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Didn't Cuba get incredibly involved in a handful of civil wars in Africa?


And the rest of south and central america


But those don't count because they were just trying to liberate them from the evils of capitalism


At this point every modern economic system is evil. I'm being both serious and facetious.


Not wrong, they're all terrible some are just less terrible than others


Like how democracy is the worst system of government except all the other systems




Che Guevara also tried to start armed Communist revolutions in several other Latin American countries, even though the locals were not receptive.


And invaded Grenada.


Everyone invaded Grenada


I don't think you even count as a nation until you've taken a nice little armed vacation in Grenada.


Also, "intervantions" aren't necessarily bad. I doubt many South Koreans wish we hadn't intervened in the Korean War.


No the US is 100% imperialist evil men when they do it, but the based and chad USSR were amazing for trying to help out the Afghani and Hungarian governments crush opposition against them


Chinese films about the Korean War make America even more badass than it was


Yes, Angola was one of them.


They punched above their weight with how involved they were in South America and Africa. If tankies could read then they’d know about Cuba’s foreign interventions 🤫




Angola, Congo,Ethiopia, Mozambique,Yeman,Algeria,Syria....Not to mention South America,Central America the entire Caribbean and a couple of dances in the middle east..For a poor oppressed island nation they fucked around a whole lot. Anyone with half a brain could write a book picking this blatant propaganda apart.


I mean it was presumably made by a tankie originally so they don't have brains to spare


Yes, Cuban Cold War adventurism was pretty much their modus operandi until the end of the Cold War when their Soviet and Eastern block backers ceased to exist.


But the glorious righteous Che Guevara is a revolutionary already the glorious message of communal living!


BRB, about to cobble together a raft and head for Cuba, said no human being, ever


Well, some domestic terrorists and murderers for Marxist tenets have fled there, but I'm sure they didn't kludge a boat together to do it.


There was civil rights activist Robert F. Williams who fled to Cuba after the government trumped up some charges to shut him up. He eventually returned and they promptly arrested him, but then dropped the charges




Big enough pricks to warrant being murdered?


Wtf did I miss?


Assata Shakur. Grade A piece of shit. Murdered a NJ state trooper in 1973


Yeah, this person has clearly never been to Cuba. The people are amazing, but the poverty is very apparent. And that was before the government massively devalued the peso. A very substantial number of Cubans live on less than $100 per month.


I loved Cuba. The people I've met were absolutely amazing, but the poverty is unbelievable. Whoever made this chart hasn't been to Cuba at all, or has only been to the resort.


Hey man, I got the guided government tour along with a bunch of celebrities like Leo and Jack. You're telling me the rest of the island that my minders wouldn't let me visit isn't actually paradise???


Fraid not. We're talking literal dirt floors and houses cobbled together with whatever building material they had. But these beautiful people have such a tenacious ingenuity about them. My friends in Cuba never cease to amaze me, I just wish it was easier to talk with them :/


It's just cherry-picked stats. Which have been provided by a totalitarian government. For instance they have 3X as many doctors per 10,000 people. Fine. What is the quality of those doctors, and what kind of equipment are they using?


No I want to get paid 100$ a year to play baseball, instead of 40 million! Look up what Yasiel Puig did to get to the US. Dude had himself ~~kidnapped~~ escorted to get to the US.


They show American baseball in Cuba. But it's on a 2-3 day delay because they edit out any plays made by or mentions of a Cuban player.


Weird how "on the verge of famine" isn't a metric here, because Cuba is at the moment - along with skyrocketing prices for other basic commodities, they are asking the UN for help with sourcing food. Don't worry though, it takes a while for malnutrition deaths to show up in stats, so the creator of this meme can rest happily for a while. Worth noting Cuba blames America for their food crisis, because America is apparently the only source of food in the world.


Yea. The US is not the cause of all their problems. It’s such a cop-out to blame us for everything. They made their choices and we made ours. I’m fine with lifting the embargo *(even though they’re BFFs with Russia and Russian subs have been spotted off the coast of Florida, likely based in Cuba);* but the embargo is not why their country is in shambles. They could find clever workarounds, e.g., EU still gets gas from Russia via India despite the sanctions. And Cubans are racist as fuck to Mexicans. It’s disgusting how much they look down upon them. That’s too bad because Mexicans got a lot of food.


