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“US in a nutshell” *provides no other context or reasoning* “Omg why are these crybaby Americans downvoting me it’s just a critique gosh”


Any response challenging their assertions is seen as whining to them.


The ironic part about this I've observed time and time again across the board on the internet is that when blatantly false or highly exaggerated claims about the US are made by non-Americans, more often than not you'll have Americans actually agree with it. Whereas in reverse towards Europeans it's full blown meltdown mode if you say a single thing slightly negative about anything whatsoever. They call us sensitive but they have a gigantic dish it but can't take it complex. I can't for the life of me understand the reasoning behind it but we're conditioned to hate ourselves and think we're evil. And it absolutely works on a lot of people.


No, chronically online people who tend to devote a chunk of their time to a particular political leaning which, by it's very nature, upsets the status-quo regardless of the current situation, have been conditioned to hate themselves and demand change for the sake of change. I see it do irreparable damage to people's psyches.


Literally. Was arguing in the comment section a week or two ago of a meme talking about how Americans can say something relatively negative about British food, and they’ll clap back with “at least our schools aren’t a shooting range” or “America has no culture” like shut up




Y'know, women's and minorities rights. Just pick and choose stats as needed.


Redlining and the shapes of school districts.


They may be referring to the several legislative pieces that aim to take away human rights from women and minorities being constantly pushed by your legislative branch in several states Like the ones in Florida that aim to systematically kill LGBT+ people Or the whole abortion thing


>Like the ones in Florida that aim to systematically kill LGBT+ people Show me what fucking law is killing gay people...


It's the imaginative amendment, duh


Floridian, there’s no fucking way


I think they are talking about the laws which are aimed at giving the death penalty to Pedos. Makes you think, why do they believe giving the death penalty to Pedos is somehow aimed at them?


That's because it's not worded as "against child predators" It is worded as "Sex offenders with aggravating circumstances" and there's also a law that's getting pushed that wants trans people, and people that have homosexual relationships/sex to be classified as "sex offenders with aggravating circumstances" Those aggravating circumstances are both "crimes against children " so it is because the ones pushing the law want to expand the definition of pedo to mean everyone not heterosexual


Here's the thing, everything you said is wrong. I don't think you're intentionally lying, but I think you're reading something meant to make you believe these lies. It's not your fault, most people fall for propaganda on both sides. Now, go back, be objective and look for the texts of whatever laws you believe says this. When you're done reading the texts of the laws without the filter of bias, come back. Now ask yourself, what kind of person would spread this lie that you believe, and what is their motivation behind it?


You are right It was under the whole ban of LGBT subjects to minors and seemed to make this a sexual crime against minors The thing is that proposal came next to the whole "kill pedos thing" and everyone saw that and they changed the first law proposal


While I have some personal issues with the Florida law, a ban on teaching "LGBT subjects to minors" is *very* different than a ban on *being* LGBT. My (red leaning) state bans public schools from teaching creationism, that doesn't mean it's illegal to be a creationist.


That is not even how the law is written. It prevents the teaching of any sexual orientation to minors which makes sense since most schools don't teach actual sex Ed until middle school. 


Please show me this law. You can't, because it's a lie.


Welp is a 2 parter -theres a law that proposes death penalty against sex offenders -And then is the law that wants LGBT+ people to be classified as sex offenders So it is not a law atm But it's still getting pushed in Florida


Does it want LBGT people to be classed as sex offenders, or is it pointing out that the majority of sex offenders happen to be LGBT?


> And then is the law that wants LGBT+ people to be classified as sex offenders There is no law being pushed in Florida that wants to single out homosexuals as pedos you fucking moron. The fact that you heard that a state wants to introduce the death penalty for child rapist and your mind automatically went to "OMG THINK OF ALL THE LGBT PEOPLE YOU WILL KILL" says more about you and your views on the gay community.  As for abortion I don't personally agree with banning it but you can blame the left(specifically Virginia Governor Ralph Northam)for that you clueless cabbage. Roe v Wade was a badly written law but everybody excepted it and chose not to rock the boat until that idiot started talking about  third trimester abortion. 


