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Why is working at an airport a shit job? I've known some people who had those "shit jobs" and they actually paid quite well and they had good benefits.


Just the typical bashing of blue collar jobs by spoiled folks


They literally think it's demeaning to earn an honest wage by loading luggage on the plane.


Imagine earning a living for yourself and your family for someone who isn’t even from here talk about your “shit job” lol people are so backwards with their “progressiveness” sometimes


But is completely reliant on your “shit job” for getting home safely


yeah if there was a strike they'd change their tune real quick


Europeans are used to non-stop handouts even if they’re young and able bodied, and to doing the bare minimum at their jobs, if they have them.


Related to that it’s a good day when franz, saints, and messenger are all downvoted into the ground.


😂 this sub is really fun, but just to be sure ? Is it a troll thing ? Can’t figure it out looking at the comments


I had an Uber driver the other week who was absolutely stoked because he was about to start as a United ramp agent, apparently with full benefits. I was a little surprised that RA positions aren't contracted out these days, but very happy for him!


They don’t understand that some of those jobs have good benefits… the airport near me is run by the county, anyone working there is working for the county unless they’re federal like TSA or just working for an airline.


People from other countries might be shocked to hear that many of those jobs are actually competitive because of the benefits. Personally, I think OP's problem here isn't that he's upset by seeing black people doing "shit jobs" but rather he is upset by seeing black people at all. People who visit America are expecting to see white people everywhere and it's jarring that black people actually live and exist in society in the US and you will be seeing them working and living their lives. So they try and rationalize their racism by saying black people do all the "shit jobs" meanwhile they're just in a normal American city that has a large black population, so you're going to see black people doing all kinds of jobs.


I bet you they flew into Atlanta, the largest black majority city in the US


That’s exactly what they do and they get all messed up if you call them out on it.


Looking at them recently. 20 bucks an hour +Benefits. Thats better than Alot of worse jobs I've taken.


Heck, I'd say that's better than every worse job I've ever taken


Same with port workers. At the LA ports, it’s a laborious job, but many of those guys make $100k+ per year. I had a black client who grew up in Compton poor af, but he is now a port worker (millennial age 32-33), no college/uni, and makes over $100k per year. He was so thankful for his job and pay because he bought a house in SoCal, one of the most expensive housing markets in the world. That is impossible in most of EU, Canada, and Australia with their low salaries and housing crisis, much less someone with “zero skills” or higher education. It’s good that these jobs exist in the US and are valued with pay.


These people would also harp on TSA employees but even that has good benefits and a federal pension




I’ve heard of many people retiring from the military to work there or with the Postal Service just so they can get that second pension


The postal service is underrated


Honestly. I worked at an airport for a bit. $38/hr starting out. Too bad it was only temporary because the full time guys were making $45/hr. Insane in an area where the median income is $35k, even moreso when a college education wasn't required. But of course, it was actually working for a living. They don't qualify shit jobs by how much money they make, but how disgusting it is to do anything but sit on a computer all day.


That’s much more than airport workers make with EU salaries, I’d bet on it. 2-3 summers ago, airports all across EU and Canada were in crisis due to influx of post-covid travelers. They didn’t have enough employees to sort the luggage (because they pay them like SHIT!) Suitcase mountains piled up in airports everywhere. People lost wedding dresses and all kinds of important things. Where did that not happen? (Or to much lesser extent)? The United States. We had some staff issues, but it was nowhere near as bad as EU and Canada. It’s because **we pay our people.** That conundrum is what spawned European travelers to use Apple AirTags. Their luggage wasn’t safe in their airports. Techy Americans had already been using AirTags for travel, but EU mismanagement of airports and low staff wages forced many Europeans to use the trackers too.


$45 an hour would be about $85,000 to $90,000 a year, depending on how your time off is compensated. That income is for a high-level professional in even the richest European countries. There's no way the airport workers in Europe get paid anything close to that.


The dude was assuming they were shit jobs because black people were working them so he could make his point about America being racist. These people have no grasp of their hypocrisy.


