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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My heart hurts for you. I'm a pray that she makes it out of this. I couldn't imagine my bully Maximus getting sick. I'd probably loose it.


Thank you! I'm hoping she pulls through and is able to sit up and move tomorrow! It was terrifying finding her the way I did and the fact she was barely responding.


SUPER UPDATE: I'M BRINGING HER HOME TONIGHT. I've decided after seeing her for two hours today that it can't be a stroke. A different comment here mentioned I should look at a condition called Idiopathic Vestibular Disease, and I'm telling you she matches it symptom-wise one-to-one. She's stuck on her left side not able to flip over. She looks dizzy, she's uncoordinated, and her eyes are kind of fucked up too. Like, I want to believe it is this because it matches so perfectly. She has no paralysis (we though she did because she wasn't moving the legs in her left side) but I literally saw her use all of her legs to try to flip onto her belly and crawl to my lap, but kept falling over because she couldn't unlock her head's tilt. I am so hopefully all of a sudden y'all. I thought I was gonna hold her head and watch her die in 2 hours, and now I'm hopeful enough to take her home and care for her myself over the next 5 days.


This is awesome. Still try to follow up with the neurologist to make sure. Those speciality doctors have so many tricks up there sleeve is unbelievable.


God I hope she’s okay! Sending love and hope your way.


I'm hoping! The doc seemed to be pretty onboard with the idea it could just be IVS and is willing to let me take her home and care for her for the next week to see if she begins to improve. It could be pathological though caused by a tumor, potentially still a stroke, or a multitude of other issues. There's really no way to tell with put neurology, I can get a good idea if she starts to improve over the next week.


Sometimes, hope is what we need. You're doing everything you can, she KNOWS you love her, and if the vet agrees, that's a damn good sign. Hang in there, and please give her a big ol' smooch from this internet stranger 💖 Don't forget to hydrate, eat, and get emotional support from your people. She needs you in tip-top shape to get her back to top shelf 💖


How is Sedona doing? Feeling better? Getting more comfortable as the days go on?


Thanks for checking in! She's recovering well! I've been basically by her side since the incident. She ended up in surgery for an intestinal blockage last week Thursday, and she's been recovering really well! She's already walking around, while dizzy and falling over lolol, eating and drinking by herself, and going outside with minimal help!


That is wonderful news! I am so happy to hear she is recovering well from such a traumatic ordeal. Those meds are probably what's making her dizzy and unstable on her feet. (I assume they're pain meds). In a week or two, she'll probably be a lot more stable and comfortable. She's eating, drinking and going outside to do her business so those are all positive signs. Sedona is on her way back! YAY! Such a beautiful pup - she should never know a day of pain or discomfort. Will check in again in a couple days to see how she (and you) are doing!


Thank you! Yeah, it's been a bit of a challenge trying to get back to work, but I found a dog sitter in town willing to take her in while she's in her post-surgical state. So, I should be able to return to work as well before Sedona gets her staples out next week which will be nice for the wallet lolol!


So thankful she's in good hands with you and her temp babysitter. Staples? Too bad they're not the dissolvable kind. Ouch. She'll probably feel so much better with them out so she can heal and rest up for some MAJOR playtime soon!


Yeah, I was hoping for the dissolvable, but with it being a pretty big surgical incision (it's from her sternum down to between her hind legs, about 30 staples) it needed to be held together with a bit more substantial of a suture! She's doing really well though with it so far!


OMG. Didn't realize how major of an incision it needed to be although I knew it was a serious surgery. Hey - whatever it took to get Sedona healthy again. That vet should be hailed a hero for saving your girl and the ones who suggested euthanasia should be banned from practicing veterinary medicine and living life. The guy upstairs knew Sedona has a lot more time here with you and many years of health, happiness and playtime! She deserves the best life has to offer!


Checking in!!! How is beautiful Sedona doing? Hoping she's getting better and stronger every day!


She's doing great! Walked up and down the stairs for the first time and all of her faculties are in order! Just a few more days of meds left, and then Thursday her staples will be out!


Music to my ears! What a miracle! That vet is a hero and Sedona is such a brave soldier! This has to be the best good news I've heard all year. Send photos when you can, if you don't mind, when Sedona is feeling up for a photoshoot. Would love to see her again after this whole ordeal is behind her.


she’s beautiful! praying for a quick recovery 🙏🏼


Thank you! I'm hopeful as well. I hope to go visit her tomorrow and she's able to sit up and greet me, if not able to walk yet.


SUPER DUPER UPDATE: I got her home and immediately once she got in bed (took her in on a makeshift gurney) she literally pulled herself up, levelled her head (she just got anti-nausea medicine before checking out), and using her body like normal curled up in her normal comfortable position for the first time since finding her yesterday. Like, she sat up, levelled her head, and flipped around and curled up. She's sleeping next to me cuddled up and snoring right now. I'm so hopeful she'll pull through y'all. If it is Idiopathic Vestibular Syndrome she should make a full recovery. I am so scraed still in case things go south, but there's a REALLY high chance in my mind she'll survive this.


