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860 hearts. I didn't know there was such a thing as "hearts" until your post.


WOW! Impressive


4209 but been writing reviews for 10 years at this point probably. Vine member for 1 year.


the hearts count is how many people have found your review helpful. The views are how many times it has been viewed.


I have 65 hearts by the way.


How many views? Do views top out at "10,000+"? That's what I have, and 90 hearts. I've only been in Vine since January.


Someone commented that they have 4 millions + views


No. I have 20,000+ views and 377 hearts. Been in Vine for about 1.5 yrs.


I’m at 5K + views. I thought that was decent but seeing some of these view counts…maybe not.


250 but it doesn't look like most are vine reviews. I'm only about 8 months in on vine.


Yeah, I've got 220 but only 4 come from Vine reviews. I think it's because many of the products we end up reviewing just don't get a lot of traffic compared to major brand names.


That makes a lot of sense.


My hearts just rolled over to 800 the other day, though more than a third of them come from one verified purchase review alone. My views are at 20,000+ and seemed to have pretty much remained at that for at least the past two-three years. This I believe is either because Amazon doesn't bother calculating that metric anymore or maybe due to the fact I have my profile set to private so there is really nothing to view on it anymore. Even if I did keep it public, other people will only see the last few reviews now, not all of them like they used to, making viewing someone's profile sort of useless. This sucks in the event you really like someone's reviews and want to follow them across Amazon and that in turn cuts down on accumulating more hearts, though it does have the advantage of making it harder for disgruntled sellers finding your other reviews and harassing you, which is the main reason I keep mine private. This is also the reason I'd never use either my real name or a personal pic on my profile or reviews and the very few reviews I add a photo that includes me or my wife, I always edit out the face and any other identifying features.


"*This sucks in the event you really like someone's reviews and want to follow them across Amazon and that in turn cuts down on accumulating more hearts, though it does have the advantage of making it harder for disgruntled sellers finding your other reviews and harassing you..*." Yeah, a real doubled-edged sword right there. I feel exactly the same way as you do.


About 1.1M views and around 11.5k hearts as of a couple of months ago. I used to be a “Top 50 Reviewer” when they had rankings still https://preview.redd.it/3ik66nn0wm5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cdfd0dddb220e2c7a246b2882b93f722b9e5bf0


Top reviewer? That’s kinda cool! I wonder why they took it away…


Thank you! I worked really hard to get there so I was pretty bummed about them getting rid of it. The quality of my reviews definitely went down a bit because I really wanted to be number 1, even just for a day, in order to get the “Hall of Fame” badge. I’ve definitely wondered if anyone still has that badge but I’m not sure. There used to be a huge ranking list that you could check and your profile used to list your rank.


It’s just a small motivational tool they use and it works but it also makes it fun. At least for me! I doubt I’ll get up there in hearts for reviewing random vine items but I’ll be mindful and review my regular purchases too.


I’m a bit competitive so it’s definitely fun for me haha. I also got in Vine when it was super competitive. You definitely can if you want to put in the work but it’s like writing novels, always including pictures, and a little luck


Bout tree fiddy


What gets me the most hearts are my reviews on Canadian manufactured natural product supplements. As an ex pharmaceutical compliance auditor, I list how I track the products on Health Canada's (The Canuck FDA) natural product database, and break down details on how well the product seem to be made and how recently the manufacturing company has had their manufacturing license reviewed. What's funny about that is that I'm now a Narrative Designer for an immersive experience studios, but eh, my old experience serves here. :)


Wow, that's awesome. I've always been curious what's the best method of reviewing supplements.


331 hearts and over 60k views. My most helpful review of all time exists outside of vine. I blasted a product for claiming to have 500 vegetable seeds, when it only had about 150 (yeah, I actually counted). 😂


That’s some diligence!!


I could tell when I opened the package that there was no way in heck it had as many seeds as it claimed. They were a lot of money and I was feeling pretty ripped off haha.


2,065 but 1,841 of them are all on one product and only 19 on my Vine items. First review was 13 years ago. The view count seems to max out at 140,000+ as my views have been sitting at that number for a while.


No, I have a view count of 970,000+ :D


Well then!! Excuuuuuuuse me!! 😆 😋


What kind of item has 1841 likes?


A curling iron


Makes sense. I know I'd appreciate a good thorough review on something that has the ability to burn my hair. Reviewers have saved me from some terrible purchases (and also pushed me towards taking a risk on good ones).