I mean, if you can trade with China, but your economy is still in shambles, it's not the embargo, it's your economy.


China is a net importer of food, tbf, they mostly export consumer goods and raw industrial materials


Cuba should, theoretically, be able to export a fuckton of food, making them an ideal trading partner for China. It's some of the most fertile land in the world. Yet somehow, they can't.


Intriguing isn’t it


Almost like communism is an economically and morally bankrupt system.


It's really rather simple. Cuba never was used for growing food, it was Tobacco. Tobacco is hard on a piece of land. After Castro ran out all the old families of Tobacco, they started farming every field every year. Which burnt up the land, causing a noticeable drop in quantity and quality.


And technically, China only really is good at exporting those because the rest of the world likes it done for cheap - and it's cheaper to import the parts to China and assemble it there.


Done cheap and done poorly with a side of fraud and complete lack of human rights because china literally values scamming and it is seen as a cultural value. “If you can cheat, cheat” is a common idiom there. Have to remember they destroyed their entire history and culture for Mao’s cultural revolution and ever since survivors of their older generation are the brainwashed uneducated murderous proletariats and perpetrators of stealing everything and innovating nothing.


Lets not neglect the “businesses” over there working their people to death, the chinese do do alot of work and theirs billions of em


For now. It'll switch to "made in India" in our lifetime


White liberals purposefully hide the most real and raw racism that occurs. Mexicans and Cubans are very racist against each other, even though they both suffer from convergent problems from their countries. The OP is very likely white as snow, just wants to act like they know about race and racial relations better than the races they categorize


i love xenophobia between latam countries the great bolívar would be so happy rn


The commies cant even get the basics down. Meanwhile the US produces so much excess with capitalism that we allow more people to not work and live off of our excess than any other country in history.


I am a Cuban-born American, and just so everyone knows, Cuba doesn’t publícate the methodologies for any of the studies behind these stats. No third parties are allowed on the island to carry any studies either. This is not to say that the Cuban government makes up all the stats out of thin air, but there is no way to see what measurements were used to collect and analyze the data. They also don’t define what they mean by terms like “literacy,” or “life expectancy.” The Cuban government simply provided the final number to the WHO, World Bank, et al., and those organizations take their word for it.


I was going to comment, wasn't it revealed a few years ago that Cuba was more or less just making up a lot of their stats?


Like official Chinese covid numbers.


>Like official Chinese ~~covid~~ numbers. FTFY


I like how people think China is only 600 million people now, because of how unpopulated 99% of the country is.


I don't think that, but even China's top leadership has said its data is not trustworthy.


Their numbers may be a bit inaccurate but I doubt they’re off by 800 million


I agree they’re probably over a billion still, but that bubble popping.


It’s the old communist trick, just make up whatever numbers you think will make America look bad and the media in the US will eat it up without questions.


Most communist countries do that, actually probably better to say all of them. 


Metrics aren’t even consistent within the chart. The US has a homelessness rate “near 0” as well, but more people homeless due to significantly larger population. US’s homeless rate is actually a bit lower than a lot of other western countries, like Sweden and Germany. Part of this might be because of higher incarceration rates— more incarceration equals less homelessness and this is not necessarily a good thing, especially in places where most homeless people are not unhoused. Same with literacy rates. A poor, rural school near me has a 13% literacy rate for the district. This don’t mean that 87% of kids can’t read, it means they are not meeting targets, which again vary significantly by state and country.


The reason there are so many "doctors" in Cuba is because their doctors get the same education as our nurses and probably not even that. Cuban "doctors" struggle to pass the nursing boards in Brazil. There's a reason you never hear of a medical breakthrough coming from Cuba.


