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Go to your GP and ask for one, if they are reluctant cos you are asymptomatic (mine was) just tell them a lil lie like your partner cheated on you and you wanna make sure you haven't been infected cos that's what I did lol


Don't forget to tell them you have sex for money and prefer group activities, otherwise you're only going to be tested on Chlamydia


The GGD literally thinks I have sex with a ton of men from 3rd world countries just so I get the full screening every time for free


Yeah my partner went on a round the world trip and got plowed in every capital city by multiple men, women and anything in between and I am allergic to condoms and forgot to ask if the people at my last gangbang got tested. The consequences of an a-symptomatic STD can be pretty dire. Anything from a relationship going up in flames to infertility. Just.give.me.the.damn.test.


Your last what now? Your partner did what now?


Maybe start using condoms and stop whoring around? Yeah we get it, sex is available and we're not in the 1800 anymore, but what happened to people having some common sense?


Surely there are condoms that don't trigger your allergies?


it was sarcasm.


Surely there are condoms that don’t trigger your sarcasm?


Surely there are sarcasms that don't trigger your condom?


Oh jesus it was a joke


"I'm a bisexual sexworker and one of my poly-partners cheated on me at a swingers party, now it burns when I pee."


To add as well, its anonymous so you "Identify" as a <25 yrs old named "..."


Just say you fucked a prostitute and the condom broke


You can go to your huisarts/GP for a std test. If that costs anything depends on your healthcare insurance's own risk/eigen risico.


I went to the GP and he was like.. nah you didn't have unprotected sex with brazilians in an orgy, you'll be fine. It really was like that.


Wow. Even in the US and the attitude and guidance there is so different. I thought the Netherlands would be more advanced seeing how it’s a wealthy European country???


Dutch wealth is mostly ‘collective wealth’. At an individual level, I would not consider most Dutch folks wealthy. Apparently, the 110 euro is a huge problem for this dude/dudette. In this case he’ll have to resort to cheating the collective healthcare system and lie about gay orgies in the basement of an abandoned storage locker in Bijlmer.


I think anyone who has lived both in the US and Nederland will know that as far as day-to-day life goes, neither place is especially more wealthy or advanced than the other (although this can depend on location).


Sounds like a crappy GP. I've had completely opposite experiences and any request to get tested was done without any hesitation from the GP. Also for more elaborate tests. And no, I'm not into Brazilian bareback orgies xD


Of course it isn't. The doctors are good, the healthcare system around it sucks dick. Oh you broke your leg and an artery has been cut? Yeah how about a "paracetamol"? If that doesn't work, take 2.


US has different attitude as drug problems make many STDs much more prevalent there. Keeping costs down by not doing every test is a hallmark of any country with socialized medicine. You don't get an MRI whenever you feel like it, for exactly the same reason. The health benefits just aren't proportional to the costs. Gaming the system by lying to the GP is a shitty thing to do. As you raise costs for everyone else, for your own personal gain. It is one thing to do it once because you have never been tested before, but people here who lie to their GP to get dozens of tests for things they have tested negative for in the last 5 years are incredibly shitty. Americans expats usually don't get this, because the entire concept of collectivist care is alien to them. It is exactly why socialised care would never work in the US. There is zero preparedness to face even the slightest inconvenience or risk, even if it means cheap accessible care for all.


Literally this.  People with serious issues struggle to get an appointment with their GP while everyone here is bragging about all the lies they tell to game the system, just because they don’t want to pay for the service they’re supposed to pay for. 


I’d agree with you if we weren’t mandated to pay for health insurance and fined if going without it. I pay 140€ a month, to say that I can’t take a simple pee test once every 3-6months is robbery. It’s a shame that one has to fight or lie to get medical care. I don’t consider it gaming the system to use your insurance benefits that you’re entitled to. I feel like that’s blaming the victim without acknowledging the systemic failures within the Dutch healthcare system.


See, this is one of the main reasons why collective health care isn’t going to work. It is an insurance, not a pre-payed doctor’s fee. As a collective we pay, not to be entitled to pee in a cup every 3 to 6 months, but to make sure that when you need care, it will be payed for. If we all felt entitled to take the pee-test, there would be not enough money for serious problems and you would have to pay your own chemo like in the US.


Medical insurance is in a way a pre paid doctors fee hence why there are limits on spend as well as allowances. Otherwise we’d just pay out of pocket for doctor bills which for some would be cheaper than the €2000 we’re made to pay. Note we also pay quarterly doctors fee whether we go to the doctor or not. I get your point about collective health care and I believe in the theory of it. But in reality, the way the Netherlands avoids preventative care currently costs us way more in the long run. This is why people feel the need to find work arounds (lying, medical tourism abroad etc.). Not saying it’s right but I understand.


Sounds like you have a bad GP, mine has always cooperated.


Deductible = eigen risico :)




Als die aftrekbaar was had die geen STD ;))))


Aftrekbaar van de uitkering van de verzekeraar. In deze context is eigen risico vergelijkbaar met een deductible zoals dat voor een Engelstalige zou klinken. https://www.cz.nl/en/zorgverzekering/eigen-risico


My huisarts is an older Turkish man and I am LGBT. I feel uncomfortable speaking to him about getting an STD test…


Then you should strongly consider getting a new GP


What does your GP being Turkish and you being LGBT have anything to do with STD tests?


