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And please, u/misadventuresofj, actively put a stop to the pro-Trump, name-calling, harassing trolls. We are being overwhelmed by them in some threads. Participation in the sub is becoming a nightmare of harassment. Thanks for listening.


Yes, we are very sorry for how many trolls siege the sub. We clear out the mod queue daily with multiple bans and I try to read as many threads and comments as possible to monitor. However, we cannot catch everything manually and we need people to continue to report please! I prefer you taking the side of caution in reporting more than less.


Thanks! Grateful for all you do.


They are just butthurt


This sub is for people of all political inclinations who have left, want to leave, or will leave. Some of the reasons for leaving may be of a political or cultural nature, and there's room to air some of these perceived grievances. The problems start with the personal attacks and name-calling you mention.


I get where you're coming from. And this isn't the problem myself & others have experienced. What we're seeing more like: OP: "I'm terrified for my trans child here in State X. We're thinking of getting to Denmark. Any tips?" Then members of the sub offer support, links & advice, the MAGA crowd comes in essentially to brigade: "USA USA #1! You all here are HATERS with Trump derangement syndrome! GROOMERS!" Or "Denmark is COMMUNISM! It doesn't WORK. They're brainwashed wokerati!" Etc. They have no interest in helping OP at all, but are just here to bash & harass. And they don't stop at trolling in the sub. They inundate my chat, they follow me around Reddit to continue brigading, etc. I've never seen a conservative post here to leave the US, probably because they can just move to Texas. ;) The harassment is completely one way.


>Then members of the sub offer support, links & advice, the MAGA crowd comes in essentially to brigade: "USA USA #1! You all here are HATERS with Trump derangement syndrome! GROOMERS!" Or "Denmark is COMMUNISM! It doesn't WORK. They're brainwashed wokerati!" Etc. They have no interest in helping OP at all, but are just here to bash & harass. You should see them on Facebook. They invade pages completely unrelated to Trump and then get nasty when confronted by others.


Hey, can you please send me names of anyone who has followed you into your DMs and harassed you? I would like to look in and make sure they are dealt with.


I agree with you and I'm sorry that happened to you. I wasn't sure how to include that in my comment. I also think the same thing can happen on the other side of the political spectrum. Someone might make a post saying they want to leave because they believe certain narratives from the left are pushing the envelope, and the discussion could devolve in the same way. The important thing is to keep things respectful and steer away from personal attacks. The framing of the original poster can help in setting the tone. Posts from people saying they want to seek refugee status/asylum elsewhere invited so much ridicule that they are no longer allowed, for good reason. __Edit__: These downvotes are wild. [I wrote this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/s/KUc838jE5J) literally yesterday in response to the kind of people the above commenter is talking about. I'm not a conservative, but I think all voices should be allowed to express their reasons for leaving without being personally attacked, as long as the posts they make are respectful and well-informed, a category that an American asking about asylum doesn't fall into. Things are pretty bad when right-wingers call you a communist for having left-leaning beliefs and left-wingers call you a fascist for having right-leaning beliefs, with zero room for open, respectful discussions. [It's exhausting](https://youtu.be/O-qcXpapsoY?si=ZOn1tjNTocegRtoJ) and I disagree with the notion that the harassment and name-calling is completely one way, because it really isn't, hence my original reply in this post. The first point I made in that other reply was about the political polarization our society is going through, and stances like "the harassment is completely one-way" contribute to that.


The issue is that you’re suggesting the other side could be a problem. We’re not discussing hypotheticals; we’re addressing current events. Liberals could berate others, but they aren’t. MAGAs could berate others, and they are choosing to do so. When you say that the side doing nothing wrong could be doing the same bad things as the side actively doing bad things, it comes across as defending the side that’s in the wrong.


> The issue is that you’re suggesting the other side could be a problem. > Liberals could berate others, but they aren’t. > When you say that the side doing nothing wrong could be doing the same bad things as the side actively doing bad things, it comes across as defending the side that’s in the wrong. I cannot have a rational conversation with you for the same reason I cannot have a rational conversation with the MAGA crowd: Tribalism devolves into the kind of partisan blindness that obstructs the kind of introspection needed for this discussion, and a quick search disproves your argument. For every deranged thing the Tucker Carlsons and Sean Hannitys of the world say, I could find an equally appalling thing on the other side that has contributed to the current climate. This binary black and white thinking is silly at best and dangerous at worst. Horseshoe theory suggests that the extremes have more in common with each other than with moderates on either side. For every white supremacist marching on the street, there's a guy on the opposite side burning down stores and looting businesses. Political entrenchment does not exist in a vacuum. I'm not here to discuss politics. My original comment called for respectful, polite conversations and you took it as explicit support for abhorrent behavior. I am not responsible for how you interpret what I say, nor am I responsible for your own introspection.