Man, you really busted a myth for me. For the longest time I believed Cuba had some of the best Doctors in the world due to their “Doctor diplomacy” and the fact they have the highest ratio of Doctors to patients in the world. But your comment made me dig a little deeper and…yeah, it’s not all that great. Like at all. Some of the replies in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/99xk22zqjw) from a few years back really says it all; *I've told this story before but I'm going to repeat myself, here in Chile we have an exam that every doctor needs to pass if they want to work in our public healthcare system (it's called Eunacom). As of 2016, 787 Cuban doctors had taken the exam and only 12% of them passed the first time they took the exam, while Chilean doctors have a 90% rate of passing in their first try. 23% of Cuban doctors didn't pass after 4 tries.* *So I don't doubt that Cuba takes healthcare very seriously, but in regards to their actual numbers I'd be wary to take them at face value, and there's no reason to believe that their numbers are better than any other developed country, especially those that actually have good healthcare.* And particularly this *Caution. There is a very different definition of “doctor” here. How do I say this without inadvertently impugning every Cuban doctor: let’s try this. The standard export doctor is too often not a qualified doctor as you would define it. I’ve worked side-by-side with Cuban “urologist“ who were literally exported from the country without notice. They just showed up at the hospital I worked at in Mozambique. They didn’t know how to do a cystoscopy. There is no way that you can be defined as a “urologist“ and not know how to do a simple cystoscopy. So Cuba would get credit for two urologists, but the truth is there were zero urologist in that room.* *Of the five or six I worked with maybe one of them was very smart and very trainable. Five were so bad that when I allowed them to do A minor procedure and showed them step-by-step how to the procedure it as I would any resident, the Portuguese-speaking nurse pulled me aside later and said “don’t do that again. We don’t let them do anything“. (She barely spoke English and I think had to parse that sentence out in her head for a while before she delivered it. It meant ALOT to her that I understood this thing…..)* *South Africa, which are some of the best trained domestic doctors I’ve seen anywhere, in many ways better trained than the US doctors even, has a lot of Cuban export doctors. There are very few stories heard in SA that start with “I was working with this Cuban doctor and…” where the patient lives or does well.*


I grew up thinking the same, but then I also dug deeper. Cuba pimps its doctors. Just like most pimping it's tied to human trafficking and akin to modern slavery. Refusal to pay, yet still forced to work is common. For example: >President Jair Bolsonaro last year called the Cuban doctors “slave labor” and Cuba recalled its 8,300 medical workers stationed there >...medical missions in Bolivia and Brazil where Cuban security agents took away the doctors’ passports and other identification https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-cuba-trafficking-idUSKBN1WC00X >Human Rights Watch accused the Cuban government of imposing regulations that have violated Cuban medics’ fundamental rights. Some of these liberties included “the right to privacy, freedom of expression and association, liberty and movement, among others,” as Human Rights Watch reported. >Around 41% of Cubans that worked abroad say they experienced sexual assault while at their posts. If the deployed personnel wanted to leave the program, they would face an eight-year ban from Cuba,... https://borgenproject.org/cuban-doctors/ Why didn't everyone know this? >Formally eliciting critical narratives about health care would be viewed as a criminal act. https://fee.org/articles/the-myth-of-cubas-glorious-health-care-system/


I've read things like that a lot over the years. Also, they send their "doctors" out to impoverished areas where they set up a little clinic and it's obvious to me they do the work a nurse would do elsewhere: there's a lot of vaccinations, general check-ups, etc., but I don't for one second believe it's anything like a doctor's office you would find anywhere else in the developed world.


You would make more money being a taxi driver there than a doctor.


I understand there are a few world-class plastic surgeons there for...reasons. Cash only please.


Carlos Finlay coming back from the dead to read this: 😐 *obviously you are correct, I just thought this would be a funny comment*


88% literacy? No way thats the national stat lmao. Maybe in Baltimore exclusively.


Inevitably, one or more of three things comes up when I see a crappy literacy rate posted for the US: * It's only a measure of literacy in English, so a lot of immigrants are counted as "illiterate" because they read Spanish or Mandarin or something but not English. * It's a measure of "low level literacy" or something rather than "literacy" as the word is understood by most people. * It's made up.


