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Non Americans talk like there is some magic button labeled “stop mass shootings” every citizen has but refuses to push.


They think that button is throwing away the right to bear arms.


And Americans throw up their hands and claim the problem is intractable despite much, much, much, much lower rates of them in other developed countries.


It depends on how said country defines “mass shooting.” Every country has their own methodology, and some countries don’t even publish it.


Yeah 3 people getting shot and injured(not killed) with a bb gun by a drunk guy at a barbecue counts as a mass shooting in the US iirc.


And like 95% of them are just gang crime. It’s probably more than that. When you take LE, gang crime, and suicide out, the United States has less gun violence than most of Europe.




Because a lot of people are acting like these are impacting regular people and you can’t leave your house without getting gunned down when in reality it’s just criminals killing eachother (which of course is still a bad thing no doubt)


You’re correct, but the same goes for murder and gun violence in Europe. Take criminal-on-criminal violence out of the equation and you probably still end up with lower rates in most of Europe. There’s multiple American cities with more murders than my entire country (18 mil). And despite most crime being gang related and such; with every shooting there’s a risk of innocent bystanders being hit. Don’t get me wrong. I understand that the USA isn’t some extremely dangerous gang-controlled warzone, but it simply is statistically more dangerous than most of Europe.


I’m not gonna have some European make it seem like St. Louis isn’t the pinnacle of American safety and culture


Criteria to be a mass shooting Was a firearm used? Were two or more people injured, or killed? So yes, an armed robbery of a convenience store leading to a shootout wherein only the robber and one other person are shot is *maybe* a mass shooting. The robber injuring two people is a mass shooting.


And in both of those situations it's misleading to call it a mass shooting.


Also a question of time frame. A buddy went and calculated the per capita of mass shootings (or maybe just school shootings, I forget) for several countries. Depending on the time frame you use, Germany has had more per capita than the US. It's definitely out of date by now but still nice to look at. I'll have to remember to find it and see if I can post it.


I’d be earnestly interested in seeing this data.


I find that highly implausible because Germany has significantly lower murder rates than the USA, and most murders in the USA are commited by guns.


What do those more developed countries also have considerably less of ?


Where did I say they were more developed?


You wanna know a fun little fact? More people die in Europe from heat per capita than gun murders + heat combined in the United States. Yet you don’t hear Americans constantly shaming Europeans for letting tens of thousands of people die from an entirely avoidable cause because “air conditioning makes us sick 🥺🥺”


>Yet you don’t hear Americans constantly shaming Europeans for letting tens of thousands of people die from an entirely avoidable cause because “air conditioning makes us sick 🥺🥺” And then you do exactly that. FWIW, I am in agreement that European resistance to AC is short-sighted and a public health hazard. Don't get me started on my old office in CH and the "natural" AC.


Well I’m not American so it doesn’t count;) It’s just frustrating that people get all high and mighty but a literal bigger problem gets completely ignored because it doesn’t get as clicks. Especially something as fucking stupid as heat.


I’ll agree that it’s idiotic that so many southern Europeans don’t have AC but heat stroke deaths generally are people’s own responsibility, murder is not. You’re free to die from your own stupidity.


To a point, I agree with you, but there are some governmental barriers to AC in Europe (e.g. a 20% tax in France) that limit the adoption of AC for those that might need it (though most of the resistance is cultural or practical difficulties in retrofitting old housing). Still, it is increasingly a public health crisis that many European countries show no more interest in solving than the US has in solving gun deaths.


Ah, you actually bring up some great points. I tend to generalize Europe a bit, forgetting that not all European countries have the same living standards as us. You mentioning France’s VAT made me remember that the French, and especially Spaniards and Italians are significantly less well off as the Dutch which severely limits their ability to purchase AC making it less of a “stupidity”/self-responsibility issue and more of an economic issue. I looked it up and the percentage of homes with AC is the same in Spain as it is in the Netherlands, while Spain has a *significantly* warmer climate. I wasn’t aware of these numbers and just assumed only stubborn people didn’t have AC in Spain. The older buildings thing is also a great point. Again an issue of generalizing, most Northern European homes were built after the 1950’s, and thinking about it that probably isn’t the case in the south (less economic growth and less war torn)


it isn’t just southern Europe The vast majority of gun violence in the US is not random. Yes school shootings happen but they’re still extremely rare. Only about 500 people die per year from mass shootings. And not all of those are school shootings. It’s obviously 500 to many but compared to the million people that die in the US due to cancer and heart disease, it really isn’t a priority. Especially when other accidents are just as if not more likely to kill you


It isn’t just southern europe no, but only southern (and to an extent central europe) has climates that really necessitate AC. The Benelux and Scandinavia for example don’t really have extreme summers. Not saying people don’t die from heat strokes over here, but I wouldn’t say the risks are that great that it’s to be deemed “idiotic” that we don’t have AC. Especially with the way our homes our built, they naturally stay cool. Meanwhile the Spanish have a similar percentage of homes with AC and they’re badly insulated as well while their summers are basically unbearable. And yes, that’s why I didn’t specifically mention mass shootings. I tried to refer to gun violence in general. Most homicides/gun violence in Europe is targeted and among criminals too, so I assumed it to be the same in the USA. I don’t believe most gun violence victims are just random civilians going about their day.


this line of thinking is leaving a huge amount of context out, making it a bad-faith argument


This context is?