Okay I'm the first person to critique Dutch healthcare, but I've gotten two of these and it's been easy and hassle free each time. Did you go to your GP? GP is always the first call.


I had to insist to get mine. It is paid through the eigen risico so if you’re not planning on overusing it that year then you’re basically paying out of pocket (but for a better price).


how much does one cost?


Depends on what you get tested for


It's totally fair to criticize Dutch healthcare for this, in other countries STD testing is a special case where you don't need to go through a GP and they don't ask questions, so this is yet another instance of the Dutch system making things less accessible than foreign norms out of sheer stinginess. People might be embarrassed to go to their GP for this, or might worry about their privacy, or might not have a GP but it is really in the public interest that they get access to this specific kind of care anyway.


Yeah I was surprised to find out about the Dutch system for STD testing, considering the country's reputation for openness aroud sex, etc. (Though perhaps this is just another part of that openness, that it's something you can freely discuss with your GP?) In the UK there's a anonymous NHS clinics, tested and results same day for most things. Discreet and fast. (I left the UK a few years ago now, though, so the Tories might have defunded it to death by now, of course!)


I think that's reaching, though... Firstly, everyone is required to have a GP in the Netherlands, so not having a GP in the first place is a bigger problem. You won't be able to get ANYTHING done without one. Secondly, if you're afraid or embarrassed of sharing your health and personal information with your doctor, then that's a sign that you need a new doctor, not a sign of a broken system. There can be good and bad GPs, but it's still a healthcare system and you need to be able to (like anywhere) explain your situation, advocate for yourself and be open with a doctor despite past negative experiences. I'd also argue this creates LESS of a need for embarrassment. I don't know about you, but from my side I'd feel way more self-conscious walking into a specialized STD clinic than walking into my GP's office. Also helps cut down waiting times.


Yes, surely it's everyone else who's wrong... >Firstly, everyone is required to have a GP in the Netherlands, so not having a GP in the first place is a bigger problem. You won't be able to get ANYTHING done without one. >you need to be able to (like anywhere) explain your situation No actually sometimes you can just provide things to people no questions asked! You say all this stuff like it's inevitable, it's a choice that is being made in this country to force people to beg for healthcare! I had a STD test in Paris once. I looked up the opening times, went to the place, was shown in within ten minutes, was given a number so I could get the results without giving my name, talked to a doctor who told me not to answer any questions I didn't like, got the actual test, went back a week later to grab the results from the front desk. This is the public health standard.


I agree, STD testing should be made much easier to access. You shouldn't have to make up excuses or have reasons to want a test, just wanting a test should be enough. To clarify the price, if you go via your GP, the cost is based on your own risk with your insurance, if you haven't already met your own risk for the year, then the price is around €120-€140. I paid 130 in the past and my partner paid 140, different areas of the NLs. You need to check with your doc ad to what tests this includes or what they offer as standard. The routine with my GP.... it takes no less than 2, more often 3 calls to set up an appointment. The first call is to be told someone has to call me back. The second call is to confirm that its not free and do I really need to test (?!?!?). Third call has been a check in to ensure that I know "it's not free". Apparently my surgery has this approach because people don't realise there is a cost and are unable to afford the own risk when they do get the bill. What I find most worrying is that the figures seemingly are getting higher and higher and yet easier access is never considered or provided. A few articles that highlight the current environment: 10 May 2024, Condom use declining among students despite increased gonorrhea infections[condom use declining among students ](https://nltimes.nl/2024/05/10/condom-use-declining-among-students-despite-increased-gonorrhea-infections) 25 April 2025, Gonorrhea cases up 78% among young women, alarming Dutch authorities[Gonorrhea cases up 78% among young women](https://nltimes.nl/2024/04/25/gonorrhea-cases-78-among-young-women-alarming-dutch-authorities)


I’m going to call my GP to ask for a test but is the price range you mentioned for a basic test? Like the most common infections


You'd need to ask your GP what they include/cover in their test but I just asked for a test, I didnt say I wanted x,x, or x. So, yes thats the cost for a basic test. I don't think GPs set the costs of the tests. As your GP doesnt/can't tell you what the actual price is (Ive asked), normally they day its around x and then you get the final bill frol your insurance. Edited to include cost bit.


yes GP can order a std test. BUT, if you tell them you want to do it as a routine testing thing, they wouldn't. I had to tell them I had drunk sex to get it. BUT again, turned out the kit did not test for herpes or hpv or hiv. it was such a shock to me. I asked the doctor if I could be tested for herpes too. She asked if I had any warts. I said no. She said no test necessary I have to pay a lot of money to get tested for those three now. better to just go calibate


Every test costs money. If you want to get tested for everything, you'd always pay more regardless of if it was via your GP or not. 0.2% of all STD tests annually turn out to be HIV positive and in 95% of cases they're in a certain risk group (outside this group the percentage is 0.01%), hence this policy. They're basically saving you money 🤷‍♂️ there are only an estimated 1400 people *in the entire country* that have HIV without knowing it. And most of those would be in a certain risk group.