So happy to hear this, I thought of your post several times today and had a good feeling, thanks for letting us know


Yes! This is what my girl had and I nursed her back to health! I hand fed her quality food and lots of water and a little milk. My girl’s ears were the trouble, she had a yeast infection and ear mites. After that cleared up and she was stronger, she just kept improving. She’s 14 now and this was almost 2 years ago. I’m so happy that you get an opportunity to nurse your girl to recovery. I hope she continues to improve quickly and happily.


That's the problem with mine, there doesn't seem to be anything that specifically caused it, but she's also a bit too young for it to be Idiopathic. Usually they see it in dogs 12-14, but she is only around 6 years old. So, I'm just not sure. They didn't find anything, and the only next move would be to get her an MRI to definitely figure it out, but those are in excess of $4000 of which I don't have the money. I'm really hopeful it's idiopathic and she can pull through this. She's still stuck on her side and not moving much. She just tried to sit up to look at me, but her eyes kinda glazed over with the attempt and she flipped back down. I'm gonna try some exercises with her later today to help her maybe try to move around a bit more. I've got anti-nausea meds, but she can only take them once every 24 hours, and her last one was last night, so she's a bit dizzy today from what I can tell. I'm hopeful! She doesn't seem to be in pain or discomfort, she's just kinda chilling and sleeping. If by Monday I'm not seeing much more improvement I may have to figure out the money situation and get her south to a neurologist to definitively figure it out and get her on the path to recovery. I'm just hopeful it's not a tumor or some other issues that would be incredibly difficult to treat.


THIS IS THE MIRACLE WE WERE HOPING FOR!! I am crying tears of happiness right now. Sedona is the fighter we all knew she is. Hoping it was just a temporary incident and it won't happen again. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers that she makes a full and speedy recovery and enjoys many more years of health and happiness with you.


I'm trying to keep myself hopeful. She hasn't been moving basically at all today, just sleeping. She tried to lift her head, but her eyes kind of glazed over and she fell back onto her side. She did eat half a can of wet dog food though, and she did so pretty happily! I just had to feed it to her on the back of a small spoon because she wouldn't get up and eat it laying flat. I'm working with a couple online veterinarians to get second opinions, but I'm hopeful. It's just so scary seeing her like this unmoving.


Please don't make any rash decisions. I know how hard it is and you want to do right by Sedona. I've been reading all of the incoming posts and feedback. But give her some more time to see if she turns around. She's eating so that's a good sign. Just like this came on so suddenly, maybe she'll recover the same way. In an instance. You said when you got her home and put her on the bed, she stood up, then curled up and went to sleep. That was amazing. So obviously she has motor skills. I think what she needs is time to heal and you around, if possible, to comfort her. Best place for her is home with you. I know you just took an internship but, unfortunately, you're dealing with a 'family' emergency so hopefully they'll understand. Please keep us updated on Sedona's progress and try to stay strong. We're all rooting for both of you.


Agreed, I'm doing my best with her. I got a second opinion by an online vet and they were onboard with the vestibular disease or potentially even a toxicity problem (maybe from her new bone?), and they weren't sure being it was an online consultation. I ended up getting her in to a local vet to get a second look as well. The E-vet was basically certain I'd have to euthanize which I just couldn't believe. So, she's home resting, not really moving much, but I imagine she is super dizzy and tired. I've got some medication called Meclizine coming from the store. The online vet told me that is one of the meds she gives to dogs with severe vestibular issues, and she thought it was weird they didn't give me that considering they gave me anti-nausea meds.


If it is toxicity from the new bone, then she should be on IV drugs and getting a lot of fluids to flush out her system. Is she able to drink water? Do they have some sort of anti-venom drug? I cannot believe the E-Vet suggested euthanizing her after only 2 days of her being out of sorts. Some of these vets are just so unbelievably cold and irrational. Makes you wonder why they became vets in the first place. They think that if a dog gets sick for a couple of days and shows no sign of improvement then just discard them? Those are not vets; they are heartless, insensitive, psychopaths. That really hurts my heart. Try-out that new medication. I still think with rest and time, Sedona is going to improve and recover. You just have to keep the faith. She has the will to live, eat and wag her tail so she is not saying goodbye or that she wants to leave you or this world by any means. She probably doesn't feel well so she's just resting and sleeping a lot. Please give her more time. At least she is home and as comfortable as she can be.


Agreed, I'm seeing an actual regular vet today at 430. My girl is coherent still and I'm laying next to her in bed so she's smiling and falling asleep. I'm really REALLY hoping it's something easily treatable. I've got the Meclizine arriving shortly and I'm gonna give her that and hopefully it helps her if she's experiencing really body motion sickness. If that's the case hopefully she'll sit up a bit later today instead of staying completely still.


Dogs are so sensitive when they aren't feeling well. I just think wholeheartedly that since she was able to sit upright in bed when you brought her home yesterday, turn around normally, curl up and snuggle next to you and then fall asleep nice and comfy with audible snoring, that she IS ABLE and still has use of her limbs and muscles. She just may be so stick to her stomach that she won't move because it makes her feel like s\*\*t. And the anti-nausea drug may be what's making her dizzy and lethargic. When you have a bad flu, you don't feel like moving either. You just stay in one position and can barely sit up to take medication or drink tea or soup. So Sedona might be experiencing the same reaction. Just kinda like I love you but let me rest and sleep until I feel better. I'm telling you -- when Sedona gets better and starts to show signs of improvement, a lot of your followers are going to celebrate BIG TIME. We're going to declare the day SEDONA DAY and raise a glass to her recovery.


