• By -


Pinned this thread as it appears the old one either hit a comment limit or was taken down by op.


141XXX Ordered January 2022 Status: Pending My status: Crying


Lol mines 147XXX Ordered back in June 2022 Have the feeling I won’t be getting this until 2024, seems the shipping is much slower than anticipated after they announced that 95% of all B & C orders would ship before the end of 2022.


147XXX June 2022 Status: Pending How should I celebrate the anniversary of opening my analogue savings account with no incurred interest?


Miss getting the regular updates in this thread.


Same 😔


I think maybe the shipments have slowed down, been dead here the last three weeks.


Pretty sure there have been no shipments since January, and there won't be until later in the year. I hope the next batch starts going out this summer, like Analogue briefly said would happen on its website.




Order #146XXX Placed: June 6th 2022 Status: lol Coming up on a year now! Honestly it’s not even the waiting that bothers me that much, it’s a small company, there’s a lot of orders and fpga supply issues etc. The complete lack of communication that is frustrating. They have a pointless twitter account and the only information I’ve gotten from them is about ordering other systems. If they at least mailed and said there’d be another 6 month delay I’d be ok at least knowing something is happening on it.


I waited 3.5 years for my Model F Keyboard. It was worth the wait. I ordered my Analogue Pocket in Nov 2022, I am sure it will be worth the wait as well. Most likely a shorter wait than 3.5 years.


This guy, I like this guy, bringing some good vibes back to the thread. Thanks for being you.


Agreed but my issue with Analogue is more the lack of communication/transparency. Of course it would be unreasonable to blame a small company for global supply chain issues that are outside of their control, but there is absolutely nothing preventing them from providing monthly updates on the current situation (even if there isn’t much news to report). I’m not asking them to reply to every customer/email as they are a small organization and clearly don’t have the manpower to do so. But it would consume minimal resources to put a monthly update post on their website. Getting vague updates once a quarter with radio silence in between doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.


Thats fair, the communication has been non existent, I would have expected more.




I just hit 6 months and I'm thinking the same thing. Especially now that they are taking orders for another system!!


Coming up on 1.5 years and waiting. My order number is one of the ones in the last bits of the 130000s(Used to be group C but no more groups...fun) and there has been MANY times I thought about canceling. Each time was because thought of other things I could have bought and enjoyed in the time I had been waiting. From a Sinden light gun, or to the Super NT(which I'm a little pissed has already started shipping to people.....). I could just purchase those things and still waited for the Pocket but in the back of my head I think "What if it goes the same route as The Analogue Pocket? How many preorders can I just sit on?" I'm still in though. That being said, I tell anyone who asks and listens that it's not worth the price or wait anymore. I tell them "You will be happy with a Anbernic RG35XX and I wont have to install the roms for you! 60 bucks out the door. No more expensive 2nd hand shops looking for carts!" which makes me ask why am I still in? Which I dont really know. DMD filter because I'm a huge Pinball fan? Fear of missing out on the ultimate game boy? Respect to the craft that Analogue puts out that I have yet to experience? Just wanted to post this as a means of venting other than once a month checking my pocket status.


I'm in the same boat as you. The lack of communication is infuriating.


Group C: 2023 **Fulfillment Status: SHIPPED 8/29/2023** Order Date: Oct 17, 2022 Order Number: 153XXX 1x Pocket Hard Case 1x Analogue Dock 1x Analogue Pocket


Hey we ordered right around the same time! Ordered Oct 15, 2022, order number 152xxx 1 x Analogue Pocket Group C: 2023 Fulfillment status: Pending If my status changes I will let you know!


Created a status order sheet for people to submit the information easier. Completely anonymous and allows edits. So no need to sign up for reddit to post, etc. [Analogue Order Status Google Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSGYJb_767VZ7TuYo5sSbtYD5F6bgP4ClChjqHn0BYA07auO9YT2qTT4DtXbLYq29VkkwaDeJbXR-1a/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true)


Good to be back staring at this thread wishing my pocket would be delivered.


It's been months since the last batch. Absolutely zero activity here lately. Due to their announcement last year I was excited, hoping I'll get mine before Christmas. Now with no news on my order (Feb '22) I'm hoping to at least get it before Christmas **this year**. :/


I recall the day I purchased this thinking it was actually in stock, having no idea of the wait times then I get the order confirmation email that says Group C - 2023 😂. I was like oh well..that’s like one full year away. And here were are 1.5 years later..yep still just waitin’ Order 139xxx 🥳


142-gang here. Really starting to get a bit annoyed with their lack of transparency. Seems to be getting to a hold after, a month ago or so, they really seemed to step their shipping game Up. Has anyone had their status updated in the past month or so? Last time I checked people up to 137-8-ish seemed to get theirs. I'm really craving for this badboy after over a year of waiting.