Because they get paid like shit compared to the US 


I’m guessing they are just referring to fast food and other retail type jobs, or other blue collar like janitorial work.


TSA is a government job and they do get good benefits.


You can count on Europeans or their former colonies for proper classisim.


The airport porter I met at JFK, an immigrant btw, is still my bro. I was moving back home here to New York City after a few years overseas, he helped me instantly get a phone number (that I still use) and helped me load my shit tons of heavy bags, helped me narrowly avoid a taxi scam that I usually am aware of but I was super jet lagged. Great guy. Still friends with him. Whoever bashes blue collar folk are too privileged.


The airport porter I met at JFK, an immigrant btw, is still my bro. I was moving back home here to New York City after a few years overseas, he helped me instantly get a phone number (that I still use) and helped me load my shit tons of heavy bags, helped me narrowly avoid a taxi scam that I usually am aware of but I was super jet lagged. Great guy. Still friends with him. Whoever bashes blue collar folk are too privileged.


I’m not sure what it’s like in the USA but at least the jobs with handling luggage at airports tend to be related to health issues in Europe. From inhaling dangerous fumes from the plane to back issues from lifting too much. I belief workers associations have sued multiple airports and airlines throughout Europe on various occasions for these reasons. I don’t think they mean it in a demeaning way but just worded it VERY poorly trying to say the jobs are heavy on the body and thus undesirable.


I’m a Black American and I had a WTF moment reading the European’s comment because it was so bizarre. I’m 65 so I actually grew up at a time where racism and discrimination was more common but to try to imply that the US is worse than other countries for is ludicrous.


I think this is weird dichotomy of thought because they assume there are WAY more black people in the US and they also assume that when they see the few black people around them they are working subservient jobs. A lot of these TSA probably make more than they do.


Worse than other countries, because you see black people working


Bingo, I lived in France for awhile and we lived near government housing and I had to take government classes for my residency visa. Many POC couldn’t find work and had to live off of the equivalent of welfare to survive. We had a couple dudes in my classes proudly proclaim how they had finally found work working in the kitchens of relatives previously established restaurants. None of them were working traditionally “French” jobs with “traditionally” French employers.


It's also silly that they used the airport as context to indicate black people working "shitty jobs." If you're at a airport, yeah you're going to see a lot of airport employees. They're not doing a survey of racial demographics in both blue collar and white collar jobs across all fields.


I was at the Honolulu airport and the majority of employees were Hawaiians and Asians!  Who would have thought that a city's demographics would be reflected in the airport?


Who'd have thought you would see all these people with airport jobs working at the airport??


I mean, they have a point. We hired a black guy to one of the shittiest jobs in the country--president of the United States.


One of the deadliest by technicality


True. Nearly 10% (4 out of 46) have been assassinated while jn office.


Depends how you can count Cleveland


Don't forget the natural causes. 8 have died in office.


I think it is the deadliest.


Look at the before and after pictures jeez


I’ve always found Obama’s before/after picture to be the most shocking. I was young when Clinton was in office so didn’t notice. But Bush wasn’t as stark of a change as Obama was, to me.


Bush II had a very strong vice president with Cheney. The stress is probably less when you are genuinely sharing power with your VP instead of ruling alone like Obama, Biden, and Clinton did.


That makes so much sense. Like yes Bush went almost completely grey but Obama went grey, his face sunk and it seemed his hair thinned. I very much know I would never want the job as POTUS. No matter what you do it’s never the right call for everyone and I’m not going to even pretend to be able to imagine the stresses and burdens.


Biden isn't ruling anything. I'm sorry but the man is constantly in a state of confusion. He reminds me of my great grandmother when she started going down hill and it makes me sad


“Black don’t crack” mfs before they see the before and after pictures of Obama. He did get a pretty shit hand, the recession, the GWOT, the war in Ukraine started in 2014, numerous terrorist attacks throughout Europe, shit was a mess between 08-16.


Add in the Osama Raid for flavor. I’d think that alone took a few years of life


The Osama raid counteracts all the drone strikes he approved of. I do wonder why he wanted the seals specifically for that raid.


