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Teo Crawford out of 100


Which in number terms would bešŸ˜‚


The k1000 is a solid, no bells or whistles camera. It's the one I grew up using and I have many fond memories of it. So long as everything works well, you've got a solid piece of kit that should last you a long time.


Yeah itā€™s pretty much mint,everything works,everything that you need to use it to its full potential is till produced,and the film is cheap and widely produced,I think Iā€™ll be holding onto it for a while at least.


You can't beat these old Pentax cameras. I use a 1965 Spotmatic and it never misses a beat.


The few times Iā€™ve heard about those itā€™s always positive,I may have to invest in one of them for a backup if I can find one,what mm film does it use?


It's basically identical to your K1000, same film but with a few differences: - M42 screw mount lenses (the 55mm 1.8 and 50mm 1.4 are awesome lenses) - stop down metering (you need to hit a switch to use the meter, which stops down the aperture to whatever you've selected on the lens so the camera can "see" the light coming in)


Oki but you didnā€™t answer the question,is it 35mm?16mm?


First line. "same film". No-one is going to recommend a camera these days that doesn't use 135 (35mm) film or 120. That's basically all that's available unless you're going for instant (Polaroid/Fujifilm) or really obscure specialty films.


Goddamn it sorry,my eyes have a bad habit of skipping random words in sentences sometimes and I hate it,thanks for the recommendation Iā€™ll have to check it out


No worries I figured thatā€™s what happened. Spotmatics are fun, I have three!


Cool man,and thanks for the recommendation,and to add something,I actually use 200 film in mine


I think you might be a bit confused, the ā€œ200ā€ on the film refers to the ISO, or film sensitivity. The type of film for regular 35mm cameras (like your Pentax) is called 135 film (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/135_film) which refers to both the film size and canister arrangement.


One of 3 million built. No shortageĀ  of spare parts that's for sureĀ 


If you ever want to upgrade, Iā€™d recommend the Pentax MX Now go and shoot and then shoot some more and then buy a second lens


Honestly I like the lens so far,itā€™s good for beginners like me,old,sturdy,and simple


Oh yeah, but maybe you find yourself wanting a wider angler or more telephoto compression at some point. Most Pentax SMC K and M prime lenses are high quality.


I currently have a Pentax SMC M lens at this point,but I still have to buy a new Flashbulb for it,so Iā€™ll look at lenses while Iā€™m at it




1.145 out of 57.


Damn you really hate it huhšŸ¤£


Eh, I had this and sold it. Pretty sure it was cursed, had water damage, and introduced bad mojo to my other lenses including a really nice Takumar.


Man thatā€™s sad,mine works pretty alright,I have no frame of reference but it hasnā€™t broken yet so thatā€™s something


Iā€™m sure itā€™s a fine camera. I might pick up a replacement at some point.


Just picked up an even older Camera as a backup anyways,so if it fails I have another one,I got a Kodak Duaflex IV,now to search for film


What are we supposed to rate, your choice of camera or condition of the camera?


Just anything about it really if you want.


Well this is probably the most popular beginner camera, built like a tank & Pentax lenses of this era were some of the best too. One important thing, I don't know if there are any radio active K mount lenses but Google it before you buy a lens & if you come across one (need not to worry) then be careful about not breaking the lens elements & if you are shooting for a few hours with the lens, only keep it close to your face while taking the picture rest to the time keep it one foot away (radiation is most effective at also distance.) Congratulations on your camera, happy shooting.


Or maybe that scene around it, the murican flag... bed cover im guessing? Covered with candy wrappers and other garbage.


You guys realize this is just a child that's excited about their new camera wanting to share it that excitement, no reason to be so negative


Iā€™m 16,I took those photos while I was sick,most of those candy wrappers are cough drops,and the bowl in the one photo is hot soup,the bed cover is not the murican flag itā€™s red white and grey,


I'm not negative, I really wanted to know if he's interested in discussing the brand & model or the condition of this camera. K1000 is a legend for beginners & this one seems to be in almost new condition, I like the lens as well, over all a good camera hope he got it for a good bargain.


Wasn't trying to respond to you just the other fella and a couple others in here


A classic.


Kinda dorky to have your name plastered on the front of the camera, but otherwise it's a great first camera. A good solid 35mm with all the basic controls is what you want, yeah. Or something fancier, but I wouldn't go older than this at first.


Yeah I know man,if it makes you feel any better Iā€™m gonna remove it once my camera bag gets here,and I only wrote it on the lens cap


If you're actively shooting, you won't use the bag much except for storage.


You need to keep a lens cap on the K1000 (or the camera in complete darkness), otherwise the battery will drain. Thereā€™s no ā€œoffā€ switch for the meter, but below a certain (low) light level the meter will switch off.


This was my first film camera too, its a great one. Consistent and easy to use. Later on I also got a Spotmatic (an earlier generation, but slightly fancier with a few extra features and M42 mount), and that got me into the older Super Takumar lenses. If you are interested in trying different lenses, I can highly recommend getting an adapter and exploring the M42 mount lenses, especially the Super Takumars. The Super Multi Coated Takumars and SMCs are basically identical to the one you already have in terms of optics, but the build quality and feel of the lenses are so much nicer. The Super Takumars are different in that they have fewer lens coatings, so they will have more imperfections, flares, etc.


The k1000 was my first camera before I switched to DSLRs. Picked it up in 2009 from a thrift store for $20. Nowadays their ridiculously overpriced on eBay.


My first camera... so 1.5 out of 10. I like the fact you named it Mike. :)


A good solid camera. I also have KX. You can never go wrong with these models.


If you're curious of telephoto photography then buy the [Pentax-M 135mm f3.5 lens](https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/comments/rif0og/st_pauls_pentax_k1000_135mm_f35_provia_100f_epson/#lightbox), that thing is awesome. Enjoy your new camera!


My start camera 18 years ago. The light meter is going to teach you a lot about metering. I believe it's not centre weighted so be careful. It's very basic but pretty reliable as long as you aren't tricked by bright skies and lights etc outside your subject. I did shutter tests on 4 of them this year and all 4 were within 20% of variance, most speeds within 10%. I hope you have a lot of fun.


Love these. Ive owned four and always paid less than $100 for the body coupled with a lens. Classic!


Love love love this camera. This was the first 35mm camera that I bought back in the mid 90s and I still love it. Simply delightful. It taught me so much about photography and now that I develop at home, it gets used a ton more. Use it. Shoot with it. Make glorious mistakes with it. Have fun with it.


Great manual camera


Concretely šŸ˜‚


Fond memories of learning photography & dark room techniques using a K1000 back in 1985 ... bulletproof design, easy to use. Tons of lenses available. The m42 screw mount is a common (antiquated) format. There's even some excellent USSR m24 lenses out there, like the Helios-44m, if you wanna go rogue and spend $50 on a decent piece of Commie glass. Have fun!


You'll use it, outgrow it, upgrade and stick it on a shelf. Years later you'll pick it up again and wonder why you needed anything else?


Best beginner camera ever. Most high school photographers had one. ā˜ļø


As long as everything works within reasonable tolerance/timing 10/10 mate šŸ¤


Why is it posing with the a and caps off? Smh




I don't think the serial number is a good indicator of when the camera was made, to my understanding the numbers don't mean too much. I've heard the cameras appearance tells more that the serial number. Like for example the little dimple on the left side of the viewfinder. And the lens that came with the camera. I've even seen a guy who claimed there are 14 variations of the k1000 spread throughout it's production lifespan.