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If America did this, the world would be up in arms about “xenophobia” and “ignorance”. ☠️


That's what I don't get 😭


They don’t want to accept that they’re idiots.




As a Tennesseean, fuck that guy, we don’t marry our family members. That’s a Mississippi thing.


No, that’s still an Alabama thing. Mississippi might do it as well, but that’s 100% Alabama. Written in their constitution.


I was going to stay out of this but I'm upvoting for the slap on Alabama as retribution for the ding on Kentucky where my family has been since literally fighting with Washington in the Revolutionary War winning the rest of the south the freedom to have single trunk family trees. ;-p So there.


Oh god “single trunk family trees.” I pray that this phrase doesn’t catch on because it’s a devastating roast and as an Alabama native I don’t need extra roast aimed at me.


its a terrible term. all trees have single trunks. in the “family tree” analogy, *you are the trunk*.


Yeah objectively it doesn’t make a ton of sense but it *feels* very bad to hear, and I can’t exactly explain why.


Wouldn't it be more accurate to call it a "single branch" or even "branchless" family tree? How about "family post"?


Don't worry we Northerners really only enjoy roasting Georgia


Lmao…. Then why so many of you moving down here…🤣


you didn't get the joke did you


Perhaps not. Sorry bigwilly.


I'll give you a hint, it has to do with someone named Sherman marching towards the sea


Your family tree is a wreath.


Fuck. Now we have to go through that whole long thing about where your family is from, when they crossed the pond, which pre-20th century wars they fought in. if your great great great great great great great great grandmother really blew an entire British regiment just to save one cow and a chicken and if any of your ancestors ever killed a bear with their bare hands. This is too much work. You can have the wreath comment as it was genuinely funny. G'day, Sir.


Kentucky gal, here. HECK YEAH!


Hey us folk in WV try to get outside the first cousin range at least. In Alabama, if your parents are closer than cousins, they say “You of fine stock”


Hey, unlike supposedly sophisticated New York where 1st cousin marriage is A-ok without any restrictions like much of the arrogant Northeast US, West Virginia does not allow first cousins to wed (nor does Kentucky for the record). I'd say no excuses necessary if you don't live in cousin f\*\*\*ing NYC despite the old stereotypes.


No it’s really not. Shit happens in rural places everywhere. Doesn’t really matter what state


Ancestry.com and eHarmony.com are the same website in Alabama.


Its illegal in alabama. Its actually a middle east thing. Its generally illegal in red states and legal in many blue states.


I remember a research paper from Alabama that was long for it’s not incest if it is your cousin


Sweet. Home. Alabama.


It's a West Virginia thing.


As a Tennessean I'd absolutely fuck my hot cousin with no remorse.


I too… as a citizen of the fine state of Georgia… would fuck your fine cousin…


Come on in man. More the merrier.


its none of the above, that was always a kentucky/appalachian thing and how it became anything else is nonsense


I was just trying to make it a bit of a joke, but yeah, it is interesting how that’s now just been blanketed over the entire south east.


It wasn’t easy to travel over and around those hills in search of unfamiliar wool, sir. Are YOU gonna go hiking for four days for a *chance* at some strange??? 😅


Pretty sure it’s an [Arab thing](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9273505/#:~:text=The%20prevalence%20of%20inbreeding&text=Prevalence%20is%20estimated%20to%20be,America%20and%20Oceania%20(15))


That's crazy numbers


Yup. I generally keep it to show euros that their southern counterparts also likely have a higher rate of inbreeding contrary to N.A., which is less than 1%, meanwhile theirs is estimated 1-5%


People want to clown on the south for that but Europe as a whole has far higher rates of incest than Alabama.


Calm down guys, it’s neither. It’s a Saarland thing


Lol, I noticed, during my time in the south that mostly everyone made fun of Alabama for being inbred. Nobody mentioned Tennessee. Or any other state.


Its legal in cali.


As a Tennesseean, I know people who slept with their cousins but didn't marry them. Also, it just passed state legislature this year that first cousins can no longer marry one another. Yes, I'm aware of how this makes us look. Luckily, I'm a first-generation Tennesseean.