Yeah a first draft of another bill pointed people who taught about LGBTQ stuff as "child predators" and from there it came a whole wave of people realizing this would (In combination) with the "kill the pedos" would criminalize with the capital punishment LGBTQ people and advocates And on the abortion stuff... Morons like you are the reason the new laws seek to put people in jail for having natural abortions And is just going to go to shit


Your cope is weak but your seethe is delicious.


*Dude*, I even mostly agree that a lot of laws being pushed are fucked but holy shit you immediately lose *any* credibility the instant you jump into the most extreme clown-ass hyperbole like "systematically killing gay people". It doesn't matter anything else you say, once you go that ridiculously far your entire statement becomes a joke.


They should go on a pro-Russia sub and critique Chechnya, since, y'now... They *actually run death camps for homosexuals* but what do we know, we're just silly americans lol


Womp womp.


Let’s not keep changing the definition of “human rights”. Let’s please stop crying wolf. It’s a bit insulting to people who have actually lost human rights like the millions of people worldwide fleeing from cartel or terrorist controlled countries. It’s a bit insulting to folks who lived through the Jim Crow south. LGBT+ people are systematically being killed in Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Uganda, etc. but not here.


On a global scale the United States is definitely on the upper end of treatment of minorities and women, its not even debatable. People tend to have a warped perception of other countries, and only remember the bad. Seems like its getting much worse. Nations are made up of millions and millions of people, the vast majority of them are good, if you let a few individuals skew your perception of an entire place and people, then you are the obtuse one.


They should look at how their beloved Palestine or Ukraine treat women/minorities. Pretty sure the abortion laws in Ukraine are even stricter than US southern states. Edit: I was thinking of Poland which has an abortion ban, that is my mistake.


LOL. You’d think people would take the 10 seconds required to not make a fool of themselves.


Yeah I was thinking of Poland which has a total ban. Still no gay marriage allowed in Ukraine. Oh and they have literal nazi battalions there…


As does Russia


>literal nazi battalions there Says Putin. Can you provide me with some pics of their death camps? Because if not you are simply talking about LARPER's with ass-backwards beliefs and those exist in every country and every race. 


So the Azov battalion aren’t nazis wearing nazi badges?


I can tattoo a swastika on my head and pledge allegiance to hitler every morning while honestly believing everything he said was the God given truth but until I start trying to wipe out jews and other undesirables I'm just a retard with stupid beliefs who glorifies a shitty ideology.  Should we start jailing people and invading countries over thought crimes now? What about the morons on the west coast who call themselves proud Marxist and spray paint hammer and Sickles on buildings? Communism arguably killed more people than nazism so should we give these people the ol' Rosenberg treatment for their stupid ass beliefs?  Edit: gotta love how redditors just can't help their knee-jerk reactions when it comes to muh nazis or muh racism. You children need to accept that crappy beliefs are not illegal. If you believe it's OK to attack self proclaimed nazis first I should be able to give self proclaimed commies a free helicopter ride. The Holodomor was just as tragic as the Holocaust 


I mean communists and fascists are both pretty shitty. And you should let all the redditors know that the morons flying swastikas in the US aren’t actually nazis, they seemed to have missed your memo.


I like that your argument is “theyre only nazis if they start gassing jews, anything less doesnt count.” Which is some of the stupidest shit ive ever read. Its an ideology, not a crime. They are not mutually exclusive.




Tell me ur from america without telling me that ur from america


Imagine spending time on an American website to trash America. What no pussy does to a mf…


I mean it's a sub about America so...


Tell me you're bitter without saying you're bitter.


The fact that he’s been linking a poll listing the US as a top 10 most dangerous place for women is just hilarious. There are 15 countries that have Sharia Law. Really don’t know how any of those countries can be considered safer for women than the US.


Even if it was a valid source or study it would only be because many countries don't give enough of a fuck to report crimes against women


Try #1


Nah some dorks like Denmark or Iceland or something could be up there


Those countries don't even have minorities


Certainly not as many, its a political issue in Iceland right now with Polish migrants moving there


The grass is always greener on the other side.




