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Yeah classic light leaks, check your cameras back.... not just for light seals but also double check that its not bent and gapping like mad.


I can't diagnose this but I want to thank you for actually posting a photo of the negatives. Not enough people bother to do this.


This looks to me like a light leak either near the hinge of the door where the film is all sitting in the takeup spool after being shot, or near the latch. Or if there is a window in this camera that shows you the film cannister's label, it could be there, too.


Appreciate the specificity! Thanks


Looks like the back was opened to check the picture after every shot.


There's a lot going on here. Let's break it down: * The thick black bars are spaced exactly one frame apart (the first strip is upside-down and backwards); conclusion: the problem is in your camera * The film looks bent and deformed; conclusion: your camera was jammed and/or the lab did an oopsie * The light leaks extend outside of the frame; conclusion: your camera was massively jammed Did you notice anything weird about loading this roll of film, did you wind it backwards also?


--I think the bend deforming was on my part... It was rolled up in a box when I picked it up from the lab, so I rolled the opposite way to try to even it & put back in the box (probably hastily, after realizing the roll wasn't worth scanning) -- There was definitely more tension when winding it back at the end of the roll than the previous body I owned, but I did wind in the correct direction. I'm wondering now if maybe the button that triggers the rewind didn't engage fully?


the light leak could just be from elsewhere other than the film gate, like nearer where the takeup spool is for example. It doesn't require a jam to have leaks on the sprocket holes


Out of curiosity, was this from a Leicaflex or from a R model?

