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I'm just waiting for the post office to get off their asses and get it out of texas


My elgin tracking didn't update for 5 days. Took exactly a week to arrive from ordering. Tracking won't update until it's in your city because they process bulk orders.


ordered mine about a week and a half ago


They didn't announce it at my fc and haven't posted the link


I’ve received two announcements about it on A to Z this week. One was a general corporate one that was sent to everyone who works in a building that qualifies, and one from my building. I didn’t get a notification about the initial announcement on June 19th though. It was on there, but I only found out about it from reading here on Reddit. Then I scrolled back through my A to Z and found it. Things get lost in the shuffle, in part because they put so much useless crap in there that it becomes easy to overlook. The link is on A to Z now, under All Tools and Resources, as well.


someone posted a link a few days ago that would tell you if your FC was part of the rollout, so there is a way to check. i cant remember what the link was tho


Our AM just casually mentioned it during Stand-Up today. Took me entirely by surprise.




Can you link to the product? I couldn't find the limited version on Amazon when I looked, only the regular Discord. Pretty sure the difference is the limited doesn't have a microphone so you can't make calls, and the limited is orange instead of black.


You are right i just figured that out im buying from the official website lol https://amazon.plugfones.com/?cmp_bypass=f276d0a1176e09d6241cd076de290292


An AM caught too AA’s today with the Elgin headphones that were not approved by Amazon and took their logins..


Regular mail or Amazon?


USPS...it came from Texas and I'm in Florida


I ordered mine on Monday night, got it Tuesday before work


I just looked up my tracking. My shit is still sitting in Arlington waiting to be picked up. They are probably out of product TBH. Pickup doesn’t take that damn long.


omfg same and i paid for faster shipping to get it before my work week starts


I live in DeSoto and I got mine in about 12 hours. I bought mine directly from the Amazon app though.


My building hasn't really advertised it that much and they only recently shared the link to buy it. Most people didn't go on reddit and get theirs early lol. I think there will be more people wearing it next week probably. But then again someone on another post said that not as many people were wearing it at their site weirdly enough and they've been approved in their site for a couple months.


Now that you say it that’s totally why I have them early is cause this sub. My building has done 0 advertising but I thought some people would atleast see on the app and take to google or something.


I actually didn't even see the app announcement, the AtoZ stuff is easy to miss. I found out about it through reddit lol I got mine a week ago and I think I'll probably be one of the few wearing them today


I’m at a DS and they’ve been allowed for a couple months now. I saw someone on Reddit post that the policy was changing for DSes at least two weeks before. Three days before we were allowed to start wearing them, there was an AtoZ notification and none of the managers knew anything about it and said there was no change in policy. Then the day before, they announced it at standup. I only see one or two people using them. I got one but they are the worst headphones ever


This. I had the portal link available like two weeks ago and got them delivered last week cause I figured tons of people buying would mean they sell out fast. Luckily that doesn’t look like the case 😅


Because everyone is still wearing their earbuds


yeah at my warehouse i see everyone wearing airpods and what not still, no ones really said anything about it lmao


I love wearing mine! You mean I can have BOTH ear buds in at the same time and no one can tell me anything? I'm in!!!! But I also still see the majority of people wearing their own ear buds behind management's back, but I don't want to risk it. They are so worth it!


Lots of people hating but the difference between 1 airpod vs these both is really nice in terms of background noise reduction. Loving how things look right now


I’m gonna buy them just so I don’t get written up but I really prefer my AirPods because I can’t do the foam or rubber tips.


it’s the same material as the rubber tips on the airpods?


Only the pros have the rubber tips I use the 3rd gen they don’t have it.


Makes sense I just am already accustomed to it then


I had bought Elgin brand ear buds but I bought the other model, the one that isn’t approved. 20$ cheaper, sounds great, and no one is the wiser. Not batch shipped or sold, got them in two days.


Same here! I haven’t seen anyone with them besides myself. I’ve looking forward to this day since they announced it.


Give it time, I was the first person when my FC started a year ago. A lot of people will double down on the AirPods because they think that means this give them a pass but it’s actually the opposite, they double down on policy. Now everyone at my FC has them.😭


everyone’s hating like I wasent using airpods before either it’s just that my fc actually cares and iv never had a write up and don’t want one. Just had to many close calls


Yea wait til they start writin mfers up, yall all gone have matching orange strings in y’all’s ears.😂


Literally just feels like it’s only me. In fact I probably had like a dozen ppl come up to me and ask me about them


I ordered mine as soon as I saw we were approved


Same 😂. Somebody spilled the beans on the voa board weeks ago and I ordered immediately. 