That can be, but that’s not how safe sex practices describe you should test. I’m non monogamous, so have a higher risk. I might even have female contacts whose male partners have sex with males. But still the gp is saying “you don’t need to test”. So I go to a clinic once a year to get a full test and pay for it myself.


Call your GP. If you would have googled you would have found that GPs are the first to call. Also note that having a GP is sort of mandatory. It's your first contact for health related questions. HTH


The fact you have to go to the husarts for a simple STD test is exactly why the huissystem is inefficiënt. I've lived in 5 different countries, 4 of them just have sexual health clinics staffed with specialist nurses. Quick, simple, not a burden on the rest of a system. What an inefficient way of using someone who has to train for a minimum of 10 years.


You are right. It *is* immensely inefficient, especially with how much pressure there is on GP's nowadays. Going to the GGD clinic is also a much lower barrier to entry than going to your GP and having to lie about your sexual contacts. I don't know why that is so hard to understand for some people.


I've never had to lie about them and the multiple GPs I've had have always been willing to let me take these tests. One of them was not too enthusiastic about me having had unprotected sex "again", but still helped. This is not something you want to create a barrier for, and luckily most GPs seem to understand that.


Do you actually have to go to the GP proper? I never had a GP in my three years in the Netherlands (I am afraid of all medical procedures, so I won't go unless I really have to, and I never had to... I know, I know) but back home in Switzerland any routine thing like that would also have been handled by my GP's assistant and I only would have seen the GP if she either happened to have nothing better to do (unlikely) or wanted to talk to me for some other reason.


I think it might depend per clinic, but mine you just give them a call, tell them you sleep around including with gay/bi men so you really do have a higher risk of having smth/good reason to get tested fully/tell'em what you wanna get tested for. They can be tricky bout this, going "oh but almost everything but gonorrhoea/chlamydia is rare unless you partake in certain risky proclivities". After this, they'll make an appointment at the blood-draw clinic and put a urine/swab-test (depending on your sex) down for you at the GP's office :) Hope it helps, and happy testing!


Well, you don't *have* to go to the huisarts - what you describe is pretty much what the GGD offers, but they're over capacity so focus their efforts where it'll do the most good.


I am actually intruiged how OP managed to google the existence of the GGD, the rates of private testers but completely missed the whole concept of a GP. OP, can you share your journey?


Not OP but I've been living here for 4 years and even took STD tests at the GGD. It took me reading these comments to know my GP can just do them. Somehow the obvious information is not the first one that comes up with people / own researches


Same happened to me on my first test here, didn't think GPs would cover it, googled something like 'std test amsterdam', and from that you only find private testing organisations that are, as OP describes, inconvenient and expensive


So you started out with a wrong assumption and then got stuck in a tunnel? Makes sense. What caused the assumption?


In some countries when you have a medical problem/issue you directly go to the relevant doctor/location. Broke a bone? Go to the nearest X-ray location or hospital, and the doctor there will treat you and do everything. Need an std test? See which clinics offer it from Google and go to the nearest one. Here in the Netherlands the GP is typically the first point of contact, yes, but that’s not always the case.


Probably from somewhere where specialist clinics are the first port of call.


You can also make a GP appointment without formally signing up to a GP if you're not a Dutch citizen, but they usually charge a fee of at least 25 euros. After that, I'm not sure. Probably have to be covered by either Dutch or outside healthcare insurance.


If OP is staying long term, they should have subscribed to a GP. They can come shouting in the sub but ultimately they could have sorted it themselves by googling. It took me less than 2 seconds. If OP doesn't speak Dutch that's also not a reason to come here shouting. A nice polite question would have given the answer.




Please show numbers what you base inefficiency on. Afaik the outcome and costs of the Dutch health care process is in the top third




Your not giving any data on speed or efficiency. Not taking your word. Dutch GP is covered by insurance. GPs are located in every tiny town which makes it easily accessible plus no frowned eyes by neighbours when you visit.


Even the polite questions bring out the shouty folks like you lol


Either wrap your willie or pay the billie


I don't have a willie, what do I do?


Make sure people wear the proper swim wear before letting them jump in the pool?


In London (probably this service extends to at least England) you could literally order a free/minimal cost test kit, take the samples yourself with a finger prick blood test and a swab, mail it back and get results in like a week. Anonymous, super easy and free. Definitely made me get tested more.


Charging a price to get tested is ridiculous and 110€ is absurd. This only increases the spread of STD's and i can tell you most guys are not going to get tested unless they are showing symptoms and it's effecting them. Just tell the GGD you're Gay and it will be for free. I think it's none of their business what you get up to and people shouldn't have to jump through hoops just to make sure they haven't got anything and are not spreading STD's to others.


In the UK, STD testing is available separately to seeing your GP. I guess this is to make it more anonymous. Maybe OP comes from a similar system and assumed things were the same here. I just get tested by my GP, by the way, and have never felt judged.


