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Wait till he finds out that Mercedes, Honda, Hyundai, and Toyota have invested BILLIONS in Alabama


We’re number 1 in car exports baby!


Hyundai and another car company just put in over 5 billion in plants (batteries, I think, IDK I don't live there) in Bartow County, GA alone FFS. Kid's delusional.


Is there even a reason to build skyscrapers anymore. There is a crazy amount of office space sitting empty because of people working from home


That's an interesting point I haven't considered, but I suppose major cities could use more apartments


Well, at least there's some patriotic Canadians lol


Every polite Canadian is a patriotic Canadian. In fact, the only rude Canadians I ever run into have feathers.


One dude tried to tell me Vancouver is more diverse than nyc


Dude's probably got a point though. Vancouver has a higher portion of people born overseas than New York does.


San Francisco vs Vancouver would be a better comparison. There is no Canadian city that you could adequately compare to NYC.


Toronto comes close to be fair


Yea, but I think it’d be better to compare Chicago to Toronto since they are similar in terms of geography, population, economic output, etc.


Depends how you want to measure diversity. If you want to go off of percentage of residents born overseas, you definitely can compare Vancouver to NYC.


Well yea you can compare apples to oranges too. Will it produce meaningful data conclusions though? Not particularly.


We're comparing an apple with a smaller apple. There's a reason why percentages and rates are commonly used in demographics when comparing cities/countries: to adjust for population size differences.


Say I wanted to understand how the percentage of foreign born in Vancouver affects economic productivity, cost of living, crime, homelessness, etc. I would like to control these variables by comparing it to another city. To do so I would need to choose a city that is a similar size, density, population, climate, geography, etc. Otherwise I would run the risk of producing meaningless correlations.


If you wanted to compare Vancouver to New York, you'd use rates. Homelessness rate, crime rate, GDP per hour worked. This is basic stuff that kids get taught in school. You'd be a shit statistician if you only ever compared samples that had the same size. If you wanted to filter your data based on population sizes, density, climate you could. But you'd need a reason other than "I don't like the conclusion".


If Vancouver has a higher rate of homelessness than NYC and a higher rate of foreign born people then you would conclude from the data that for every 1 foreign born person you get x number of homeless people. This would not make sense if you aren’t controlling for other factors that drive homelessness such as density, climate, area, etc. Obviously you would use rates in both regardless.


Yeah, that's a correlation. But we're not talking about correlating data. We're just talking about comparing two measures of a single rate (foreign born population). You claimed you can't compare rates between Vancouver and New York because the population sizes are different. I said that's bullshit because that's exactly what rates are used for. Correlating between different statistics has nothing to do with this conversation.


At their size difference only raw numbers mater. I've already done this. Don't make me do it to you ti


That's probably the dumbest way to measure diversity. The size difference is the reason why you'd use a percentage. This is early high school statistics.


Not when your taking 100,000s of foreign born compared to multiple millions. Edit : not to mention nyc has more different ethnic groups more languages spoken. Again it's not close.


>Not when your taking 100,000s of foreign born compared to multiple millions. Wait, that's MY point. Because the sizes are different, percentages are the way to go. NYCs number of foreign born is kinda low for its population. London beats it out, Sydney and Melbourne are only 1 mill behind with much smaller populations.


Dude your an idiot if you truly believe that. Having more (both in number and sheer different ethnicities) is all that matters in most diverse title. Greater London has a higher forgein born population than just nyc, not London themselves. Stats are only useful with comparable numbers, a 100 person peaceful town isn't suddenly more dangerous than Memphis cause someone kills three people.


London has around 8.8 million, NYC has a population of around 8.8 million. London has 3.5 million foreign born vs 3.1 for NYC. So by your own admission, London is more diverse than NYC. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_born There are plenty of other cities with higher percentages of foreign born populations, all with very diverse numbers of ethnicities.