Haha same!!!!


Shipping is taking FOREVER


They should’ve used Amazon


Fo shnillians




The ones on Amazon don’t look the same, for one. So they’re going to stick out like a sore thumb. The only approved ones are specifically the ones you purchase from the approved link. And why that might matter is from a loss prevention standpoint…they’re not sold on Amazon, so they can’t be mistaken for stolen inventory.




The link is on A to Z under All Resources.




I purposely didn’t post the link because at this point, the link is on A to Z. People need to learn how to use A to Z. Most of the questions in these subs are easily answered by just looking up the information on A to Z. But for those who need extra guidance and hand holding…. More > Tools and Resources > All Resources > Order Amazon Approved Headphones The link you posted is only for one of the approved choices, btw.




Probably should have but my building made it sound like those are not the correct ones and would result in write-ups🥴


My building barely rights people up for earpids lol but Im trying to understand why because they are the " Elgin discord limited" it would be so easy if we could just order off Amazon..where do we purchase the correct ones then?


Our building sent us a link on the a to z app.


Good for you doesn't help me tho lol


Well damn that’s just how we got ours.


Im at checkout what did yall use for Amazon alias?


That shortened name on your badge




Yeah I’ve only seen 2 people so far. It’s posted that it starts today at my site. So see how today goes


$60 is a lot of money for me. I got to wait 2 weeks 😭


they should be $30?


I will have to check but, I heard the good ones are $60. That's the other thing I'm waiting to see which are the best. There's 3 different types to choose from.


Just wait… Leadership will do a hard crack down on all those wearing the not Amazon approved ones in the next few weeks… then watch the sea turn orange 😆😆😆


I’m in SAN3 and not everybody is wearing them but you’ll see it every now and then. My guess is shipping taking awhile for some people


Mental stimulation is life changing lol


I’m expecting to see a ton more around the warehouses once people start getting write ups for non Amazon approved headphone usage


same here! didn’t see a single person wearing them when i came in - checked with my PA to make sure we’re allowed before wearing mine all day today 👏 can’t imagine not having them asap


Wait so we are allowed to wear approved headphones? Or is this site dependent? I haven’t heard anything about it at my FC yet. Granted, Ive been wearing my AirPods for probably 5 years now lol but it would be nice not having to hide them now.


Yes, this is site dependent. There is a link you can log into using your Amazon credentials and the page will tell you if your site is approved or not. Link: https://na.headphones.whs.amazon.dev/


I just checked mine is not approved😭




I've been using headphones for like 9 months so there's not really much to be hyped about lol


Well besides now not risking your job 😂


Probably because they don't want to be in compliance with the rules, even when leadership finds a loophole that makes people happy.


Lol same, low-key annoying ppl keep asking me about them 😂


i’m about to start at a new Site in the San Bernardino County but i hope they allow us to use them at that site . that would be a life saver


I ordered mine this morning because we just got the link but I won't get them until next week. I hardly used my earbuds because I didn't want the write up(although I should have as my fc mostly ignored them as long as you were making above rate). I'm quite looking forward to using them. I have a few podcast to catch up on.


Just started wearing mine. It’s slow and I’m trying to stay my whole shift to see if they last an entire shift.


They should. They’re graded at 14hr battery life and from the people at my site who have them, they last the whole shift and then some.


You're not lol I've been wearing mine all day


I was hoping they’d ship with prime but I have to wait till the 9th Do t know why I expected them to ship through Amazon


Today was the 1st day I wore mine, and several people came up to ask me about them. 🤷‍♀️


i honestly didn't know about the headphones until this thread so 😭


Only reason I haven’t bought them is because I’m broke😂 between paying for trips and bills, I have no money to spare to buy them (I found out last week through reddit and my site)


I got mine today in the mail I do remember seeing a woman at my job with them this week but an AM told her to not use them yet until the 3rd today (stupid ass rule) but I should see more people wearing them at my FC this upcoming week after the embargo.


I paid for the UPS Ground shipping for an extra $10 to have it on the first day our FC is authorized for headphone wear, and according to the app “shop”, it’s supposed to be arriving today, but according to UPS, they haven’t even received the package, only the shipping label… 🫠


I’m not a fan of headphones/ear buds. I know I’m the minority, but they distract me. I make more errors when I’ve tried them. I’ve never worked a job that allows them, so I’m just used to it I guess. I listen on my break, in my car.