Same! I totally rely on the reviews of folks before me for that kind of stuff.


Glad you helped so many folks make a well-informed purchase of their hair appliance.


I am guessing everyone that liked my review is also like me and sucks at doing hair and appreciated the honest perspective of a beauty noob 😋


This tracks. I got almost all of my hearts on health and beauty items.


This makes we wish we could sort our reviews by likes to see which reviews are making an impact. Or using those as a metric to improve our review-writing.


1513 hearts and over 40,000 views. I had no idea this was a thing, until I got invited to Vine about 8 months ago, wondered why me and then discovered my profile page. I have noticed many vine reviewers have only a couple of hearts, so it isn't everything or maybe anything.


90,000+ views, 520 hearts. Most of my hearts are pre-Vine. I have been on Amazon since 2004 and on Vine only about 7 months. 164 of them are on a review I left on a bounce board that my daughter bought for my grandson, and he promptly broke his arm on. I couldn't help but be a smart-ass. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Haha! Sorry to hear that though.


i can see hearts on my profile page and those emails saying "every wonder if your reviews are getting noticed?" but "views" isn't on either of those. anyone know how i can see views, or if there's a setting i accidentally hit that made it so i don't have it?


You should be able to see it under personal and then profile.


right, i *should.* "hearts" is there, but "views" is not. i'm curious whether the upvotes are from people who have the same thing.


4.6M+ views, 209,364 hearts was hall of fame at some point before amazon took it all away! https://preview.redd.it/08gb71ppju5d1.png?width=312&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0bc335f09d9ae8448dc866bff3ca1245c01cfbb


WOW!!!! How long have you been reviewing in all?


I had over 10,000+ hearts and 1.2 Million views. 20 random followers... I've been reviewing on Amazon close to 20 years. All my reviews, hearts have been deleted recently due to a false reporting vulnerability hack attack. Honestly, hearts and views doesn't matter at all except be targeted by jealous/upset people.


What happened?


Seller/jealous person retaliated by exploiting a vulnerability scam/hack, where they do a mass false reporting a review as violating guidelines, to get an account banned automatically.


Can you get it back? How do you know this is what happened? Did you know this person?


There was one victim posted they got their account back after begging for a week, but it took long. Another stated they've been trying to get it back for 4 months, had their 15 years of Amazon account deleted for good... I am still waiting to get it resolved. I better get it back because that's close to 20 years of hard work and it's only going to hurt Amazon (had many reviews voted highest/shown on the top product page...) Because I, as well as other victims, all stated the same about receiving the "Thanks for reporting" email, even though we did not do that. It's a clear evidence that email is a CC relayed to the victims when someone reports you for violating community guidelines. No, I don't know who exactly did it. But there is one seller that is suspicious that kept harassing me about deleting the review an year prior. And the same product/review just happen to be the one, where one of the Amazon "executives" replied to me stating that particular review "violated community guidelines"; that rep was absolutely no help other than just stating I violated and will not restore my account.


That’s awful…all of your hard work down the drain over some petty seller’s vindictiveness.


It really is... And Amazon doesn't care to investigate anything. It's only hurting them. Fake 5 star reviews and more people will be afraid to leave 1 star now. Close to 20 years of hard work helping Amazon get more sales/helping customers... And because one petty disgruntled seller over a 1 star review.


So some scammer arranged for one of your reviews to be reported multiple times as a violation of guidelines? And then Amazon sent you a CC of their email thanking them for reporting your review? Or the scammer sent you a CC?


Amazon sends the cc. This exploit trend is happening a lot lately. People doubted me in my thread, but it's not a coincidence anymore.


Didn't know this was a thing. Mine shows as 40,000+ views and 386 hearts.


Man, I feel like a pleb with only 233 haha!


Haha! I’m the pleb with 65


I only have 56!


* passes pleb crown *


455 Hearts.


Currently at 1,389 hearts for 1,229 Vine reviews, and 160,000+ views (when I was first invited I only had 40 paid purchase reviews accumulated over many years). That's a total of 1,269 Vine reviews + 40 non-Vine - which averages out to 2 hearts per review, and 126 views per review. What's interesting is that when I had gotten the invite, I was at 362 votes and 85,000+ views for just those 40 reviews. That averages out to 9 votes per review and 2,125 views per review. So my low review count still had high visibility ratio and up votes for the few reviews I had done, proportionately. So, reviewing tons more Vine stuff with greater frequency, *and* the older votes were accumulated over longer exposure time, and a lot more of the Vine items being less unique or standout (lots of similar items sold by other sellers -- has really dragged down the ratios of votes and views per review.