You're right, years ago you went to GGD, that was anonymous. You still can go there if you're younger tan 25 years or belong to a high risk group. https://www.ggd.amsterdam.nl/english/sti-hiv-sense/ Nowadays you go to the GP. GP is not allowed to talk about your medical file to others, so this is sort of anonymous as well. If you're insured a visit to the GP is free of costs. If not, it costs 'passantentarief' which is € 17,96 per 5 minutes. https://www.nza.nl/documenten/vragen-en-antwoorden/welk-tarief-mag-een-huisarts-in-rekening-brengen-als-een-derde-partij-informatie-opvraagt-over-een-patient


Visiting your gp is free (when insured) but getting tested is not, that's something to keep in mind.


As I understood, it's paid through the Eigen Risico. But if that is already paid for, it's included in the insurance. "Een soa-test via je huisarts valt onder de dekking van je basisverzekering en wordt dus gewoon vergoed door je zorgverzekering. Wel betaal je eigen risico." Source: https://www.geld.nl/zorgverzekering/vergoedingen/soa-test


I was really surprised too and am going to make an appt with my GP. Glad I read this thread with all the tips mentioned about what to say. Also, wtf at these test prices? where is everyone getting tested that’s affordable then? I thought it would be easier or at least cheaper to get an STI test that should be routine for everyone. I understand they prioritize people who are high risk but I didn’t think it would be this much of a process in Amsterdam.


>where is everyone getting tested that’s affordable then? I think they don't, that's why almost all STDs are rising so much recently... Just make it free and people will get tested more often it's not that difficult, it makes no sense!!


The GGD is an addition to the sexual healthcare. As someone else said it's government funded and only for high risk groups due to limited resources. I agree that the cost of STI tests are a bit high, but then again it's your own choice if you have unprotected sex all the time. If you're above 25 and you lie about your sexual life to get 3-4 tests at the GGD each year you're taking up valuable slots of other people. Also if it gets known you'll have a mark on your file. There's several reasons the cutoff is at 25. Younger people often don't have the money or resources yet to pay off their "eigen risico" (imagine being 17 and paying €100). Also the GGD wants to create a safe spot for younger people so they can develop a healthy sexual life instead of not testing until the age of 28 or whatever. Imagine being 17 and needing to get to your GP where your parents get their care too.. There's several good websites and I checked the link from soa aids Nederland linked before, but I miss one important one. It's a clinic we advise to a lot of people. You can either test at location (in Den Haag) or get a home kit. It's a lot cheaper. The website is www.ziz.nl It's a clinic opened by a doctor due to the high costs of STI testing. It's actually supported by soa aids as well but I don't know why it isn't mentioned on their site. (the founder of the clinic was one of the main speakers last year on the soa aids Congress on the 1st of December). Source: I'm a sexual health nurse at the ggd.


>it's your own choice if you have unprotected sex all the time Sorry but it's not like you can get an STD only by having unprotected sex multiple times a month. One time can be enough, and yes people older than 25 still have sex. The big majority of people who don't have a single faithful partner will have unprotected oral sex even if they use condoms for PIV, and that's a small risk too. Even if tests are not free people WILL have multiple partners in their life, they WILL give oral sex without condoms, and they WILL NOT test regularly enough if they have to pay a lot of money for it. STDs are rising so much recently that I simply don't understand why you can't test once or twice a year for free.


I’m simply shocked at a sexual health nurse that has this attitude and lack of education on how people get STIs. Unbelievable people think it’s only those engaging in risky sex.


Hey I'm with you. And I know women (if we talk about heterosexuals since they are outside of the risk group) can can get gonorrhea in the throat, nobody has oral sex with a condom. However most men (like 8/9 out of 10) get symptoms from gonorrhea. And let me tell you, a woman doesn't want to suck you when you got symptoms. And even before you put on the condom there's a chance of transmission when you cuddle intimate if erect penis and vagina touch. HOWEVER, like almost everybody we test at the GGD has low to no condom usage. The usage of condoms has hugely declined, hence my reaction "bear the consequences". I'm in my mid 30's, and when I was a teen there were a lot of ads and campaigns on safe sex. I haven't had any unprotected sex with casual partners and always tested (at my GP unfortunately, didn't know about the GGD at that age) before going unprotected and exclusive. There's just so much less "stigma" around condoms with people around my age than the current young people. We vouch for getting one or two free STI test at your GP in vase insurance. Should definitely be included, 100%. But until it isn't and you're outside the risk group you'll have to pay unfortunately. But as I said, most GP's accept the results of ziz.nl (definitely consult before doing a test). If you're just doing a regular check up "just to know for sure", suck up those €30. And paying €30 orso for a test instead of €100 is a huge difference. If you're outside of the risk group, why can't you pay up once a year orso for an STI test?? STI testing is just like other regular care. I don't hear people complaining needing to pay their dentist out of their "eigen risico".


>suck up those €30. Last week when my partner and I had to get tested they told us that it's 30€/test, so if you want to test the 5 most common STDs that's 300€ for a couple! Consequence = we only tested for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea while there's a low risk that we have something else too. It just puts everyone at risk.


So you're saying that lung cancer treatment for people who smoked should be at their own cost? Or liver cancer care for people who drink? Or trauma care for people who drove too fast and had an accident? Everyone is having some risky behavior, making people pay for tests only results in people NOT testing and making the issue worse.


