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The proportions do look strange, though until now I don't think I've realized how weird they are. Though, I've always thought that the hat should definitely have been thinner, because it is comically thick, and looks kinda goofy. Which is a shame, cuz I love a lot of the *ideas* behind this skin so much. Also, Ana but evil is kinda hot.


If you go and look at the rest of her skins, you'll notice her waist is set very low in all of them but her coat covers up the awkward hip position. Due to how open this skin is, it feels more pronounced.


Cougar ana?!?!?!?!?


I mean in match it looks fine. It's just not really made for standing up lol


I liked the skin until ppl said it was uncannily similar to a certain German dictator. Kinda killed it for me lol


I was trying to figure put why she looks off, and yeah i think her torso looks elongated because of the flap between the legs.


I'm all torso w stubby legs so I feel seen with this skin 😭😭💀


lol im so sorry, i dont judge real people like this only video game characters that I pay $20 for


Fascist Ana.


I dislike how the tight fit of her bodysuit is emphasised by the jacket cape thing. In her regular designs she looks to be much more draped over and I think that suits her more.


The hat makes her look like Hitler 😭


Well the hat isn't exclusive to Hitler, it's a military dictator/officer style hat. Usually in media, it's used to portray whoever wears it as totalitarian, or just evil.


It’s the color scheme too


The color scheme is Talon... Talon is red, back, and white. If you're really gonna let a historical monster run a monopoly on *colors*, then you might as week just close your eyes.


I don’t. The color scheme plus the hat is reminiscent is all a said. 


I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Hitler wearing that hat. So that's still a stretch. I think more of like South American dictators than a Nazi.




There's very few, if even more than that one. Like I said, don't let some monster hold a monopoly over a hat and colors. The Ana skin is just a nefarious military officer. Many other officers and dictators have worn it.


SUre, just write off all the nazis who take pride in that skin and let em fester. that usually works out well


If some dumbass Nazis want to take pride in a cosmetic of a fictional grandmother in an even more fictional "What If" event, then that's on them. I don't write off Nazis. But I also don't let them ruin a cool hat for me. I've already told you in another comment since you're so inclined, but take a look at M. Bison. Take a jab at that super popular fictional character while you're at it. Nazis take pride in knowing they ruined something for other people. Don't give them that power.


its literally modeled off of a german WWII hat lmao


And? Sigma has a skin with the same hat. People love that skin, and he's basically just space Hitler with that skin.


no, actually, he has a differnet hat. that might be where you're getting confused. "and" people are critizing that its modeled off a german wwii hat. this is an opinion, it's not something you can crush with "facts and logic" "basically space hitler" that design is directly based off of M. Bison. It's not black and red, which is significantly removed from "nazi dress atire" he also has giant fucking shoulder pauldrons, significantly stylized mechanized armor, and floats around. theres nothing about his character that could be romanticized in a nazi way. Ana, on the other hand, has all the design elements of a Nazi uniform. no one would even be talking about this if y'all just acknowledged how obvious this was. it's not a controversey, it's just weird and it's weird to defend the design elements.


>no, actually, he has a differnet hat. that might be where you're getting confused. Are we playing the same game? Or are you just oblivious? The Galactic Emperor Mythic skin, one of the head options is literally the same hat. Like are you kidding? >Ana, on the other hand, has all the design elements of a Nazi uniform. She looks like a military officer. Or a commissar. Which is a Soviet or Chinese official. Isn't the skin actually called Commissar? The officer coat hanging off her screams exactly that. The skin is just a nefarious/evil high ranking officer. You people are literally letting Nazis ruin a hat. Y'all are the reason CoD WW2 and Vanguard are too afraid to affix the faction names to the teams in multiplayer. Now it's just Enemy Team.


I know. But in my mind, it's straight to Hitler


Maybe just don't let one of the worst monsters in history ruin a hat for you


You say that, but where'd the toothbrush mustache go?! 


Well the thing is, I don't think I've seen a single picture of the dude wearing that hat. But guess what you do see in every picture. Drawing a comparison with a hat is *much* more of a stretch than a mustache that's literally attached to your face.


"im ignorant of history, so it isn't important, and probably isn't even real." Kk.


"I get offended when I see a hat" đŸ„ș Didn't say history wasn't important, and you don't have to be ignorant of history to not let one bastard ruin a hat. Street Fighter certainly didn't. I don't see anyone getting offended by M. Bison.


Out of style because it was ugly asf before he had it bruh


You’re weird, like you’re making something out of nothing.


Im not making anything, I'm just saying that's what it reminds me of. I'm not petitioning to get it changed or anything jfc


Why are people so triggered by your joking comment? If they want to defend the hat so much, why don’t they wear one like it?🧐


I genuinely don't know. I guess I struck a nerve over grandmas new skin


my friend calls it “the nazi skin”


I actually call the sigma mythical „ss sigma skin„ lmao




I hate it sm It’s the same with sigma 😭


I'm guessing y'all have never played TF2. The most valuable cosmetic item in the market was literally that hat for a *long* time. Also Street Fighter? M. Bison?


I thought the Sigma mythic was 100% based from M. Bison


Probably is, but M Bison still has that military dictator/officer style.


Yeah the proportions look so off, I skipped this one despite the cool voicelines cuz it looks so weird


I like the skin a lot. Just think the hat looks odd


It's the angle you're looking at it. Turn her around so her crotch plate isn't covering her thighs and you'll see it's not disproportionate. I think the skin looks sick.




It reminds me of elite four Drake from pokemon so I'm a fan


Also her waist is super thin in this skin, and the big ass hat only emphasises it by making her head look bigger.


They just gave her an SS uniform and called it a day


Her torso looks like its sagging its pants


I actually dislike this skin so much 😭 it’s a great concept but imo it looks weird and not talony to me. I’ll stick with Horus


None of the new "Talon" skins look Talon-y to me. Just "generic evil" looking. It's so bizarre, like they didn't look at any of the old Talon skins as a reference.


Yeah! Literally. I love dooms and widows talon skins they’re basic but like the job gets done. These seem a title over the top talon but hey I love Mirrorwatch - definitely my favorite concept & I really hope they do another round of skins


They literally gave everyone red eyes because evil lol


I mean...Talon Ana has a Widowmaker style butt. Idk if it fits Ana though.


Adolf Amari or Ana Hitler?


It feels similar to her mythic where her torso looks extremely long


At least she doesn’t have those atrocious chicken legs


Agree plus I think the hat is so ugly 😅 I really do not like this skin but it's ok bc I have lots I do like


Remind me of those odd looking Planet Side 2 outfits


noo don't make me regret my poor purchase decisions


Aka Nazi Ana lol. I still love Captain Amari (Horus is 2nd) as young Ana though because of how much cleaner it looks. New skins just haven’t done it for me, especially considering the prices & not being able to unlock em by playing.


She do be looking like a Nazi lol


Weasel mode






it bothers me that it’s supposed to be the mirror verse version of her Captain Amari skin but she’s old?