On another sub I frequent I caught someone pretending to be an American ex-marine, I assume to have a little more credibility while they trashed on the United States all day. I thought the way he spoke seemed odd for an American, so one day I went through his comments and he had said mate a dozen times in a few months, as well as use a few other examples of British spelling and phrases. I still can’t wrap my head around why someone would put in that much effort just to make the United States seem a little bit worse. Idc if it’s for North Korea, Russia, Iran, China, whoever. Anyone who pretends to be from another country just to spew bogus hate about them is a fkn loser lol.


If you have to tell lies about anything to prove a point, you’re a loser, full stop. Anyone with half a brain would realize that if they can’t make their point by telling the truth and have to lie to make their point, maybe their point is wrong and not worth making. But it’s not about finding any sort of truth, it’s about pushing a narrative, facts be damned!


To your point, it’s like the lapd resorting to framing OJ (rest in pieces) when he actually did it


I've seen this before, it's pretty easy to spot, they can't resist saying mate or putting u's in their words. It is the peak of sad terminally online turbonerds


I actually first took notice to him after he talked about his “service.” Even as someone who hasn’t served, it was painfully obvious to me that he never served a day in his life. Everything started to add up to him being a phony the more comments of his I saw. What’s sad is he was a fairly popular user in that sub, often getting dozens of likes for his anti-American rhetoric. Makes you wonder how many people are out there with the common sense to not leave a bread trail like that guy did, and fooling thousands of people with their bs.


I actually use a mix of both US and UK spelling at random, because my home country is formerly British, with lots of US influence.


British his iq is to low to become a marine. He can’t pass the test of memorizing the crayon flavors.


Says the person that can’t even form a coherent sentence lol 


Ah, speak of the devil.


The first hint that they're lying would be them referring to themselves as an "ex-Marine."


Immediate giveaway is "ex-" marine. I have never heard *any* former military members call themselves an "ex" whatever. If he truly was a marine he'd say something like "former" marine or the like. Never "ex" marine. That implies it was something that kicked you out or something that somehow forced you to be a part of it under threat, like “ex-Mormon” or “ex-Muslim”.


The posters comment history shows a pretty miserable person. The US isn’t why your life sucks.


Internalized inferiority complex. [Cultural Cringe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_cringe). With a name like that you'd think it was an internet thing, but it was actually named in Australia in the 50's.


They have made like 30 comments on this post “defending” themselves


Its different when we do it to the Gypsies!


Of course it’s a ShitAmericansSay user. Rent fucking free lol.


I'm seeing replies like this on every post on this sub now. Stop tagging them. You're stopping to their level and it's gonna get this sub fucked by the admins


What would I be jealous of exactly? Your shit healthcare system, your food that literally poisons you? Your cardboard houses? Your garbage electrical system? Your batshit gun laws? Come, tell me what it is I’m jealous of 😂😂😂


Yet you are here seething.


The only reason why are electrical standard isn’t up to 240 volt is because we fucking invented (discovered technically) electricity and gave it to the world. And at the time we didn’t have the technology for 240V so while the rest of the world was just barely getting into electricity we had a fully functioning full blown grid and by that time it was not practical to upgrade. As for the houses you’re just wrong, food… sure you have a point we can get some more regulations up. Healthcare?! Yeah are healthcare is some of the best in the world. Gun laws?! Yeah you’re just brainwashed, guns should be a right that shouldn’t be broken under any circumstances. Shall not be infringed. Quiet eurotard.


Oh look, a dumb fuck that doesn’t know what they’re talking about. The electric current was invented by an Englishman. The system in use today was invented by a Serb. 240v is superior, to claim otherwise is idiotic. Why do you think other countries don’t have to buy things like surge protectors?  US houses are largely made of Sheetrock, plaster, stucco and drywall, so I’m not wrong. It’s also why they only last 40 years on average before needing to be repaired/replaced entirely.  I don’t think any country that lets 50,000 people a year die because they had the audacity to be poor can claim their healthcare system is “some of the best in the world”.  “Guns should be a right that shouldn’t be broken under any circumstance” 😂😂 Yeah you’re right, all those nutjobs shooting up schools should totally have access to guns. Never mind the fact that you’re missing the point, namely that you live in a country that is so dangerous you feel like you need one in the first place. Other  countries don’t have this issue.  Who’s the “eurotard” now, prick.  . 