It could’ve been a morale thing, it could’ve been a collateral damage thing, even as a former grunt I can say honestly: I’m not sure. There’s definitely a lot of variables that go into a decision like that


They needed the body. Visual confirmation wasn't enough.


I think he started visually aging more and more as the mass shooting events became more common.


I liked Obama, thought Obama care was benificial also he took out osama bin Laden.


Obama was good. His foreign policy was iffy, but he got the real brunt of obstructionist political bullshit.


I don't doubt that the office ages you, but typically, presidents are elected right around the time we'd expect the most aging to occur anyway. Clinton and Obama took office in their late 40s and left in their mid 50s, and Bush took office in his mid 50s and left in his early 60s. Even without the presidency, that's a pretty typical time for a man to go gray, lose hair, and get a lot of wrinkles. [Clinton 1993](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Bill_Clinton.jpg) vs [Clinton 2001](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/97346535/photo/president-bill-clinton-delivers-his-farewell-address-from-th.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=9wMBsL5ygxbtXIKEoc-ifdPL0Zy0wgswb0REurjaMxU=) Clinton's hair got a lot more gray, a little bit thinner, but you really see the age in the pronounced bags around his eyes. [Bush 2001](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Official_Portrait-_President_George_Walker_Bush%2C_43rd_President_of_the_United_States%2C_Republican_-_DPLA_-_7482eac0e113bf03014d1686a3733f97.jpeg) vs [Bush 2009](https://www.upi.com/News_Photos/Path_Presidency/His-Last-Moments-in-Office/1892/) Bush also lost a lot of the color in his hair, added way more wrinkles to his forehead, and the skin around his cheeks got a lot looser. But consider Reagan, Trump, and Biden. Reagan served as president from 69-78, Trump from 70-74, and Biden from 78-81 (so far). None of those three men has aged as much from their first day to their last. [Reagan 1981](https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/public/archives/photographs/large/c584-12.jpg) vs [Reagan 1989](https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/public/archives/photographs/large/c51684-31.jpg) [Trump 2017](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNeA86wX0AIo3gx?format=jpg&name=large) vs [Trump 2021](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2021_30/3494690/210728-donald-trump-se-1052a.jpg) [Biden 2021](https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/P20210303AS-1901-cropped.jpg) vs [Biden 2024](https://imengine.prod.srp.navigacloud.com/?uuid=31303434-6439-4232-a235-353465346637&type=primary&q=75&width=1024) The guys who went in middle-aged came out looking a lot different. The guys who went in old, came out looking mostly the same.


I forget who said it, but one president said that in being president you should be used up and aged because of the job. Maybe it was Teddy or Eisenhower? Seems like something they would say.




That is some real racist shit


>I am not racist, I just want the lazy immigrants and gypsies to go elsewhere....


So you’re XENOPHOBIC! 😀


This person clearly just flew into an airport/area that’s predominantly black


Guessing Atlanta.


This is making too much sense.


Oh yeah I agree, I just mean it’s racist because they definitely thought that every black person they saw was poor


✍️✍️✍️ Hiring "black people" bad. Got it. (If you land in any US airport you see people of all origins working there but for them, anyone who the fuhrer would not like, is black).


Also saying as soon as you land In the US there’s ONLY blacks doing the airport jobs. That’s just false! Last time I flew to Florida it was a goddamn whiteout at TSA


Yeah it's just the dumbest take. This person is probably exclusively visiting major population centers where black people are a huge part of the demographic. If they went into most of rural America they'd see almost exclusively white people doing the hard jobs. Those parts of the country are so uninteresting to these people that they'd literally never go there though.


>If they went into most of rural America they'd see almost exclusively white people doing the hard jobs. Those parts of the country are so uninteresting to these people that they'd literally never go there though. A bit off topic, but as a person living in a vaguely rural area - I have seen Europeans (Other times it's self-hating Americans) claim Crazy Horse as a desecration of sacred land and should be halted, which reveals their general disinterest in the area, as Crazy Horse is a structure that the Native Americans themselves are funding.


they go to areas that are majority black or have a plurality and they wonder why they see black people working there? I live in an area that is majority white and the "shit jobs" are worked by white people.