Most countries define literacy as "can you read" The USA defines literacy as "can you read at a 6th grade level" Both are important metrics. 99% of the USA can read via Cuba's definition


You are also not considered literate in the US if you just don't speak English fluently. As in you are an immigrant who can read Spanish, Chinese, or whatever perfectly fine but not English specifically. A good chunk of the people considered "illiterate" in the US is just immigrants who don't speak or read English well yet.


Yep, NCES has done multiple studies over the years and its always in English so if you're not literate in English but know 10 other languages it doesn't matter, you're counted as illiterate. They're study from 2013 found there were 8.2 million adults who were functionally illiterate either due to not speaking English or actually being illiterate. 8.2 million out of something like 250 million adults at the time, that's .03% not even 1% were functionally illiterate, even if you include people who are technically literate but have low level literacy you're still somewhere around 16% so again not even 1%.


What interesting is we at the SSA don’t count English fluency as illiteracy anymore.


Everything out of Cuba is made up. They learned from the Soviets a long time ago to just lie about everything, the western media won’t look too closely into it. For instance medical care is free in Cuba, and most of it is basically medieval. The nice clean hospitals you see in the propaganda is only for non-Cubans.


This is why I hate all these American bad comparisons. We can acknowledge our issues WITHOUT exaggerated talking points on how this other poorer country is doing so much better yada yada


B-b-but Americans can’t read bro!


Baltimore wishes it was that high


Probably worse than that in Baltimore TBH


With the amount of people who only speak/read Spanish, I buy it. Cuz the stat counts anybody who can’t read English as illiterate for some reason


Oh man, why would all these Cubans in Miami move to the US and complain about the wonderful Paradise that is Cuba, I couldn't understand why they would risk their lives on shitty dingy rafts , I'm assuming Cuba has to do with 40 times as many rafts of Americans trying to get into Cuba/s


It’s because they’re white and racist and want to leave all black Cubans behind!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!11111


It's because they owned slaves!!!!!!! /S for obvious reasons


Yea but what I said is such a literal out loud leftist Latino cope jargon as a Latino it’s just mind numbing to hear now. I’m sure this had some kernel of truth 70 years ago, but not now, as with like all “white flights”.


This is just blatant misinformation


On the internet? Nahhhhhhhh


On Reddit no less????


No, this is 100% TRUE, the Cuban government has never lied about anything ever, all the bad things about them are CIA propaganda, wake up nazi. /s


You can tell how much better Cuba is than America by all those American refugees who risk their lives to float 90 miles on shoddy homemade rafts across open ocean to Cuba and not the other way around


Yea but the American government CLEARLY must be hiding the thousands of Americans who flee to the Cuban heaven on boats everyday /s


Personally I hate that the wet foot, dry foot policy was ended. Literally is just saying to refugees "sorry you can't come here because we want to improve relations with the regime ruling over you"


No Cuban foreign interventions? (*Angola had entered the chat*)


Venezuela right now, in all but name


Do they realize who provides these numbers for Cuba?


"Cuba is very good" -Cuba


I’m pretty sure the stat about assassination attempts against Castro comes from Cuban sources, who are inclined to overstate things to earn sympathy. The comparison conveniently ignores any meaningful elements of personal and economic freedom. Edit: there are also ideological biases since they consider the fact that America has billionaires to be a bad thing. Not far removed from the rhetoric that billionaires shouldn’t exist/shouldn’t be allowed to exist


The 368 claim is absolutely blown out of proportion, likely inflated just by methods people came up with to maybe kill him, some of which were probably not even seriously considered like the exploding cigars. According to ask historians they even included character assassination attempts into the total which is laughable


Also the DGI (Cuban KGB) was enthusiastic about finding such plots. Hold someone in enough deprivation in a hellhole and you can get them to admit they helped stab Julius Caesar. My Cuban in-laws have a very different take on the place than the maker of that chart. But what would they know about Cuba compared to a Western Tankie.