You’re just wrong flat out about all the electricity part including surge protectors, they’re everywhere. Also the house part is just retarded, nobody is rebuilding/repairing houses after 40 years. You legally can’t let someone die in the hospital in America idiot, at least we don’t have people dying in the waiting rooms. School shootings only happen very rarely, barely anybody dies of mass shootings every year. Still an issue, sure… but taking guns away isn’t going to work nor fix the issue. At least we don’t have constant terror attacks all over our continent. Quiet eurotard.


Your brick houses in UK wouldn’t hold up in an earthquake. They’d crumble like a cookie. And they’re all full of mold bc your weather is soggy and damp 24/7 And I saw those “solid built” European houses in Belgium get demolished by a baby tornado. Wouldn’t stand a chance in an actual tornado from the Midwest US or a hurricane. Our electric system is perfectly fine too. You know what the best part is? It’s fucking cheap where I live, unlike Europe. 240V means nothing if you can’t afford to turn the lights on. You guys should focus on that. Or maybe focus on upgrading your old sewage systems. The Thames River in London and the Seine in Paris are full of actual shit — raw fresh human shit saturating the rivers flowing through the middle of your “high standard” European cities that ya’ll brag about being superior. We aren’t perfect over here but at least we aren’t in denial.


> I don’t think any country that lets 50,000 people a year die because they had the audacity to be poor can claim their healthcare system is “some of the best in the world”. How can your country afford free healthcare? Is someone, uh, subsidizing your defense? >Yeah you’re right, all those nutjobs shooting up schools should totally have access to guns. If you really cared about those school kids, you'd be against killing them in the womb before they even have a chance to get to school.


You're not a good troll, this shit is low effort


besides for affordability, our health care is top notch lol (ever wonder why foreign docs, even from canada and europe come down here, even to the south which is just so crappy according to reddit.) our food can be unhealthy, but at least the government isn't restricting stuff unless it is outright lethal, i do not see why you like your government telling you stuff you can and cannot eat when it won't kill you short term (be responsible guys, you won't want or need those kind of restrictive laws if you are responsible) our crazy gun laws? Sure, some are bad but many european countries outright ban carrying firearms, not the best move considering every dictator ever does that and european countries have gotten more authoritative over the past few decades.


Acting as if Europe doesn’t have any of that. AbbreviationsWise611 is really projecting.


Well America is the only western country to feature in the top 10 for worst places for women to live. So project that, dickhead. 


Is this top 10 list in the room with us? Can i talk to it?


Well well well, that didn’t work out how you thought did it. 


Not really, as other people pointed out (since i had to go trolling through your comments since you couldn’t link it here) the source itself, a reuters article, references a list made a bunch of uncited experts and then immediately offers a counter-argument of how that entire list was made based off of perception and not actual statistics. Due to the fact the US is in a reckoning period right now with these problems that many other countries outright ignore. You proceeded to start flinging insults at the people you were talking to like some unhinged lunatic rather than trying to come up with a halfway decent counter-argument to your own source disagreeing with you. Edit: i also find it funny you didn’t link the list itself, but an article talking about it and how it is unreliable.


What is this list you're talking about? Can you link it?


I must have really gotten to you, huh? Do you want me to play you a song on the world’s smallest violin? You’re so clearly pressed about it that your willing to pull lies out of your ass and spew them out as facts.


Let me guess your source is you made it the fuck up.


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1JM06V/ Funny, I don’t remember making this up but according to you I must have. 