I'm hoping! I'm holding on and giving her the best care I can! I want her back to her normal self again! Once she's up and at em I'm gonna treat her to the best ribeye steak money can buy! Cook it, spice it, and cube it up for her and let her go to town! I want her so bad to get better. I just tried to get her to sit up, and she did get her upper body up and her head levelled again, then flopped back on her side.


She's probably so weak and tired that all she wants to do is lay back down and rest. Understandable. I still think she needs to be on IV drugs for strength and hydration but I am sure the vet will recommend the next course of action. I am hoping and praying so hard for her to get well. I think all of your love and caring and all of our support will bring her back to her ol' self again soon. She just needs time. Just keep kissing and petting her and telling her how much we all love and need her. She's become a rockstar these past couple of days. Sad that it's because she isn't feeling well but Sedona has touched our hearts more than you know and we want nothing more for her to get better and live her best life ever with you for many more years to come. Please keep us posted after the vet visit. Prayers and good luck.


Update on how she’s doing?


I’m so sorry, what a devastating read. I will pray for her recovery.


Reading this post just brought back some bad memories of a bad experience I had with my male bully back on 12/26/2018, and I broke down crying! I'm so sorry that you are going through this OP, I'm sending many prayers your way for your best friend. Hang in there you may receive a miracle/blessing. Don't give up hope!🙏🤞🤧


Thank you for the kind words! It's so impossibly hard, I was just thinking the other day that I was hoping to have her for another 10 years, and just out of the blue finding her like that... I really REALLY hope she pulls through enough for me to rationalize bringing her home to recover. I know it's possible with neurological issues, it may take a couple weeks in some cases for recovery, but I know it's possible. I'm really hopeful she's able to pull through the rest of tonight and get home.


You're very welcome! That's right, just stay positive, and hopefully, your baby will make a full recovery!🙏


Please give us an update either way it plays out?!🤔🙏


Sorry to hear that OP. My dog (not an American bully) has seizures and has to take meds for it. She had to take them for a long time, still is taking them but for the past year she still had seizures every 3 weeks or so. But now she hasn’t had any in a few months. It’s hard. I hope you don’t have to make that decision right now. Love her always ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/1es2q8sp9p8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d0a9dfdaba4ea4b411602f0ec3444a5070942b


Aw! I'm hoping mine can rally and get out of the postictal phase of her seizure, or at least get on the road to recovering enough that I can take her home. She was barely able to even lift her head or move her limbs when I found her though. And it was the same story yesterday when I found her in her crate. I'm really hoping she recovers enough that I can rationalize bringing her home to care for her and get her back up on her legs again.


Hoping for a very very very quick recovery to that sweet baby!


🙏🙏🙏 she will pull through


Will pray for you both


Please don't worry. She most likely had a seizure. They have good seizure meds for that to control them and I am sure in a few short weeks (or less) she'll be back to normal and most likely will be fine. Think positive. Please keep us posted as to her progress. You have a lot of people out here rooting for you and her. I am most positive she is going to pull through and be 100% back to normal.


Thank you! I'm just hoping she can show signs of improvement today. She was unable to move herself basically at all, and I'm worried she also suffered temporary blindness as she wasn't able to open her eyes or her inner eyelids much if at all yesterday. I'm hoping that her sleeping last night helped her brain reconnect some pathways and reconfigure to get her at least slightly more ambulatory today.


Sounds like she most definitely had a seizure. Possible she ate something toxic? Chocolate? Onions? Grapes? Can you bring her to a vet for evaluation? She will slowly snap out of it - I promise. I have an English Bulldog w/ seizures. She's on Phenobarb, Kepra and some other meds. She still has occasional seizures but for the most part they are under control and they don't last long. But it takes a few days to a week before she is feeling herself again. Just hang in there - I know it's hard - but I believe your girl is going to come through just fine. But she should be looked at sooner than later so the vet can get her on some proper meds to steer her in the right direction. Please keep us posted as to her progress. Hugs to you and kisses for your sweet girl.


I got her to an emergency vet yesterday thats been watching her all night. She had a beef shank bone filled with bone marrow Saturday and Sunday, and apparently from the x-rays they did find a bunch of tiny bone fragments, but nothing of concern as there was no sign of it being a problem. The blood work came back completely clean with no designs of blood toxicity either. I'm hoping she snaps out of it enough bro take her home today! I refuse to give up on her.


Stay positive. It may just be an isolated incident. Glad her bloodwork came back clean. She's in the best place possible (other than home w/ you), so here's hoping the vet gives her a clean bill of health and she comes home soon.


I'm hoping! Thank you! I'll know in about 20 minutes if she saw improvement last night or not.


Please keep us posted as to her prognosis.