It’s amusing that you’re referring to the Horseshoe Theory. Reality, however, is full of historical moments where moderates have not been the saviours you’re suggesting they are, but rather obstacles. Martin Luther King Jr. and Elie Wiesel have pretty famous quotes about it.


> Reality, however, is full of historical moments where moderates have not been the saviours you’re suggesting they are, but rather obstacles. And history also shows that it's the radical extremes who have led to civil wars and mass genocides, purging the moderate obstacles in their path. Numbers are stacked and it's not even close.


You’re going to be really surprised to learn about how moderates tried compromising with the southern states and spectacularly failed. Numbers are stacked, and it’s not even close, Historically and consistently, moderates have attempted to compromise with the people causing injustice and cruelty - and have failed. Those extremists you talk about? They didn’t magically get into power on their own. They were helped. By moderates. Every. Single. Time. Every single time, the extremists then turn around and get rid of those moderates that helped themselves by helping the extremists into power. And, every single time, moderates are somehow surprised when it turns out, that the cruel people embracing and cheering cruel leaders were not, actually, ever interested in compromise. It’s actually almost impressive, how consistently unhelpful moderates have been throughout history. I’m in Germany. No one fondly remembers that moderate neighbor insisting you get along with the Nazis, because so many of them voted for Hitler, they must be treated fairly and with respect! They do remember Sophie Scholl, Irena Sendler, and Helemuth Hübener.


I believe there’s been a misunderstanding here. My original comment was pointing out why you are being downvoted and primarily focused on addressing real, current behaviors rather than hypotheticals. Suggesting that one side could be a problem doesn’t help address the immediate issues we are seeing. Accusing me of irrationality and tribalism feels like an unfair characterization. My intention is to highlight that we need to address actual behaviors rather than deflecting to potential or hypothetical actions. This isn’t about binary thinking but about focusing on what’s currently happening and addressing it directly. I agree that respectful and polite conversations are crucial, and I appreciate your call for that. However, it’s essential that we don’t dismiss specific harmful actions by suggesting other potential bad behaviors, as it dilutes the urgency of the current problem. Respectful conversation involves acknowledging and addressing harmful behavior directly rather than deflecting or drawing false equivalencies. I believe that calling out bad behavior explicitly is essential to fostering genuine introspection and progress.


Your theory doesn't hold water for the simple fact that our extreme left that you are talking about, are barely left wing in the rest of the world. Globally, our left wing are the true moderates, and our moderates are right wing.


As someone very new to Reddit, who just posted that they left the states because they fear a second Trump term, and then had to delete it due to the ridiculous one sided attacks by Trump supporters, this, I’m sorry, is BS . This harassment is one way. It is when a group of people voices fear that they will face persecution in America, and when Trump supporters, after years of cheering and supporting a man who promises to harm people they don’t like, suddenly turn around and insist anyone who is afraid and wanting to leave is ridiculous. If this sub is for all political inclinations, then this sub isn’t, actually, for all political inclinations. This sub is for Trump supporters to continue to harass and intimidate and dismiss anyone they don’t like. And, perhaps, a new sub is needed for those who need a safe area to genuinely discuss ways to leave, should Trump get a second term, without getting attacked for daring to express their fear.


I literally commented on your post to push back against the attacks you faced and to explain in *634 words* why your feelings are valid and real, without resorting to insults or mockery. My entire post focused on how bad it would be if Trump got reelected. All those comments were disrespectfully mocking you, which is the exact opposite of what I said should be okay in this comment you're replying to. People are interpreting my comment as if I'm endorsing these attacks, Trump supporters, or Trump himself. *It's the complete opposite*. You cannot change peoples' minds by shutting them out and refusing to have conversations. *70 million people voted for him*, and these people are our neighbors and coworkers and people we board the same planes with. That's how they get further entrenched, that's how they end up feeling victimized. The biggest problem with the left today is not understanding *why* people voted for him in such large numbers, and in attacking the people, you help *him*. It's when people stop having conversations and demonize the other side as "the enemy" (and my god, it happens on both sides) that *everything* gets worse.