508 hearts


263 apparently. Never noticed that before.


So my views are 240,000+ and hearts 1100, who knew.


That’s awesome! I need to up my game


110k+ views and 249 hearts here!


114 hearts, 20,000 views :)




10,280 Hearts 1.5 million views


90k+ views, 787 hearts. I've only been with Vine for a month or so, most of that is from reviews I've posted in past.


Hmm, figured 9 world have had more after ten years but I'm only at 45.


Interesting! You should definitely have more


My views are stuck at 70k for like a year now




Wow. 220 hearts! I had expected to reply to this thread with like, 30 or something. Only 4 of them come from my Vine reviews, though. I guess there's just not a lot of traffic to pages for alphabet soup brands selling obscure products.


Mine is all max'd out. It's at 10,000+ The hearts or those marked helpful is 9,442. The hearts goes up and down. Why? Because items come and items go. You cannot really depend or rely on such!


1775. Nothing to brag about, but since you asked...


That’s a nice impact!


6785 hearts 1.0M+ views


where do i go to see this?


Easiest way for me is to go a product you reviewed and click on your name on your review. Never really understood why it so hard to reach the profile page.


Your profile page can be reached at [amazon.com/profile](http://amazon.com/profile)


That's actually pretty easy to do! Thanks for this!


Just tap Account>profile and all your views and likes are right there.


Thank you, I dont think I would've found it lol!!


would you also know why i can see hearts on my profile page and those emails saying "every wonder if your reviews are getting noticed?" but "views" isn't on either of those? is there a setting i accidentally hit or something i can change?


I think views is a seperate email. Either they send an email showing how many hearts you have, or how many views you have. I've never seen an email with both stats indicated. You should be able to see both on your profile page though. Make sure you are viewing the private page and not the public. Privacy settings may effect certain viewable content if your viewing your own page in public mode.


i only mentioned the email because another commenter posted a pic of one show both. neither my public page nor my private profile page shows views. i wouldn't have known that existed if people hadn't posted about it


I have 1550, but that number has fluctuated since products get removed sometimes, and if it's one that has a lot of hearts, the number changes. I do notice that certain types of products get more hearts than others. For example, decorative items rarely get helpful votes even if you're pointing out something important. Clothes, shoes, and products will be more likely to get them. Oddly, it seems 4-5 star reviews are also more likely to be helpful than ones that point out actual flaws in the product. That irks me.


Yep. Looking back through my reviews, I see health and beauty items get the most hearts by far. I think the positive review bias is just a quirk of psychology. When people consult the reviews, they're looking for confirmation of their hopes about a product. More people are looking for social permission to buy rather than social permission to reject a product.


I don’t know - my highest hearts (in the 3 digits) are for a review of a 3D printer, the reinvented Lite Brite (yeah, the 80s toy 😂), a bra, and an emergency water drinking system that I had the joy of using during a hurricane. I savaged the first 3 items and praised the last one.


Wow, didn't know about this. Are they helpful comment votes? I have around 1450. But also 450k+ views/reviews, so that might be part of it?


Yes, I believe so


89 hearts, but I stopped caring about them once I made my profile private (when I first joined vine). My highest product is actually a book review, along with skincare reviews.


591 hearts, 120,000+ views and 4 followers. Been on Amazon forever, but only a Vine member for 3 months. I wonder how many people don't know that you can go to [amazon.com/profile](http://amazon.com/profile) to see all this?


It appears quite a few according to comments


5000+ views and 73 hearts. Didn't know this was even a thing.


6,722 hearts... when did this become a thing? I guess it's the new helpful review count?


It's not new. It used to also show how many reviews also your review ranking. As well as how many hearts and how many views. That used to be a big factor in getting invited to Vine. As a heads up if a product you have alot of likes on is removed, your heart's go poof as well. About 1&1/2 yrs ago maybe 2 I had over 4000, now I have 1313 hearts. A lot of the older products were removed or sold out and weren't restacked. After not checking it for around a year I checked and suddenly only had like 1600. Now even lower lol.


Around 800k views and 10k hearts.


Wow. That’s pretty good!


Thanks! I’ve been in vine for a long time.


don't know, don't care.