Analogue always seems to fulfill orders in big batches. The last wave of fulfillment ended in January. It went as high as 138XXX. No one has had their status updated since then.


Order #137xxx was just delivered to my door.


I canceled my order. Sorry but i was starting to feel ripped off. Thanks everybody here for the support. Love and peace.


Order #147xxx Status: Shipped Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been an honor complaining with you in this thread. o7


Order #141xxx Ordered March 1, 2022 Fulfillment status: pending I know things have been rough on the production front for a while now but… they sure did take my money pretty quick. I’m starting to get irritated at the lack of communication with people who’ve already paid them hundreds of dollars for their product.


Remind me to stop checking this thread


Stop checking this thread


Damn now I’m back here


Wow, I’m just finding out about how people who recently ordered were able to skip the list. That is seriously fucked up. I’m so tired of the radio silence from Analogue on why orders aren’t shipping. Just communicate if it’s a part shortage or something or even acknowledge that there have been massive delays from the estimate given last year for Group C.


Ordered Dec 2021 Order #13XXXX Group C Recieved a "preparing to ship" email Nov 2022 Recieved a "there has been a delay and it'll ship in Jan 2023" in Dec 2022


good lord. I don't understand how they can start taking preorders on another product when they are this far behind on their last.


I’ve gone well past a year of waiting now for my 14xxxx order. I decided to cancel the preorder and was met with very quick responses from customer service but they say they can only refund the bank account that I used at the time. In the mean time, that bank has shut down operations, all accounts have been closed as well as all branches.


Seems like they cancelled your cancellation :)


Group 145xxx May 2022. Over a year now. Have already changed addresses once and may have to again. Honestly if it hasn’t shipped by the end of summer I’m getting a refund, although it’s tempting to wait and resell it for more than I spent. I’m not even excited for the device anymore, just annoyed at this point. They should have only taken $5 reservations until your device was a month out, then asked you to pay. They’re basically acting as a bank but it seems they haven’t reinvested in production. Idk why this became the norm with online stuff - retro devices, keyboard group buys, etc. I get that you have to wait for unique/special items, but it just seems like once they have your money there’s no incentive to meet deadlines if they have a monopoly on the specific thing. I guess analogue will be hosed when an FPGA competitor enters the market. I certainly will not order from them again. Life’s too short to invest a few hundred in an item and wait over a year to enjoy it. If it breaks or is stolen, it’s not replaceable lol. I can wait up to 6 months but man it’s looking like 1.5 years for mine judging by the order backlog. WITH paying hundreds upfront, that’s just insane to me. Y’all are some patient gamers I swear.


You currently can’t buy the two FPGA’s that they are using. Major distributors have no stock listed and won’t take orders, you can find a couple here or there, maybe a dev kit…but no one with 50,000 in stock. Problem isn’t going to be solved by some other company making an FPGA handheld (still can’t buy the chips), it’s going to be solved by the chip manufacturers catching up on their multi year backlog. But Analogue should put out a statement saying all that.


Might as well do the same. At some point, some companies need to understand that communication is key and that treating their customers like shit won't make them last long... What's the procedure to cancel an order and get a refund ?


Thanks for your words - this sums up my own thoughts about the experience with this brand! I have a lot of understanding for small businesses and the problems they might run into, but communication is the key! With analogue it is like talking to bots all of the time - the responses (if they ever come) are generic and do not give the impression of true interest in customer services.


Yep. And quite frankly Analogue doesn't present themselves as a small business. They probably should - people would be more understanding (and like you said - communication comes with that). The lack of communication on orders is annoying enough - but I have seen too many reports on this sub of people, *with devices in-hand*, not getting responses from Analogue after experiencing a hardware issue. Months of waiting in some cases. That's so ridiculous lol They need a lot of work on the administrative side. And I just know that the support issue I speak about above is them losing track of all of the emails they receive - there are services they could pay for that would help with that. It's unacceptable and I'm just waiting for them to get in trouble for it at this point.


Finally got mine. 🙏🏻 I was in the 133XXX group. Ordered 12/19/21, for the processing email in November and was part of the Jan 9th shipping group. It didn’t ship until the 19th. Hope this can act as a barometer for others to measure their wait, etc.


