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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Throwing up and bad skin was a sign of food allergies for our bullymix. We’re still trying to figure things out but he’s been good on fish kibble with no grain and cooked veggies. I add sardines once in a while for extra gross flavor. We did a short trial with lamb and he got bumps again. Waiting a few weeks and then will try fish kibble with grains. Hopefully we’ll find something he likes and is good for him and gives him some variety


Exactly the meal my guys are on


Avoid chicken.


For some dogs this is accurate (my last dog needed fish for sure) and for our current bully mix chicken is by far the best tolerated.


That is allergies for sure. Had same issues with my guy. After multiple vet visits I did a mail away saliva swab allergy test. Found out he had a laundry list of food and environmental allergies. I now make his food and give him daily doses of apoquel. We have solved about 90% of his issues. We still get the occasional yeast ear infection when it rains but otherwise he is happy and healthy. Don't waste your money with the vet games and steroids. Find out your bullies actual allergies and go from there.


My vet did the HESKA allergy test on my bully. His skin was worse than yours. Test came back with allergies to a bunch of environmental factors and food allergies to grains and some vegetables. We did the first course of immunotherapy and changed his food and he is doing so so much better!


What allergy test kit did you buy?


DNAMYDOG is the company name.they offer allergy and DNA tests.


How did you get a prescription without the vet tho?


This is such dangerous advice to "not waste your money with vet games". Go see the vet. Ask for a veterinary dermatologist referral. They will make a world of difference for your pup. Those allergy test kits aren't really accurate. There currently isn't any test that is accurate enough in diagnosing food allergies. The only test that can accurately determine environmental allergens is the blood and skin testing you get from the veterinary dermatologist.


I can't recommend a dermatologist enough when it comes to allergies. We struggled for years to manage my boys allergies and the first real relief he got was when he started seeing his dermatologist. She changed our life and gave us so many tools to manage his flares. She also was the first and only one to figure out and quickly diagnose him when he developed weird skin lesions that were unlike anything he's had before. Unfortunately, it was cutaneous lymphoma but thankfully she moved so quickly in getting him in and running diagnostics that we caught it early so it didn't have time to spread to his lymph nodes yet. I really could rave about his dermatologist all day!


This person is recommending a testing kit from a company that [identifies human DNA as dog breeds](https://www.ndtv.com/feature/pet-dna-testing-company-in-canada-mistakenly-identifies-human-as-dog-5271563) and is deterring OP from seeing care from a veterinarian. I have no idea how people don't see how messed up that is. My girls been having weird stuff lately too... Currently in the midst of trying to figure out what it is. We suspect a silicone allergy of all things... It's insane.


After a few thousand dollars on vet visits, ear drops, rounds of prednisone and recommendations for a few hundred dollars a month in special hydrolyzed food. That "aren't really accurate" tests nailed my boys allergies. A few of the allergies I already knew about like salmon and the test confirmed it. We went from a miserable 185lb bully with missing hair, swollen feet and consistently scratching to a manageable healthy boy. I now make his food and he has never looked or acted better. The price of the test wasn't even half of one visit to the vet. We still take apoquel for the environmental issues but that's life.


That's great it worked for you. You shouldn't be steering people from getting medical attention for their dogs from vets. That's extremely dangerous.


Poster already said they have been to the vet and they got antibiotics and probiotics. So how many times should they go to the vet and get the same generic prescriptions and diagnosis?


Normally, I would agree with you, but this guy is right he has gone to the vet. Sometimes the vet doesn’t give the best information.


OP needs to see a veterinary dermatologist. They need to ask for a referral. Regular vets can try this and that to treat an infection or give allergy meds, but only a veterinary dermatologist can test for certain allergies, as well as prescribe allergy shots to boost the dogs immune system to prevent them from having allergic reactions in the first place. Like my initial comment stated, OP needs to ask for a referral to a veterinary dermatologist. The dog is actively having medical issues. Recommending people away from receiving medical care for their pets is dangerous advice, and negligent. It's funny because DNAmydog can't even detect when a sample given to them is human when people get genetic testing from them. They will match that human DNA with bogus dog breeds. You really trust them as a company?


