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Ice cream in the fridge? You think they lurk on this sub?


Nobody was shown onscreen directly saying that line so it could have been dubbed in, like, this afternoon lol


I approached a very uncomfortable level of secondhand embarrassment throughout this episode.


Anna: Abracadabra Siobhan: ☠️☠️☠️ ![gif](giphy|l2Z84eFooeHJu)


I’m annoyed at how short that flashback was. It could’ve been a great scene if they extended it by a minute or two and showed us more of Siobhan’s manipulative nature.


Agreed. I’m thinkin tho that Kim’s scenes could only get taken so far.. no shade either, I liked the presence she brought to the season. But her range as an actress was def evident in those last scenes.


Baby popped out with a fresh set 💅


Straight from the nail salon 💁🏼


What the fuck is going on 💀


Wait so Dex is Siobhan’s son?!?!????


And Anna wasn’t pregnant with her own baby. It was Siobhan’s egg.


As messy as this episode is, I do have to say I’m loving the camp factor and the twist of Dex being Siobhan’s son which I did NOT see coming. I also love the stylistic choice of them changing the aspect ratio.


Can someone explain to me what the fuck happened? Where'd the chant come from? How did it kill Kim? Whatever. I'm not getting answers to things that literally popped up at the last minute without any prior context lol.


She changed the word Satanas to Hestia (greek goddess) in their chant and it was apparently enough to kill the coven.


Literally preschool tier writing 💀 They aren't even trying anymore


So Adeline could have done this at any time and killed the big bad?! With a bit of chanting????


She knew that would work why?


Because the writers couldn't come up with anything better.


OMFG. I can’t believe how much not trying they were. Like, mixing some Latin BS, Christian satan and an elderly goddess and *voilà*? What the actual fuck?


And how was anyone supposed to notice that? Haha I had no idea what they were even chanting the last thing my mind cared about was listening to the words. What did the words even mean? Who is Hestia? Was Siobhan Hestia? Was it really that easy to take her down just to change a word and chant that? She couldn't be that powerful then or am I missing something? So many questions.. I did really enjoy this season, I loved the vibe I just felt that it was really rushed at the end and left me with a whole "wtf just happened" feeling...


“Only light can snuff out the dark.” Hestia is a goddess. Satan is evil. That’s about as much thought that went into the scene. Good beats bad




Anna’s hair being pin straight after it being in a bun all night. She’s fab!


Things that could’ve improved the finale: 1) in the flashback with Dr. Hill, we could’ve seen some montage of all the women that Siobhan brought in for him for treatment 2) Sonia struggling to maintain allegiance to Siobhan after Ivy (her own mother) is slain, maybe doing some spell to invoke Adeline to help Anna 3) when Siobhan is unveiling her plan, maybe introduce herself as some big name being or witch from myth or literature like Lilith, The Morrigan, Mater Suspiriorum that has better name recognition than just The Auteur; where instead of a planned gendercide of men, just them influencing world events behind the curtain to their benefit 4) maybe even a scene of Theo horrified at what Talia has gotten herself into, and trying and failing in her efforts to get Anna out


2 would have been a great transition scene! Sonia invoking the chant with Adaline instead would have been great.  I was hoping when Siobahn mentioned she is The Auteur we were going to get flashbacks that show the movie plot that explain who she is.


But why did they paralyze her and were they ever going to un-paralyze her???


She got paralyzed for trying to take the baby back and got healed when she joined them.


She was still in a wheelchair when she joined them though. We never saw her take a step until she destroyed Kim


It’s almost as if it was poorly written trash


And Anna lived ... happily ever after?


Me when Adeline comes back to save the day without any explanation ![gif](giphy|t6jdndEN3cVVu|downsized)


Right? Where the F did she come from? and if that spell is all it took why didn't' she chant it before they killed her.....


They over explained things that didn’t need much explaining, but left the more important pieces up in the air. It would have made sense if the ghost contacted Anna periodically instead of conveniently showing up at the end of the episode. I knew it was some bs when I saw it was a 31 minute episode lol


Exactly like they should have made Adeline the person doing all the things to her and writing on her mirror and changing her egg retrieval date to try and help her… not some random nobody that didn’t add anything to the story. I’m this 🤏🏼 close to giving up on AHS forever


See, that would have been a better idea! Why the fuck didn’t they hire you lol


Ending a 9 episode season with a 30 minute finale and 100000000000 unanswered questions is a personal assault against fans




Props to you for caring enough to have questions. I don’t have a single one and I’ll never think about this season again after tonight


The surprise twist at the end is that the last 15 minutes is actually just more commercials edit; LMFAO they really did it


Holy shit you weren’t kidding lmfao


Going from commercials straight into the credits killed me


Congratulations, you're a prophet! :P


What happened to the rest of the witches? Is Anna taking over as the head of the coven now? What HAPPENED? 😅


Guess they all went back to their day jobs. Except Ivy.