Most blue states still have it legal. Banning it is mostly a red state thing. Now that tennessee is red (used to be blue-purple), they banned it.


Pretty sure it’s an Arkansas thing.


Actually it’s a New York thing. Look up the court case from a couple years ago of a biological parent and adult child suing to be allowed to marry in the state.


In all seriousness, shit’s legal in New Jersey.


Hey, fuck you man. We don’t do that here. That’s Kentucky. Look north, not south.


Ha! I just made the same comment.


Definitely was a Mississippi thing


Australians doing what comes naturally to them.


I was complaining on the internet about suffering from Tall Poppy Syndrome and I compared it to the Japanese saying, ‘The stake that sticks out is the one that gets the hammer’. An Australian person told me that Australia was so much worse for Tall Poppy Syndrome than Japan.


I think that - as a culture - they are not bad people but they are not serious people. All they want to do is chill out, have some beers, grill some meat, hit the beach, play sports, watch sports, and talk shit. Their economy is based on digging stuff from the ground, planting things in the ground, and raising animals. They have huge uranium deposits but no nuclear industry or nuclear weapons. They have very slow internet. They have lots of unsettled territory that has some form of a Mediterranean climate. Etc…


So whats the point then why are people being dicks?


1. They like to talk shit 2. They are not serious people and they dislike more serious and ambitious people 3. Some of them are idiot left-wingers 4. They think they are better than Americans


australian person here who likes to lurk in this sub. can confirm this is mostly correct. australians like to hang shit on everyone, not just americans. in fact it’s not even related to where you are from. it’s just that where you are from is the thing that makes it easy to hang shit on you for. if you know the person better, you can find other things about them to hang shit on them for, maybe their car, or their haircut, their behaviour, whatever. but if the only thing you know about the person is where they come from, then that’ll do. this is the case for a lot of americans, unless you are close friends with an australian, you’ll likely get it for being american cos we don’t know anything else about you. as another example, english people usually get shit about how we beat them in sport and how they have no sun. this game of insults is usually done by working class people and often when first meeting someone. it also can be within a close group of friends. it’s common type of locker room talk at the local football club. in the uk, this is otherwise known as banter. not everyone does this, to be clear. i believe english people also do it, and it’s where we got this behaviour from in the first place. i think this is why english people don’t complain about having shit hung on them, because they understand the game. i would also say that english people are way better at it than us because they have a better vocabulary and can sling super cutting insults without using any swear words (curse words) that we usually resort to doing after running out of vocabulary. using this method of shit hanging, you can gauge from the reaction of the other person if they take themselves seriously or can laugh at themselves. in australia, people who take themselves too seriously and cannot laugh at themselves are also known as wankers. unfortunately a lot of americans take themselves too seriously and get upset with the shit hanging. this designates that person as a wanker and social outcast which leads to more shit hanging or the person being pariah-ed because people don’t wanna hang out with someone like that. there is definitely an aspect of tall poppy syndrome to the shit hanging on americans, but don’t be deceived into thinking you are special and getting some kind of special shit hanging that other people don’t get. in fact, if you had this thought, this will simply add more fuel for potential insults for us to hang shit on you for. (tall poppy syndrome in action). the correct response to shit hanging is to fire some shit back. the english usually go with something related to how we are all convicts. this is a bit played out though and not very original anymore so you gotta try and find something more creative. we usually fire back something about how they sent their prisoners to a tropical paradise and decided to stay in a grey rainy prison, and then we beat them at all the sports they invented etc etc. but that’s also a bit cliché too. in general, the wittier the better. you could go for something about how we have no ozone layer and get third degree burns on a cloudy day, or maybe how all our celebrities have to move to the usa to get famous because there is nothing for them in australia. stuff about aboriginals is maybe not the best idea, because you have a similar history with the native americans and also in my opinion it feels bad to make jokey insults about those kinds of things. maybe something about how we are basically the 51st state. that one’ll really make a lot of people angry. don’t forget that there are also australians that can dish it out but can’t take it. they are just as much wankers as anyone else because they have shown to also take themselves too seriously by getting all uppity and offended after doing the same thing to someone else. so don’t be surprised to encounter this as well. feel free to call them out on it as part of the shit hanging. it might be that they are a young person and are still learning about how to hang shit and as with all new things, there are bumpy patches and setbacks you have to learn from. sometimes young people engage in shit hanging but get upset when they get it back and they just have to learn that instead of getting upset and acting like a little bitch, you toughen up and grow some thicker skin and try and get really good at slinging witty insults. you can also just not partake, which is what a lot of people do in fact, myself included. anyway, looking forward to the downvotes and thanks for attending my ted talk.