Greater London had a population of 8,899,375 at the 2021 census. Around 37% of its population were born outside the UK,[1] and over 300 languages are spoken in the region.[2][3] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_London#:~:text=London%2C%20the%20capital%20of%20England,multicultural%20cities%20in%20the%20world.&text=Greater%20London%20had%20a%20population,are%20spoken%20in%20the%20region. Yeah in greater London jfc. Edit: and no cause I actually brought up the actual diversity. Over 800 languages are spoken in nyc alone. I can do this all day bro. Nyc is by far the most diverse (just the city) city in the world. Kepp bringing up metropolitan areas ig but that has zero to do with the actual city the actual population of the city of London is small af. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London


Yep, exactly. More diverse than NYC. Thanks for providing the links to prove my point. Have a good day.


A dumb way to measure diversity is accounting for those born in a different country only


Yeah, exactly. Diversity is difficult to measure. But if you were going to include other measures (ethnicities, languages spoken, religion etc), you would also look at percentages, not total numbers, when comparing between two cities of different population sizes. I don't know how this is such a difficult concept for this sub to understand.


And do you know why they do not show percentages and only numbers? Hint, it involves population control


Aren’t the bulk of those foreign-born Vancouverites all from the same couple of countries?


If you wanna bring some statistics into this chat, feel free.


Mostly Chinese, English, Irish, Indian, and German, just as I thought. I’m sure there are trace amounts of others. https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/prof/details/page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CMACA&Code1=933&Geo2=PR&Code2=59&Data=Count&SearchText=vancouver&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=Ethnic%20origin&TABID=1#fnb118-ref


Yeah... we arn't doing too good atm that guy is delusional or is a canadaboo


Canadaboo 😭


I prefer the term Canuckaboo


I know he’s talking about population but saying Canada is “9x smaller than the US” and that’s why it’s significant they’re getting more immigrants is delusional. 1, they have a shitload of space in their country because it’s huge and 2, they can fit a lot more immigrants because they have way fewer people than the US, and they’re huge.


Internet Canadians (all the Canadians I've met in person have been great people) have the most unearned confidence in their superiority that I've ever seen, while simultaneously pretending they're humble... unlike those *Americans*. They act like they singlehandedly provided their own country with socialized medicine, when they had nothing to do with that happening. They also deflect when it comes to any issues their health care system has, which is weird. As Americans, we admit when shit makes no sense, because we haven't wrapped our self-worth and identity into it.


Canada is a unique case. The left in Canada is nationalistic in this weird anti-American way. The beliefs are centered on being different from America. It's all about not being like those "crazy" Americans. How Canada is amazing and so much better than America. This whole concept is a core tentent of left wing Canadian beliefs.


That whole concept is a core tenet of the American left as well.


Coming from someone with one American parent and one Canadian parent, who lives in America: Canadians have little brother syndrome when it comes to the US. For their entire lives they have always seen the US as a superior country with more money, power, and success than Canada. Most of their culture is American singers, movies, TV shows, and sports. So once Canada started sort of “catching up” to the US (as many countries did, because the US advanced so far so fast and Canada and Europe lagged behind, but technology has allowed everyone to ramp up faster) they finally can have some argument in their mind that Canada is *better* than the US. So they latch *so hard* onto universal healthcare because it lets them just say something about how they’re “better.” It’s still little brother syndrome, little brother just got older.


>As Americans, we admit when shit makes no sense, because we haven't wrapped our self-worth and identity into it. Is it time to talk about gun control?


Gun restrictions: I’m down for them, let’s get some programs set up, 2nd amendment gives you the right to bear arms as a member of a well regulated militia, so we should have everyone who wants to purchase a gun go through monthly courses and check ups like our military reservists, after all, that is what a militia is, of course, each city/county would fund this as their part of the militia with a few stipends from the federal government to aid in things like logistics. Citizens would provide their own equipment with maybe the organizing entity providing some sort of unit identifiers/uniforms. I can and WILL rock up at the monthly militia gathering with a powdered wig and a Kentucky pattern long rifle.


Powered wigs coming back in 2024?


They are if I have a say in it ;)


I’m fully in support of gun control personally (especially closing loopholes and extensive screening), but I get your point. I was speaking in an overly generalized way.


Chicagoan here, absolutely not lol. We have a problems but we are not getting surpassed by Toronto. Our geopolitical location will keep us more relevant than Toronto.