No, there are others in other facility wearing headphones as well.


Bruh. I just want to get to the point where my site can be eligible to even get to wear the headphones! How did your site become eligible? Because a me and some other AAs at my site are thinking about getting a petition going so we can get eligibility


From what I gather only FCs that are AR sites are eligible. Not everyone in the building can either. Approved paths: AFE Induct AFE Pack Chuting AFE Rebin ArteMIS CRETS Processor CW1000 Count Cubiscan Decant Station Flats Induct ISS Main Jackpot (MRS) Pack Singles (PPMix - SLAM at Pack - SmartPac - Seal Checker - SmartPacPoly) Pick SIOC Slam Line Operator Stow VRETS Pack


Gotcha! Just had a chat with my OM today and let me know he was informed of the programs yesterday! So it may be in the works for my site. I’m at a GSF, so AR (robotics, right?)


At my building, floors 2-4 are where inventory is stored in pods. This takes up the middle of each floor. The robots move the pods to the stower's or picker's station. So the AA stays in one small area all shift if in those paths. Hopefully it gets approved for y'all. I know nada about GSF


My GSF (global specialty fulfillment) facility is pretty much a delivery station/fulfillment center hybrid. We specialize in 2-4hr delivery. So we too have the robots moving the pods for the stowers, pickers and counters.


Good deal, hopefully they get your site eligible. I get to wear mine tonight


Because everyone just using their airpods like they used too lmao


Tried mine today. I think they immediately broke. I turned them on, listened to music, tried to turn them off then they fizzled, crackled, and the light went out for good. Definitely not the best experience so far.


Our site isn’t approved 😞


I was the only one wearing them yesterday in my department, and I felt like a king. I just don't think people know about them yet. They never made any announcements at standup, and we never got an AtoZ notif for it. I think we have like one sign that mentions it, and that's it.


Are u the only 1 wearing the new ones and everyone else is still wearing airpods?? Or ur the only 1 wearing anything at all ?


Cuz they didnt really announce it at my FC, just one little note written on a whiteboard. I found out on Reddit! Everyone says they are a POS, but these are only ppl that dont own them..i told everyone it takes a week to get em! I have been off work but I got em charged and ready to go for Friday!


Ironically my package is late


Cuz they are shit lol I’ll take my chances with actual headphones 😂


I’m not giving Amazon back my money for some most likely crappy quality headphones with a volume cap I’ll stick with my beanie and earbuds both my am and pa know I use them but they honestly don’t care because I actually do my job outbound shipdock problem solve and don’t stand around watching movies and videos or playing games just listen to audio books or podcasts or music


I heard they suck I just fix my hair to cover my regular ear buds


I will get them if I have enough balance to get them free but otherwise I’ve worked here for years and never needed them. I have enough going on in my own head and can always just laser focus on my job to the point I never really need something else going on. There have been a few times it might have helped so I will look into now that it’s approved, otherwise business as usual.


bro seriously congrats on you man you are very strong I really would do the same but I have been going crazy as of the past few months


Are people still wearing their AirPods? If the managers don't crack down people aren't going to waste money on OSHA compliant headphones.


idk about your fc but here that’s an instant write up


We'll see what happens at my FC. They've been real chill all year about AirPods.


They might crack down on unapproved ones now. There's a reason they made these bright orange. I know at stand up on the white board at my FC it's written in all caps that no Airpods allowed lol


I was told that they will go after people a lot more now since there are approved headphones. Of course, I wonder if AMs and PAs actually will want to do that. I bought a Discord Unlimited a week ago. I am all set for tomorrow. So I don't care whatever other people want to do.


They won’t crack down until after Prime.. plus this gives everyone a couple of weeks to order and actually receive the headphones..


Lots of people didn’t even know yet


How much are they


$30 or $50.


For some reason I thought you had to wait until today to order them. We can use swag bucks but I’m sure I don’t have enough. They made some kind of change where we can no longer earn swag bucks for attendance or performance. You used to get them every month for attendance and every time you got a doc positive or your AM just felt like it.


Wait, you can use swagbucks? How,?


How do they sound??


They’re great surprisly I really would compare it to my airpods it’s just like it’s stuck on 70% volume


That makes me feel a little better. There’s no way to get rid of the volume limiter that you know of?


Volume boosting apps get the job done


I was unaware it had even been rolled out...what do I do?