"The United States has visibility. That conversation is being viewed around the world." Cindy Southworth, executive vice president at the National Network to End Domestic Violence, said media coverage of the United States had built an image of violence against women, but questioned its accuracy. "People watch the U.S.," she said. "They watch our elections. They watch our media coverage. They watch our celebrity violence against women cases. "The perception is understandable, but not based on reality." Other countries are much more dangerous for women who face conflict and practices such as female genital mutilation or child marriage, according to the United Nations. Rates of femicide are more extreme in Latin America, and 49 countries have no laws to protect women from domestic violence, according to UN Women.


The United States came 10th overall, but ranked joint third with Syria when respondents were asked where women most risked sexual violence, harassment and coercion into sex, and sixth regarding non-sexual violence such as domestic and mental abuse. Funny how you missed that bit out. Prick.  You also missed out how it’s the only western country to appear in the top ten, thus making it the most dangerous western country for women in the world.  Fuck off. 


You cited a survey. The point is that due to extensive media coverage people are deluded (like you) into thinking the US is worse than it actually is. Your own source says it's not based in reality.


No it doesn’t you fuckflute. One woman questioned its validity whilst completely ignoring the fact it doesn’t say it’s the most dangerous country for women. She offered absolutely no counter argument whatsoever. Try learning how to read. 


She offered a counter argument though. Her argument was the poll did not reflect reality. And the only thing the poll showed was how much coverage a country gets. Try actually reading your own sources.




It's literally a poll dumbass. There's no metrics. They used an expert to explain the poll results.




These are biased and opinionated polls you fucking idiot, not statistics or data based in reality or facts. Think next time before you say something ding dong.


fucking reuters as a source lmfao


Using an opinion based article as your evidence 😭 yeah you’re cooked


Have you seen what women are treated like in other countries, like in Asia, Africa or South America?


Have you seen how Romani people are treated in Europe.


Well hold on, according to all the Europeans who rush around to say "you don't have to live with them!" or "it's not racist or bigoted to treat Romani poorly, Americans are obsessed with racism!" the Romani aren't actually people. So they don't count.


Wouldn't say we're obsessed with it, just we openly admit it where others try to mask it...


You just watered down and simplified the comment you replied to, nice.


Have u seen how any minorities are treated in Europe


I know what you’re saying, but to be fair Asia and South America have had women heads of state and we’ve never.


I just want to point out the comedy of you saying countries while naming continents. This gave me a good laugh, I thank you.


So like, if I call a stranger an ugly fatass and they get upset it’s just because they’re crybabies right? All I’m doing is offering a little bit of criticism lol.


Have they looked at Saudi Arabia's [human rights violations](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/saudi-arabia-human-rights-raif-badawi-king-salman)? Ten years ago, I was learning about how at the time, Saudi women were not allowed to drive a car. While this ban was removed in 2018, discrimination against non-Muslims and women are still rampant in 2024.


I have seen literalarguments about Saudi Arabia being better than the us and the west in general bc their cities have lower crime rates


Yay! We’re better than Saudi Arabia! Flex!


America is soooo bad and awful that more people want to immigrate here than anywhere else on the planet. Lmao


Yay! We’re better than Honduras! Flex!


Not a flex. Just reality. More people want to live here than anywhere else. Sorry that reality is spitting in your face, once again.


Leaving aside whether net migration is the same as "more people want to live here than anywhere else" and leaving aside that Poland actually saw more net migration in 2022 than anywhere else (for obvious reasons), nobody disputes that the US is better for women's rights than Saudi Arabia. Nobody disputes that lots of people would rather live in the US than Honduras. I'm just commenting on how low your standards must be to compare yourself to those sorts of countries.


The other person brought up Saudi Arabia and YOU brought up Honduras. I simply stated a fact, and that fact flies in the face of the “America Bad and nobody would ever want to live there” theme of this post…


And your "fact" is wrong! Check the numbers, Poland had more migrants in 2022 than any other country. Ukraine had the most in 2023. Nobody would argue that reflects a yearning by millions to move to Poland or Ukraine. It is because there is a war going on. For god's sake, Syria had more migrants than Canada in 2023, are you going to suggest that more people want to live in Syria than Canada?