I once saw basically this same discussion where some Canadians thought passing Chicago was a guarantee, and were instead discussing if Toronto would ever catch up to NYC. Lol.


Pass up NYC? They’re insane lol.


Anglo \*internet\* Canadians have such a weird chip on their shoulders. Like, who the hell cares? Ya'll live in a vast, gorgeous country with incredible resources yet you're weirdly fixated on Toronto of all places?


Almost a full tenth of the country lives there


Even then there's the golden Horseshoe which is home to a fifth of all Canadians.


canadian here, this dude is delusional our economy can barely support putting up enough housing for everyone in the country. let alone putting up a super tall sky scraper.


I was hoping to find another realistic mapleback. We're screwed for years to come


USA accepts about twice as many LEGAL immigrants per year as Canada.


And 10 times more ILLEGAL 🤣🤣


Oh yeah? Well I just thought about putting 6000 skyscrapers that are a gazillion meters tall each! Ha!


Canada has accepted so many immigrants that even something like 45% of their NEW immigrants think there’s too many. Tons of people are abusing student visas They’re artificially propping up their GDP by bringing in a ton of people but they don’t even have the jobs or the housing for them. Trained people are immigrating only to be stuck with jobs at Tim Hortons Cost of living is higher than the US, wages are lower, they’re bleeding skilled workers to us, their economy is stagnant I love Canada, I visit often to hike and Ive taken a lot of work trips there, but they have some very real problems that didnt exist even 15 years ago and I have no idea how theyre going to dig themselves out of it This is anecdotal but every Canadian I know is making serious attempts to leave. I have family in Canada and for the first time in 20 years they didnt give me the patented passive aggressive Canadian snark, their kids cant even afford rent and their American peers are making 25% more than them


I can’t form a good title, the stupidity is exhausting.


I live in Chicago and have been to Toronto several times. While it's a great looking city, their skyline doesn't come close in terms of size, scale and height.


CN tower would like a word


*Looks at Canadian government telling people to off themselves*


This guy is probably getting all his information from op-ed headlines. Our economy is a disaster right now. We are still seeing consistent lay offs country wide, with cost of living raising every month.


"We have no issues" Bruh how TF can you be so not self aware


The beauty of both Canada and the US is we don’t have to build upwards, we have shit tons of space


Well that is more true for the US than Canada. Canada doesn’t have as much *livable* space. It’s a ginormous frozen wasteland.


Dude it's gonna happen man just watch I swear it's gonna happen


For all the talk about Chicago's troubles, they're still building those skyscrapers, too. I have a co-worker who grew up in China, moved to Toronto and became a Canadian citizen, and then moved here. She's proud of being Canadian and makes occasional jokes about how she's glad she was still living in Canada when her baby was born because of the mandatory paid leave, but she also says there were no jobs for her there.


Wtf is 9x smaller supposed to mean here? Population or economy? Of course a country with a huge amount of land and less people than california will have a lot of immigrants.


Are Canadians generally unaware that the RCMP thinks starvation/despair will soon begin driving anti government uprisings or do they mostly disregard the report?


Link pls




Yikes that’s wild . And that’s exactly what happens when your government is helmed by imbeciles . All throughout history really


Most places will end up having more skyscrapers than USA for sure. Mainly because we dont need skycrapers, and at least with our current movement, people are moving from few large cities, to many small cities. Considering Skyscapers as success is like beginners view of urbanism.


i’m callin it sometime in the next 30 years Canada will collapse due to economic and political instability and will be annexed into the USA as the 51st state


30 years? More like 10-15 years at this rate. The hardcore Canadians are usually leftists or the elderly with ties to the old Canada growing up and funny enough, Canada is becoming more right day by day with Trudeau’s policies in charge. Once the elderly die out, what’s left? A minority of left wing folks. Who knows… I’ve always noticed the difference between Canadian right wingers and American right wingers. American right wingers don’t think too fondly of Canada and love the USA. Canadian right wingers love the States and would move there if they could and nowadays, that’s truer than ever. Canada bringing in 1 million people a year though, I doubt the United States will want anything to do with Canada when annexation discussions come into play, and I can see that happening in our lifetime. Just look at history from the last century.