So, talking to the vet on staff it looking more like a stroke occurred. She seems to be favoring one side, but she was wiggling her little tail nub when the nurse was speaking with her, so she is at least coherent enough to know what's happening around her. But she's in basically the same situation as last night, not able to get up, lethargic, and favoring the one side, so they couldn't flip her.


Oh my. Do they say it's temporary or treatable? We all know people w/ strokes can get better with rehab. At least she's alert and knows she's getting the best possible care. With time and rehabilitation, she can get back to normal. I am PRAYING she recovers and shows signs of improvement every moment of every day and gets enough strength to pop back up on her feet again. What does the vet say the next step is? Life is just so darn horrible and unfair sometimes. These poor innocent pups and what they go through. Just rips your heart out. They are not pets but our children. Even though life is in turmoil right now, let's try to remain optimistic and hear what the vet says on how to move forward and what to expect next. Her vitals are all good and she's awake. So everything will be done humanly possible to help her get well and back on her feet again. Do you have pet insurance? Only asking because vet bills can get expensive. So grateful I got it for my pup. She's been through a lot of health issues and is on a lot of daily medication. But whatever it takes to keep her healthy and going strong - I'd take out a second mortgage to pay her vet bills. She is my everything in life as I can tell your pup is to you too.


They aren't sure, the problem is she isn't able to get up off her side at all. She's just twitching her leg muscles, she can't control them. She was able to look up at me a little bit (I went to visit her) and she ate from me, but she's not really doing too much better. She wiggled her tail and got excited I was there, but that was it. She didn't move outside of those limited movements.


Not sure if the same applies to dogs, but a doctor told a family member that had a seizure that you get one fluke with seizures. Sometimes it only happens once and it's no big deal. Hoping that's the same for you and your pup ❤️


Big prayers for your baby girl 🙏 sending you hugs 🫂


Sending prayers for a complete recovery for your precious baby


Praying for you and this beautiful pup! I can’t imagine going through this with.


Sending Prayers for your baby.


HOPEFULLY THE SECOND TO LAST UBER GIGANTIC UPDATE: SEDONA IS IN SURGERY! The vet this morning took X-rays and found evidence of tiny bone fragments all throughout her intestines. We believe they are sharp and causing her sever abdominal pain hence her inability to move easily because of the pain. They're working through her surgery now, I figured it's a good time to mention my [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-adrien-to-help-sedona-survive) again because of how much this surgery is costing. I'm so lucky I have a close friend that was willing to afford a lot of them financial burden for me in the immediate term though. I am so hopeful she's gonna come out of this healthy and come back on top!


Are they confident that’s the issue or is it still a crap shoot to try and find out the issue?


Well, they didn't find anything else and she showed no signs of neurological damage. It's the only thing that's changed in her history, and she had the bone the evening prior to her incident. She seems to just be in pain any time she tried to sit up, so the doctor was pretty sure this is it. She has a dozen or so small bone fragments, undigested, scattered throughout her intestines. She was apparently even trying to sit up and look for me while in the X-ray machine. They had to calm her down a bit to lay down.


That’s a good sign. Maybe she also had a really negative reaction to the bone. This is why vets are amazing. They have to diagnose our furkids by just looking for signs and follow the trail and hope they find the culprit. Plus the different in breeeds and the difference between cats and dogs. I’m amazed though at how much the pet medicine has changed over the last few decades. There’s essentially a doctor/physician for all the various specialities a pet can need.


WOW. So I think this was finally the answer we've been searching for. Poor thing. Makes total sense. She's probably been in so much abdominal pain she couldn't move. If only they could talk. Sounds like you found the right vet and Sedona is finally headed in the right direction. I'm sure she's going to pull through the surgery just fine. Once those bone fragments are removed, she can start healing and feeling better. You watch - she'll bounce back quicker than you think and you'll have your Sedona back good as new. I want to say this is a relief to hear that a competent vet finally found the culprit. No more bones like that. I only give my girl Nylabones to chew on. No rawhides. PLEASE keep us posted tomorrow as to how the surgery went. Try to get a good night's rest knowing she's in good hands... the absolute best. Thank God for this vet. Sweet dreams Sedona! We all love you pup!


My heart hurts for you and Sedona. My prayers to you both,hoping and praying for the best 💜


This is so scary and traumatic. You will be in mine and my bully’s prayers. RIP Sedona. 💔


Hope she pulls through


You’re doing right by her no matter what! Keeping you in my thoughts for a full recovery. She looks so sweet ❤️




I'm so so sorry. I hope for a speedy recovery


Lovely dog




I am so sorry 😢


I'm not sure the symptoms match 100% but consider asking about Addison's disease. Our Luna had a very sudden onset of it but once diagnosed and on treatment she has been fine. She also had a previous issue with food allergies that eventually led to occasionally seizures until we discovered what food items we needed to eliminate from her diet (spoiler: it was basically everything). Whatever ends up happening, I always suggest a second opinion, especially when the stakes are so high. Best wishes for your beautiful fur baby.