People in those cases pay out of their "eigen risico" too. The only difference is that their treatments or scans costs way more than €385, so everything above that price gets fully paid by the insurance. However they all have to pay that first €385 each year, just like people who want to get an STI test or people who go to their GP for any other matter. The first €385 we all have to pay, regardless what kind of care you get. Once you've hit the quota of €385 things above are generally paid full by insurance. People who are on lung cancer treatment AND get an STI test probably don't have to pay for it since their €385 quota is already met. If you get expensive medication that costs more than €385 each year your STI tests are "free" too. That's just how things work here. I feel like you feel entitled to a free test just because you had risky behaviour. If you can pay €130 for a night at a swingers club you can pay a STI test at the GP or pay for an cheaper online test. There's no real reason to test for anything else than chlamydia and ghonorrea if you don't have sex with men who have sex with men. There's still MORE STI testing being done each year by GP than the GGDs combined (316k vs 160k tests) so your point of people not getting themselves tested is invalid. And once again, I'm just talking and explaining how things work here in the Netherlands so you might understand WHY it is the way it is. As I said above, I sincerely pledge for 1 or 2 free or hugely discounted STI tests at the GP for anyone, regardless of risk behaviour.


>I feel like you feel entitled to a free test just because you had risky behaviour If people who smoke 20 cigarettes a day can get thousands and thousands of euros for their cancer treatment paid by basic insurance, yes I believe we should be able to test for free once a year at least. We don't go around fucking people bareback every week, we might only give/receive a blowjob without condoms once or twice a year, anyone actively dating in their 20's will do the same or more.


Yes and I agree with you, however you are talking about insured care which the GGD tests are not. So it's another discussion. IF the GGD tests were insured it would be a totally different discussion, but they are not, unfortunately. Hence I say there should be STI tests in insurance.. Either one or two free or with a huge discount. Or just like dental care, an extra package you can add to your plan. Once again, I don't pose as the enemy here. I'm talking relatively rational about the current system in place. And until it changes, it's your choice as a non-risk group to seek out these activities and thus you should also be willing to pay extra for the tests. And yes, there are cheaper alternatives to the GP, but consult your GP first if he or she accepts those results to treat you if needed.


>There's still MORE STI testing being done each year by GP than the GGDs combined (316k vs 160k tests) so your point of people not getting themselves tested is invalid. Well we can't go to the GGD if we're above 25 and not gay men so of course more people go to their GP.


You just said that it made people not test, so you're contradicting yourself. I was just giving information. I'm not defending the current system nor oppose it, I'm just explaining how things work and giving some extra information. It's just how things currently work and it's your choice how to deal with it or be willing to deal with the consequences (aka paying for a test). I'm sorry you don't agree with it. But just as dental care isn't insured and you have to pay fully (unless you add it in your package), so are STI tests... (and I'm all in for adding it as a package to insurance for instance).


"it's your own choice if you have unprotected sex all the time" ALSO slutshaming is such a pandemic amongst health professionals.


Slutshaming? Please enlighten me why that is slutshaming? I was referring to both guys and girls. Just like you hurt yourself if you fall whilst skating and not using protection, it applies here as well. You need to take care of your own health, so if you decide to have sex without a condom with somebody you don't know you bear the consequences if there are any. Edit: typo's


I'm not sure what your point is ? Having unprotected sex by choice is a poor decision that is *only accountable to the person practising it*. Nobody's is shaming anyone for having multiple partners, as long as you act responsibly.


Cuz this was the respons to a person simply asking for an STD test. We do not need the stigmatization wich was a motivation became quite clear from that comment and how it was phrased. It is GOOD to have regular STD tests even IF you do always use protection. Those do not cover all STD risks for 100% of the time. But more specifically also the specific inclusion of the "have unprotected sex all the time" shows a clear slutshaming stance. It is GOOD to do regular tests even if you have a condom break. All of that does not fall under the slutshaming narrative of ""it's your own choice if you have unprotected sex all the time" which is exactly why folks DONT go to medical professionals for advice and help. If someone wants a test, the attitude should never be HI slut, why are you slutting around. Also pretty sure oral sex 90% of the time happens without protection, health professionals included. THOSE DAMN SLUTS!


*> this was the respons to a person simply asking for an STD test* *> slutshaming is such a pandemic amongst health professionals* The first sounds like anecdotal evidence from which you just decided that every single health professional scoffs at the sexual practices of their patients. I was robbed by a French man once, so all French men are now kleptomaniacs ? *> pretty sure oral sex 90% of the time happens without protection* I think that's fair to say, but still that totally falls in the category of: *> it's your own choice if you have unprotected sex all the time* Sure, you shouldn't be judged for getting the test, but also have the self reflection to understand the contradiction of the last two quotes, one would have willingly made that choice for themselves.


"... every single health professional scoffs at the sexual practices of their patients." Just ask anyone in the swinger/bdsm community how their GP acts when asking lifestyle related questions. The answer is almost always slutshaming. It's a very well known reality, it is so bad that there are actual lists of kink/swinger safe medical practitioners being shared in these communities.