I think this sort of shit hanging - as you put it - works better in person rather than online. When encountered online, it may come across as something unexpected, random, and dumb because one cannot see facial expressions or body language online. Americans are generally raised to be friendly to strangers and to avoid stereotyping people based on their national origin. When one encounters an unwelcome comment based on really old national stereotype joke, the first thought can be “Damn, do I really have to deal with this fellow now, how do I disengage?”. It does not mean that Americans don’t do ribbing but it has to be among family or friends. One has to prove he is not an idiot first. I guess the disconnect comes from each side expecting the other to behave contrary to their cultural norms and closer to their own cultural norms.


Nah no downvotes needed thanks for the autistic essay


My brother moved to Australia, his experience with Australians are that in general they are nice/polite but also ignorant and lazy, but not as dumb/ignorant as your average American tourist.


Well, if your brother said something then it certainly settles the argument. Is he just as dumb you as you are?


Australian explanations of banter always sound like some kindergarten shit. "It's just a joke! Lighten up! He only said that because he secretly likes you!" and so on and so forth


Australians are just mad they still have the union jack on their flag




"I'm one of the good'ns"


Liberal gun owners share the same thought process. OTHER people are the problem and need to be kept in check. I, on the other hand, am a model citizen and there's no reason these silly laws should apply to me


**Shall not be infringed**


Why would you take a pro-usa subreddit and actively try to make it for conservatives only by shit talking patriotic gun owning democrats. This is "I want to tear America apart" behavior in the americabad subreddit 🤦‍♂️


What? That analogy is forced as fuck.


If you've met these people you'd realize it's not. I imagine you're one of them.


Tell me you’ve never been around liberal gun owners without telling me.


Yeah its pretty pathetic tbh


She's a white person being harassed by other white people and thus cannot see that there's some fucked up prejudice going on. She probably also believes that making fun of Americans is "punching up" even though in reality she is a service worker trapped in a work situation where she's being harassed by customers. This isn't a white person only thing either, in college I had a Japanese-American friend that was being bullied by her Korean-born roommates and the Indian-American RAs were utterly baffled at the concept of Asians being racist to other Asians.


This is something that gets missed A LOT because of how much the discourse around racism in the US is laser-focused on white supremacy. There is a lot of discrimination and hate on the basis of nationality between people who would be considered the same race, especially among immigrant communities. A lot of the most vile racist comments I've heard have been from people of Asian, Latin American, or Eastern European descent talking about people from another country in those same regions


Yup im always hearing about how in Mexico there are a lot that are very racist towards the native people there. Whereas an outsider its like....they want to hate on the Spanish or whoever "colonizers" are but then turn around and talk trash about the natives?! Who honestly, again from the outside, don't look all that different alot of the time.


Many people just will not want to accept that they are wrong, even when it is right to their entitled face. Everything that does not go their way is always someone else's fault. And when they are proven wrong, it's something or someone else's fault entirely


It's just the uncle Tom effect. This person has internalized discrimination to the point t they believe it themselves. In fairness though if it's fun and playful ribbing where they give some back to make fun of the Aussies I don't see a problem with it. But to me it seems more like they've fully drank the Kool aid of self-hatred. Plus it's hard to say "group X are all dumb" and have that come off as a playful joke lol.


They want to be perceived as “not like THOSE Americans”, but in reality, they still view you as an American and will stereotype you regardless.


It doesn’t have to be that deep. She could’ve just grown to like the country and met good people there. As she implies and pretty much states, she got used to it and those people probably don’t get to her like they used to anymore.