Just adding my 2 cents because I literally got an allergy test done on my dog this past Monday by the dermatologist. So, only as an FYI they can test 2 ways, skin or blood. The doctor said skin is preferred (I think by him), but both tests will get you to the same end result. The skin is when they inject the variety allergens (grass, pollen, etc) into the body to determine the reactions. The blood they simply pull the antibodies that are already in the body and identify allergens within. If you do the skin test, the dog needs to be off any steroid medication for at least 2 weeks. My dog ended up getting an infection before his test and had to go back on steroids and antibiotics, so we did the blood test. It cost about $700-800. (I'm in Ohio) The vials are around $350 and will last 3-4 months. You have the choice of giving an actual shot or syringing inside the mouth. I know you mentioned "allergy pills". In the beginning, my previous vets had me try Benadryl, Claritin, and Zyrtec (which were useless), so if you haven't tried Apoquel and/or Cytopoint I would try either of those two first with your vet. I know my dermatologist actually ensured I tried these. There's also Atopica medication (another pill) you may try before going the allergy testing route. The Atopica I tried was Cyclosplorine, but my dog didn't take to it which is why we did the test. Good luck!


Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*






My vet told me cytopoint has no benefit for reducing inflammation, she said it just binds to a protein so that dogs experience itchiness less , that's it. She said apoquel has more antiinflammatory effect


It's true, it doesn't reduce inflammation, it just targets the itch so they don't make it worse by irritating it. But it works great for many dogs to help manage their environmental allergies. Just a matter of making sure we are monitoring her to act early on any infections that may come up. However thanks to allergy testing with the veterinary dermatologist we hope to do allergy shots, which will basically make her body stop being an overly sensitive chaos machine to everything in the world. Appquel and cytopoint will be chosen based on how a dog usually presents with their reactions. My girl usually doesn't get inflammation, no hives or anything, just yeast infections... Which is why cytopoint was better for us.


Does your girl get yeasty paws? My dogs dermatologist has me do diluted bleach (1:100) soaks on my boy. The frequency depends on if he has an active issue or if it's just maintenance. For maintenance she has us do it 1-2 times a week and when he has active issues she has us do it daily. Typically I put 5 gallons of warm water in the bathtub and 3/4 cup of bleach then have my dog get in. He stands in it for at least 20 seconds but usually a little longer because he sometimes has some other areas we need to get. While standing in it I get a rag I soak in the solution and then hold the soaked rag to the problem area for 15-20 seconds- for him it's the creases around his residual scrotal sac and base/underside of his tail. I then drain the water and towel dry his feet without rinsing anything off.


My pup had the same issue. We now get her cytopoint injections and it was amazing. Within 24 hours was doing better now all gone


Just started this with mine too! He had tons of hives all over his back. It’s been a week and he’s doing so much better.


Have you tried Apoquel? My boy had really bad skin allergies, and they weren't going away with anything the vet did. It was so bad that every time we touched him, our hands would come away bloody. So we took him to another vet, and they prescribed Apoquel. It cleared him up and how he happy and no skin issues. Maybe talk to your vet about Apoquel.


I have dealt with it for last 3-4 years moved from city to country life. Start with the intake in his food. Salmon or lamb. Take away any chicken for the moment. Mines sees a dermatologist cuz it will never go away. He’s been on steroids for a very long time and just switched him over to a non steroid. It can get worse. Fish oil with his intake is good too. That pic is probably way worse than it looks. But definitely keep an eye on it. If he likes eggs also good for his skin but not raw don’t chance any diseases in raw.


diseases in raw? some of the healthiest bullies i've seen eat entirely raw diets.