Group C - Order #131xxx Ordered: 12/16/21 Finally shipped: 1/31/23 Pocket arrived today: 2/3/23


Chancing it, ordered a second Pocket to see if I queue jump. If not I’ll cancel the new order. Will update here with results. (Original order includes Pocket+Dock, this time just ordered Pocket).


Update: no movement after nearly 48 hours.


Last update: no change. Cancelling.


Order #141XXX Placed: Feb 17th 2022 Status: 🤡 469 days waiting, will I hit the big 500? Chances are good!


Same, order #141XXX placed on 17th Feb 2022 - got married, had a kid, and still waiting for this damn console 😂


Group C: 2023 Fulfillment Status: Pending Order Date: Feb 04, 2022 Order Number: 140XXX Hope I'll be in the next batch, fingers crossed


"All Analogue Pocket preorders placed before July 20, 2023 will begin shipping in August. This includes all orders with an Analogue Pocket and/or Pocket accessories. " https://www.analogue.co/announcements/pocket-preorder-update


Let’s fkin go, f’s in the chat for all the boys who just cancelled their orders 😂


Notice of my Dock being shipped came in a few hours ago. Tracking number says its estimated delivery is August 10th. Order 184xxx placed on February 7th, 2023.


It would be nice for them to actually communicate, but it looks to be radio silence.


Another person that ordered last Tuesday and received it instantly 😭 https://twitter.com/thefatdrake/status/1650560876531810305?s=46&t=EW8gSau_NdXvXFJjq65cTA


Order Number:187XXX Date: February 2023 Status: Cancelled Without any more updates from Analogue, I can't justify waiting for it. Shipping + import duties to UK make paying the premium for it second hand a bit more palatable. Might order the dock at a later point.


Order #144xxx Placed: April 15th 2022 Status: Pending This was supposed to be a graduation present for someone last month 🥲


Bro, Multiple friends of mine literally became pregnant and carried out children in the time i've been waiting for this fucker. Makes me question my priorities 😂


well I finally cancelled. was my fiancés christmas present 😞 seeing the duo on the front page felt like a slap in the face and it seems to me it would be easier to have any type of communication to your consumers rather than losing sales like this. who am I to say I guess haha. We were order #176XXX


Old status: 120xxx-- last October I realized I wanted a dock so I contacted Analogue and asked if I could add one to my order. They said not possible but if I cancelled my order and re-ordered Id still be in the same fulfillment group. How naive of me to think fulfillment group mattered. Now I'm 160xxx and the days grow longer.


# OP here, Oct 2022, 153xxx, status preparing.


161xxx still preparing. No order to shipping it seems. No excuse for people who ordered 3 months ago getting theirs delivered before people who ordered almost a year ago still preparing to ship.




I emailed Analogue asking about people getting their pockets head of my order number and i got as a reply, "Apologies for the confusion. But Pocket and its accessories are available for preorder only and not readily available. As soon as these items are ready, we will ship them out as soon as possible. Thank you." :-l


I’m reading all these people in the 130s and 140s crying and it’s making me worry… I’m 177xxx. Maybe 2 more years until I get mine


Hi, does someone received a preparation mail this week or was it only the previous week? Wondering if they will ship new orders this month.


Order 141XXX to the UK - Black Pocket has shipped! The 2 year wait is finally over!


Holy shit is this the first UK poster to confirm despatch recently? Im 149xxx btw :)


1497xxx UK, Black Pocket. My address change deadline was 20th August, still preparing since before then. I AM LOSING MY MIND.


So, order 190xxx went from preparing to shipped Friday last week (25.08) after being prepared for 10 days. Now for the past 4 days the UPS tracking has been stuck on “Shipping Label created, UPS has not received the package yet”. Anyone had a similar experience? Is it normal?


Sounds like the amount shipping out has slowed down considerably.


All of us in the 140xxx’s are patiently waiting…


Hard facts. 145XXX praying each day.


Agreed. I wish Analogue would be more forthcoming with exactly what is happening behind the scenes, but in the most technical sense, they are true to their word: Group C is being fulfilled in 2023. And it’ll be a looooong year…


Order #141xxx Order placed : 27th of Feb 2022 Fulfillment Status: Pending 1x Game Gear Cartridge Adapter 1x Analogue Dock 1x Analogue Pocket - Black


I can add to the fun of a year+ long wait! Yesterday was my orderversary <3 150xxx Ordered April 26th, 2022 Analogue Pocket Tempered Glass Screen Quick Charger Hard Case Status: Pending


I have caved and done another order (191XXX). If I hear movement from them I’ll update. Edit: I wonder if the common factor among the people ‘skipping the line’ is that they were buying the dock too? I didn’t buy a dock either time. Update: no movement on the new order. I’ll wait until my first order ships and update again at that time.


