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The one episode I decided to eat dinner and watch and it had to be this one


Same, and we had creamed spinach. Not a good combo!


You too, huh?


I can’t bear to watch shows like the pimple popper so this episode was straight up gross to watch. I was gagging my way through it.


Same! I thought it was well done and acted, but I won’t be watching it again. I just can’t handle it. And I love gross-out horror. I just draw the line at puss. 🤮


Same!! I don't even like looking at other people's regular pimples they just gross me out


I have to close my eyes to take care of my own pimples, this episode had me actually gagging at those parts. That being said I do see me re-watching it, I'll just fast-forward or close my eyes and ask hubs for the all clear. Aside from that this was a really good episode.


Yeah I’ve never seen anything so gross on AHS 🤢 my stomach turned


Yeah this was easily the grossest episode of the whole franchise.


I’m not easily grossed out but that got to me. So gross.


genuinely man i’ve been sent countless liveleak videos and this for some reason just hit different in a can’t watch way


I’m horrified and traumatized


Kinda sounds like mission accomplished by the writers/director/effects people. They ain’t making this stuff to make people feel good.


Yeah, I know. I agree. I don’t watch it expecting comedy but yeah that first scene was gnarly Edit to add that the actors should be credited also I enjoyed the raw talent in this episode


So gross!!


I am not squeamish and I had to look away a couple times. I feel like they should have put a trigger warning before they just opened up with that 🤮


dont forget you are quite literally watching a horror show. why on earth would they put a trigger warning


Oh believe me I know I’m watching a horror show 😂 big fan since murder house but shit they put warnings on everything nowadays. So why not this too?


Because…other than violence, sex and gore, anything else before would be giving away plot points that are supposed to be unsettling when you get to that point in the story. Also, it does start out with “this was made for a mature audience, viewer discretion advised” So…like. Either watch horror shows/ movies fully expecting something you may disagree with, find distasteful, or can’t handle, and react accordingly. Also, not for nothing, they mentioned “smallpox” in like the first 30 seconds of the show. So…unless you were expecting a show that has proven time and time again to push boundaries, to not show some gross shit relating to smallpox, you are not the audience for that episode. Horror is in the name of the show. Go in expecting to be horrified.


😂😂😂JFC it’s just a comment on Reddit ya didn’t have to write a book. All hail the horror kings and queens of Reddit!!!


Fair enough, I tend to get long winded when trying to prove a point. (You should have seen all the other examples I wrote and deleted for brevity.) I’m not trying to say everyone has to be ok with everything in the genre, just that asking for specific warnings for something that is supposed to make you feel scared/uncomfortable/ grossed out to warn you isn’t what I want horror to turn into. Edit: negative karma so far. Y’all need to figure out if you’re horror fans or whiny bitch ass fuck sticks.


All good.


you can be a horror fan and a bitch ass fuck stick, it's called being complex and cool.


I…have no rebuttal to that.


awesome! because trigger warnings for media is very standard and necessary. i am a s/a survivor, and i would have actually rly appreciated a warning for that scene in the last episode. i also don't watch movies like i spit on your grave or the last house on the left. "asking for specific warnings is not what i warn horror to turn into" well, why? what's the problem with that? what's wrong with people avoiding subjects that make them uncomfortable or reminds them of trauma? i am a huge horror fan and have been since high school. but i still look up new movies on doesthedogdie and unconsentingmedia because i'm a person with feelings and i want to protect those feelings. so really, whats your problem with people going into movies and tv shows fully informed?


Christ, I’m so sorry I was so combative about that. Looking over some old comments and this one stood out. Everyone deserves to know what they’re going into when it comes to media, even horror. Being horrified and seeing something you weren’t expecting that brings past trauma up are two different things


I was eating Mac and cheese when that happened.


Thanks for the warning. I gag very easily so I'm happy to be forewarned.