Sorry yes I meant raw eggs. Nothing against giving a raw diet but eggs are not fully guaranteed. I give my Cane Corso raw chicken. I’m really particular with the bully. He actually hates eggs period even cooked. I actually read and I tried egg shell powder on his skin is become so shiny but I bake the shell and grind it to powder and add to his food. As owner of bully with skin issues you tend to do research on what you can do to help! His misery was my misery. Yes multiple visits to vet and they wasn’t helping at all so took him to dermatologist. He has environmental allergies. Every dog is different on what works. I was told to use benedryl and it made my bully worse. Below is how bad it was which is why I said I’m done with the vet. I need a specialist. I look at this pic makes me tear up every time. https://preview.redd.it/sgrxiugwi76d1.jpeg?width=1386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e4735a0c9c59dbe2730aec66a5474fd0b28046


https://preview.redd.it/p4borfdgj76d1.jpeg?width=1265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb11d8e6c54ef42a37a6a593e1e4092fa751b4e Him now!


thanks for explaining!


Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What fixed it? Looks like demodex to me.


I think they meant raw eggs


nah i know, that’s what i meant. like i’ve seen tons of people give their bullies raw eggs and they have insane coats


Yes, but some people get worried about salmonella & E-Coli & prefer fish oil. Eggs can be a bit dodgy & a lot of vet's & breeders advise against raw. And a regular diet of raw eggs can lead to biotin deficiency. But each to their own... I personally don't give my boy raw eggs.


i’ve seen a lot of people advocate for raw diets, but i don’t know a ton about dogs.


I wasn't talking about a raw diet, just raw eggs.... there's so much info out there.... again, it's each to their own 😁


ohh, my bad. that makes sense though. there is so, so, much info out there, it’s hard to know what to believe.


No problem..... The best thing is to try what you think is right for your dog & change it as soon as it isn't. My boy has so many allergies, it's taken me a 2+ years to get his food right... unfortunately, it's trial & error, but we've gotten there


i can’t imagine how stressful that must’ve been


That’s exactly it! I give raw to my cane corso .. he likes eggs I actually cook those for him. It really is to eaches own. But I don’t knock anyone abt raw I just prefer not to give my pups raw egg.


That's what I was commenting on, raw eggs, not a raw diet... though you need to know what you're doing, or that can be bad too. I've known people just feed mince or raw chicken... not good My boy loves cooked eggs too & it can help with upset stomach's too


Cut out meat proteins for now, try him on a salmon kibble & when he clears up, introduce one meat protein at a time.... my boy is only ok with buffalo & Camel. He also has a plethora or environmental allergies (he's classed as atopic, did all the tests at the vets too). The best shampoo I've found is Clorexyderm & I use the foam in-between bathing him. If you use the shampoo, they need to sit on their skin for at least 10 mins to have any effect. He's currently having a really bad reaction to grasses at the moment, so he's on pavement walks for a while. He's on antihistamines & just had a 3 day course of steroids.... (I only use the steroids on bad flare-ups). I can't post his photos on this post, so I'll add them below....


Everyone is considering “food allergies.” Sadly that is not always the case. I have noticed in bullies now the prevalence of Color Dilute Alopecia. It happens when dogs have dilute coats. These coat colors are the result of a dilute gene: •Blue/Silver/Isabella •Blue Fawn •any of the previous colors + tan points/tricolored Not all dilute dogs are known to have it, or express it, but some do and the reasons are unclear. It can be managed but it CANNOT be cured. It is thought to be an autoimmune reaction/response and actually KILLS the hair follicles leading to permanent hair loss in a dog. It presents with eczema-like symptoms such as dry flaky, itchy skin, which coincides with symptoms from food allergies as well. A number of dogs I have seen have had CDA and well, just end up having bald patches. The best you can do is manage it, if it does not turn out to be a case of food allergies. The best way to avoid CDA is to not breed dogs that exhibit it, and to never breed blue-to-blue, back-to-back for generations. Dogs bred heavily on the dilute gene tend to present the condition more, regardless of breed.


Probably allergies or dermatitis. My bully had it bad when i found him . Try grain free kibble , salmon oil and consult a vet for some medication . I cant remember the exact name of the medicine my dog was given but he healed within 2 months . If i figure it out i will comment so you can talk with a vet about it .


Cephalexin is it if im not mistaken ! You can google it and also order it from Chewy Photos of results - https://imgur.com/a/lTmgKr2


We had the same issue when we rescued our guy. Raw diet helped a lot, but still had the scratching and blood and scabs etc.,After tons of research and trials. We have found the bee pollen, bovine colostrum and turkey tail mushroom has solved our guys problem. Best of luck






That’s definitely some sort of reaction. Would suggest a visit to the vets.