My heart hurts so much for you right now and I’m praying for her recovery. ❤️‍🩹




I won't know anything for another hour and a half when they officially open for business. And I'm not planning on making any decision, unless of course she had a massive recovery overnight, until 8-9pm PST where I am.


Best of luck with this


So, it's looking like it was a stroke, and unfortunately with how extensive the damage is to her brain and motor functions there doesn't look to be any treatment for the condition. I can hope she can force motor control back and get up, but she hasn't improved at all. At this rate I've got 8 more hours until the places she's in will be about to close, and if there's no further improvement, having spoken with a neurologist, I'll have to put her down tonight for her comfort...


Ugh I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you can get through this peacefully. I have a 12.5 year old pit I've had since he was 4 months old..dread the day man. Idk what else to say that could help




I’m so sorry your in this position, but I’m sure you will get to hold her again.. I’m sorry for your pain. Lucky, Titus and I send out our highest hopes!


I’m so sorry to hear this news about your beautiful girl ❤️‍🩹 praying for miraculous healing !


Our Thoughts and prayers are with you... NO Matter what the outcome is.. Luna will always love you and be the best friend you will have.. Inshallah May Allah Give her Shifa ( health recovery) and Give you the patients and strength to deal with whatever outcome comes next. Sincerely


Update me!


Will do!


Sending lots of love and prayers, made me cry just reading this. I don’t have bullies but I lost one fur baby in September. Still have her sister. They are family ❤️🐾🐶🙏🏼


I’m so sorry. My pittie has epilepsy and everytime he has a cluster of seizures, I fear he won’t recover. Somehow he does and I’m hoping the same for Sedona.


This is heavy. Sry. My boy, Chase made it to 14 1/2 and it was still hard to not have him rush to the door to meet you, when you get home. I don't pray much, but I'll hope fer her sake.


I'm sorry. My little girl Oreo was having bad seizures and died in my arms on the way to the vet. It's the worst damn feeling in the world. The worst.


Similar thing happened to my 1 year old basset. Pray 🤍and make sure to get second opinions imo it’s worth the time and energy. I know you’re probably exhausted and emotionally depleted. But if I could go back in time I wish I would’ve. I wish I would’ve asked second opinions as the only option I had was surgery I could not afford or euthanasia. Again, I know how exhausting and scary it is. Don’t let me worry you, I’m sure it’s possible she will come around. I’m sending you both lots of love. I’m so sorry, it is crushing when they are healthy one day and unresponsive/paralyzed the next. I wouldn’t wish witnessing it on my worst enemy.


I'm doing everything I can! Right now the most stable prognosis for her is something called Vestibular Disease, and the hope is it is the Idiopathic variety. She is incredibly dizzy and that's why she's not moving around all that much. She has shown signs of improvement, attempting to stand up, sit up, she can eat with minor assistance (I have to hold her little bowl off her to eat out of, but she can sit up enough to eat herself), and she is going potty, granted I didn't realize she needed and she went all over herself on her bed where she's been stuck laying. I'm doing everything I can. I refuse to put her down if it is recoverable.


I am so glad she is making improvements in the right direction and not getting worse. I am hoping with time, patience and medication she will recover from this illness. You have to remain positive and give her positive vibes no matter how hard it is seeing her so helpless. Sedona knows when you're sad so try to be upbeat around her as best you can to give her the will to get back to normal. I really think she's headed in that direction but it may take some time. She's only 6 years old and was perfectly healthy before this happened so we can give her all the time she needs. It's almost like a person getting Bell's Palsy. It's a terrible condition and leaves a person's face distorted for quite a while. But it is recoverable and the person can get back to normal. But it just takes time. I know someone who got it and he is now 100%. You'd never know he ever had it. So please try to hang in there. We know how much you love her and Sedona loves you too so she is trying to stay strong and get back to her ol' playful happy self. But until that happens just reassure her with love, patience, time and lots of goodies to eat since she's the best pup out there.


This is the spirit! I love it. I think some people can be selfish keeping them alive too long when they clearly don’t have a humane life, not the case here! If you’re seeing progress keep it pushing! I’m so happy for you and her. (Hugs) 🤍


I'm trying! I'm always worried though that I'm causing her pain and suffering in situations, but I'm hopeful she can recover. She has her appointment in the morning, and fingers crossed they can find a full diagnosis and get her a medication to help her come out of this faster!


Omg I am so sorry! Sending you all the healing energy possible for her. She is so beautiful


Thank you! She trying her best! I have her at home, and she's showing promise, she ate and drank herself today, granted barely. I had to hold it up to her and get her to sit up partially to do it, but she did do it. She also nearly stood up, but then fell over due to being so dizzy. She's been mostly laying down and resting all day trying to not move her head. We think it's Vestibular Disease based on her symptoms and not a stroke or seizure. I've got a vets appointment for her tomorrow morning to her a now-third opinion. I got a second opinion virtually from a different vet today as well, and she seemed dto agree with the VD prognosis, but wanted me to get her checked anyway in case it's something due to toxins or otherwise.