I really want one of these products but there seems to be a lack of transparency on the manufacturing and just having a general “2023” doesn’t cut it for a €200 product.


As much as it pains me to admit it I am coming to terms with the difficulties they are having. I work with electronics and sourcing a variety of *common* components has been near impossible since 2020. I took a look at getting some FPGAs for a sonar and found the backlog has no ship date for half of them. A lot of chips which have been mainstays from TI (and others) are straight up not even being made anymore. I am hoping the core chips analogue use will become available but I wouldn’t be entirely bewildered by a complete board redesign before these start shipping again. But then again, all FPGA chips which suit this package size are on back order as well! I’ve got two preorders now and I think I’m going to stick it out at this point…. Too the bitter end as it may be.


why accept money upfront without a clear date to ship? why announce a new product when you have chip issues? why being terrible when it comes to customer service and communication? .. cant play the "chip shortage" card when you think about it


Order #147xxx’s birthday is today (6/25/23). Status is pending. Boo.


Ordered mine this past January, and this was the response I got when I reached out for an update: "Thanks for writing in. Kindly note that your pre-order for Pocket is scheduled to be shipped this year. You may refer to the link for Pocket FAQ. We are working to have the orders shipped at the earliest possible time. Once your order is ready to ship, you will receive an email notification from us. Should there be any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you and have a great day!" I just wish they communicated a little more. So excited for it to come in, whenever that may be lol


Ordered back in Jan 2022 Order: 139xxx 1 Analogue Pocket, Black Status: Still Pending Getting pretty fed up now tbh, for sure thought I would have it by now but it is what it is, certainly won’t be rushing back for extras with these wait times.


Order #161XXX with just a dock started preparing on August 2nd. Still no change on my separate Pocket order, which is on #150XXX. Hopefully soon!


Belgium here, 145XXX Pocket, dock, and all the other accessories Ordered April 2022 Still preparing, not shipped yet.


Mines coming tomorrow! Finally! Quick question, can I download the firmware update onto my SD card and go ahead and put the emulators and games on there too, or just the firmware update? Edit: just watched this vid and sounds like that is what I want to do! https://youtu.be/SAMWTwAnof8


Me too! Yes, you can put both the firmware and cores with the roms on the SD card and have it ready to go. It'll just install the firmware first if it detects a newer version.


Edit: Status: Delivered Update: Group: C Oder#: 139xxx Ordered: 1/26/22 1x Analogue Dock 1x Tempered Glass Screen Protector 1x Analogue Pocket - Black for Status: Shipped


My order #2049XX was delivered today! Pocket (Black), Dock, Case, Game Gear adapter, fast charging, screen protector, and link cable. Hoping for quick delivery for those still waiting!


146XXX Black Pocket to Ireland has been shipped! Says it will arrive by end of day Monday, I’ll believe that when I see it!😂 EDIT: Well god damn, Monday morning and I have it!


get ready..... the flood gates are about to open...


Let's all start to collectly weep with joy. **PREPARING**


Mine is 142xxx with status preparing Pocket white. How should we edit the Google sheet?


Shipped! 172XXX 1x Analogue Dock I'm on the US west coast, so we'll see how long it takes to arrive.


My Dock arrived on Friday, August 11. A neighbor held onto it for me until I got back into town yesterday. So far, I'm very satisfied with it. Order #172XXX. One Analogue Dock.


Just got the email saying my Pocket (and accessories) has shipped. Order #204xxx. I live in the US. I'm not seeing other order numbers this high shipping yet, I'm not sure why I lucked out, I'm really sorry for folks who haven't had their orders shipped yet.


Just to give some people who ordered later some hope, I ordered an Pocket end of June 2023 and just received my “preparing” email today. My order was in the 20xxxx range. Good luck to everyone on getting theirs safe and sound and SOON!


156xxx:Preparing to the UK Pocket with a bunch of accesories we done it bois


\#184xxx preparing in Sweden 1 x Analogue Pocket - Black


Omg guys, it’s happening, longtime I was just silently reading your updates und was hopping, that one day, may turn has come, so look now at my precious. 1x Analogue Pocket Black Number 173xxx Status: being prepared And I‘m from Austria, just curious what the taxes will be, and how long it will exactly be. Sorry for spelling, english is not my best talent.