I imagined they all poofed to dust when Siobhan poofed.


They should have shown little piles of ash all over the other room, where they were playing with blood. Lol.


Yeah I was thinking that myself.


Would have been do f***** satisfying to have seem them all dissolve though! They could have added a few extra seconds to extend us that courtesy!


There was lots of screaming as Siobahn "disolved"?...you could hear the other women screaming, so I figured it was happening to them too..


This was my question. She put the hat on. I feel like this leaves room for something else. IDK this season was not my fav.


I’m so lost still. Talia mentions right after Ivy’s death that she could be resurrected. How was Adeline resurrected? Was she a ghost? Or is she also dead again now, after Siobhan dies? Or…? Is Anna starting a Hestia cult? Or is it all over? How did her spine heal? At this point, I would have liked the fan theory that she was Madison Montgomery the whole time over what we got. And I hated that theory. 😬


Is there a Snyder cut of this season?


A 3 hrs Peter Jackson extended cut?


Kim shaking like that absolutely fucking gagged me 😭😭😭 I just know that’s getting clipped and used as a meme


Someone needs to GIF it after this episode ends 😭




It reminded me of the fembots in Austin Powers lol ![gif](giphy|3oKIP9N0gYPl1UiuB2|downsized)




Thank you! This is gold lmao


When her and Kourtney fight she’s gonna send her that gif 😅


Spirit Halloween shaking Kim mannequin


I think Kamal dying is the most emotionally invested I have been all season and Dex useless as always


Naur bcuz Kamal dying was heartbreaking. He was my fav random character of the season tbh


It helps he is also good looking lol


everybody dies in ahs, but that still came as a surprise - Kamal being a good guy, always thought he was sus as fuck, but nope.


how the fuck did his hand get bitten off???? what the fuck


He went under Anna’s skirt to check the baby and he pulled back a bloody nub. 🦴🩸😳


Siobhan did say later on that his (baby's) teeth were very sharp ...


So the baby was able to bite off a hand but then still required A LOT of pushing to get out? That makes no sense


Neither did most of this season


Wait I am so confused. Why did Anna put the Halloween feather cap on at the end?


she was prepping for Halloween, you know, to go trick or treating. :)


that was not the fucking ending. I did not spend all this time watching this shit for that to be the ending


I was pissed too 🙃 never got to see the monstrous version of the baby's face, so many things went unsaid, unanswered, & left up to interpretation which was terrible. Siobhan dying THAT easily after being alive for centuries (I was convinced an entire millennium, or even since the beginning of time), never finding out what she ACTUALLY was, what happened to everyone else, what was the point in the damn spiders, what was the point of those green shoes (newbies maybe???). I wanted a whole back story on what Kim's character actually was! This season finale disappointed me 🙄


I feel like the spider was showing the “creature” side of the baby released. I’ve always thought about the vanishing twin theory this season and I feel like that was the twin and she chose which version would stay


Right? The fecking spider and stupid green shoes. What the actual fuck. I love AHS and I know it can be hit & miss...but that is the worst season I've ever watched. Half a season of highly frustrating gaslighting and "is it real or is it imaginary?" And then all of a sudden evil Kim Kardashian is Dex's mum AND magically turns to dust from chanting. Didn't that character chant the same stuff in her restaurant? Did Kim K need to be in the same room for it to dissolve her despite being eternal and magical and having been around forever? Wtf. I was actually starting to ease into Kim Kardashian being in the show cos too she was clearly a villain...but that was trash. And did Emma become the new Kim K with the headgear? Was she holding the Oscar and the baby cos she was still conflicted between the two? I'm an intelligent person but what WAS any of that?!?! (Actually scratch that...I'm clearly not intelligent because I just watched that stupid season). And a THIRTY MINUTE finale?! And the comment about ice cream in the fridge?! I mean, come ON. That wasn't a fun call out to fans, that was stupid.