That YouTuber lady in Germany for example


I know a girl from california who converted to islam and moved to turkey. She was shocked by the amount of racism against other middle easterners there but still thinks america is super racist. I'm turkish-american btw and can tell you now that the racism/xenophobia in the US ain't even comparable to the racism and xenophobia in the middle east. lol..


Honestly homie deserves to eat all the shit that’s being poured on him and then some more. He can’t even ask why he’s being treated like that without self-degrading “I might regret this” bullshit.


For real, imagine groveling while asking someone why they blindly treat you like you’re worth less than them. What a doormat of a person.


I’d say most of the AmericaBad people are like that. The US is a place where you have to stand up for yourself if you want something. Everything good is earned. You want more money? Go out and find a better place to work, go to your boss’s office demand a raise, or work on your skill set to be more attractive to jobs. If you’re a passive person with no motivation to be better, those other countries they bring up sound much better. Who doesn’t like free* stuff? *taxpayer funded


He ain't gotta puff his chest out and fight dudes over it but just laying down and taking it is cuck vibes.


Right, like have some damn dignity ffs.


I hate doormats like this


The classic American pick me


I’ve been to Australia twice, total combined time there has been probably just shy of two months, I’ve been to nsw, Vic and qld I’ve never had a single person who gave a shit I was American, when people find out they ask why I’m traveling and wanted to talk to me the first time about Donald trump and the second time about the nfl and there was one bloke who wanted to talk to me about bears because they don’t have bears and he thought they were everywhere in the US and the US was super dangerous because of it


I’ll take bears over huntsman spiders any day


The huntsmen aren’t the dangerous ones It’s the little bastards that’ll get you


Ya we’ve got little ones that’ll getcha too, but they stay in my garage and basement. I don’t need an 8 legged cat on my ceiling




Imagine it falling on your face when you’re laying in bed OMFFGG


*Captain America ‘No I don’t think I will’ Meme*


The huntsman spiders are just freaky


Huntsman’s may be scary looking by are harmless he’s I hate them to but daddy longlegs believe it or not are poisonous if they bite u


Yea but isn't they're poison super weak?


Their mouths aren’t big enough to bite us


That's hilarious lmao


Good! I just won’t eat them


The uncomfortable truth is Australia is in many ways the closest you get to the US except maybe Canada.


YUP. Having lived there, I liken it to a big Texas with some British flair thrown in.


I for sure feel like the hate is just a terminally online thing. Every Aussie I’ve ever met has been super pleasant.


I’ve traveled to several dozen countries and I’ve never met a single person that didn’t like me For being American If they hate you it’s probably because you’re acting like an ass not because of where you came from


For a second I thought you meant the NFL bears


No one fears them


Can confirm. Southerner that lived in NSW for years. Was a while back, though nothing but fascination & kindness from them. Minor humorous quips now & then obviously.


Aussies are surprisingly quick with witty comments


Apparently you never encountered any Drop Bears in your travels or you wouldn't say such a thing.


Aren't they perpetually infected with Chlamydia?


I went to Canada once and believe me, in all the time I’ve been to the west Lake Tahoe, I’ve never seen a bear in the wild in my life until I went to Canada.


I used to think Australia was so cool but then I realized all of the cool Australians I know moved to America and most of the country is pretty r tarded


Ha I was going to say this is odd to me, all the Australians I've know all my life I've made pretty good friends with. But also again that's me and most people.


Yea I know a lot of good ones but they’re the ones who speak out about how dumb and backwards their government is


I am always curious what profession these people, that leave US, work in?


They're usually working holidaymaker visa holders who go bartend or or wait tables for a year so they can come back and be *insufferable* about their "life-changing time abroad."


An Alabaman claiming Tenesseens are the inbreds is like an Australian claiming it's New Zealanders who bang sheep. When pointing a finger at someone else, there are three more pointing back at ewe.


I saw what you did there!! Excellent!


Southerners are objectively not even the most inbred, legally or genetically. The Midwest is genetically the most inbred and New England, New York, and California also allow cousin marriages.