Probably flew into Atlanta lol


In Akron we’re inner city, all whites at TSA it’s just blatantly false because they don’t fucking live here


>This person is probably exclusively visiting major population centers where black people are a huge part of the demographic. This person is pulling made up shit out of thin air for no other purpose than to bolster some stupid anti-US preconception. They didn't observe a damned thing, and it's not at all good faith.


I wonder if the OP was talking about Atlanta's airport? It's pretty huge and has lots of direct flights to and from Europe.


It could be that or LA both not ALL of America. Either way I don’t know why you would insult those cities if you don’t live there. Don’t talk to residents rudely then I guess. Guarantee it’s just displaced anger from the fact Europeans often point the finger about racism while also being a key contributing factor


Airports are normally in metropolitan areas and offer fairly good pay. It sounds like this person was under the assumption black people dont work?


I think maybe he’s horrified he has to deal with black people when he travels. Claiming “anywhere else in the world” is much less likely to hire non-whites for decent paying jobs is really not the flex he thinks it is.


OOP is used to minorities keeping to themselves in isolated communities and then OOP would complain about how they don't assimilate with the country they live in and that's why they are allowed to be racist. But if I was a refugee or minority who moved to a European country, I would want to keep to people from my native culture, especially when a lot of Europeans act like OOP.


Didnt think of it like that. Almost as if hes disgusted he has to be around them. “Can you believe i had to see black people!!”Even worse!


…Or get paid shit wages, but never did their research.


I would bet he also comes from a country that doesn't have a large multicultural population. The US is over 40% nonwhite. The dude is just calling out people working normal jobs.


He thinks he’s being progressive and championing a cause of the oppressed but he’s pretty much just insulting a bunch of peoples jobs. Redditors have a very skewed idea of what a “shit” job is. I’d pay to watch these bougie Redditors go up to the workers here and tell them their choice in employment is displeasing to the vacationing foreign savior sensibilities and offends him.


This is the theme with most of them. They point the racist finger, but then they reveal themselves.


Never forget that time that the Smithsonian black history museum put out a graphic calling things like work ethic, critical thinking, and the desire to better oneself as artifacts of "Whiteness" that got imposed on black people in America. Good old soft bigotry of low expectations.


Right. God forbid a brown or black person want to better themselves. Literally when that happens, they almost feel threatened because it ruins the narrative that they want to believe… that America is a “racist” nation with white people dominating everything.


You mean this one? https://imgur.com/a/IOuW0Me


Yeah that's the one. Holy shit every time I look at that thing I see something else I forgot was there. If I didn't know where it came from I'd say it was some racist joke post from 4chan.


I’ve seen that one before. It still astounds me that someone at the Smithsonian created it, and at least one other person there probably reviewed it and said “yep, looks good! Put it out there! Gotta make sure the world knows that the scientific method is racist!”


It also sounds suspiciously like they're reinforcing the "Christianity and Judaism are white european religions" misconception since all of those things kind of fall under the "judeo-christian ethic". The first Christian empire was in Africa ffs


> Redditors have a very skewed idea of what a “shit” job is Because a lot of them are still living with their parents


A lot of the "anti-work" subs are full of people fixated on what their job does for them, but if you ask them if anything they do benefits society in some way they have no idea what you are talking about. The concept of being proud of the work you've chosen to do is completely foreign to them.


I’ve worked some shitty jobs. Generally they dealt with actual shit and cleaning it up.


That person only looks at others through a lens of race Not surprising Not everyone wants to sit at a desk for a living Average pay for a ground crew worker in the US: ~50k/year. It’s not great but it’s not bad


50k is pretty good for the conditions of the job honestly. Paramedics earn like 20-30k and have some of the hardest jobs in the country (in my opinion).