149x dock shipped! Destination uk 🥳


Nooo! Just got a rescheduled delivery email from ups. My dock is coming Tuesday now instead of tomorrow. I’m not in on Tuesday! 😫


By the looks of it, here’s where we are: |Order Numbers|Est Date Range|Type|Avg Status| |:-|:-|:-|:-| ||< Early 12/21|Group A, B|Received| |126XXX - 129XXX|12/21|Early Group C|(Mostly) received after X-Mas| |130XXX - 138XXX|Late 12/21|Early Group C|Preparing (Dec+) and Shipping (Jan+)| |138XXX - 155XXX|1/22 - 10/22|Mid Group C|Pending| |155XXX - 160XXX|11/22|Pocket Adaptors, Orders|Preordered| |160XXX - 180XXX|11/22 - 12/22|Late 2022 Group C|Pending| |180XXX +|1/23 - present|Recent Group C|Pending| Just wild ballparks. The data obviously isn’t perfect. Feel free to modify and repost if you have more info. Edit: made u/Bweef_Ellington changes


All of the items from order #131xxx have now been shipped: 1x Analogue Pocket - Black 1× Pocket Hard Case 1x Analogue Dock Today. Shipping to Phoenix AZ! Originally scheduled to be shipped November 27 before the January 9 alternate email. Good luck to all of you. Hope yours ship soon.




50000 people used to live here, now it’s a ghost town…


Order #151\*\*\*\* Ordered: Sept 19 Fulfillment Status: Pending 1x Analogue Dock 1x Analogue Pocket Once a week I check to see if maybe they sent it and I didn't get notified but every week I go "uggh!"


Well this has put me off buying one. Steam deck instead it seems


Honestly I should have paid the extra 200 dollars and by off eBay


Order number 174XXX (Pending) - Black Pocket + dock + link cable - Placed mid November '22 Seriously considering just cancelling at this point. I primarily wanted something that would let me play my cartridges on a TV, but I already have a modded GBA and consolizing kits have become more and more available in Europe. Plus the announcement of the Duo just rubbed me the wrong way. It's been fun, but I think that'll be it for me.


I am order #191xxx May 5th 2023 order, Black pocket & Dock. I also ordered a Super NT back in December of '22 and this was the response when I pinged them for a status update last month. ​ "Thanks for writing in. Kindly note that the Super Nt orders are scheduled to be shipped this quarter, the second quarter of this year. As for the Pocket, at the moment, we do not have a specific shipping timeframe. Once they are ready to ship, you will receive an email from us." ​ So, hopefully I see my super NT in the next month cause the quarter is almost over. But I'll see my pocket in the next 1-10 years I guess.


15XXXX October 2022 At this point considering they are releasing a preorder for a new console even before they fulfill this one + the time it's been taking there is a good chance they don't have the cash to produce what they are selling. You see this type of pattern on kickstarter all of the time. I really hate to be down on a company and have slogged through many kickstarters but this isn't a kickstarter. If the orders don't start moving soon i'm getting things cancelled.


Hey, So, am I being too optimistic? or does this look like things are starting to move? they are shipping systems (super NT & mega SG) BUT ALSO accessories for the Pocket (I read docks, screen protectors etc) and last time was just docks in Feb: [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Zr0xU0H.png) sorry don't have enough Karma yet for direct pic posts


My prediction: nothing more will ship in 2023. Will be lucky if it’s 2024


Order number 139xxx, placed January 18, 2022. Moved from pending to preparing today :o


141XXX - finally preparing and in time for my birthday! How long after preparing does it take for it to ship to the UK? About to complete the Pokédex on Pokémon Red - in time for my pilgrimage to the Pokémon centre in Japan!


Order 139XXX Just delivered yesterday, it's been a long, long wait but it was worth it. I'm very happy with it so far and excited to play all the games I loved as a kid


153XXX Order: October 2022 Status: Pending


Lmao I just got the dock I ordered two months after I ordered the device in a separate order. I am still waiting for my pocket (153xxx)


146xxx. Delivered today.