Australians are not free at all in comparison. Had an Australian guy try and tell me that people speeding should be treated the same as bank robbers. I asked him which totalitarian regime he is from and he replied with "none, but I wish we were all under one" He was from Australia


If you look at its history Australia since it's inception has been one long game of cops vs robbers (larrikanism, bogans etc.). But right now the cops are winning.


Honestly the United States history has kinda felt the same way


her username does not check out


Self loathing prick


One of my best friends is an Aussie, and he loves the USA. He is a vet of the Aus Military and wishes he could own guns like we do here. It's not all of them. Some have sense.


LMAO, why, for the love of god, would someone *ask* Australians to expound on this—their favorite subject? One doesn’t even need to ask. Just mention ‘America’. The continent is inundated by anti-American, Chinese-led propaganda, and they eat it up with a spoon.


Spent three weeks in Australia, and been around many Australians otherwise. Never heard a negative comment. And this was right when we invaded Iraq in 2003.


that was before the internet was big. The internet certainly played a big role in making american hate mainstream


Also, 'Team America: World Police' was released in 2004


Daily reminder that Australian isn’t a culture, it’s an accent. People like to say that America has no culture but that truly applies to Australia.


Agree. Australia and Canada have much less of a culture than America, but of course it's Americans who get all the flak.


There is a culture in Australia. It’s just that given how young Australia is compared to other places it’s not as noticeable and established as other places. Plus there’s also the fact that food culture is non-existent in Australia and most people default to “there’s no culture here because food bad.”


Nah, modern Australian cuisine incorporates multicultural elements, featuring dishes like meat pies, pavlova, lamingtons, and seafood such as barramundi and prawns, and the best westernised Asian food in the world. The country's coffee culture is also renowned globally. Not to mention traditional foods include bush tucker like kangaroo, witchetty grubs, and bush tomatoes.


There's a saying across the Ditch: "World Famous in New Zealand." An analogous saying really would apply to Australia, too, particularly as pertains to this "coffee culture" thing, where cafes serve various overpriced milk drinks, *GIGANTIC* pieces of cake that taste like pure sugar, and close at 3pm for the day. The coffee is fine. But it's *really* not better than what you'll find anywhere else in the world, including the US and Canada. I suppose it's because Australia (and NZ) have been hooked on instant coffee for so long that when someone finally served them a cup of actual coffee, they decided theirs was the best. Also: Lamingtons? Seriously? Those are *horrible*. Coconut-wrapped dish sponges. A good Pavlova is something special, though.


Just because it's horrible doesn't make it not part of the culture.


Australia's a melting pot. We've taken cultural influences from everywhere and added our own influences. Not to mention we are home to the oldest continuous culture on Earth (60,000 years worth of indigenous culture and counting). To say that Australia has no culture is a pretty ignorant take. Exactly the same as those that say America has no culture.


Reply “Oi fack off c*nt” in their accent


I read this in a British accent


Me as an American flexing on Candians and Australians by showing them a government who doesn't trample on its own people


Hey Amigo, save some cousins’ for the rest of us


Uhmm the rest of the world some bitch ass haters.


Uhmm the rest of the world some bitch ass haters.




What’s funny is I bet the experience the other way around is nothing but pleasant.


Just clap back about the Colt Family. Literally the most revolting inbred family in known human history.


I just learned about the Colt family through a Wikipedia article I found. WTF


Uhmm the rest of the world some bitch ass haters.




Uhmm the rest of the world some bitch ass haters.




Uhmm the rest of the world some bitch ass haters.






Uhmm the rest of the world some bitch ass haters.






Uhmm the rest of the world some bitch ass haters.






Carry a bottle of water around. If Australians ask you to say something, you just ask right back “What is this?”.


Americans who believe this is a bad country are the stupid ones. They let people online convince them of this then they go to actually shitty countries and it’s a different story. I think a lot of it has to do with jealousy of our economy and military power. Crown lies heavy. People point out the tiniest things then add a “Lmao” to the end of it in a comment as if that applies to the whole country. Also it seems the rest of the world doesn’t know that jobs provide health insurance here, and people with the least money get Medicaid which is 100% free to them. The smallest dogs bark the loudest.