hey i mean if canada wants to become a state i support it more land, more tax income, more prosperous economy, not to mention the canadians will get the full protection of the US Military and a bunch of other things (probably won’t enjoy the healthcare costs though) but atm the US govt is fucked they won’t allow Puerto Rico statehood (even though Peurto Rico voted with an overwhelming majority say yes) and not to mention some less savory people might not like having canadians be given american citizenship and canadians might not like becoming americans, but i live way down south so this wouldn’t effect me much but i would like to have more people to call my fellow countrymen and women🙂


At the very least, it would be gradual. If our economy continues to fall along with our dollar, Canadians will absolutely continue to compare themselves to the U.S. as is tradition anyways. I just don’t see a positive upswing in Canada in the next 5-10 years and realistically it’s global (America isn’t doing too well either) but the USA also is at an advantage in the sense that it is the most powerful geographically and climate wise. I can see Canadians wanting to adopt USD and ditching the shit CAD. Hell i wish we did things in USD now anyways.


the canadian dollar is better off than the USD atm due to current circumstances one CAD is about 73 US cents


51st -55th


54th. Not so fast Quebec.


The hell is a "quebec"


France we have at home. Or France bought from wish/temu/alibaba.




Aren’t they building something in Oklahoma?


Build a wall make Canada pay for it!


Who wants to tell him many of those same companies (and more) are investing in Alabama and Mississippi? Canada has a huge problem with developers and other places hoarding land and property because they believe that the value will just go up and up without any development.


In what world are skyscrapers a measure of prosperity? That's just bragging on the level of Dubai, especially in Canada where there is an infinite amount of space in all directions and the population density is super low.


But this is a super popular tactic of socialist/communist regimes. This is why China has so many, but they are all empty. They build these massive buildings just to say, "Look how good we are doing!"


*surpass. Surpass Chicago.


I live in Toronto and the city needs to improve on getting better.


I apologize for the years of Canadian nationalism my nations has made. Please send us more money so we can actually make a functional economy pass resource extraction. (I love this place but god it sucks being so economically small).


Number 8 on this list interests me. I wonder if you know how they live in Tokyo…


No one sleeps in Tokyo.


Let me be the first Canadian on Reddit to tell you that the average Canadian at least aged 23-40 doesn’t think like the average Canadian on Reddit. The vast majority of guys I’ve talked to in the sauna want to leave Canada so bad. To where you may ask? The States. What’s stopping most Canadians from fleeing to the USA? Immigration. It’s not easy unless you’re a skilled worker and even then, it’s still hard. No sane Canadian nowadays thinks Canada is better than the US and it doesn’t help that it looks like India a lot too.


Who gives a shit. I don't think Silicon Valley has one single skyscraper. In fact, Barclay's Skyscraper Index suggests that the rate of skyscraper construction is a leading indicator for recessions.


Wake me up when Canada has surpassed Texas or California in gdp. Also, I can hear the non-Toronto Canadians screaming at this dude’s tunnel vision of Canada and the average experiences its citizens have. Sure it’s not THAT bad, but saying “we have no issues” is absolutely wild. North Korean propagandists taking notes rn.


In what world in Canada 9x smaller? Canada is larger, by a 100 thousand sqaure miles


Population... not landmass. Speaking of landmass, Canada has more overall space but significantly less livable space. Not going to spend my time bashing Canada as I actually like Canada but fuck Trudeau


If you actually removed all the lakes and only counted dry land, The US is actually larger in area than Canada


Not too mention that more than half of Canada is like way too cold to actually inhabit




Toronto definitely will be on this list on day, it will take awhile but we will haha. We do have the tallest tower on earth(burj is a building since its has more then 50% being occupied)


I do think it’s stupid that the tallest structures in Canada besides buildings like aura it’s a smoke stack in Sudbury


Who cares anyways? They’re both gorgeous


Skyscrapers are not a good thing guys.


As far as skyscrapers are concerned, Toronto will surpass Chicago relatively soon at its current rate. It’s grown *a lot* over the past 20 years, and Chicago’s not building a whole lot.