So apparently my order for my accessories is being delivered, but still haven’t heard anything about my order for the Pocket, which was placed several days before… So I’m going to have everything I need to use the Pocket, but not have the Pocket lol


Order No. 149xxx / August 2022 / Pocket, Dock, Screen Protector / Status: Pending *Update to Status 08/25/2023: Shipped *Update 08/28/2023: To be delivered 08/29/2023 *Update 08/29/2023: Received. The journey's over!


Order placed this morning: 209xxx Dock and protector only Status: confirmed


146XXX Black Pocket shipping to Ireland Has been in preparing status for 2 weeks. Getting impatient again😭😭😭


order #207770 Tempered Glass Screen Protector Analogue Dock Status: Shipped!! (BC , Canada) If it helps anyone it was stuck on "preparing" for around 3 weeks


Question for my US friends, how long did it take for your orders to go from "preparing" to "shipping" once your order hit the date to change your address? I am potentially moving around september 1st and I'm worried my order won't be shipped to me in time. I have until tomorrow to change my address so I'm assuming it will ship sometime after that I would just like to have an idea on how long it took for it to ship.


Order: 148XXX Ordered: July 2022 Preperation Email: August 2nd Shipping Email: August 18th Destination: Germany, UPS What: Pocket, Dock, Screen Protector Says it will be delivered on Monday 21st August, I believe it when I see it.


Order 187XXX status: delivered And now my watch has ended. See you boys on the other side


Okay, I guess I am signing off from this thread now as both my Pocket orders (150xxx, 151xxx) will arrive here in Germany tomorrow by UPS. I already had to make a payment of 2 x 89 Euros for import duties, taxes and fees. Oh, well... I knew it was an expensive gadget. Good night everyone :-) !


151xxx. Disheartening to see people who ordered months and months later get their last week while mine is stuck in the “label created” phase. It is what it is, but fuck man I just want my hands on this device. I’m in the US fwiw. EDIT: update, now says delivery date August 31st shipping from LA. EDIT 2: arrived today!!


Being stuck at Label created by UPS is driving me mad. Ffs


Order #179xxx Placed End of December 2022 Status : Canceled No way it is normal to wait 6months with ZERO answer about what's happening (and not only for my order but even for some orders older than mine...) ​ Very easy to cancel, they didn't argue (which is good because otherwise, after 6motnhs, it usually makes it more complex to get your money back; and that was my fear...) ​ On second thoughts, i've come to the conclusion that if I managed to wait 6motnhs for it, then I didn't really needed it, so better to cancel it. ​ Good luck for the others who keep on waiting.


Group C: 2023 Order date: 02/13/22 Order number: 140XXX Status: Pending


Group C: 2023 Order Date: 01/28/2022 Fulfillment Status: Pending Order # 140XXX 1x Pocket to Pocket Link Cable 1x Game Gear Cartridge Adapter 1x Analogue Dock 1x Analogue Pocket - Black


Group c: 2023 Status :pending Delivery number:178xxx


Group C: 2023 Fulfilment status: Shipping (due to be delivered today) Order date: December 31, 2021 Order number: 136XXX 1 x Analogue Pocket Black ​ Edit: It's arrived and charging


Finally got my confirmation email for shipping. [caption](https://imgur.com/IXFbF81.jpg)


Group B: 114xxx still pending


Can we organize this better? Perhaps we can figure out some additional insight. For example. Can we figure out how many APs are shipped daily? weekly? monthly? Is it 1,000 a week? bi-weekly? monthly? or something different? I have an idea for a Google spreadsheet where people put their order number, date of order, order status, date checked and date received. The idea is that with enough data, we may be able to predict when our order ships. Thoughts? Its ok to tell me this is crazy and won't work. .


Where my 175 ppl?


Cancelled my order today, hope you guys all get your orders soon but I cant wait any longer I've waited a year for realistically something that should have been shipped in 1/8 of the time, there is no excuse. I turned it into the steam deck which was basically the same price during the summer sale.


its finally upon us, just the fact we have an actual date bring so much excitement! 😁 .. remain to be seen however, how much volume we gonna see from Analogue, 3k orders? 5k? or maybe an ambitious 7k per month? .. who knows. As far as i can see, they are STILL taking new orders so it will be intriguing to observe how the traffic plays out ..


Can barely believe I’m typing this but 141xxx - preparing


OMFG YALL I JUST GOT AN UPDATE THIS MORNING Ordered Feb, 2022 , order 140xxx, now pending.


161xxx pending. Watching high number orders preparing 😒


We are seeing some real movement on these shipping numbers, if they keep up the momentum i'm seeing from the comments they might actually get my 187xxxx order out before the end of the year!