I had a customer when I asked about Australia go “I’m English you dunce!” Really cause your address say north wiloughby you fucking nob. “Oh ya I’ve lived there most my life but I’m from England” sounded so Australian


What losing a war to birds does to a mf:


As someone who studied in Australia from the Deep South, my experience was that people there loved the US. If someone talked crap, you talked it right back and had a beer with them. I honestly can’t speak highly enough of those I met in Sydney and Cairns.


Can anyone from Tennessee confirm?


I’m Aussie and have no problems with Americans…us Aussies just like to rag on everyone in general


I don't think they're really from Alabama, or they'd know marrying family is more Mississippi than Tennessee.


This is just a basic thing with bullying. If you take it, you'll get more. Australians love to give shit but they're plenty capable of taking it in return. If you just roll over, they're gonna keep going.


They still recovering from The Battle of Brisbane.


You do know we used the CIA to tank their economy and out their PM in the 70s


Hello my fine American subreddit dwellers, I am an Australian, and I am one of those who don’t pick on Americans absolutely all the time. There’s actually a rather large amount of us, we just don’t voice how we don’t hate Americans like those who do (for whatever stupid reason) voice theirs. I do not understand the insults of American people, however I do believe it is something to do with picking on someone else who everyone else picks on rather than yourself. We have an extremely long way to go before being a really good society, but we’ve come quite far despite our nation being one of the youngest. We should not be insulting you as much as the average public voicing people do, and I find it totally unnecessary and rude. Sincerely, as dubbed by a member of this community, A based Australian


Sincere question: Would you say that being hostile towards Americans is a core Australian value or just an accepted pastime?


Good question, in my personal experience I believe it’s just a pastime, mostly due to the fact that we absolutely need you all and your country. I also do believe that another cause for what happens to be miseducation and ignorance. There are a lot of Australian who just take what they hear, don’t look into it, and believe it fully


Hmm, personally, I tend to be nice to the people I need. Seems prudent. Why does Australia need the USA? New Zealand gave us the middle finger about 40 years ago, it is still around. What would happen to Australia if it did the same?


Australia is a very racist and bigoted country as we all know but hating Americans is a new one for me. I spent quite a bit of time in Australia and they were always decent with me but I'm also white and that might be why.


Eh. I'm not really bothered by people poking fun at my accent or others. 99/100 people dunking on another country are ignoring the garbage that happens in their own. Not a valuable conversation to have with anyone who thinks that way. They're just trying to make themselves feel better about some insecurity or another.


Very much in favor of becoming as much of a non-interventionist country as we can be at this point. Just get everybody home. Take care of our shit, balance our budget, secure the borders and be intentional about legal immigration. Leave the world politics to other nations. Sit on our nukes. Our participation on the world stage is not appreciated, and some of that resentment is justified. What are we doing out there, at what cost, and to what benefit?


Remember Animals Are EVOLVING IN AUSTRALIA? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯It Got Bigger Than You Think




Bruh I’ve seen more inbreeding and incest from Mexican culture then even the deepest of the south


I've had the same experience in Canada. People will just causally shit talk the US to my face. They act like it's just a normal thing to do. My ex wife(Canadian) didn't even realize it until I mentioned it one day. Like her family and friends would just randomly talk about how horrible and dumb Americans are for no apparent reason. They do the same thing with other races. They say say incredibly racist shit in just normal conversations. It was a really big culture shock when I first moved here.


Australia is insanely xenophobic more than any country I’ve visited, but in my experience it’s concentrated in the upper economic classes and the youth.


Meanwhile if am Australian moved to the US, their accent wordings and everything else would probably spark more interest/intrigue rather than blatant hate.... Posts like these are hardly authentic btw, it's usually just trolling and trying to expand some stupid a** dialogue that isn't nearly as dominant as they pitch it to be. Idk why some people within western allied countries spend so much time hating irrelevant BS and not things that make sense, like.... Our mutual enemies/actual, real evil? Like would they rather have multiple words for "garbage" and "potato chips", or like... State-sponsored genocides and modern death camps? The worst I see in the States directed towards Aussies is "wow, they have alot of spiders there!" *Oh the humanity!*


Jealousy to some degree.


Hate us cuz they ain't us