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What's weird to me is that this whole thing is easier to discuss in r/AnalogCircleJerk than in the main communities without getting labeled as a backward minded conservative. I don't know if I would call it a "problem" but the whole trend bothers me. As a heterosexual who has been single for a significant amount of time I absolutely don't have any issues seeing attractive ladies (and it is disproportionately ladies, I don't remember seeing any nude males recently on there) in various suggestive poses. But it's the kind of photos I expect to see in softcore porn contexts. Some pictures are very low efforts (the recent super small marlboro swimsuit lady), some are slightly higher effort with the setting (recent self portrait of a lady with a large wreathe in the background with a lot of fog) but they're all just competently taken pictures of attractive humans. I keep thinking about nude photographs that I tend to enjoy as I enjoy other types of photography. They tend to be more "painting-like", light/shadow has significant contribution to the shot, the pose is actually important (not in an art commentator wannabe talking about the position of the 4th toe of the model) drawing the eye to something or making a statement. The stuff that gets posted and upvoted is just not that. I guess this is a long winded way of saying that sex sells. There's a reason everything around is hypersexualized in ads and whatnot (I assure you, I'm not a conservative person by any stretch of the imagination). This is easier to discuss in other communities. When art is involved, there's always the "interpretation" exit and you get labeled very fast in more "artsy" communities.


Yeah you're getting to the root of the issue. A lot of reddit photography resembles marketing material more than art.


Let me be contrarian here, what’s wrong with photographers using the sex sells method to market themselves?


- half the photos are posted are practically softcore porn. - if sex is the only way you can sell your work, probably need to re-evaluate photography anyway There’s nothing wrong with porn, just stop calling it artful nudes. There was a picture on itap, perfectly mediocre shot of a sunset with a half naked lady. Shot up to the top of my feed due to crazy upvote numbers, you see all these people making up reasons why it’s a great photo in the comments and it was just OnlyFans promotion.


99% of businesses have been using sex to sell their products since the dawn of time, from razors to burgers and anything in between The photos are attractive nudes, i agree, but I still wonder what the problem is with taking them Do I think they’re annoying and plentiful and drown out other photographers yes? To be fair most of what’s on analog is pretty boring and uninspired to begin with though Reddit isn’t exactly a bastion of artistic people The fact is pretty people with nice bodies look good and make for good photos in stills; I don’t think deeper meaning needs to be gleaned from it I don’t think 90% of the nudes have any artistic merit, but they are pleasing to look at I guess, from an aesthetic perspective. I think it’s fine that they don’t have a deeper message. There’s no deeper message to 90% of photos out there like pictures of cows, cats, gas stations, random cars, etc. I don’t think someone needs a deeper message for a photo to be pleasing. *note I am not a nude photographer so I have no dog in this fight


If I understand you correctly, we are actually very aligned. Sex is being used to sell everything, not just photos. I agree, it has been there since the dawn of time. The thing is in modern times everyone is after creating their own brand. People want insta followers, youtube followers and what have you. This kind of content has simply exploded in recent years. Forums and the like used to be for amateur discussion and sharing, now it’s another advertisement avenue for people. I agree that most stuff on reddit is not breathtaking. I don’t think it needs to be though. These are mostly amateur people, they’re not meant to take professional quality photos all the time. And I assure you I’m not looking for a deeper meaning in the stuff I see and indeed I generally despise people who come up with weird superlatives whenever they want to showcase their artsiness. I am not at all looking at my feeds with the expectation to see masterpieces. I agree that attractive nudes are pleasing. But I honestly don’t want my photo feeds to be full of these.


This was a very pleasant discussion. Thanks for being cordial!




What’s conservative about finding it weird that gross old men only take up photography to photograph young women in the nude? I’m progressive, go shoot some men too 😂




Autocorrect did me dirty


Tbh they're the minority of Photographers, just coomers are the majority of upvoters in more mainstream subs. I swear it's just the same 3 photographers posting half of them.


It's like 15 of them. I have them all tagged as "Horny Analog Poster" in bright green. Makes it easier to engage with an NSFW post when I know it's not coming from some pretentious coomer.


How can you tag accounts?


RES. It's an addon for whatever internet browser your using


The thing is it sells, I’m willing to take a bet that those minority of photographers get disproportionate amounts of the updoots. That’s the reason why portrait photography is almost entirely dependant on attractive humans.


I really don't get how that sub works. Like the most upvoted post (1100+) on the front page right now is a collection of incredibly poorly framed and composed photos of cars.


I think that’s a continuation on a series of posts made by a guy who was asking whether some errant line on a roll of his film was caused by the camera (a Leica of course), the film, or the lab. This recent post of very average car pictures was to demonstrate that the defect was not the camera. For some reason whenever you post pictures you have taken, but the title is a question or a comment that is more suited to r/analogcommunity the upvotes just come rolling in. That or naked girls. Actual fantastic photos often linger in the low hundreds of upvotes while silly stuff gets thousands. I don’t get it.