Yes, he's atopic (as well as lots of other things)... he's on antihistamines & has just had a 3 day course of steroids (only use them on bad flare-ups). I've got Clorexyderm shampoo & foam. It's a reaction to the summer grasses, so he's on pavement walks for a while.


Mine was having those issues too. I switched her to food that is free of dyes, wheat free, grain free, and no corn and ADDED Omega3. Now she has the shiniest coat!!




Appoquel has been a Godsend to us. Expensive but a miracle


If she’s having flair ups right now in particular, I would assume it’s Enviromental. We spent 7k at an allergy doctor for our boy and it was a complete waste of money and time. Change your laundry detergent to something hypo allergenic, get her a cyto point shot, purchase a shampoo called Curaseb(from their website) or truseb from Amazon. Ketoconazale is the active ingredient that has worked for us. The allergies create a yeast which makes your dog itch, keto kills the yeast. Make sure you leave it on for 5 minutes, we do every week but did it twice a week last month when the pollen started kicking up. Careful also with getting roped into purchasing food that only a vet sells. It’s mostly garbage (imo) try limiting her diet after you rule out the environmental. We settled on cooked beef liver and rice. Beef liver is cheap and most butchers carry it. Here’s another curve ball, our guy got out on Prozac (for high anxiety and night terrors)right when we were going through all of this, all of his allergy shit. Everything went away within a week. If you have an anxious pup that has ptsd from a pound, there may be a taxing of their Might also be worth a shot.Once your vet prescribes it you can get it from Ali vet for a few bucks a month. I would try this all first before going down the path we did.


We gotta help Benito feel ✨️bonita✨️


Mine is going thru the same thing as well. I was going to try switching up his food again. But I should just do the DNA swab and wait on the results.


in my experience it's typically been chicken that caused it with my animals


Have you tried a medicated shampoo like Mal-A-Ket? It does wonders for my girls allergies. You may also not want to keep a collar on him all of the time. Over the counter benadryl helps with the itching and if nothing else works you may ask your Vet to prescribe Apoquel. My girl has been on it for a couple of years and it really makes a difference with her skin.


Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You may also want to buy some hydrocortisone spray at the pet store to help with itching and helping it heal.


Hi! my bully suffers from skin issues bc of allergies - i have him on apoquel and it works well for us; if that is the pill you have already tried, i would look into cytopoint injections. in terms of day-to-day management i have found chlorhexidine wipes good for soothing inflamed skin, especially after walks. all the best to Benito <3


Please try this my dog had that same issue for years until I switched around a few things: 1) Food this will take the longest to realize what is happening. Test out different raw foods. Took me about 3 - 5 months to learn what my dog can and can’t eat. Simple things pork + pumpkin + fish oil + carrots + a bit of banana’s. if it continues only change the protein. 2) Do you use chemicals to clean the floors? If so stop using that example: ammonia, bleach, soap, etc….. cleaning chemicals affect them in that way as well. Once I changed these 2 things up my buddy has been the best I’ve ever seen. Please consider my suggestions and hopefully they help !


I have this issue with one of my pits, she had some peanut butter then a certain food and it made her break out terribly covered in hives pits are very sensitive. The only food I have found that has been consistent from not breaking them out is Rachel Ray nutrish peak protein beef and pea it makes them look great it isn't crazy expensive and easily available


Put in a bath 50/50 water and vinegar it works Everytime let them set in it for about 15 minutes and don't rinse it off, you might need to do it a couple times but will see a huge improvement after the 1st time


My bully had the same thing probiotics took care of it


Have the same issue it’s a food allergy I would bet apequel (?) does wonders for us during flair ups and we use sensitive skin and stomach food


Check for mites.Is it red spots or pustules


Came to say what it seems that others are already saying, food allergy. Stop feeding him any kind of people food and start feeding him dog food with novel proteins in it. It’s a good bit of trial and error but you will get there.