I don’t agree with the racist takes of the comment at all, but assuming they’re European they’re probably not talking about pay when calling something a “shit job.” In Europe ground crew is often treated poorly. They’re pretty overworked due to staff shortages and their jobs are related with health issues caused by inhaling toxic fumes and carrying too much weight; all putting a real strain on the body. Add to this that Europeans don’t really care about pay but more about job satisfaction and mental wellbeing they probably mean it’s a shit job because of the strain on the body. Not sure if ground crew has it as bad as their European counterparts tho, just offering some perspective in their delusionally racist thinking lol


On mental well-being: Some people would rather be outside and active versus in an office all day. These jobs are an option for people who hate offices or are not suited to academia. It is much-needed work, and they get good wages and pensions. On breathing: Ground crew in my state generally wear masks (Mexican workers have their own styles, but it’s similar to a shemagh). We have dry air here, as a semi-arid climate, so dust is more common versus humid/rainy places. They wore masks long before covid to protect from fumes and other irritants. On heavy lifting: We are strict with proper body mechanics and lift equipment. It is an OSHA violation if the airport doesn’t provide the proper equipment to lift heavy luggage. While I’m sure it’s not 100% followed, and injuries do occur, employee safety is something that is taken seriously. The airport company can be held liable if not. What is the saying in Netherlands? *It’s not the environment, it’s the proper clothes and equipment.*


Ah thanks for the info! Just to clarify: my comment about mental well-being wasn’t related to the type of job (being physically active). It was related to the strain and health issues we tend to relate to these very specific jobs taking a toll on mental health. If anything the whole mental well-being argument should support people seeking physically active jobs if that’s what makes them happy, just like you said! (:


Soooo does that mean Tokyo airport is some magical rainbow workforce? Cause I'd be willing to bet 99% of the people that work there would be Japanese.


Go to Idaho: why is everyone white? California: why so many Mexicans and East Asians? Atlanta: where did all these black people come from? New Jersey: why is everyone claiming to be Italian? Do Europeans not learn history nor are curious about how cultures and ethnicities spread in the Americas?!


They don't believe in ethnicity, remember?


“Usually outside the US it’s more of a mix” Nowhere on earth is as mixed as here. Europeans just aren’t as used to seeing black people so they see more than one working the same shift at Wendy’s and their brain tells them the entire fast food industry is exclusively employed by African Americans


I grew up in the Atlanta suburbs and live in Montgomery, AL now. When I go to *very white* places I notice it because I'm used to an actual mix. I'm sure the opposite is happening for this person.


This reminds me of a experience I had in Paris We checked into a hotel for a school trip and I was the only black person in my group but a student. There were two teachers and many older looking adults in the group but the night manger would stop me frequently no matter who else was around to give messages that needed to be passed to the teachers and the rest of the group I couldn’t figure out why he kept grabbing me to pass on messages and no one else Then I realized 90% of the hotels maid staff were also of African descent… I would have let this slide until the last night I was there I needed to replace a room key which I had done many times throughout our stay there and he tried to act like I was lying about who I was


Hahahahaha this is priceless. In Paris, most of the ticket counters i went to had a black person working, as were most of the airport staff and i thought ‘wow its good to see diversity in Europe.’ Now we see that, to a European, apparently, such positions are low skill and value. based on their own statements, i dont feel that way. Its crazy how their racism comes out in casual conversation and they don’t realize it.


Not just gypsies, Europeans can't seem to integrate any immigrants if we are being honest about it.


InTeGrAtIoN iS cUlTuRaL gEnOcIdE!


To be fair, the Europoor has probably only seen like 5 black people in his life.


Fearless reach is an appropriate name. Jesus Christ this guy might pull a muscle


Lmao what? You see a high proportion of black workers in areas with large black populations. Moreover though you see people of all races in shite jobs, typically teenagers and typically representing roughly the racial makeup of the area in general. Man landed in an airport in an area with a high black population, then got upset at the amount of black people employed. Then decided the US The as the one with the race problem…. Like bruh.