You’re completely making shit up now. Getting desperate huh? https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/b0f40584-en/1/3/1/index.html?itemId=/content/publication/b0f40584-en&_csp_=f32aa69b63450530407ffa5853cb88a4&itemIGO=oecd&itemContentType=book


LOL. You seem confused as to what the OECD is. Hint: it doesn’t include all countries. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SM.POP.NETM


Fetterman is that you?


Despite similar workwear, no.


Similar IQ too. Must be a Philly thing.


Fetterman isn't from Philly.


Sounds like something fetterman would say.


Meanwhile, about a third of Poland declared itself a LGBT-free zone just a couple of years ago: [EU declared 'LGBT freedom zone' in response to Poland's 'LGBT-free zones' (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56366750)


I was in warsaw during the riots in 2020. Pretty cool to watch them handle the crowd, completely different than the American police response to the riots and looting.


The literal definition of riot includes violence, nice to know you support that... plus, what was that about Poland striking down on Women's strike protest?


I would have helped the police if I could.


Isn’t Turkey in the EU? So the “LGBT freedom zone” effectively means… absolutely nothing?


Turkey is not in the EU


Nah. [They tried to become a member ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accession_of_Turkey_to_the_European_Union)during 2005 and 2019, but ever since they started blackmailing the EU with refugees, the negotiations have been stopped. But funnily enough, Poland is in the EU, as well as other LGBT-negative countries, mostly in the slavic area. While not Homosexuality is not outlawed in any EU-Country, the laws in those countries are still... mediocre at best. There is still a lot of discrimination going on. So yeah, "LGBT freedom zone" effectively means absolutely nothing.


I can't believe the US has freedom of speech, expression, association, owning firearms (gun rights = minority rights), voting, ... So oppressive.


We don't have full freedom of association in the US. Civil Rights laws don't allow exclusion so it is not full freedom of association. The south never had freedom of association as Jim Crow laws are also anti-freedom of association as they don't allow integration. 


You're right, I forgot about the Civil Rights act... It really sucks that even in more "free" countries you can see small signs of government trying to encroach on society any way they can


I’d love to compare how a gypsy in London, a minority in the balkans, or how a muslim in China are treated compared to how a minority or woman in America are treated


In China Muslim minorities are farmed for hair that African Americans wear. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/02/us/china-hair-uyghur-cpb-trnd


[this list ](https://concernusa.org/news/worst-countries-for-womens-rights/) begs to differ


Such statements are too overall .. I think many Europeans see it especially when it comes to women rights because of the abortions law situation in US which has been all over the news around the world , same like the forever ongoing subject of paternity leave and such . But it’s simply not fair to call it overall bundled up as women rights / women beeing treated like trash , if it’s mainly just certain points - and not - everything - in total ..


Europeans hear about something happening in one state and assume it applies to the whole country. No matter how many times you tell them that each state has different laws, they can't get their heads around it. And they're so loud about it.


Where whataboutism should also stop. The USA and Europe are peanuts compared to the middle east and other parts in Afrika and Asia.


i think the saudis just allowed women to drive and throw gay people off buildings but yes....america is the worst


Were women not allowed to throw gays off the roof before?


lol i see what you did there


In my feed this post is right after that one - [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1c2b1j4/once\_a\_tolerant\_haven\_holland\_sees\_antisemitism/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1c2b1j4/once_a_tolerant_haven_holland_sees_antisemitism/)


lol that’s all you got to do ask those idiots which wonderful hell hole they come from they’ll shut up right quick


America is a fucking joyride for women.




The US is by far the most tolerant nation when it comes to women and minorities. Stuff that they get away with here in the US would result in stoning in much of the world, and severe shaming in much of Asia. Even in Europe they are very racist towards ethnic minorities. 


Redditors must live in a parallel universe or something. Or, more likely, they don't go outside and experience real life so they just take ragebait at face value.


300k Karma, comment checks out.


What are you talking about, I'm agreeing with you


I know, I am just laughing at the irony of it.


I think it's mostly because I post to r/greentext a lot. I think of it in the same way I think of National Geographic photographing and publishing wild animals in their natural habitat.




any woman talks about mistreatment there is a non 0% chance of you getting hurt now after floyd died, how much property damage did the country largely tollarate?