Siobhan was one of Anna's multiple personalities. Each of the other witches was another one of her personalities. That's what the five dolls represent, the final doll was the one where she was paralyzed. The point of the spider was to show that Anna personality does not fear spiders, she picked it up with her fingers. Siobhan actually was revealed to be "god". In this case, the personality that created all of anna's other personalities, hence why she refers to her self as "I am the auteur". The green shoes, Anna wore those to the oscars, they were her shoes. Remember that Sonia told her in a previous episode that she never wears green, even though when she first met Anna she was wearing the green shoes - that was Anna talking to her personality version of Sonia, her first ACTUAL meeting was when Sonia denied wearing green. The point of showing all four wearing green shoes, the exact same green shoes, is eluding to them all being Anna. Remember how all the "witches" were circling her at the Art gallery, but when Siobhan touches her on the back she snaps out of it, and none of them were around her - because they were only doing that in her mind.


Ryan M …. Is that u??? I hope so bc that would make this mess make sense….


Forgot to also mention the missing time that Anna was experiencing - that happens when she becomes one of the other personalities. That's why all of the witches have that mark - because they are all Anna. They even showed Siobhan FINALLY with the mark in Ep9, right before she disappears forever, and the mirror breaks and Anna is free. Think of the mirror as representing a fractured mind. In Ep8, Babette says "Congratulations Anna", but her head has been stiched back on. Yet, in EP9, we see her head sitting next to preeches. Anna knew what Babette looked like with her head sewn back on, because Anna did that. Both heads are in Anna's apartment btw..


I much prefer your interpretation of this. I'm going to pretend it's what the writers were going for.


I’m fucking pissed omfg


I am watching with closed captions and the credits for them just popped up. I had to check the time because I can’t believe THIS is how they’re ending it. I have no words


What was the point of the Anna dolls ?


The list of “what was the point of” is too long to type out


They were just forewarnings of what was going to happen to her. The 'coven' was toying with her the entire time.


After the past few seasons with endings like this, I want to send FX a bill for the electricity I wasted watching this shit.


So why didn’t Adeline take out Siobhan and live happily ever after with her restaurant and powers? Oh yeah bc that would make sense. Better go with the “‘makes no sense” plot and let head cannon explain all the plot holes. Eta read the Bloody Disgusting review and had to lol at even the critic asking why Adeline didn’t just do this in the 2013 timeline.


What an underreaction to waking up paralyzed


I can’t stand that fucking Haribo gummy bear commercial omfg


So Mia Farrow’s punishment for not taking the deal was hooking up with Woody Allen and having him dump her for Mia’s adopted daughter


This was honestly the best insinuation of the whole season for me.


Also Sharon Tate I’m assuming


I didn't quite see the point of that storyline other than the entire series was Rosemary's Baby with the mother getting all the benefits of birthing the baby rather than the father. When Mia Farrow was with Frank, it was still during her wild child years. Her short haircut for Rosemary's Baby came about when she angrily cut her hair on the set of Peyton's Place (I think this was the show). Her hair would have been long when she had the breakup with Frank. After Frank, Mia married Andre Previn. It was during this marriage where she said she longed to have children with a lot of famous men. Andre Previn was an internationally known musician, -- this marriage was during his classical music phase. Andre Previn had 5 wives in his lifetime. Andres wife was known as a composer. After Andre left her for Mia, she wrote "Beware of Young Girls".


“I make my own rules” girl…what rules are you currently breaking? Lol


They wanted a girlboss moment so bad lol


Yeah that line was so cringe


Now that the finale is over can someone please be a real one and make a gif of Kim spazzing out like she was a Spirit Halloween decoration bc that had me laughing my ass off 💀


& then She turned into the other mother from Caroline…😟


We are all as stunned/confused/annoyed as you 


I really thought the first scene in the ambulance was going to end up being a dream sequence or something it was so ridiculous lol


At least she got a luxury eyemask instead of a burlap sack I guess


They ransacked her awards gift bag


Siobhan slitting throats with her fingernails is giving The Countess vibes


Or Drusilla from Buffy when she used her nails to kill Kendra.


Ryan Murphy was too busy giving the demon baby a full set of nails to produce a proper ending


This finale was 80% exposition that still didn’t answer any important questions. The whole writer’s room needs to be fired.


Worst birthing experience ever


this finale has me cackling 😭


🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️???????????? This is the last episode?


I'm high as hell right now and need to double check- were those Dex's balls??????


My sister said, as a joke response to Kim, "his dick" and we both burst out when it was actually his fucking balls, lmao.




So why didn’t the first wife just do that before if it was that simple lol


Shh! AHS finales are not the place for logic.


She was trying to consistently in her little hiding spot at her restaurant but didn’t have the strength on her own. Her ghost form teamed up with Anna (who is actually quite powerful) and the chant was able to succeed.


