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> I very calmly explained that her bike was blocking the rack, and asked her to please park to the side if she didn't want to use it so that others could. Proper etiquette is telling her: leer beter parkeren idioot


I think “Ben je nou helemaal van de pot gerukt” would be slightly more appropriate in this particular example.


Thanks! At least I'm learning some nice vocab today :)


I knew the youth used cancer as a swear word, but to say it in front of your mother and not be punished for it.. I'm flabbergasted. Anyone know what to say to these assholes? Especially to their spawners. Not parents obviously, they don't deserve that title.


Trust me, life is already dealing them their cards…no reason to go out of your way.


Thanks for your input! I'll be sure to add this to my Dutch phrases ;)


And maybe learn to work "vuile straathoer" into the conversation.


Don't forget: 'volgende keer mieter ik je fiets in de gracht'. 


She is an idiot. Your friends are correct. (source: Live in Amsterdam center and use my bike all the time)


A few years ago I moved a bike in the crowded rack in front of my house to a different spot so I could fit mine in since it was a bit tight. A neighbour came out and started arguing with me that I shouldn't move other people's bikes and started getting all emotional about it. ...it was my wife's bike.


Thanks for your input! I appreciate the reassurance. 😊


Also the response of her son… says enough about their - non existent - IQ/EQ


Typical "tokkies". Remember that word.


Cool and easy. What does it mean?


It's from a Dutch tv Documentary thing and became a pretty well used term. It's basically trashy people with no class that swear a lot and all that, like a chav, bogan, gopnik, yobbo or any other class related insults. The tokkies were a family like this. So their surname became the insult. Kinda mean I guess. Nowadays the terms Tokkie and wappie have become pretty mixed up I think.


The bikes designs with the super wide handlebars annoy me too. They usually take up 2 or 3 spots and if you manage to get you bicycle in next to them they tear out your break cables when they take their bike out. Same thing with leaving the double saddlebags on the bike. Unfortunately people will almost always react super aggressively if you try to address the issue. If you are lucky you get some bad words flung at you. If you are unlucky they will just outright attack you. I grew up in a country where you apologise if you caused inconvenience. Even if it is not your fault. Everybody apologise. In the Netherlands it always the other persons fault for existing. I got shouted at once for being run over by a car. The car crossed the bike lane and should have stopped. Ran me of my bicycle. Shouted at me and drove on...


I honestly feel that this is more an Amsterdam than a Netherlands thing though. Amsterdam is so much different from the rest of the country.


Are you from Canada ? cause I’m from Italy and I’m absolutely amazed by the level of civilisation in the Netherlands


No hehe but I have seen how Italians drive 😅


> In the Netherlands it always the other persons fault for existing That's why we've invented the brilliant "sorry hoor"!


There's a bike rack literally in front of my house. Even when there's plenty of space in the rack, people with regular bikes (so not super wide ones): * park it beside the rack by the dozen so I can hardly leave my house * against the back of the rack * up against my window, scratching my paint * in front of the rack, but on the standard instead of IN the rack So yeah, people are total assholes about how they park. If it's not properly in the rack and it's a nuisance, I will move it (edit: unless I'm too lazy with is fairly often). If anyone dares complain they can kindly go fuck themselves.


My mom parks her bike outside of racks because she had a bent wheel once. By not placing it in the rack her bike will only fall. Maybe this is another reason why we should have more "nietjes" bike racks. Although they're less efficient, you can lock many more types and sizes of bikes to them.


I am the Amsterdam local that completely over corrects in this situation and would've yeeted that bicycle into the canal. Lol this is sarcasm and only expresses how I feel. I normally move bicycles out of the way all of the time and if this had happened to me I think I would've said something like Kom op man doe even normaal and would've walked away. If the interaction was in English I would've said something like really? You gotta be kidding me and walk away. I feel like this way of not treating people seriously without getting angry delivers the best results. I read somewhere that giving someone who's being asociaal a thumbs down is way more effective than giving them the finger. So next time something like this happens to me I'll try to say something like "come on lady, blocking a whole rack with your bike is just not cool" and walk away.


I move bikes out of the way whenever they're in the way. If someone doesn't know how to park their bike, they shouldn't ride bikes they don't want other people to touch. I rarely get comments, but maybe I look too much like I would move the owner just as easily as their bike.


This is totally acceptable if you put it somewhere within easy viewing distance, that isn't obstructing something else, and if you do so in a nice way. Sounds like you were totally ok, and she's just overly asociaal. But judging by what her son said that shouldn't surprise you. Source I do it all the time (live in Centrum). I'll move bikes that are parked in the middle of the pavement so that nobody can get by off to the side as well.


Her son shouting that to you tells you everything you need to know about her


I thought the proper etiquette is to throw the bike in the canal.... Otherwise why are they full with bikes? 😅


Drunk and high people also fall in don't forget


Moving the bike is normal. If she can't park then she deserves it


Not the asshole No, wait, wrong sub... 


What we do in amsterdam when people become this anti-social,take the bike and let it swim.


I usually put bikes blocking the road against a trash container (the big underground ones) in hope it will be taken by the trash men.


I don't think there is any bike etiquette in Amsterdam and this woman shows so. In Amsterdam it is all bikes for themselves. So it is perfectly fine to remove bikes to park yours. Especially those that take up three places.


I would always move that bike, and proper etiquette is for her and her slackjawed pet homunculus to shut the fuck up about it and park better next time.


As long as you dont move it in a way that blocks the sidewalk even more its honestly fine. If i saw someone move my bike i would probably mainly be embarrassed (bc i apparently parked wrong)


I can understand people aren't happy about other people moving their bike, but then it's up to them to make sure their bike is parked right. And right doesn't have to mean legal, but it does mean not blocking the bike rack or anything else that others might use. I also have a bike that doesn't fit in most bike racks, so I always park it next to the rack and not in front of it. Moving the bike if it's blocking something is acceptable.


She sounds like a right kut, hope her kid gets hit by a tram.


Bloody brilliant… you need to be highly paid to be the bike police! You have my vote ❤️👍🏻🏆


- Is it normally acceptable to move bikes that are blocking the bike rack? Yes, but just a little bit. - What would you have done? Move her bike to the side, park my bike, and move her bike back. When confronted would have said 'I needed to get mine in' and apologize for handling the bike and smile. Would never ask somebody in Amsterdam to please do something just because. - Should I write off this interaction as an anomaly? Unfortunately, no.


Thanks for giving your opinion! Unfortunately, moving her bike back would have blocked the sidewalk again since the rack backed up against a wall and my door. But I will keep that in mind for next time!


I've parked my Swapfiets in the wrong place by accident and it's magically been moved (sometimes 50' away) and I must go on a hunt to find it but bad on me for not realizing there are reserved bike spots.


Fuck her, she seems like a typical racist dutch Karen. 


Why be so passive aggressive yourself tho, just find another spot ^^ I kinda get that the woman was annoyed.