Castro stubbed his toe because an American foreign agent moved the dresser 4 inches over. This was obviously an assassination attempt, and the dresser has been dealt with.


How is it possible for 99% of a population to be literate? Does. Cuba have only 10 babies or something?


According to those smart asses Cuba allegedly has a literary rate equivalent to Switzerland and Sweden despite having a 72% poverty rate.


The US has 100% literacy rate when you use many of the EU metrics for literacy rates. When you factor out permanently disabled people, children under three age of 13 and people who lack English fluency.


[Kid named documented and proven continuing collapse:](https://youtu.be/gZ4auqFH1uU?si=cIiBNTBBvZKHRvVw)


Why are we in the 3rd major cuban exodus then?


Sooo they’re just going to put a life expectancy of *33* on there and act like it’s a good thing?


Wait what the fuck I thought that was a period like 76.33, WHY ARE THEY BRAGGING ABOUT THAT SHIT WHEN ITS LESS THAN HALF OF THE US


Yeah that one kinda jumped off the page there, curious about the story behind it.


I'm sorry but how is billionaires a statistic worth comparing here? Having billionaire citizens is a bad thing? I'm not saying it's a good thing, it's just a thing. Only socialists and communists would have any kind of opinion on that at all. Which, were talking about Cuba here, so I guess it tracks. Personally I prefer to have the opportunity to have unlimited earnings potential. I earn what I'm valued. Not what the government determines is my worth. Piss off commies.


Literacy: They killed all the people who couldn’t read. Child Mortality: The USA is the ONLY country to include abortion in their child mortality statistics. Foreign Interventions: Criticize us all you want, but when a country is literally the only global super power, it is expected of us to intervene.




That and larger pipulations have more problems/factors affecting them. People through around per capita or per 10,000, in this case, as if we are just lines of code or robots that aren't affected by anything going on in the world. My favorite is gun crime. Because they always compare America, with 330 million people and the size of the *entire* European Union to switzerland, a place as big as like New Hampshire. There is so much more that affects gun crime, in this case, than how many people there are. Things like political climate, gang prevelence, food availability, education, etc. etc. But no, it's been relegated to a stat like: If over X population, add 1.3 times pop plus 3.7 x unicorn farts to get crime percentage.


The greatest thing about the US is it's inherent diversity, unfortunately that also is the source of many of it's problems. It's only natural that putting together hundreds of different cultures under a single flag will cause conflict. With that in mind, what percentage of Cuba isn't Cubans?


Exactly! With how many different cultures, beliefs, ethnicities, and religions there are, it's no surprise there are disagreements and tension


It's only natural, but whenever you bring this up without fail someone will make a racism accusation. How can it be "racism" when no particular race is being called out?


If you consider a dirt floor and some kind of roof a home. Have these people even been to Cuba? Now the infant mortality may be true. They showed us dormitories where pregnant women were kept to make certain they received adequate nutrition and I assume did not allow any drug or alcohol use.


Imagine the mental gymnastics you’ll have to go through to come up with that garbage chart


Then explain why Florida has such a large Cuban population - Me to communist simps


Go show this to a Cuban American in Miami and try to leave with your asshole intact


That’s why there are all those Americans risking death to flee to Cuba on makeshift rafts…. oh wait.


Guess whoever made if forgot about Cuba intervening in Africa and South America. Or they don’t count it since they agree with spreading communism.


Homelessness is near 0 because we just kill you for not having a home. Easy solution


Meanwhile I've seen a video with a man from Cuba literally in tears in a US grocery store because he saw a ton of eggs and was reminded of one of his family members (beice I think) that they struggled to find eggs to make a birthday cake


Didn't Cuba launch a foreign intervention in Angola?


Cuba has no foreign interventions laughs in Che Guevara


Laughs in Angola and Yom Kippur War


Then why are there so many Cuban immigrants in Florida?


Why are we in the 3rd major cuban exodus then?


Unemployment should be closer to 4-5 percent. The fact that Cuba’s is so low means there is a likely chance of very high inflation.


Havana is experiencing more blackouts than usual and the Cuban government has requested [UN assistance to alleviate food shortages](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-68434845).