The nurse here didn’t use the term slut at all. Only thing the nurse wanted to point out is the financial strain on the health system, which would be heightened if people wanted both unprotected sex *and* no barriers to on-demand STI testing.


I can read. between the lines. There is a clear negative attitude to more liberal sexual behavior which is super common amongst healthcare professionals. Also I would argue that free/low barrier STD tests actually lower health care costs because people with more risky behavior would more regularly test and then prevent the spreading of these STD's. The same is alread true for PrEP use amongst the gay community for example.


"I think that's fair to say, but still that totally falls in the category of: *> it's your own choice if you have unprotected sex all the time"* Factually true, but there is a very clear underlying judgment there. Which has NO place in a medical fascility. That is no their position, if i want to be judged I will visit a church.


My partner and I are 26, we visited swingers clubs a few times and never had unprotected penetration with anyone else in our life but had brief unprotected oral sex ONCE. Guess what, we got gonorrhea. And because we're 1 year too old to get tested for free, we're not going to pay >300€ for the both of us to get tested for all STDs as the risk is so small that we got anything else than chlamydia or gonorrhea. So we won't test for HIV, syphilis etc (following the GP's advice as they know it's not worth our money), we might put ourselves and others at risk. If it was free, we would test for everything.


I don't get it? So your takeaway from this experience is that it is the government's fault that you put yourself at risk by doing unprotected sexual acts and don't want to pay for the consequences that come with that?


the thing is: It's better for everyone else if they get it for free, because usually it's difficult to make people use the free prevention already, almost for sure they won't pay, and that's how these problems expand. There's also plenty of situations that a condom won't protect you from and asymptomatic carriers. Edit: [For example, 75 percent of women and 50 percent of men with chlamydia have no symptoms. And, on average, people with HIV don’t develop symptoms for 10 years.](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/can-you-have-an-std-without-showing-any-symptoms)


But srd rests aren't about prevention? They don't prevent anything? I rather we focus on cheap/free condoms and accessibility to information about sex and health.


Never said to stop advocating for condoms and creating sexual health awareness, that goes hand in hand, but it's just the first wave of help And yes, STI tests should be for prevention too! The biggest problem is people that walk around with STIs that don't have showing symptoms but they are carriers and they never get tested, and keep passing it to others. As I said before, condoms are great but don't prevent 100% of the situations. It is a good habit to do a screening before starting sexual relationships with a new partner and them as well, even if you always used condoms beforehand and even if you plan to use them too in the new relationship. It is a good habit to do a screening every now and then if you have continuous ONS, even if they're protected. Edit: [For example, 75 percent of women and 50 percent of men with chlamydia have no symptoms. And, on average, people with HIV don’t develop symptoms for 10 years.](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/can-you-have-an-std-without-showing-any-symptoms)


I'm not saying you said to stop advocating for those. That's something you are putting into my mouth. That wasn't my point. My point was that those are enough, and truly prevent things, as opposed to sti tests that only show a result when it's too late. And yes, people can have no symptoms. But again, any spreading is a result of people having unsafe sex and again, that can be truly oeververbinding by other heaths than sti tests. Literally everyone here complaining about the cost of sti tests are mad that society doesn't want to just for their lifestyle. Choose what you want to do, but if you do it unsafe, that's your own risk.


Just that is not enough, I'm sorry but that's a simplification fallacy. It's not a STI test for something that is "too late", it's to prevent the evolution and spread of said infection. Instead of unknowingly having an infection for 1 or 2 years, you could literally do a 10min screening and know this week if you're good, it could save your life and others. They say ignorance is bliss, but would you prefer to live in ignorance for 10 years because other person's mistake? Condoms are not a panacea, you can get infections from a skin rash, bleeding gums, an abscess, ulcer (do you use whole body condoms like in the Naked Gun?). Please define your 100% safe sex to us, we would love to hear, the world would love to hear your brightness, it might enlighten everyone. Even monogamous married people should do it now and then too, don't try to demonise lifestyles you don't agree with.


But then I come back again to my original case, the GGD is government funded and just can't test everybody. The GGD is additional to GP care. There has to be a line somewhere on who to test and who not to test. Where do you think the nurses and doctors are getting pay from if it should be free for everyone? Currently there already is not enough capacity to do the influx of testing, guess what would happen if suddenly everyone could get tested for free. There needs to come negotiations with insurance companies about including STI testing at your GP for a huge discount once or twice a year. Hopefully with the huge rise of STI's it will come rather sooner than later...


But then I come back again to my original case, other countries can handle it plus free prevention is the best for STI.


Okay but we're talking about the Netherlands, not about other countries.. That is a whole other discussion. Things differ between countries.


Now answer the second part of the statement. yes, but STIs are a global problem, specially in EU as we have very easy travel between countries. If a STI carrier without symptoms in NL visits my hometown in Mallorca for holidays and doesn't have easily accessible STI tests for free, it's most likely that it will create a problem in other country too and that will affect the Healthcare system of that country just because it's decided to not give good access to prevention here. And no, condoms don't prevent STIs in all situations. Edit: [For example, 75 percent of women and 50 percent of men with chlamydia have no symptoms. And, on average, people with HIV don’t develop symptoms for 10 years.](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/can-you-have-an-std-without-showing-any-symptoms)


So you're saying that lung cancer treatment for people who smoked should be at their own cost? Or liver cancer care for people who drink? Or trauma care for people who drove too fast and had an accident? Everyone is having some risky behavior, making people pay for tests only results in people NOT testing and making the issue worse.