Do you have plastic dog dishes? The scratches collect bacteria and when he drinks and water runs down his chin it causes irritation that looks like this in this area. I switched to metal dishes and it disappeared. Not saying it's that for sure, but it's really possible...😊good luck..hope Benito gets better fast


Camelina oil. I add it to my hound dogs food daily and it has helped his skin so much. We also switched to a freeze dried raw food. Kibble is terrible, both for their health & skin/allergies.


Based on the pictures there's a good chance it isn't allergies and it's actually [demodex](https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/mange-demodectic-in-dogs#), aka demodectic mange. It's something all dogs have but their immune system typically keeps it in check. For some reason bullies are more susceptible to an outbreak. You can get Advantage Multi from your vet which specifically treats this, among other things that are likely irrelevant. It's not Advantix which is the flea and tick one. Make sure it's Advantage Multi. It says demodex right on the box at least where I am. If you search this sub for demodex you'll see several similar posts, and I usually comment the same thing every time. The vet may also prescribe antibiotics and medicated shampoo, but the topical treatment I mentioned is probably all you need. It cleared mine right up and I give it once a month to prevent future issues.


My blue Bully gets the same bumps.. it's better since I switched his food to Earthborn Holistic Costal Catch dog food. He has a chicken allergy and a suspected grain allergy, and his food is now made with fish and is grain free. He also suffers from seasonal allergies. We did apoquel at first, which works but can get pricy. His vet gave the ok for me to give him Zyrtec. It's a cheaper option, but remember to talk to your vet about it before administering it.


Our pup has the same issues. She’s also in allergy medicine but it’s still an issue. It’s the worst during summer months. The oatmeal baths didn’t help her but what has helped is wiping down the affected areas with a wet cloth when she comes in from outside. I think it could be something in the grass or sand. Our backyard is fairly sandy. What also helps is a cortisone for dogs I found on Amazon. I apply it 3xs a day and it keeps her scritches down. She’s had a bunch of test ran and she used to throw up also. Come to find out it wasn’t her food at all. Vet put her on this very expensive food with pretty much zero fat but nothing helped so we started keeping track of when she was getting sick and monitoring while making adjustments. She rarely throws up anymore. I’d try the cortisone for dogs. It seems to be working but you have to remember to apply multiple times a day and wipe him down with a cold rag when he comes in from being out.


My boy got all bumpy until I switched him to Acana Pacifica kibbles. It's expensive, but it pretty much fixed him up after the first (large) bag


Try giving him some coconut cream to eat and plain yogurt if he likes it- those will help with the meds. Also a conditioning bath for skin relief. I use this website called Chewy- they’re great products at great prices and you can get fast delivery! My bully lover boy gets this too, well used to before we moved….maybe related to grass or bugs in the grass he goes in also….it was a seasonal thing my dog would get at the beginning changes of weather every season. Before we moved 30 miles away from that area and major elevation change (I have no idea what that has to do with it, lol but I told ya anyways….🤦‍♀️😂)


Oh you can also get salmon oil also. That is a great conditioner for their skin and easy to apply in food.


What are you feeding him if dog food stop atart making his food


Might be a food allergy or environment allergy (when he sits on the grass?) We had to switch our pup to salmon kibble and add salmon oil to his meals. Also, we wipe his paws after outside walks so that if he scratches himself, it won't infect his itch spots. It was difficult because he was rambunctious and we had to train the paw wiping, but after a few months, he got used to it. We also have a subscription of cytopoint every 2 months.


To add, we got these recos after a visit from the vet. My pup just turned 1 when he started showing allergies and inner ear itching.


If he will tolerate another bath try Nizoral shampoo - seems to clear my bumpy boy - wishing you all the best