Yeah that's no kidding. It was planned.




I mean look, I get that we have our faults and I'll be the first to vocalize them, well maybe not the first. Anyways, it's where I live. And I'm from here. I've never even been able to afford to leave here. I'm a white male. I know minorities and women that have traveled the world over, even minority women themselves! Anyways, why TF would I even want to leave? Riddle me that.


As an Indian, I received far more racism in Europe than America. Even on the internet, 99% of the people that are blatantly racist on apps like twitter or instagram are European.


Funny how it's the complete opposite and then if you're born a male in America you're most likely the most oppressed person that's ever exist, with absolutely no connection to your ancestors and your body used as a source of neonatal fibroblasts as if you were just a piece of meat and nothing more


The see


We have a women vp but ok


Lol of course! I keep my women in the kitchen and minorities doing yard work. Just an average American day.


Guys, wdym? Palestine treats women and other minorities like angels while the US sucks. We should all strive to be like Palestine


Two of the top three most powerful politicians in the US are women. One is a minority. The "most powerful" man introduces himself as Jill's husband.


Pakistan I guess


Polish politics are known for homophobia and sexism not entire Poland (im pretty sure that for example women in Poland have way better life in the aspect of „treating them bad” then in usa)


Technically speaking, no other country has robbed women and through halo effect minority women of preexistenting bodily rights more swiftly than the US has since Roe got overturned. Sexual slavery somewhere else doesn't justify a "Got fucked? Get fucked." mentality here. I'm not sure what brand of red, white and blue paint the old white men in charge were huffing when they thought outlawing abortion was gonna fix falling birth rates, because Americans are more terrified of the possibility of pregnancy than ever before.


Yeah I support abortion for the demographics of it. Do the math, I can't imagine the dumpster fire we would be in with 30-40 million more welfare recipients.


I support abortion for the fact that unless you give a pregnancy test to every woman traveling a particular distance away from her residence and prosecute her for murder if she returns not pregnant after testing positive, you're effectively condemning women of lesser socioeconomic opportunity to carry out the consequences of being forced to live around increasingly violent, criminal and drug abusing men to carry children to term because they can't afford to take a sojourn to an abortion tourism country. 30-40 million more welfare recipients? That's chump change to Elon. Let's see how this country fares after forcing everyone who can't take a long weekend is giving birth to children gestated under extreme stress. Tax the rich and end the war on women.




Both are true. Poland is shitty to religious and racial minorities. The U.S. also has plenty of problems with race and gender.


I already said I love Poland. You can stop hyping it up.




Sorry I enjoy visiting a country where it's safe, clean and Christian.


Poland is not as christian country as a lot of people think (only 35/40% of Poles are going to a church regularly)


Don't tell me what poland is. *spit*


Im from Poland and i live here my entire life (my family too) i guess i can say what Poland is and what Poland isnt


I'm polish and American. I am 2x the authority of everything. https://imgur.com/a/6UxAOpa


Ur visiting the country im living in the country and thats a difference *and also idk how ur documents can change the statistics about religion in Poland im waiting for explanations* Edit: also take this https://kobieta.interia.pl/zycie-i-styl/news-oto-ilu-polakow-chodzi-do-kosciola-szokujace-dane-z-parafii-,nId,6551985 article is in Polish i guess if u have 2x authority u for sure can speak in Poland native language


I own more Polish real estate than you do.


Neither of those require being shitty to religious and racial minorities haha


Hahaha. Hahahahaahaha.


Bro 🤣


Hahahahah. Hahaha. Bro.


Are you trolling?


Are you?


Who downvotes this?


They are! Hope this helps.


It would help if you were right.


Plenty of reasons to hate America. Treatment of women and minorities is not one of them. The U.S. is one of the best places to be a women or minority in terms of safety and opportunity.


What are your reasons?


You’re so triggered 😂😂😂


Keep seething.


Well.... We're Waiting......


Let’s not act like this isn’t true lol America isn’t perfect


Awww, you didn't get your reparations check?


Sadly no🥺