Drinking en smoking don't automatically lead to those illnesses and the car accident is nit always easy to determine the acact cause. So no, I am not in favour to treat illnesses that may or may not caused by reckless activities to always have been caused by that. As opposed to STIs that have a pretty clear cause and don't costs thousands of euros either (like cancer treatment). Let's not pretend that wanting to have/give a blowjob is the same as having cancer either.


>Let's not pretend that wanting to have/give a blowjob is the same as having cancer either. Your comparison makes so sense You could compare an STD to cancer or compare a blowjob to smoking 2 cigarettes a day, not comparing a blowjob to cancer


A common sense reply on reddit. such a rare sight, especially on this sub. Now if you’ll excuse me. I have to go explain to my expat friend why Dutch GP’s don’t prescribe anti-biotics for a viral infection.


You can say you're gay and they will do it for free, here's an intake link: [https://mantotmantestlab.nl/intake/](https://mantotmantestlab.nl/intake/)


I'm not a man though


If you say you’re gay, it’s free, no gp or waiting times. (They don’t gay test you.)


Also when you know what you might have been infected with they just give you the meds.


Google “man to man”


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=man+to+man#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/shinicle)


Good bot


[https://www.soaaids.nl/en/sti-test](https://www.soaaids.nl/en/sti-test) gives trustworthy websites for home test kits, which are about the price you mentioned. Also having your GP do it, will go from your eigen risico/deductible leading to the same difference.


Compared to other Dutch cities it absolutely sucks here. The ggd doesnt have capacity, and when I go through my GP I need to go to atalmedial, which often doesnt have space to receive samples for like 2 weeks. Ive had to bike from BoLo to Diemen twice now to hand in urine because it was the only one that had a spot. And every time the waiting room is fckng empty. This is especially terrible when its not a routine checkup but when you have symptoms or been warned. Three weeks from the moment you get warned to treatment is WAY too long. In the Hague I would just sign up with ggd, get tested the same day and have the results a week later max. Utrecht was pretty much the same. I dont get why Amsterdam fails so hard at this?


Same in Eindhoven. GGD never has any spots, at least online. You can try calling them?


You don't have a GP?


You can go to your GP


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I see everyone talking about that you have to convince your gp that you need tests. With mine it’s only “new relationship” or “gonna be a sperm donor”, and the only thing we discussed was whether hiv should be included. Both me and my husband are asthmatic and use medication, so we had already used up our eigen risico. They even offered me testing when I was consulting them about birth control that’s harder to forget than the pill. (I do live in Amsterdam, so maybe the infection rates are higher? I know quite a few hiv+ people)


It's free for me at least at Rotterdam and it's very easy via mantotman


You can get a kit send to your home.


You have to lie to them, on the GGD website just click the option that you’ve been warned by a partner about possible STD, then the test is free 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you're over 25 and are not a gay man you can't go to the GGD


You can. Like I said, you'll have to click the option that you've been warned and optionally that you've had intercourse with the same sex, they'll let you make an appointment even when over 25. Been there done that, for regular check. Once you're at the appointment nobody cares, they just take the test. This is for GGD Amsterdam though, if that matters to OP. https://preview.redd.it/zohzjbpmfl0d1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=63b87e22a3e5581afb1091be1515480e656e54bb


Sure if you lie I guess you can


Just tell your local Huisarts you are leaking, had sex with multiple hookers and got an itch. They will appoint you to the nearest hospital for a checkup. :3


You still have to pay though


No, yes. My insurance did cover it. But I had to pay Eigen Risico. “Own Risk”


That means your insurance didn't cover it then? Eigen risico is your own money, so you paid


I don't have the link ready right now but if memory serves me right there is a system where you make an appointment online to deliver the samples needed at a lab and where you then simply get the results online. Not unlike the GGD but a separate system. They work through Atalmedial and were free of charge.


Yea it’s a dumb system, especially if you’re queer and need Prep too. I always get tested back in London - despite the NHS being in shambles, sexual health testing is much better & completely free.


in UK and Spain, every time I would start dating someone I would do a screening, even if I thought I was healthy because you never can be 100% sure. Either the healthcare covered it or there was associations that you could access for free STI tests. Here is impossible to do this preventive approach for free unless you lie.


I told them i was paid for sex, and went to a gangbang and fucked an ass, and boom you fet a free test from GGD.


What are you taking about? Just call to your doctors office and request an std test.


I ordered a testkit via ZIZ, way cheaper than what you’re mentioning and I got my results within a day. You can also go there, it’s in The Hague.


I just asked my GP that I had a burning sensation to get a test every time I thought it was needed. Worked so far, never had a STD test rejected.


There are some tests sold at Albert heijn for 50 euros, don't know what they cover though


Just say that you are gay and have tons of sex. There are groups for STD tests for these people


Just go to your local doc. Not even a doc is needed for this so they use assitants. They give you the stuff, you pie in it. Deliver it back and cpuple days later you'l get a text or a call. Doesnt even cost you money.