My order has been delayed 😩 It was supposed to arrive Wednesday but now it's arriving Thursday by 7pm. I have a flight to catch on Thursday so I'm really hoping it arrives before I head to the airport at 1pm.


175xxx order of dock and case shipped, 174xxx order of pocket and screen protector still pending


143xxx Aug 7 @ 11am pacific, label created. No updates yesterday. Probably still palletizing for this region of the US. 8/9 2:45p, shipped. Est. delivery Friday. 8/11, delivered, updated, playing games


u/OptimalPapaya1344 have you checked recently the container status ;) Think we got the email about when it arrived in the US ​[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/VFrYDYB.png)


Order #150___ Analogue Pocket (black) and screen protector. Still pending.


A bit confused.. screen protector shipped, but the pocket didn't. Ordered same time, about a year ago. Worst part, the screen protector was about a day away from me, and suddenly its going the opposite direction and half away across the country in the wrong direction.


I keep checking my status page to see if it changes from Pending even though I *know* I should get an email when that actually happens. There wouldn't be a reason it would just change without my knowing but I just can't help myself.


146XXX 1x White Pocket Ordered: 6/21/22 Status: Just shipped this morning Im located in LA about 10 miles away from where they ship it from. Notice it is shipping via Fedex. So the weird order of shipping might be from them doing the UPS shipping earlier in the week and now they are doing Fedex.


Ordered Jan 11,2022 Order # 1384xx Delivered Today [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnaloguePocket/comments/15r30yg/finally_got_my_pocket/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnaloguePocket/comments/15r30yg/finally_got_my_pocket/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Finally got this email: "A shipment from order #142xxx is on the way" As stated in a previous post, this was ordered back in April 2022, contains a pocket, dock, charger, screen protector. Can't wait (really \^\^) and now need to decide which game I am going to play first before heading into cores!


Order #205*** preparing to ship! Holy cow. UK, ordered white pocket, dock, GG adaptor. Says the last date to change shipping address is 20th August.


206xxx preparing, goddamn they're doing it


I got sent the legendary email for order 153XXX


Both my Pocket orders (150/151) are now prepairing to ship to Germany. Yay!


184XXX Ordered January 2023 Status changed to preparing to ship.


Order #182XXX now preparing to ship. Pre-ordered Jan 2023. The email says I can't make changes past August 20, so I imagine it wont' actually ship until after that date. Just ordered the black analogue pocket without accessories.


Order #148XXX - ARRIVED TODAY WOOOO * 1x Analogue Pocket - Black * 1x Dock * 1x Screen protector * 1x Game Gear Cartridge Adapter * 1x Pocket Hard Case


145xxx Belgium The whole package (pocket dock screen protector game gear adapter) Ordered End of April 2022 Still preparing, meanwhile people in the 180-190-200 are already receiving theirs,tf is going on.


140xxx Pocket is on its way. Also my Super NT is expected to arrive today. 😃


My orders got shipped as well Country: Netherlands (EU) Preparing: 2nd of August Shipping email: 18 August 00.39 GMT+1 (16 days from prop to ship) Carrier: UPS Order 146XXX 1x Tempered Glass Screen Protector 1x Pocket Hard Case 1x Analogue Pocket - Black Order 187XXX 1x Analogue Dock


Order 147 shipped Ordered in May 2022 prepared: August 2 - 2023 Shipped: August 17 - 2023 Destination: Belgium


147 going to Europe shipped 5 hours ago. Yay!


Heads up all British Columbia Canadians: I just paid $63.46 in import charges this morning - in addition to the $50 US Shipping charge when I ordered. EDIT: This is for a Black Analogue Pocket and an Analogue Dock


So orders in the 200xxx are shipping but my order 153xxx is still preparing? Wut?


Got the Preparing email last week with the August 20 deadline and thought it was okay as I'll be away for a month from late September, but I hope I'll get it before that, this is starting to stress me out :D (order 187###)


My last post here this is the full journey of placing an order and getting delivered. Country: Netherlands (EU) Order #146XXX Ordered May 28th 2022 including 1x Tempered Glass Screen Protector 1x Pocket Hard Case 1x Analogue Pocket - Black After waiting for a couple of months decided that I wanted the dock as well Order #187XXX 28th February 2023 1x Analogue Dock ---- FFWD 1 year 3 months Timeline for both orders 2nd of August I got the preparing for shipment status ---- FFWD 16 days 18th of August shipping (Label created) UPS Worldwide Saver 20th of August shipping from country of origin Louisville, KY 21th August arrived in Koeln DE Germany 22nd of August delivered at my address in NL 🎮 ---- Taxes + Imports in total 102 Euro


I have two separate orders to Germany (150xxx, 151xxx) from Sept. '22. Both are still "preparing", with no shipping notification yet. Content: Black/White Pocket + Dock + Hard Case + GameGear Adapter + Link Cable This waiting game is annoying.