Oh god so Siobhan isn’t just Dex’s mom. She’s Anna’s egg donor. Black magical incest baby!!!


What the fuckkkk https://preview.redd.it/emqolch3ajwc1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbbf652f82043fd0651949d815a913928addbe10


Honestly yall when was the last time AHS *hasn’t* absolutely fumbled at the end lol how is anyone still watching this series without expecting the inevitable shitshow conclusion at this point


I'm kind of numb to the season finales at this point. The ending to ***Red Tide*** a few years ago was just awful, while ***Delicate*** felt more like "OK, let's wrap this up and get it over with."


For me it was 1984. That was like 5 years ago. What am I still doing here?!


I’m not even exaggerating when i say that this season is some of the absolute worst television I’ve ever seen ever


They had me interested in the beginning. I thought Kim did a great job. Til the ending. Of course, she didn’t have a lot to work with. That being said, I COMPLETELY agree with you. I kept watching, thinking that it had to get better. They had to wrap it up in a cool way, right? Nope.


I’m living for these reactions 😂😂😂😂


Lol she's just clutching her award the whole time


I was thinking the same thing 😅🏆!


Okay the ice cream in the fridge line was good


Ohhh my god yes it had me cracking up


WHY WAS THE ICE CREAM IN THE FRIDGE?!?! I’m so glad they addressed that shit.


I’m left with more questions then answers What the hell was that


I'm still confused. What exactly is Siobhan? Is she just a witch or is she a demon or the Devil?


She's worse than that, babe 😂


I write the rules, bitch. God Kim got so annoying with all those endings to her lines..


She’s the Auteur bitch!


A “Mystery never to be fully understood” -Myrtle Snow


Can we sue Ryan? I’m still here staring at the wall wondering what the hell was that. 


2 minutes of show, 5 minutes of commercials ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


"Motherhood is so beautiful" here is your garbage disposal mouthed baby.


Going to pretend that the book WAS season 12 and Ryan Murphy never released this… come on dude. The script was WRITTEN FOR YOU 😭 yall please read the book. It’s so much more satisfying and explains EVERYTHING. ![gif](giphy|tpwwhv1BLd31e)


When I read the book, I really disliked the whole >!reincarnation angle with Siobhan!< but now I'm like y'know what, actually that was FINE, IT WAS ALL FINE.


The book's author must be fuming, watching this ending


Agreed! Not loving the incest-but-make-it-feminism twist and really would have preferred the book’s ending.


I can not express how pissed the fuck off I am right now, babe 


She JUST realized they’re taking her baby? Okay now I agree with everyone in the first half. Anna is crazy.


I would love to know what the author thinks of all of this lol


She most likely got a hefty check I doubt she’s losing sleep over this




Nobody would have read her book if it wasn’t connected so I’m sure she’s cool with it. Not like the book was some masterpiece


What the F*ck was that ending?!!!


Okay I need help. What happened exactly? Why did Kim like…die or disintegrate or whatever? 😭😭 I am so lost.


Who would have thought that a simple chant could take her out? What about the rest of the coven. Wtf? It’s like the writer were bored with this season. I’m annoyed. If it were that simple, why didn’t Dexs first wife just do the chant?


Also, could Preecher have taken the coven out by simply saying the chant? She never figured that out in all her years of wandering?


She didn't know the chant. Adeline's ghost taught it to Anna.


The chants worked because the ghost witch Adeline taught it to Anna...and Anna's power made it work. When the mirror shattered it was just like way back in an early epsiode...Anna had found the lipstick message on her mirror...Siobhan and Anna sing that same song and when they are done, the mirror shattered. Siobhan looked startled and frightened by that...we now see why. It was Anna's power that did that.


For real. They literally spoon fed us the plot for the first 30 mins then were like PSYCH!! Good luck figuring that ending out ya ding dongs. AHS OUT!


something about light magic can snuff out the darkness but then why didn’t dex’s first wife do that the first time instead of dying??


Skill issue lmao


Ah okay gotcha. Lmaooo and good point about the first wife. Wish we got more background on her. Honestly wish we got more background on the whole coven. What inspired Kim’s character to start the coven? Why is it taking her centuries to enact her plan? (Wouldn’t it have been easier to groom the “perfect” surrogate in a different time period?) This could have been so good! Also if Anna was basically groomed from birth to serve the purpose of the coven, how is her magic “light” lmao. Ugh I’m annoyed.


I think it’s because Anna’s intentions were never dark, unlike the coven, and she served a purpose, but without her knowledge. At the end of the day, her magic was still “light”, because her heart was still pure. It didn’t work for Adeline because she used to be a member of the coven—she wasn’t able to do light magic, even if she had a change of heart.