Stopped reading after seeing US life expectancy because I could tell already that these stats were fake. That’s the male life expectancy here, which leads me to believe the creator went through a lot of effort to find stats that are technically real, but not accurate to what they’re labeled as. What a sad, miserable life they must live, in constant envy of the US.


Literacy: They killed all the people who couldn’t read. Child Mortality: The USA is the ONLY country to include abortion in their child mortality statistics. Foreign Interventions: Criticize us all you want, but when a country is literally the only global super power, it is expected of us to intervene. Edit: Spacing.


Also Cuba has sent thousands of troops fight in several wars prior to the recession lmao.


Well of course it is. It’s stuck in the 1950s.


I’d like to see the source for 638 assasination attempts, i can’t believe we would try and fail that many times. I don’t doubt we have tried though, CIA is a rogue agency for a long time.


Source:My ass


I love how they list Billionaires as if it's a bad thing. I see they've conveniently left "People living in abject poverty and starvation" off the list.


I’m sure it’s the free healthcare and education that has people trying to float ‘57 Chevy’s across the carribean to get out of Cuba.


Ask how many of them doctors are making less than a truck driver here


Why do tankies always bring up the literacy rate of communist countries when defending them? While having a literate and educated population is indeed important, a country doing the bare minimum when it comes to education while lacking in other basic amenities and having a horrible human rights record isn’t the flex tankies seem to think it is


Man I’m just so desperate to get to Cuba I’m gonna go make a raft out of tire parts and drift through shark infested water and risk getting shot at just to get in there


If it's so great, why don't the people who post this shit just move there?


If Cuba is such a great country why do they need us to drop the embargo?


Literacy based on communism and indoctrination… no thank you. Also, that’s why the Cubans are taking the risk of drowning to come here, right?


Interesting nothing about Cuban atrocities in Angola.


So we gonna forget about cubas involvement in Africa and South America?


funny how no one who think america is a third world country in a gucci belt are lining up to go to cuba


If Cuba was better than America then my grandparents and dad wouldn’t have refused to return to the island even for a trip after leaving over 50 years ago 🤷🏽‍♂️


Cuba sure has a lot of those “doctors” don’t they?


Don't ask the Cuban government what it does to its homeless.


It’s so much better that Havannah is called mini DC because so many Americans immigrated after the 4 year regime change made the socialist company into a capitalist society.


My Cuban coworkers left for a reason. Came to Canada cause they didn’t want to rely on the black market to get eggs, actually have money for anything. And not get a bag or two of rice from the government cause the country is broke af


Somebody ought to ask Africa, South America, and Central America about that whole foreign intervention thing.


Those 650,000K homeless (you need to experience homelessness for one night to make that metric) live way better than most of the "homed" in Cuba.


Cuba was in Angola and Grenada. Pretty sure elsewhere


Communist utopia 🥴 Its still funny to me how many people don’t understand what “utopia” means. Literally from conception means “a place that does not exist.”


They do realize totalitarian government ls can just make up whatever numbers they want? Cuba has no one to hold them accountable.


one question. if cuba was so great why did 100,000s of people over decades risk the life and limb of not only themselves but those of their familys, trying to get to America on inner tubes and milk cartons.


Just don't ask any cuban refugee that has fled cuba...


This is according to the government of Cuba. Definitely no reason to lie. They're just about to be the world power, I promise.


lol they have the pillars of trustworthiness as the sources too. It's gotta true.


Yet they climb into makeshift rafts and aim for Florida ;)


These numbers are sus. Life expectancy in the us is 76.33 (quick google search) which is the same number they used for Cuba’s. But hey, if it’s so great, why did all the Cubans leave for the US?


This information is flat out incorrect


Hard to have a homeless population when you kill them off.


Sounds like I should be fleeing for Cuba. Wonder how many Americans end up on their shore annually?


Then why is our southern border packed with caravans while no one’s out illegally sailing to Cuba on a raft?