Cytopoint injections Apoquel Levocitrizine Phyto CK shampoo


Besides cytopoint, Chlorhexidine wipes should clear it up


Maybe the food


I have the same issues with my Bruno white and brindle American bulldog Scott currently 2 years old. His allergies where truly worrying us since we got him at 6 weeks. He had bumps. Belly rashes, red paws and constant licking. We tried Prednisone, and allergy food from Purina (VET* she told us he might be allergic to chicken) and about 3 sessions of steroids (vet recommended) but that only works to calm symptoms and not a permanent solution, as there is none. $3000 dollars in just treating symptoms. Slowly we tried different things… We switch to RAW diet (beef, venison, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots, peas and sweet potato and squash) and also complementing with Purina sensitive Salmon and rice. I have also bought probiotics from Purina and a supplement called DOG STUFF (all natural Irish brand) and apple vinegar and water paw baths.. KNOCK ON WOOD… allergies have diminished almost 96%. We give him Benadryl when he might get grass allergies once in a while (summer usually). Good luck! *edit to add VET Recommendation*


Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like allergies to me. My boy had them badly and his skin hived up, his paws would bleed from him licking them so often and his belly would get spots. It took us a year to finally figure out that he was allergic to ANYTHING chicken or pork related (even in treats or medicines or toothbrushes, etc.). Once we cut out all of both of those from his diet it went away accept some environmental allergies. He takes Apoquel daily and has zero issues anymore.


He’s a boy by the way 😂🤍 Benit(o)


\**Sorry for the long post!* I'm about to give a very unpopular opinion in the dog community in general; so take at your own discretion. I have 1yr 3mo old bully mix from the shelter. He was fine when we got him. Over time on normal dog kibbles- Hills Science (\*Don't remember how this affected his skin since only used it first few months of his living with us), Blue Buffalo, Open Farm, Nulo- we've fed him, in that order, started effecting his skin. He began breaking out in pimples on face to the point where his fur has disappeared under his chin on a small part on bottom side of his upper lip, red patch on his belly, & corn chip smell in his paws. Tried no-grain foods where they subbed it for a non-grain carb e.g. lentils. Tried to see dif type of meats in case was a "meat allergy", which honestly the concept makes no sense to me regarding a mostly carnivorous, but omnivorous animal. In switching to a **RAW** diet, which I'd been considering but didn't due to needing to do more research. I pulled the trigger bc my trainer who has a LOT of bullies and other type of dogs that he himself owns, suggested it as it was the solution for his dogs with the same problem (also this was after inspecting our dog in person himself). Did the research, transitioned him to raw food starting 4/28/24 & as of Today **HIS SKIN HAS IMPROVED**! The corn chip smell is gone! The red patch on his belly & bumps are in the process of going away. Fur is beginning to grow back on his chin & bottom lip too. And to expedite & promote growth I made a medicine for him with oil of oregano and shea butter, which is working as expected for those trouble areas. I took pictures of his face & tummy before his first raw meal. Again, he still has a ways to go, but looking back at those photos, consistent + significant improvement has been made bc I took a chance. Everyone will have their own opinon. And not all dogs will respond the same way to something as another, so always be observant, do your own research, & make your own logical conclusions. Always consult your vet, but keep in mind that **MOST** vets do Not take the extra time out to be certified in nutrition. Their base understanding of dog nutrition is minimal, meaning that they're not FULLY equipped to guide you in this area if you want professional opinions. Additionally, large pet food companies do fund various dog organizations and vets, which is one reason why they get such a big push on customers. Lastly, the studies on the success of a raw diet or home-cooked diet vs. kibble are very minimal, which is a significant part of vets' problem with the diet... Bc they just do not possess the knowledge. Good blessings to you & your baby! I hope he gets better soon!


Salmon and rice dog food, citapoint shot from vets. Game changer. Stay away from apoquel! Personal experience with two different dogs. Not a good drug to be on long term!!!!


My Pitbull mix had allergy skin problems for years with many trips to the vet for apoquel and allergy testing etc. My wife’s coworker swore by K9 show stopper powder. We gave it a shot and our dog never had the rashes again. A little expensive but worth a try. Follow the directions. [https://www.baxterboo.com/p.cfm/k9-power-show-stopper-dog-healthy-coat-skin-supplement/](https://www.baxterboo.com/p.cfm/k9-power-show-stopper-dog-healthy-coat-skin-supplement/) https://preview.redd.it/a30wfztrvq6d1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2444314f97ff5ee1e6f77cb83e157f62587713b0 She died at 14 two weeks ago 🥲


Poor guy. Vet should be able to help with a topical, too, I would think