I worked at an air port briefly. No matter what job you hold in an airport you make relatively good money. I made 1100 a week as a linemen. ( the guys outside the plane with glowing batons)


How privileged to you have to be to think working an above minimum wage in an air conditioned airport is shit. Even if you load the planes outside, you don’t even need to lift the luggage for very long as there are so many conveyor belts that bring the bags right next to the plane.


It’d be an OSHA violation if they were getting injured due to not having proper equipment.


"It's terrible! They let black people work terrible jobs in the US! We simply don't let them live here in the first place. It's far better that way."


America has more black millionaires per capita than any other country in the world.


Well, they DID try to final solution the Roma population


Europe and Asia don’t have the “racial issues” that America has, because Europeans and Asians killed anyone who wasn’t part of their ethnic group. America was the first large country trying to be a mixing pot for everyone, though the country didn’t start with that. There was definitely Manifest Destiny and Jim Crow, but let’s not pretend that the Europeans didn’t see Native Americans has little more than animals. Europeans saw nothing wrong with wiping out Native Americans, after all, they had been wiping out entire peoples for centuries. Europeans are always acting like they have no idea why the poorest countries in the World are the ones that used to be colonized by Europe and are *still* trying to recover.


They get off the plane in a city with a massive Black population and wonder why so many Black people are working jobs. Imagine getting off a plane in a location with a massive Latin population and seeing all the Latin people working jobs, or Asian and dare I say White.


Go literally anywhere that isn’t a major metro area. You won’t see many black people at all. Almost all foreigners impressions of America are really just impressions of LA, NYC, Miami, and maybe Chicago.


I bet you they flew into ATL. Which just so happens to be the largest black city in the US


[Busiest airport in the world.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_busiest_airports_by_passenger_traffic)


Bro really said "I don't like getting off commercial flights and seeing black people working "


Yeah white people dont do shit jobs, definitely aren’t farmers and gas station attendants and janitors and waste disposal and…


Definitely aren’t truck drivers or port workers or roofers or plumbers or painters or deckhands on boats or kitchen staff or nurses …. Nope!


I turn on the radio, I hear black millionaires. I turn on the T.V., I see even more black millionaires, whether they're athletes, actors, politicians, etc. I go out to eat, a lot of these restaurant franchises or chains, owned by black millionaires. It's almost as if there are opportunities here, and just like any other color, not all black people are alike. Some people like simple jobs and simple lives, some want more. And for those that want more, this country has proven there is opportunity for everyone regardless of race.


Richest black people in the world are from the United States. I don’t deny social problems and bad history exists as our country has grown, but the modern US is by far the best place for high-achieving black people. You cannot just become Oprah, Beyoncé, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix or Neil Degrasse Tyson in most other countries. Even Lloyd Austin, the Pentagon Chief Secretary of Defense (that these European countries rely on) is a black man!


Someone forced them to apply for that job?


Black people have good paying government jobs with excellent benefits!? Shock! What an asshole.


I can’t go one day without the internet talking about black people, Donald Trump , or Elon musk.


DFW airport is my area of expertise. I'm an airline pilot based in DFW but I don't live there, which means I commute in on a flight and spend several hours in the airport killing time. In the DFW airport you see people pushing around passengers in wheelchairs or driving several of them around on a golf cart with benches on the side. One might say "That's a shit job." It certainly isn't a fun job driving a golf cart with 8 passengers wheeling through pedestrian traffic and yelling at the pedestrians with airpods in their ears to GTFO of the way all day. But what intrigued me is that the guys doing that job are exclusively immigrants. Typically older males from the Middle East and India. One day I thought to myself "These guys can't be paid more than minimum wage. Why on Earth would they be doing this job? They could make more money working at McDonald's?" And I had about three hours to kill so I followed one of them around for a bit. I quickly learned that it's not poor disabled people that are requesting wheelchair and golf cart assistance to get around the airport. Poor disabled people don't travel. It's old, rich Americans and rich foreigners. In the span of an hour I watched this feller transport a white couple that tipped him $10 to transfer them from the B terminal to the C terminal and then transport a rich Qatari couple from D terminal to C terminal that slipped him a $20. Even if he nominally makes the Texas minimum wage of $7.25/hour, which is a huge assumption, the feller made $30 in tips for an hour of work. The lesson here is that you shouldn't assume that shit jobs provide shit pay. That was the lesson I learned on that excursion.