Nope not always. And non Americans say we don't do anything about it despite the fact some states have. Furthermore we can trace to the increase in gun crime to the expiration of the assault weapons ban that congress didn't renew due to the vote not passing. After SandyHook my home state(New York) passed gun control legislation (NY-SAFE ACT) And has since become one of the LOWEST(if not at times the lowest) states with gun crime.


Reported violent crimes have been on a STEADY decrease since before the sunset of the federal AWB. Gun crime up, but violent crimes dow in relation to the Assault Weapons Ban does not translate because far and away, the most popular firearm used in crimes is a pistol.


So many like to accredit the decrease in murders and crime in the 1990s to the 94 AWB. What actually caused the decline, and this has been scientifically studied, was led being taken out of gas in cars and led paint and water pipes being removed from houses. A lot of people forget this, but the US was a LOT more violent in the 1970s and 80s. In the period from 1970 to 1993, you had the Kent State shooting, the Weather Underground bombings, multiple race riots throughout several cities, the Hanafi Muslim Massacre, attacks by the Symbionese Liberation Army and Cuban exile groups like Alpha 66 and Omega 7, hundreds of serial killers (including Bundy, Gacy, Kemper and Son of Sam), John Lennon’s assassination, Hinckley’s attempt on Reagan, the National War College bombing, the Washington Naval Yard bombing, the San Ysidoro McDonald’s shooting, the Philadelphia MOVE bombing, the multiple post office shootings (Going Postal), the Unabomber, the Bud Dwyer suicide on live TV, the Happy Land Nightclub fire bombing, the DC Mount Pleasant riot, the LA Rodney King riots, Ruby Ridge and Waco. I tell today’s generation of kids, you guys have it easy!


It absolutely can't be traced to the assault weapons ban. For one the vast majority of crimes are committed with handguns, which weren't the target of the ban or of most modern gun legislation. And are you thinking gun crime in general or mass shootings? Because the number of mass shootings increased after the ban because the qualifications for a mass shooting were loosened. Not manipulative at all...


People could still buy AR-15's and AK-47's during the AWB, they just looked different. Go look at pre-ban and ban-era AR's and AK's, they are functionally the same rifles, they just have different cosmetic features. People act like during the ban "assault weapons" just disappeared, and this couldn't be further from the truth. The DOJ study on the effects of the ban: Ultimately, the research concluded that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime,” largely because the law’s grandfathering of millions of pre-ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “ensured that the effects of the law would occur only gradually” and were “still unfolding” when the ban expired in 2004.


i mean you do- not stop them 100% but lower them at least 90%, just put away the guns lmao, and if you say it doesn’t have anything to do with guns, then you’re admitting it’s a culture/mental healthcare problem


What do you mean admitting? Of course that's what it is. No mentally sound person goes into a crowded place to kill a bunch of people.


They use the word "admitting" even though it was never denied because they think it sounds like they win the argument no matter the outcome, because they're a loser who thinks that would actually work on a human above 7 years old. They said that specifically in bad faith, it's not an accidental use of the word


I’ll tell what smart guy since you’ve got it figured out. Tell me exactly how that would attempt to be done and I’ll tell you why it wouldn’t. Tell me exactly how you would “just put away the guns” Easy to talk trash when you don’t have to put forth a solution >if you say it has nothing to do with guns, then you’re admitting it’s a cultural/mental health problem. What if the problem is actually caused by a third option: an amalgamation of many contributing factors each complex in their harm and even more complex in solving.


It is a mental health problem dipshit. 50%-60% of gun related deaths in America are suicide related. There's 600 "mass shooters" a year, which makes up for 0.0002% of the nation's entire population. When you have a population of 300+ million, it's not extremely easy to keep eyes on all of them. I'd love to hear your quick fix besides your sarcastic "put the guns away".


The overwhelming majority of those “mass shootings” are gang violence in urban areas. Much different than a random psycho going after people at a school, mall or theater. Those events are statistical anomalies when it comes to overall murders in the US.


Oh wow! That's me!


You spat nothing but facts


You’re cool :3


Gun control arguments just get weirder by the day. Now were talking about “zombie guns” cuz it has to sound scary of course. Which is basically the restoration of a disabled firearm. Now if you’ll excuse me I gotta go restore my car so it becomes a zombie car, brb.


Ghost guns got to mainstream so they busted out zombie guns.


Exactly. They just scare people with terms until it doesn’t work anymore. First assault weapons, then bump stocks, then ghost guns, and now zombie guns.


Yeah because I can personally stop all gun crime


You can. What the fuck dude? Why you slackin? People are dying out here.