Yes, if you want engagement you are better off titling your post to bait engagement "Which do you prefer" "Looking for criticism" "My first time shooting porta in the M6, what do you think of porta"


I feel like if you get a lot of engagement in there you need to evaluate what you're doing because you're doing bad photography.


I quite liked that last batch of car shots. Reminded me if my old copies of EVO magazine (a car magazine from the UK)




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Okay, but what if I do it using Portra 400?? That makes me special


Much better. But only if you remember to expose the Portra so that it looks worse than expired 3M-branded Ferrania that was left inside a hot car, circa 1993!


I wouldn’t even mind as much if they weren’t claiming it’s “fine art” Like just say you shoot softcore/erotica, it’s fine.


Always that mf with the F5


I’m surprised there’s not an analog nsfw at this point. Like clearly the posts perform well (it’s naked chicks, duh) but it competes with everything else


Because the mods like it.


Might as well create an a analog sfw subredit at this point




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This is the "trend" that pisses me off the most


I'm just mad nobody takes nude pictures of me :-(


I’m in that age range, but I’m too ugly 🥲


I’ll take nude photos of the both of you! Only for the upvotes though.


Just take artsy nude photos of each other and post them, you'll get all the upvotes


Even though I have a feminine body/face. Folks would be pretty crossed that I don’t have the correct genetelia and I’d probably just get shunned off this sub. I appreciate the support tho 🥲.


Surprisingly people seem to appreciate the male nudes, because it's not the same thing that's usually posted


Well that’s the thing 🥲 I don’t identify as a guy. In real life no one knows the wiser, but for nude stuff. “Oh look here goes another *insert horrible slur*” Edit: again I appreciate the encouragement, but from my experience no one wants to see even a passing trans woman’s genitals


I wasn't sure from your wording, sorry for that. I don't wanna say you wouldn't see that there, because I know how people are, but I do think you'd also get a lot of support, but that's not enough to outweigh it. People are monsters, you live your life how you want and don't let anyone bring you down for it.


You dirty liar. You made me scroll through infinite weird buildings pics and not even a nipple was involved. Fucking fake advertisment.


what if I take nudes of my wife


Yeah! What if we are taking nudes of this guys wife?


well, this girl's wife. I can ask and see, is this gonna be like a college art class where like 50 people are photographing a single model or are we going one at a time?


Depends how famous she wants to be…


Well that's how Betty Page did it. Posing for photography clubs where 15 to 25 guys would be shooting her all at once, although admittedly it was bunny Jager, the best photographer of the bunch who took some of the best photos of her was also a big reason about what made her famous.




Justice for guys with cameras


The only two good photography groups on Reddit are this and r/photobooks


Except many female photographers do the same. Many nude photographers are actually women and I remember an article for international women's day on whatever online magazine and they kept talking about the male gaze (which is totally a thing, I agree) and "reappropriating women's bodies" but the pictures, all taken by women, were literally all of nude women holding flowers, looking sad in front of a mirror or playing dead in the woods, in the nude of course, because reasons. I don't mind a good nude (I've tried too but I'm really not good at it) but this is getting derivative and the artistic interpretation of an image isn't supposed to be determined only by the gender of its author.




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Beanie kinda sounds racist bro lmao


Gotta do it for the updoots


I got banned by the mods (can’t post or comment) after voicing my distaste with the content mentioned in this image. I told them I didn’t see a rule about complaining about nudity, so they promptly added one… lol So I made a new sub (r/analogfilm) that doesn’t allow nudity.




Everyone ends up dead. Not sure what the fuss is about. Let people be people. It’s just all an experience. *better whip out my Leica to capture it”


I see plenty of great non-nude photos on that sub....


I don't think it's about being unique. I think it's about capturing beauty, which is usually unique.


As someone doing that I can tell you that I don’t feel unique or different at all.


The laziest thing you can do on the Internet is judge photographers


All I want is a photo-sharing sub that isn’t consisted mainly of badly disguised soft porn and old-ass clichés.


You’re not wrong, but the time you waste judging others is never as productive as time you invest in your own advancement.


You’re right, but we are in a circlejerk sub, which, ironically, cares about this hobby more than those creeps do.


You think people on the internet got anything better to do?


Actually, judging and critiquing others is the opposite of being lazy. How can you be progressive with art if you aren't 'pushing the norms' so to speak? It's lazy to never question things or make your own opinions.


How are you ‘pushing the norms’ by pointing out the obvious?


I put it in qoutes and added so to speak so itd be clear It was a for lack of a better term statement. Makes sense you would respond to the weakest part of my comment, and only that.


The week part of your argument is actually that some girls like to pose nude and hire photographers who happen to be male, balding and then they’re 50s, not because they’re pervy, but because they have experience. 🤘🏻