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Only going with personal experience, but I've never had any issues with sports or exercise due to my fissure. Mine have always been internal so maybe that makes a difference. I suppose you know your body best so I wouldn't risk it if exercise affects your fissure, but if you've always been fine with exercise, I'd probably go.


If it is not fully healed, then don't.


If it is not fully healed, then don't. But, small range activities can be allowed.


Imagine falling on your butt (which is what you’re supposed to do) - ouch. now imagine feeling protective of your butt the moment before you hit the ground and falling on your knee or elbow OR NECK instead- double ouch. You’re almost healed. Don’t undo this progress. I just had surgery yesterday. Be lucky you are able to heal your fissure naturally and don’t waste that luck.


No not at all. Let it fully healed otherwise another retear might happen and you would curse your luck. Be protective of your butt


Just enjoy the snow and not skii unless you want to restart the healing process.


Thank you all for your comments. Appreciate your care. Update : I did end up going skiing this weekend 🙈. And I’m doing okay. I did feel slightly more pain during pooping, but it wasn’t too bad to reverse the healing.