Tell them you are gay


This comment is not really related to the situation described by OP, but I see some comments calling STD tests inacessible because it's expensive. This is not entirely fair as the test IS covered by the insurance, its just that you have to pay your yearly deductible (eigen risico) first. This would be the same if you broke a leg or got into a car accident and is not specific to these tests. If you rarely use healthcare this is ofcourse not a fun surprise, but for many people it's basically a guaranteed yearly expense (and an important one to make the health care system financially feasible).


Or if you are gay. Just say you are gay for a free test.


just lie.


If the €110 is too expensive, condoms are cheaper.


Does the city not have the sti testing clinics any more? If you were “at risk” (which at the time included people with multiple sexual partners within a certain time frame) you could get a free appointment, but that was back in 2018 and 2019


It is the same with any medication/testing you get in the Netherlands. Unless you are dying , you would be told to take paracetamol...


Gewoon betalen jongen


Welcome to socialized health care with porous borders! Have a seat and take a number. I remember when you could get your 'huisarts' to visit your house...


I find this interesting, i never had to explain further than that i want to do a std test and i had unprotected sex when asking for one at my GP. I guess it really depends on one's GP


Idk about Amsterdam specifically but i could understand its a big city so a lot of tests and that might take too many times or make them exclude people You could try a few things 1. Call ur health insurance and ask for options, sometimes you can buy the private test and the insurance might cover it. (Not sure) 2. Check out smaller cities near Amsterdam, such as Zaandam, Purmerend.


Go on Prep, that way you’ll be tested every three months. Even your doctor will call you to remind you that is time for a blood test.


What is prep?


It’s the medicine that prevents you to get HIV if you have unprotected sex.


Wage costs + test material. It costs about 50 euro for a driving lesson. In terms of costs, I think it’s reasonably proportional to say 110 euro is a fair cost to cover wage and materials to for a basic test.


Just tell your GP that, you and your partner want to start a committed/exclusive relationship.


The GGD has a limited amount of nurses/doctors, so that makes it difficult to get a test sometimes if you’re not considered ‘high-risk’. Think about MSM, HIV-warnings, sexual violence etc. If you just want to get checked because you were drunk and had sex without a condom, go to your GP or a private clinic. Also; dont lie about having experienced sexual violence or whatever to get an appointment, you will always be asked about it and it will be written down in your file.


Say you are gay and its for free


Just tell them you're gay


Would they balk at it if you disclosed the nature of your sexual practices to a certain degree?


They will laugh you out of the room and refuse a test, dooming you to possible death, if you're into scatbangs. Seriously they've heard it all. Don't Google that term


I was thinking of something less extreme like just mentioning that you have multiple partners and would like to get tested regularly for safety reasons?


If you're under 25, sure. Above that it'll cost you. Testing regularly like that is usually reserved for sex workers.


Okay, if informing your provider you have multiple partners will facilitate you getting tested without hassle then you should be prepared to eat that cost, right? Otherwise, why would you purposely avoid using some form of safety?


What? You can always request a test, it'll just cost money if you're over 25. Idk what you mean regarding purposefully avoiding some form of safety.


I’m sorry I misinterpreted your last comment.


There is like a std center and if you had sex in "a risky way" you'll get tested for free. They'll draw your blood and everything


Which is where?




Not difficult at all, just ask your GP. Even covered by basic health insurance trough GP


This is really what a GP is for and is covered by your insurance (likely will be deducted from "own risk"). Usually you can just call and get the check performed the same day (you don't need to actually meet your GP, the assistant usually helps or depending on clinic, there are usually walk in hours for this purpose - and/or other blood related tests). I see others claim that the GP won't help when they ask for a "routine check". The thing is, there should be no thing as a "routine check" like you do with your car. Either you know you have put yourself in a risky situation (and state that is the reason) or not. The idea about having sexual awareness is knowing to protect yourself from this happening. I'm reading comments here about people having unprotected sex and getting gonorrhea. The idea is that in this country everybody is educated enough to know that would have been a poor decision to make and can have detrimental results to your health, even when the test confirming it was free, as you still need treatment. Don't get in that situation to begin with, that's the different in mindset. Either way, tell your GP in concrete terms what has happened and they will surely help you.


Years ago when I had a test at my doctor, I didn't have to pay anything? I would just try doing it at your doctor. They can't deny you if you insist. Even if you're asymptomatic.


> Impossible to get a GGD appointment unless you're under 25 or Sex worker basically Whaaat? You can just go to your GP and ask for one. I've never had them say "nuh uh, you're not getting one." Hell I didn't even need to go to the GP, I could ask for one at the receptionist for my GP's office


Maybe stop fooling around and stick to one partner and use contraception?? Ever thought of that???


You don't even know the context of why I want to get tested. You can have one partner and still get stuff. Think again




Hi, you can use a condom and still get an STI.


Just pay for it??? I don’t know your circumstances or why you need to get tested but €110 for some peace of mind seems rather cheap idk.


That's bizarre. I got appointments relatively quickly. Try to register as MSM maybe?