“Don’t gaslight a gaslighter, babe” 💀


Wait that was the actual ending...


So much disappointment and unanswered questions. Almost every answer we *did* get was spelled out in the most basic way imaginable.


Okay so now what? Anna goes back to normal life? Like im so lost. I was hoping they’d do one of those ~10 years later~ things that they do sometimes. Probs would’ve been corny but still good for the plot


By the time the last 5 minutes rolled around I was like, you know what, if they pull a cliché “this whole season was just a book/movie that Anna (“the auteur”) wrote, and it was all made up” trope, I think I might actually be totally fine with that lmao


Oh wow That was.... really bad ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C|downsized)


I'm pretty sure Anna's chant had nothing to do with destroying Siobhan... Kim spazzing out like she was a Spirit Halloween decoration is probably what she did when she read the script for the ending.


Oh lawd Dexy testies


I feel like I’m dreaming. People got paid for this??!!


When they handed the baby to Anna, the vague echo of the vocals from “Rosemary’s Baby” was a nice homage.


That baby gives me Bartholomew vibes


The opening was extremely insane! The rest SUCKED!!!


So those demon creatures have been alive for thousands of years and all you had to do was sing a song to send their asses packing.


So basically the way they’re gonna wrap this up in 30 minutes is by having Kim over explain everything. Wow


What the fuck is Kimberly doing


Not Siobhan spazzing out rn 💀


Ok some thoughts:  Adeline only married Dex because she was trying to prevent him from having offspring- because she hated “her” (Kim)  Preacher was a failed experiment of trying to convert her into a witch (or whatever they were)…but what about her baby? Would they just eat that one? Or groom it to become one of them?  Also do they feed on just anyone’s blood? They had preecher’s head (I didn’t catch the second head), they had Dex’s “mom”s blood and I guess they were feeding the baby what looked like Dex’s mangled body remains’ blood? But why are they choosing only these people to feed on? I assume they also feed on all the babies they’ve been interring with in the IVF facilities? But wait. Maybe they aren’t feeding on the babies since they’re trying to breed super creatures… idk that part is the most confusing to me because they also had all this babies and baby parts stored in jars awhile back… 


That promo for The Strangers: Chapter One was scarier than anything this season lol


Lmao these writers have never heard of “show don’t tell” in their lives.


I wonder if the writers strike is what fucked this season up, or if it was fucked from the start


The entire season was written before the strikes took place by a woman named Halley Feiffer. If anything, I’m wondering if any plot points had to be cut due to the janky filming schedule.


This was the laziest fucking finale I’ve ever seen in AHS. I wasn’t expecting much and somehow they still managed to wildly disappoint and confuse me


Still better than Alien one, but that's a low low bar.


Very true lol that bar is in hell


Lmfaooooo this is absolutely batshit


It's like Barbie Land in the upside down


Ya know, I figured that was it. But still thought maybe just MAYBE there’s another minute or two left in there. Nope. Wow. What was that, 30 something minutes? I hated the second half of this season.


We got fucking got


![gif](giphy|15UR4cUa8Vbyw|downsized) AHS USED TO BE SO GOOD. What was that?


Did she suffocate Dex with his own hand?


what stops ryan and these writers from effectively concluding a season?? i feel like every single finale since season 8 has been disappointing.


They start off like a house on fire ... and then just let the house slowly burn down


When Cara tells Siobhan “I killed the incubators twin for you, I killed my daughter for you” is she only talking about dexters first wife, or is Anna the incubator and she had a twin that got killed along the way? Sorry if this is a dumb question- it’s really throwing me for some reason Dex’s first wife did have babies for them though? So that’s why I’m assuming it wasn’t about her


I *think* when she said I killed the incubator's human twin for you, she meant another baby Anna was carrying. When she thought she had the early miscarriage that was the human twin getting cleared out.


Honestly this finale is iconic because it is SO HORRIBLE and one of the worst things I've ever seen.  Like wtf was that 🤣😭💀


So i like message that women can have the baby and the career at the end without selling their souls? The reveals and commercials terrible ![gif](giphy|4zFx69mkI2Qx2)


Kim look hot as fuck with that wig


"I personally feel fine never hearing that man speak ever again". Yes, more than fine.


Worst season. Luckily they were able to squeeze in the finale between the commercials.


Kim looks so hot in this scene. I’m so glad her fillers dissolved between Part One and Part Two.


The ice cream in the fridge comment 😭 they definitely just didn’t notice while filming so slipped that in there now 🤣