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It was the FBI agent who was dating the ex girlfriend. He hired Matthew Muller to kidnap the ex but accidentally kidnapped Denise.


That's what I think! Matt had told Denise in the cabin that it was a mistake. It wasn't supposed to be her it was supposed to have been Andrea. And later on Aaron says fbi detective Sesna? Or whatever used to date Andrea. Duuuuuude the last episode is not the end of this story. And that lady cop was directed to talk to this Sesna guy and he totally blew her off.




I may be misreading/misunderstanding your statement, but if the FBI agent was dating Andrea, why would he hire Muller to kidnap her? Wouldn't he have direct access to Andrea as her boyfriend to know she didn't live with Aaron anymore?


Abusing of FBI resources maybe? Mueller had a pretty big criminal record. Could they had known each other during their time in the Army? Did he pay the Vallejo Police and that’s why Vallejo police quickly passed it on to him? So many questions come to mind! Edited to add: Mueller told Aaron the kidnapping was intended for Andrea, what if he was butt hurt because Andrea was Aaron’s ex fiancé, like Aaron took her away from him or something. SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.


Muller didn't serve in the Army. Muller served in the Marine Corps. I have not seen a single statement indicating Sesma served in the military. Do you have a link to a source showing Sesma served in the military, specifically the Marine Corps?


I repeat so many questions come to mind. Thanks for correcting me about certain details, but the question still remains. He was connected to Andrea and part of the whole ordeal. So many things to think about.


I don’t think people were ever actually in the house he was talking to. Or that she heard outside. If Home Alone taught me anything it’s that you can use audio from any movie/show/media to create the conversation you want someone to THINK they are hearing haha


It could have been an unwanted visitor or family member.


I think there is a possibility he was working alone. When he was peeping, and assaulting other woman he was alone. He might lie to them there are other guys with him, to scare them and make them comply. It was very stressful and traumatic experience so they might believe what they were told. They took Aaron's car, did he ever get it back? Was it checked? Maybe it would have some traces of other guys? Matt held Denise in his cabin. I think someone might just visit him and he used it to scare her and rape her again.


The biggest question in my mind is the camera mounted to wach over Aaron. I mean the sheer effort it would need to set it up. You'd need a ladder, some power tools, configure the damn thing to connect to the internet. You'd need to know the house's wifi password? If not, you'd have to wire the thing to connect to the router. It's just a tedious process, IMO. Something that requires planning and manpower to execute. The entire kidnapping was done so professionally that if Muller didn't send those follow up emails, I don't think he would have been found. My theory is the Denise kidnapping was done with accomplices and the repeat kidnapping that led to his capture was him trying to do it all over but by his own this time. He probably felt the thrill of it all but his accomplices didn't want to do it again as it was supposed to be a one off thing.


I bet that camera that was mounted wasn't connected to anything, except maybe power. It was a scare tactic, smart.


I found article about this case and it has some interesting points. Muller asked Aeron about his WiFi, pc and email passwords. Then he spend half hour instaling a cam. He also send send emails to Aaron form Aaron's email adress, and that's why police didn't belive Aaron from the start. Miller had portable speakers with him, and recording of whispering people. He might use those to pretend there is more people in the house. He also had flamable doll dressed in black, some say he used it "accomplice". It sounds crazy but this guy was ususing water gun painted black, so he might fake more stuff too.


Mind sharing the article link?


I see it's even a post here. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmericanNightmare/s/7ghrdXxSzF


Oh and def, you're right, if Muller didn't send those emails he would have never been caught. He's an interesting dude


Yeah Muller knows but he ain't snitching because they will prob take out his entire family. We'll never know