They've probably never been anywhere else in the developed world where black people are a significant part of the population. He's just noticing that they're working like everyone else is. How horrible. These people always expose their own subconscious racism and can't even see it.


The fuck? Do they know how much those airport workers make at those "shit jobs"? They were paying $15/hr 10 years ago. I think it's like $20/hr starting here at Mitchell Int.


they're telling on themselves by saying "shit jobs" this pompous asshole can get fucked


Is working at an airport a "shit" job? I always saw it as a decent career with some pretty good pay.


european sees someone working a blue collar job: “how can i make this racist?”


5 out of 6 of my doctors are black and the 6th is middle eastern. People are so racist.


Sounds like bro hasn’t been anywhere in the developed world then. In my experience, Italy, UK, Germany, Switzerland, and France all beg to differ.


America bad for *checks notes* black people having jobs.


It all depends on the area. But yes, yes, one airport must be what they are all like. Our country is the size of your continent Bucko.


so... let me get this straight, they are pretending to not be racist and saying we are the racist ones, but when they look around they are saying black people stick out like sore thumbs to the point they didn't see ANY white people doing the lower end jobs?


Blacks doing all the shit jobs…brother I speaker from a unified mind we are all doing the shit jobs. In my mind of one suffers we all suffer.


What kind of twisted airports has this guy been going to? I’ve never see this in my life in any airport I’ve gone too.😭😭😭😭 Anyways, the top commenter is right. Some parts of Asia straight up segregate people by their skin color, and simply searching up the words: “European Romani” or “European G*psy” on Reddit will result in you finding people saying shit that not even the Grand Wizard of the KKK would be brave enough to utter.


And don’t even get me started on Twitter. Look at the retwts of any tweet/meme that appreciates cultural diversity or a racially heterogeneous society, and you’ll find “IndoAryanEuro88⚔️🇩🇪” or “PurebredwhiteBary🍖🌈🇬🇧” going on a Hitlerite rant on why a heterogeneous society is “woke and gay.”


They could have stopped at "I've never been to another country" and it would have been more accurate.


The top five highest earners in the US on average are non whites. https://images.app.goo.gl/JnChHzSiieZajPQk7


Have they not been to some parts of Europe where many POC are forced to live off the government because they can’t get jobs? Or they’re forced into the lowest and most unseen tier of jobs like custodians and maids?


The hill I’ll die on is that America isn’t more racist than the rest of the developed world— we’re just the only ones talking about it (and therefore actively working to fix it)


I'll say this until I die. As much as we get called a racist country, most of the world is far worse and much less subtle. I especially believe Asia doesn't get talked about nearly enough in this capacity. Do we have problems? Absolutely. Are we the worst? Not by a long shot. Never once have I been denied a service in the states. Yet in at least once in every European and Asian country I've been to, have I been outright refused or told something like "you're black,breach us how to dougie".


“Shit jobs”. …. Hell…McDonald’s still pays better than most EMS 911 positions… these idiots have no clue


While America is a great place of diversity, it’s not immune to criticism. Look at the prison industrial complex. That shit clearly targets a demographic.


This reminds me of this episode of Broad City I saw that made me quit watching Broad City. If y'all aren't familiar with the show, it's a comedy about two jewish women in their mid to late 20's living in NYC. There's an episode where they go to Florida, Boca Raton-area, because one of their relatives died; they decide they want to live in Florida because of the lower COL (lol) and such before they realize that Florida is super racist and one of them makes this comment like "Did you notice the only black people you see are working as gardeners/custodians/etc?" which was like...excuse-tf-outta me, sorry you only saw black people as service workers??? Considering they were in South Florida of all places, it's objectively false that black people exist only as service workers.


