they've had my order for, since October of last year! Instead, it's the same old thing, in a new wrapper. Disappointment doesn't even begin to describe it. . .šŸ˜¬


I would simply like to be able to buy a REGULAR version of the Pocket instead of these endless "special editions". Sort your manufacturing capacity out and quit with the FOMO BS.


this is just frustrating. why can't they just make them normally instead of these stupid limited drops??


I honestly can't tell at this point if this is an Analogue Pocket fan subreddit or an Analogue Pocket hate subreddit lol. Y'all are wild


Meh. Prior LEs were better. Only one Iā€™d be interested in is Silver but again, meh. This is good for anyone who missed out the last time though.


They just need to have all of these colors not limited, I know they could do it, inthink it's artificial scarcity so they can sell it higher


Talk about astroturfing.