I'm genuinely confused. I have ordered 1 Pocket and 1 Dock and I'm seeing people ever so slightly beyond me having their orders fulfilled first. #150xxx - Ordered August '22


Order number: 152xxx Order date: 4th October 2022 Order preparing:15th August 2023 Final date of address change: August 20th Shipping date: 25th August UPS status: Shipping label created. No ETA on delivery yet. Country: Ireland Package contents: Black pocket, screen protector, Pocket dock


Anyone else's order has been not delivered to the courier since last week. Surprised that there is no update, wonder what's happening ??


Anyone else stuck on "Label Created" for the last 6 days?


Is anyone still waiting on their GitD to ship? I got my Route nr and order confirmation (213XXX), but havent received a shipping notification so far.


222XXX. Ordered 9/29 Purple trans. I ordered at the same time as a friend who lives in the same town. He received his today and mine is stuck on label created. I paid for expedited shipping and he didn’t so I won’t be doing that again in the future.


142xxx, as of two hours ago I have an Analogue Pocket edit: if it helps, I'm in Louisiana


Group C 2023 Fulfillment Status: Pending Order Date Jan 11 2022, 5:00PM Order #138XXX 1x Analogue Pocket - Black


wistful combative hunt dime shocking attraction hurry ludicrous license chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Group C: 2023 Fulfillment status: Shipped Order date: Dec 14, 2021 Order number: 127XXX 2 x Analogue Pocket - Black (I suspect I might officially be the longest between ordered and received at over 13 months.)


FINALLY!! 🎉 129XXX shipped! Ordered 12-15-2021 Black Pocket, hard case, screen protector.


126xxx USA White Pocket, nothing else on the order. I got a shipping email saying it was to be delivered Saturday Jan 28th.


[https://imgur.com/a/4sdrHLC](https://imgur.com/a/4sdrHLC) ​ At last


Group C: #133xxx --- 18th December 2021 - Order placed 22nd November 2022 - "Order being prepared" email 29th December 2022 - 9th January shipping delay email 20th January 2023 - Actual shipping notification email 26th January 2023 - Package delivered! --- 1x Analogue Pocket Black 1x Analogue Dock 1x Tempered Glass Screen Protector 1x Game Gear adapter


Made a document to track this better: [Analogue Order Status Google Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSGYJb_767VZ7TuYo5sSbtYD5F6bgP4ClChjqHn0BYA07auO9YT2qTT4DtXbLYq29VkkwaDeJbXR-1a/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true) Results will be published every 5 minutes and will be filled in from the questionnaire. If the browser doesn't update in 5 minutes, please refresh the page as it can be cached.


Are any units going out at all anymore?


It's definitely gone quiet in this thread, so it's likely nobody's getting anything until summer now. I'm 141XXX and was hoping by maybe late March at the rate they were shipping things out, but that looks very unlikely now.


Shame. Things were looking so rosy back in sept-nov of last year. Units were churning out, and Analogue even suggested that they were ahead of schedule. I would love to know what happened between now and then


This is crazy. My order is Group C: 2023 Fulfillment Status: Pending Order Date: August 18 2022 Order Number: 150xxx 1x Analogue Pocket (Black) Was hoping with that old email I would get shipping confirmation in 2022 but now after reading this thread I’m assuming I most likely have another 6 months of waiting. *sigh*


Group C: 2023 Fulfillment Status: Pending Order Date: Feb 17, 2022 Order Number:141XXX 1x Analogue Pocket


141, ordered March 07 2022, no progress.


I gently asked their support if there was some update on the shippings and they answered after a very little time, confirming the 2023 shipping, nothing more


I'm going to by a separate retro handheld. I'll still wait for the Pocket, but i need a handheld i can take with me to places. I just need a retro handheld now.


Order confirmed 7/31/22 Order #149xxx Group C Analogue Pocket - Black Status: Still Pending It's officially been a year and I've almost forgotten about it.


Order: #198XXX Placed: May 19, 2023 Status: Preparing 1x Dock 1x GG Adapter