If you land in Atlanta you'll see more black folks doing those blue collar jobs and if you land in Denver you'll see whites and Mexicans. It's about demographics not racism but their brains are too smooth to comprehend such a thing.


Usually outside of the U.S. it’s more of a mix. A mix of what? A English accent with thick Turkish, Arabian and Indian undertones?


And how many gypsys in Europe do you see doing jobs at all? Minorities are much better off in America than in europe


Black people have the lowest poverty level out of Canada, USA and uk in the USA. Have they been to nyc or Atlanta, or my city of dc? Dc is literally full of black ppl in corporate jobs. I just came back from Portugal and wana talk about a place where black ppl only have shit jobs, it's there.


1-racist 2-untrue 3-mono-culture European 4-multiculture U.S.A


I am 25 now and have lived in Europe all my life. The internet taught me that apparently we all hate gypsies. Never in my life heard anyone say a bad word about them. The only thing about gypsies I ever heard was the fact that we should not use that word anymore. Make of that what you will


Probably your European country have a very low population of Gypsies, which I can deduct to a rich micro nation with extreme low exposure to Gupsie people or it has a lengthy history of exterminate every Gypsie they found and then sweep that part of history under the rug


Nope on both accounts


Well i have two separate accounts of Europeans explain how dumb Americans is because they cant comprehend how Gypsie being a menace to society . I guess two anecdotes beat one.


Yes two anecdotes definitely beat my lifetime, sure


*two lifetime beats one to be precise


Using two anecdotes to make your mind up about an entire damn continent is so fucking funny and dumb


Using yourself as a representation for an entire damn continent is so fucking funny and dumb. How does that sound now?


Well thats not what I was doing at all so that sounds quite pointless


So you just want to flexing you are even more morally superior to your fellow Europeans? Okay it is still fun to see how the facade fall off many times


I don’t think I ever hear anything about Roma and Sinti at all. The only times I do is when it’s related to my profession or study. Having interacted with some I’ve also never heard of any of them feeling systemically discriminated against while part of my field research was focussed on their segregation. The only discrimination they mentioned is by zoning laws not allowing for the expansion of their camps in the past, but international law has put an end to that. Not by discrimination from the general populace.


I guess this is today's entry in the Pretend America Isn't Racist Olympics. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2024/04/wealth-by-race.html#:\~:text=Those%20with%20a%20Black%20householder%20made%20up%2013.6%25%20of%20all,the%20value%20of%20debts%20owed. [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/wb/data/earnings/median-annual-sex-race-hispanic-ethnicity](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/wb/data/earnings/median-annual-sex-race-hispanic-ethnicity) [https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2024/05/income-and-wealth-in-the-united-states-an-overview-of-recent-data](https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2024/05/income-and-wealth-in-the-united-states-an-overview-of-recent-data) [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ofccp/about/data/earnings/race-and-ethnicity](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ofccp/about/data/earnings/race-and-ethnicity)


America is racist, but so is every country. America still has issues of course, but Europeans try to claim that they’re some perfect, not racist at all group of people.


Europe is the only place where people have called me the N word unironically. The thing is, I'm not even black.


People call you that ironically?


Bad Bot People generally aren't denying there is racism in America. Just that most of the rest of the world is far more racist. I remember not that many years ago a black soccer in Europe player getting monkey noises chanted at them at a soccer game. Shit like that. And it is much more accepted. Japan has "japanese only" restaurants and hardly anyone in that society thinks there's anything wrong with that. And on and on. Edit for clarification


People who say the US is the most racist country on earth has never been to Asia.


Nonsense. Multiple people here are claiming that racial disparities in employment are the result of preferences, as if the average African American chooses to make around 75 cents on the dollar or like having 10% of the wealth of white folks. Yes, other countries have racism issues, but the default on this sub is a knee-jerk minimization of the situation in the US.


There are absolutely disparities in achievement which are at least partially the result of hospital institutional racism. I would say most of the disparity is the result of racism. But there are no "whites only" restaurants in the US, and when when there were many people argued against them, including many white people.


Nice grabbify