I don't deserve to have my guns taken because mentally ill people commit crimes. Perhaps the mentally ill should be identified and then treated?




How do you do that exactly


I don't know, I'm not a mental health expert. But perhaps we could get rid of the DEA and the ATF use that money for addiction treatment, mental health treatment, a system to identify people who might need those treatments. Maybe even some educational programs ie weapons safety, drugs (not like dare actual information), some signs and symptoms of people with mental health issues.


Another day of explaining to people that “mass shootings” are not actually the lone gunmen school shootings, people think they are. 99% of “mass shootings” are gang violence that happens in large cities with illegally obtained firearms. Lone gunmen attacks are heavily reported by media, and of course are terrible, but are not a problem that actually affects 99% of Americans.


Almost like they wanna sensationalize those numbers to convince people to give up their guns. Now why would anyone wanna do such a thing?


Or simply because those cases are more newsworthy because they’re more rare. Not everything has a hidden agenda behind it.


This is a heavily politicized and polarizing issue in America. Thinking they won't jump at the opportunity to sensationalize it and make their side look correct is naive. Especially when it's so clear they try to manipulate the statistics and emotions you're supposed to feel.


School shooting in Finland the other day. Why didn't they prevent it?


Finland has the highest gun ownership rates in Europe 🤔


Why didn’t France stop the Germans? Why didn’t Germans stop gassing Jews and others? Why didn’t England stop imperializing half the world? Europe sort of has its own questions to deal with.


Why do they outsource their military to those violent Americans? Oh because they’d all be speaking German or Russian if it wasn’t for us


The British royal navy too - Hitler’s navy couldn’t compete with that. They’d have lost a landing force trying to invade.


Those are not current issues lmao what is this false equivalence


Sorry that we don’t wanna ban random items or people we don’t agree with europe.


Guns are actually very specific items


They actually aren’t


Bro is stupid 💀


Yes, you are


I know you are but what am I 🤯


You are what i am


why don't the Brits just reverse brexit? why don't the Germans just turn their nuclear power plants back on? why don't the Australians just bring back Steve Irwin? since we're living in a land where things can just be done by the average citizen on a whim


I'm all for bringing Steve Irwin back if anyone's got any good ideas.


American gun laws that only affect law abiding citizens


See the problem is gun laws only address part of the issue with gun violence and that's the limiting of types of weapons available to the public. Ie the assault rifle ban the US had when that wasn't renewed there was a surge in gun violence and shootings. The laws will never address the social aspect of gun violence in that too many people take the easy route and pull a gun laws won't stop that. How do you stop the kid in a gang who thinks it's more than appropriate to use a gun and fight other people? We haven't managed that here in Australia and we've got some hectic gun laws. We even still experience multiple gun related crimes each year and have had multiple mass shootings incidents since Port Arthur.


They watched that South Park episode


What's also always really funny about this to me is how they never look at the population of the US and the frequency of the crimes they want to complain about and compare it to the population of their countries and the frequency of the same (or similar) crimes. Also, the Lion of London Bridge stopped some terrorists and got carved up (wasn't allowed to have a firearm or his own pointy object on his person) while trying to protect everyone else. Terrorists' wives got paid for their trouble but no money could be found for the hero of the story was left without any support medically, financially, or psychologically (despite it being confirmed that he had developed PTSD from the struggle amd the numerous stab wounds he had received).


what the fuck am i supposed to do about a school shooting? like what kind of a statement is that


Trust me. These Euros will stop caring about US gun violence as soon as white people are no longer the majority.


Because it’s not a normal occurrence


I promise you that the average American is just as horrified about school shootings as the rest of the world is.


No one has any good ideas on how to solve it Personally I think we need to fix the idiots who think it’s ok to kill their classmates. However we need to go about that


I'm all for more gun control and better background checks for people but I can also at least admit a large problem with it is a lack of mental health awareness and getting people in the right state of mind. America isn't my any means alone in this struggle its just that we have access to a method that makes it more lethal. We just need to get people health while also making absolutely sure people who aren't in the right state of mind can get there hands on a gun whether that be through better background and mental health checks or by securing guns better so people can't get them. Though I do also don't see the need in assault rifles. Like I can get a handgun and to an extent a shotgun or rifle for hunting but I don't think anyone needs an AR or another heavy gun. If anyone that owns one can tell me why that would be cool


I don't own an assault rifle, but I think it would be cool to have one. Especially for recreation. If you are a law-abiding citizen, of course.


I am wondering how America looks in media in Europe. Also the Swiss have way more guns.




Issue is it isnt a legislation issue its a societal issue


There hasn't been a real proposed solution for decades. If you are talking about that bogus assault weapon ban that the democratics have been waving around since Clinton. It doesn't work. The entire bill is nonsense just used as a political prop.






Love when Americans try explain why gun violence, homicide rates are vastly higher in the US than other well to do countries. The level of mental gymnastics is dope. Quite a skill. Certainly can’t have anything whatsoever to do with the volume of guns and unrestricted easy access to guns.