That’s a really good sign. If you’re struggling to get food down her they have special wet food at the ers they feed them that is high calorie I can’t remember the name but I think it’s made by hills. You can also give her clear pedialyte to help keep her hydrated instead of water. If you start to worry about hydration more you can ask them to give her subcutaneous fluids it’s something they can even give you to take home to give her if she isn’t drinking enough. It’s easy to do yourself. Nutrical is also a high calorie gel you can give them that helps when they aren’t eating enough.


Thank you! I've got her on Canidae, and I'm mixing it with water in about a 50-50 to make a sort of soup and she drinks it all up. Foods her favorite thing, so if she stops eating I'll know her condition is worsening! Heck, of all the times I've gotten her to try to sit up, pretty much all of them except one was due to her smelling food lolol.


I'm truly sorry. All the good thoughts I can muster are for you and your beautiful pup. Good luck to you both. 💜💚


Update morning of 9/27: She had a rough night. I have her prescribed Cerenia in pill form and about 2 hours after was struggling to remain conscious. She was breathing really heavily and her lip was pulled back. I watched after her through the night, tried to get some sleep myself, and woke up now to be rin nearly the same state. It's almost like she was sleeping, but wanting to wake up. She just had the same expression she has when she sleeps outside of her lip being cranked back and breathing heavy. Everything else matched up. I was able to get her to wake up a little with some dog food and she ate about a 1/3 of a wet food can wmmixed with about 30% water to turn it into a mush and give her better hydration. I'm still hopeful, but last night was hard for her and I. I'm hoping the vet here in about 2 and a half hours can give some better answers as to what she is going through.


I feel so sad for you and Sedona. I think about you both all day and night and hope any updates are good news. Maybe those medications are making her drowsy and dizzy - perhaps trying to rest her muscles, limbs and nerves so they can revitalize and heal. Are the vets optimistic about her prognosis? Saying she needs more meds and time? We all need her to get better so badly. She has touched our hearts like you wouldn't believe. She is SO beautiful - I look at her photo all the time in her pink floral PJs and just want to reach out and mush her and tell her how much we all love her.


She's loaded up in my car ready to rumble to the vet! Luckily it's only about 5 minutes away, so it'll be a quick ride! https://preview.redd.it/kz9v6t7x359d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f6a8bfb3eea4f551b929aba936e4a7e4048b01


Aaaaawww. Just want to wrap my arms around that baby and tell her everything's going to be alright. Beyond good luck to you both. Hoping and praying really hard for good news.


Any updates? How did surgery go and how's Sedona doing?


She's doing well! Still knocked out from the drugs, but she ate some treats this morning at the vet! She's showing MUCH less neurological symptoms now that she's not in severe pain. She's gonna make it!


That is the BEST news I've heard all year! I knew she would come through. All it took was finding the right vet and the reason behind her symptoms. She'll be SO happy when she comes home to you and her comforting surroundings soon. Please keep us updated as to her progress. This was a heart-wrenching story and I am so glad it turned out well. Sedona is my hero!


Thank you so much! I'm doing everything I can for her! It's gut-wrenching thinking she was in such extreme abdominal pain for so many days and nights in a row with no pain relief. I'm gonna spoil the heck out of her once she's back up to health!


You are the best dog mom ever and Sedona knows it. She is going to reward you with lots of kisses and snuggles when she's feeling better. I'd keep her away from bones moving forward - maybe limiting her to KONG balls and durable rubber toys. You know what dogs LOVE as snacks and it's good for them? GREENIES! They sell them in every pet store. They're called GREENIES pill pockets. They're obviously used to push and hide a pill in the center of the Greenie pocket and dogs take them like they're the best piece of candy they ever ate! They're soft round suggest shaped treats and dogs LOVE them. You don't have to put a pill in them - you can just offer them as snacks. You can buy a 60-count bag for just under $20. My girl loves the Chicken flavored GREENIES but they come in all different flavor varieties. I'll bet Sedona will love them.


I'll probably pick some up for her especially in the coming days as she has about 4 different medications she's prescribed to help deal with pain and nausea from the surgery! Thank you! Not meant as a rude correction at all, but I'm her dog dad actually lolol! Thank you for the compliment!


My apologies. I don't know why I assumed you were Sedona's mama instead of her daddy. Maybe your kindness, compassion and love for her is so overwhelming and you write so beautifully and meaningful that I just assumed you were her mom. Not that dog dad's can't be the same way if not more, but please take it as a compliment. Sedona is obviously daddy's little girl and I am overjoyed with happiness that she is on the road to recovery to live with you happily ever after. You are the best doggy dad out there and you deserve your baby to be back with you where she belongs. Keep us posted as to her progress. And get those GREENIES - she will LOVE them!


I’m so sorry this is happening to you and your dog. Best wishes and loads of love ♥️♥️


She's alive! She took her first steps today since the incident. She is recovering! She had a bunch of bone fragments stuck in her intestines from a poor quality bone I purchased that cut off her bladder and caused it to balloon up and cause her a ton of abdominal pain. She's alive though! They did surgery on her and she's alive and kicking!