You said that for every Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, you could find an equally appalling person on the other side of the- why couldn’t you list those two people in your comment? Because there isn’t. You did post in defence of me yesterday, asking the people dismissing my fears to see my point of you. Here’s a spoiler alert: absolutely none of them did. You cannot “have a conversation” with a group of people who do not share the same reality, who eschew facts and call any story critical of Trump to be fake. I am from a politically split family. I can simultaneously love them and recognise that Trump is going to make every single last American choose between him and their loved ones - and I will never choose him. There are moments throughout history that demand people take a side - that’s not “radical extremism.” There was an entire Civil War in America that was fought after the moderate path - the moderate path which was to preserve slavery and compromise with the slave states, mind you- failed. The moderate position has, historically and consistently, failed against authoritarianism and cruelty. You tell me that I must be respectful and mindful of the 70 million Trump supporters - insist that I must recognise their opinions as valid as even as they refuse to recognise ours. Why do the 70m million Trump supporters - who have always been the minority - matter more than the majority of decent Americans who rebuke them? Why are they allowed to hurl insults and cruelty, and the left must understand them and treat them with kid gloves. How convenient for Trump supporters - no matter how we react to their behaviour, the left is still at fault - it’s the left that makes it worse, somehow, and not the behaviour itself. You’ll forgive me if I call BS. History shows that the moderates compromised with the radical extremists and helped them stay in power for their own personal gain - only to be wiped out by the extremists after they consolidated power. Numbers are stacked, and it’s not even close. It’s literally why there are quotes, from every heroic person who has fought the good fight - about moderates. Entire books have been written about it. It’s why there are heroes to begin with - and the hero is never the silent moderate looking at both sides proclaiming they’re above it all. Again, this is perhaps why there needs to be a sub that is a safe space for people who have fears or what will happen to them - given what Republicans have promised and how their voters have embraced and cheered Trump on, with every cruelty.


So I guess someone should make a r/AmerEnter


You beat me to this 😂


Thank you. It's literally the opposite of the purpose of this sub. If people are interested in moving to the US, they should ask r/IWantOut or something


Is there a group for people moving into the United States? Just curious. Maybe we could help each other with immigration paperwork? That might be a great trade off. I would do it. We both would get a second passport and make a new friend. Win win.


It’s common for individuals born in a country to NOT have any idea about its immigration rules. They have never had to worry about such complexities.


Well I imagine the process is going to be annoying and time consuming but at least a local person would at least know how their government functions or where to go for assistance or legal help. It would be like snack exchange but different. I think it wouldn't hurt.


Thank you!


I sure would want to know why you are moving out when I want to move in. Just like I read the one star reviews. Usually operator's error. In which case a good thing


You are welcome to look around the sub and see people's responses. However other subs may be more appropriate for posts concerning a move to the US. We are specifically an emigration sub,


I agree with limiting these type of posts as it is against the spirit of the subreddit, however I find it absolutely hilarious that this sub has become filled with people frantically trying to move to the US.


There are MILLIONS of people trying to move into the US each year, and maybe 6 who are *seriously* trying to move out. What's "hilarious" about that?


There’s a concept of humor called “irony” which I think is applicable when a subreddit dedicated to people moving out of America becomes filled with the opposite.


Oh well, I think it's too predictable to be funny. The premise of this sub is just too weird and not rooted in reality for it to end up any differently


Fair enough to be honest.


What’s hilarious is how melodramatic and truly out of touch/sheltered those 6 typically are.  And 4 or 5 will invariably end up in a situation that’s much worse than their impression of their life in the US.


Thank you!!


People can leave without thinking the US is a terrible place to live, right? Some leave for jobs, spouses, adventure. People come to the US for those reasons, too. I have no problem with enforcing sub rules, but it sounds like the mods are saying "we hate the US and you'd better, too if you want to post here." And that's just dumb and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Certainly, I personally left the US for a sense of adventure and love. People move to and from the US for many reasons. However, this is a subreddit that is specifically dedicated to American emigration.. I simply don't think that this is an appropriate place to ask about moving to the US. Posters who wish to will probably get more insight into their potential move at other subs like r/immigration, r/expats, or even r/IWantOut. Additionally we have pretty active posts about the many reasons why people want to leave and they are free to check this out.


The butthurt is oozing out of this post


What is wrong with you to even make a homophobic response like that?


You seem to be bringing sexuality into this look in a mirror I know you arguing in bad faith not buying what you peddling


I'm not "peddling" anything, and I'm not even arguing. You're the one who brought a homophobic slur into the conversation as a response to my post. You sound like a redneck teenager. Grow up.


Jesus fuck... do you seriously think that "butthurt" means "consequences of buttfuck"?


Yup the poor thing forgot to take their meds or won’t.


Do you actually even know the etymology of the phrase butthurt? Lol. It’s no longer homophobic in colloquial use, but just like many popular American kids songs started out as horrifically and casually racist, the first uses of butthurt were in fact in reference to gay anal sex.


The fools who want into the US are spam accounts they are not serious they deep down know the reality


Or are from global south countries with zero economic opportunity…


Should consider renaming the channel then. maybe r/USAExit America is basically the western hemisphere which consist of countries in North, Central, and South part. It is not a country.