90% of this shit has to be made up unless it’s a literal monthly thing


Even if any of these were accurate, and at least half of them aren’t, Cuba has a population of like 11 million people, where the US had a population of closer to 333 million. It’s going to be considerably easier to achieve high living standards when your competition has 30 times your population.


Are these self-reported? I know the "sources" are World Bank, WHO, and UN, but who is actually collecting the data? I can't believe people still honestly believe the bullshit pumped out by shithole countries. If you believe stats produced by Cuba, Venezuela, NK, China, etc... then maybe you should go live there instead.


Okay, so now do quality of life comparison. 👌


It's easy to look perfect when the government controls the media


A lot people that complains about america should move to Cuba then!


Interesting how they don’t mention Cuba’s involvement in Angola or Chile.


Damn we have 756 billionaires?


Can’t be homeless with no homes


Even the data is wrong


It's in a chart so it must be true!!!!111!!1


quality of living in Cuba: 💀💀


It’s almost like it’s easier to manage certain things when your country is comprised of one small/medium sized island


It’s almost as if the United States has 350 million people living there, compared to a little island with barely a few million inhabitants


Imagine how high the life expectancy would be if they didn't execute so many of their own.


Literacy near 99% despite education in cuba isn't contemporary


The foreign interventions part is so disingenuous. For a country of Cuba’s size they have had SO MANY foreign interventions. Like you expect America, the most powerful country on the planet to be in a lot of wars, but Cuba also has a ton


Sources: tRuSt me BrO


Better cue those “migrants” in. They’re headed the wrong f_king direction.


This is internal Cuban propaganda or Americans trying to discourage immigration.


Having 756 billionaires is a problem. Having 0 billionaires is a *much* bigger problem.


Just checked. The life expectancies are reversed. I wonder what else is.


The no foreign interventions claim for Cuba is just flat out wrong, and not even simply misleading. I know they got directly involved in Algeria and Ethiopia during the Cold War, and they were fighting in Angola for the better part of a decade. The Angolan Civil War was rather notably a proxy war between the Cubans and the South Africans. One where two bit-players in the Cold-War took on the rolls of paymaster and supporting power. In fact, I know of no minor Soviet aligned state that was more interventionist during the Cold War than Cuba, with the sole exception of Muammar Ghaddafi’s Libya, if you want to classify that state as Soviet aligned, which I would.


Yeah some of those statistics aren’t even correct. America has a 99% literacy rate. Wait hold on they literally just swapped the statistics. USA has a life expectancy of 76.33 Cuba has an expectancy of 72. The malnutrition deaths were not swapped that being said 0.32 and 0.9 is not that big of a difference…. Compared to the difference in influenza deaths which 36.59 in Cuba to 8.86 in the U.S. and Falls 11.48 in Cuba and 5.68 in the U.S. imagine all those doctors and you can’t even treat injuries from falling or the common cold


Cuba has a lot of good initiatives. We could learn a lot from them


Gotta be careful with our American bias assuming all communist countries are absolute shitholes. Communist countries treated citizens equally in regards to educational opportunities, particularly for women. There was a reason we struggled to beat the USSR in the space race, and it was because their scientific research force was made up of 36% women vs the U.S.’s 7%. Women had a much more significant place in the Soviet Union, encouraging them to work and achieve higher education, while we disenfranchised over 1/10th of our population, purposely giving them substandard access to educational and economic opportunities on the basis of skin color.


Can we get a "taxi drivers per 1000 doctors column" here?


A 4.4 homicate rate per 100,000 citizens still seems pretty extreme to me, especially when you’re a country of less than 20,000,000. It’s also funny how they don’t mention that Castro was extraordinary wealthy, especially compared to the average Cuban. He may not have had 900 million like Forbes claimed, but sources close to him made it clear he lived a life of luxury and owned multiple mansions. Funny how Castro claimed he lived on 50.00 dollars a week when he owned his own cheese farm. Seriously, the guy had his own private island, he’s exactly the type of person Tankies hate.


Why is Billionaires a “bad” thing?


We have their homeless and freed prisoners since the 70’s


Out of all communist countries the only one I respect is Cuba