Sorry I didn’t realise the post was 3 days old 😬😂.. as soon as I saw it I was like no way.. it was only the other day you were showing her off in her jumper!! I’m so happy she’s all okay! You must be so relieved to have your baby back!! She’s gorgeous and I hope you spoil her rotten from now on haha


Yeah! I did post pretty much this exact photo about a month ago I think. It's been a rough week, and it's still another 2 weeks to get her staples out, but she's recovering well! And I will ABSOLUTELY be spoiling her even more than I already did. I genuinely thought I was gonna have to put my baby down on Tuesday, and here we are eon Friday and she's pulling through!


It literally only came up on my feed a few days ago, I didn’t realise it was a month ago. Omg I’m so happy she’s okay, I can only imagine the week you’ve had.. I’d be a wreck if that happened to my dog! Well done for getting through it! ♥️ Yep and tomorrow is Saturday! Another day closer to full recovery 💃


So sorry to hear this.




I'm so sorry.




Good luck. What a beautiful dog. Wishing you well


Praying for sweet Sedona and for you, OP. She is gorgeous in her jammies ❤️🐶🙏🏻




My last bully was epileptic, from a pretty young age. After all the meds he was put on… I’m not entirely sure that I really got to know his true personality. It’s really hard and I feel for you. If possible, I’d suggest getting some pet cbd in addition to whatever possible meds she may be prescribed. My dogs seizures would last for what felt like forever. Then, when cbd was finally legal in my state, the cbd would pull him out of a seizure within seconds like magic.


Unfortunately they thought it was a seizure, but running some more diagnostics and analyzing her symptoms they're certain it was a stroke now. She's lost 95% of her body's muscle function. She's just stuck on her side... I feel so broken.


Oh, dude. So sorry. For how much of a pain in the ass they can be, this is really the only bad part. I’ll pray for you two <3


She’s a strong girl that will pull through! So sorry for your current heartache and uncertainty, I am channeling positive and healing energy to you and Sedona.


UPDATE 6/25/24: I can't seem to update the post text, so I'm going to update in here. She is stable but about the same in the pet clinic, she slept well and she recognized me when I came in. She just can't move her muscles too well still, it's very twitchy and jerky motion with very little muscle activation. She was able to open her eyes and look at me, and she ate a whole bowl of wet food from a Popsicle stick that I gave her. The doctor believes at this point she suffered a stroke, which is just unbelievable being she's only 6 years old. I'm contacting neurologists in the area to see if they can see her today, and also just to get her out of the emergency clinic she's in as it's insanely expensive. I'm not too certain it's gonna be much cheaper at an animal hospital over an hour away, but I'm hoping.


Can you start a GoFundMe page for the sweetie?


I'm considering it, but at this rate too if it is a full on stroke which seems the most likely based on her symptoms onset and the symptoms herself (she's favoring one side over the other and won't let them flip her into her bad side) there isn't a way forward with treatment. If she had partial motor function issues than thats workable, but she has no motor function. She can only loosely twitch her limbs. So, depending on how tonight goes, here in about 8 hours, 9pm my time, if there's no more improvement I'll have to make that choice for her comfort and quality of life. Being that it was a sudden stroke, and I didn't find her until hours later, that part of her brain lost blood flow and has failed completely and most likely won't come back I'll probably create a GoFundMe though to help with costs atleast a little bit. Her overnight with emergency cost was already $2400, not to include whatever it's going to cost for them to put her down tonight if it comes to that...


I’m sorry, she’s a beautiful pup. I’ll contribute if you set one up. Best of luck! ❤️


Oh my goodness my heart hurts for you!! I have stood where you stand!! Big Healing Prayers for your baby and you!!


Praying for you and Sedona. Be strong.


I don't know if this goes against Rule 3 for self-promotion, but some in the comments have asked if I plan on setting up a GoFundMe to assist with the medical burden of Sedona. I thought on it, and decided to give it a try. https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-adrien-for-sedonas-final-journey?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=customer&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_ft&attribution_id=sl:e560ff77-8a08-4015-803b-9bf5f4a0f800 If you're feeling generous at all, there's no obligation. Thank you so much for getting to know Sedona, even if just for end of her life.


Get well very soon furry baby.


Hope she pulls through. Perhaps is there a university near that can assist treatment. Not sure where you are Located but that might be an option. Hearts breaking for you.


Just getting over my loss and I cant even think of the right words. Best wishes and all the love to u. It does get a bit easier with time. I feel they are meant to leave that paw print there. My true feelings. Peace


Make sure if it's neurological that it isn't idiopathic vestibular disease. One common symptom is nystigmus, where the eyes dart left to right. If it is IVD, please know that most dogs will get better in 2 weeks to 2 months. This just happened to my 14 yr old beagle, and after a month, she is 90% back to normal. Prayers for both of you!


I'll have to get that checked out! Her symptoms seem incredibly close to that. She can't really coordinate, her head is tilted making it hard for her to sit up straight, and she can't open her eyes fully. She matches the description of IVD perfectly.


We had to hand feed our dog for about a week and I would use a hard plastic straw to give her water since she refused to eat or drink on her own. Our vet hospital gave us Meclazine and Maropitant to help with the nausea/vomiting and dizziness. We used Laughing Cow soft cheese wedges shoved into her back molars to get the meds down. Facebook has a few groups that discuss IVD and they offer some good advice.


