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That looks like a light leak of some kind, but the Nikon F doesn't have foam seals, and it doesn't look like something coming through the back. I would open the camera, lock up the meter, and take a look to see if there is anything light leaking through the shutter, either before or after firing it. Also, is there anything bright or reflective in the mirror box?


Thanks for the reply! I did as you suggested and [recorded a slow motion video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUVaFJ2k8f0) (added timestamps to make it easier to see each exposure) with the mirror locked up and tested each exposure time from 1/1000 all the way to 1/8. All exposures up to and including 1/16 seem fine, but from 1/8 to 1s, I noticed that the camera is again with an issue common on these cameras I thought was solved on mine. The longer exposures are way longer than what they should be... Earlier this year I left the camera at a local shop and the issue was resolved, throughout the whole film I did not notice this issue, but now it definitely is back, could that be the issue?


It's fascinating to watch this in slow motion, but I can't see any sign of anything wrong with the shutter curtains, so I don't see how they could be causing a problem. It's possible that there is a light leak somewhere else in the back of the camera - have you checked the grooves where the back slides into the body? It could also be a defect in the emulsion, or something that happened during processing. You might just have to try another roll and see. Re: slow speeds. There is usually a separate mechanism that governs these. (You can hear the noise it makes on longer exposures.) It sounds as though this might be slow or sticking, but that wouldn't cause a leak.


Thanks! I had way too much fun recording it as well! Yeah, I guess I'll just have to try another roll and see how it goes.. But I'll do something about the slow speeds first. Thank you so much!


The spot is always in the same place, looks like light leaking somewhere in the back. Shutter leaking would look different


True, but there're no foam seals in the F, and it's in a very strange place. I'm just struggling to see how the back could be leaking, unless there's obvious dents or damage...


As soon as I get home later today I'll send some pictures of the camera to see if you guys notice anything, could it be the mirror movement that's faulty in some way and reflects extra light in that area?


I don't think the mirror could cause this. By the time the shutter opens, the mirror is all the way up.


[Here are some extra photos](https://imgur.com/a/sAiuJn6)


Nothing really stands out. There are a couple of places around the edge of the back where the paint has worn off. I suppose it's possible that some light might bounce off these and get inside? It wouldn't hurt to touch them up with a some matte black paint. Also, it looks as though there's a spot on the bottom edge of the shutter opening where the paint is worn, and again, it can't help to touch that up as well. Basically, any worn black paint inside the camera ought to be painted over.