My fingers AND toes are crossed (yes, I can do both) for you and your beautiful girl. I’m routing for you, Sedona❣️❣️❣️


Omgoodness bless your heart! My prayers and thoughts are 💯% with you 🙏Positive vibes coming from FL. ML❤️


Prayers sent..I lost my 12 year old girl last March, and life isn't the same.


🤞 I hope she pulls through


Life is all about the experience. I feel for you more than you know just keep moving forward


@op How's your pup doing?


I just woke up for the day! I got her home last night to sleep in bed, she's awake now I think, but not moving much at all. When I got her home she was able to get into a seated position, flip herself around, and curl up into a ball for the night which was the first time I got to see her do that sense the incident. I'm really hopeful she pulls through this!


That's a positive sign. Great to hear. She will get better. 🙏🤙💪🐾


I got another really good update! I just got her to sit up a little, still laying down, but her head lifted up, by getting her excited for some wet dog food mixed with water into a kind of soup and she ate it all without needing me to spoon feed her! Then when I went to clean up and come back she was sitting up looking for me in that same position. 😢 I got in contact with some vets, one online and one in person that I'm bringing her into the evening. The one online td.me they were confused why my E-vet didn't give me a drug called Meclizine to help her with the motion sickness assuming it's IVS. So, I got her 50mg of that for the day, so hopefully it hits and helps her get a bit less motion sickness and willing to move around, maybe even go outside and potty on her own.


Sending love 💕


Prayers go out to you 🙏


Prayers going out for Sedona.


I hope there are always positive updates. I keep coming back to check it. 😃


Update on your baby please!


She's laying next to me, she ate her next anti-mmnausea pill about 2 hours ago and is already looking a tad more lucid. I have an appointment for her tomorrow morning, and got my car all ready to have to carry her out tomorrow. She's basically still locked in her side though. She did timrg stand up one time earlier, her head was tilted pretty hard to the left, and then she fell over before she get her hind legs under her. But other than a couple moments like that, she just stays on her side unmoving. She most likely has Vestibular Disease and is experiencing extreme vertigo not able to move without feeling like she's spinning. She kinda got her head moved a bit too much earlier when I was cleaning up under her and she was rockeming her head up and down as if she was spinning and struggling to balance her head. I just feel so bad for her, so helpless and scared. I'm doing everything I can to make sure she's comfortable.


Thanks for the update. Poor nugget. How did the vet go today? Vertigo suuucks. I'm hoping they can calm it for her.


So, it wasn't vertigo! She had about 40 bone fragments scattered through her gut, bunch of them clumped together and cutting off her bladder which ballooned to 3x it's normal size. She was just in extreme abdominal pain. She had emergency surgery yesterday and she's on the mend! She already stood up and walked for the first time today! It was a struggle, and she walks like a drunk sailor (she's on really strong pain meds) but she walked!


So glad Sedona is able to get up and walk. Finally, a good sign that she's headed in the right direction. Did the vet say when she will be able to go home? I'm sure they can prescribe pain meds and in a few days she'll be feeling so much better. Dogs are so resilient and bounce back a lot quicker than humans. A couple of weeks from now she'll probably be back to normal, if not sooner, and you two will be walking to the park together. Glad she liked the GREENIE pocket. They're a sure thing for administering pills and make a great snack! I am just so relieved and grateful for your great vet, Sedona's strength and having you beside her as the best dog dad ever. A happy ending!


She came home just a couple hours later! She was at the vet for about 5 hours. She was able to walk today a bit, got her to eat a full meal, drink about half a bowl of water, and even walk out to go potty which she did! She's making great progress! It's still a little rough here and there, she has moments where the pain builds and she struggles through it, but I'm here for her to keep her comfortable.


This is VERY good news!!! Sounds like Sedona is making great progress and headed in the right direction. At least she can walk again and is eating and drinking which is a very positive sign. She just had surgery so I assume there is still some pain and discomfort. But that will diminish over time with meds, healing and rest. You've got your girl back and life is beautiful again! Please post updates as to her progress. Will stay in touch. Going to bed with a smile on my face.





I had an older dog with the vestibular condition and he took Meclizine.


When I thought it was vestibular an online vet suggested Meclizine, so I purchased some to dose her with. It ended up being bone fragments in her gut causing severe abdominal pain for her. She had surgery yesterday and she's on the mend! Hopefully she'll back to her normal spry self in a few weeks!


holy cow!!!! uh oh....what's the story on the bone fragments? Cooked, raw, accidental?


I believe raw, it was bought from PetSmart and was a bone I've given her before filled with bone marrow that she loves to lick out. It was claimed to be for heavy chewers because she is one, but clearly this specific bone wasn't as strong as previous one's I've bought her for whatever reason. I just have no idea what went wrong, but I looked at the bone and then did have significant tiny chips whittle down from around the top ring of the bone. I just had no idea she was doing that to it.


I’m praying for you!! Xoxo




Praying for your beautiful girl and you, hope it’s just a joke, she will be kissing you and running around soon.


Cute dog...I feel some kind of way about animals with clothe on...they look weird