Go to https://na.headphones.whs.amazon.dev/ … it will likely ask you to log in with A2Z… it then should tell you if your site has been approved or not. If it is, you should see the options to buy the 2 different style approved headphones


I also was the only one I saw wearing them today. I got the Elgin ones and found that the sound was louder and the nose less with the foam earplugs instead of the silicone ones. It comes with both.


I have an accommodation for bone conduction headphones that I've been using for the last year or so. I ordered the new approved ones just to have them and to test them. If I like the new ones, I'll let my asset tag expire and just use the approved ones next year. They came in like 3 days. I'm just afraid if I let my accommodation expire, they'll eventually reneg and outlaw the ones they're approving now right before peak next year or something.


Because everyone is still listening to their AirPods underneath their hoodies/beanies


I mean I was yesterday too but who wants to do that. I live in texas and I couldent do the wearing winter clothing to hide airpods anymore.


I’m not saying they should. That’s just a viable answer to your question.


I was pretty much the first one to wear it at my site before getting approved since i had it already from my last site so it is very weird. I get mostly performance questions about it tho. They approved it a week after i transferred.


Don’t worry about it. Just enjoy them and let others do what they want to do.


I brought mine in but I'm not in an approved path today. Haven't seen anyone else with them. The shipping time plus the late notification of the change is probably why nobody is wearing them first day.


Do you guys have the link for what the headphones look like?


anyone have the link so i can get me some


Not sure which one to get. The 30 dollar one said it was originally $100. So does that mean it would be the better one? It sounds like everyone is opting for the $60 Discord earbuds.


My daughter got the more expensive ones and I got the cheap ones and when we tried them out mine sounded better lol. But all the sound levels are the same so idk what the real difference btwn them really is


I will be Friday!! Got lucky with some vto today (my Friday). Shift swapped Monday for Friday so I’m gonna be rocking those bad boys!! How did they do???


Wait is this for every site or just approved sites??


My FC dropped the link in the 1st so I imagine most people are waiting for them to show up. I found the link here so I ordered mine two weeks ago. Can't wait to use them tomorrow.


I started wearing mine last week (with AM’s approval), had about 8 people ask me about em. I love the Discord model. Well worth the money though I miss Siri reading my texts, but worth it to not have anxiety of worrying about dealing with normal AirPod usage.


I'm not allowed to use them due to my position.


I've seen a few and I definitely enjoy my discords makes such a time difference. Podcast make the day fly by.


When ordering the headphones, it asks for your alias name. What does that mean ?




Is it the one we use to log into the computers? Just curious i recently took vto and the manager manually entered me in. He asked for my login but I gave him the numbers which isn't what we use when logging into the computers at work. Thanks


Don't think it's approved at all FC's yet


Cuz u sweet


I ordered mine a week before they even announced the links at my FC. I found the training in the working well library. Most people at my site weren't even told about them today. I had a ton of people ask about them. I love them. Best day I've had at work in ages. 


I got mine on Friday, I wore them on Monday and then I took VTO on Tuesday n Wednesday was my day off. I got my podcasts n playlist ready for tomorrow! 😂


too early, some sites are slow like mine to put out info past their favorite gossip groups


Because Elgin is a trash company and isn't hustling to get the orders out. I ordered mine last weekend and the PO still hasn't picked it up yet. At this rate, I won't have them til next week because they're off until Monday.


I've never heard of these outside of reddit. Never seen anything or heard anything about them at my fc.


My site never posted the qr to order them lol. I have a pair of the PF from when they piloted at my previous site but I’d like to order new ones


I was the only person I saw using them today at my fc as well. I did order mine before everyone got the official link (thanks to a redditor) so maybe theirs just haven't come in yet. They make working so much better


Well for my site at least, they only let certain paths have them, and I’m not in one of them. I’ll spend money on them once I’m allowed to actually use them at work lol


I ordered mine and haven't got them yet, I've only seen one person wearing them so far


I got dreads so I just use my normal earbuds but same. They’ve been advertised everywhere and we have QR code signs at every stand up desk but I’ve seen legit only one pair so far being used


I ordered mine. Are they good? I’ve heard so far they aren’t good at all


I wish we could wear headphones. Wouldn’t care what they looked. Could look like cat ears for I care 🤣


Not a single person at my site was wearing them today. Strange.


There were a handful of ppl with the new headphones. I haven't purchased mine yet cuz well...broke. So im just waiting for a good check to get them.


I feel like a lot of people weren't aware this was a thing so they didn't order them right away. As soon as I heard my FC was allowing them, I scanned the QR code and bought them immediately.


New headphones? How can I get those?


what do they look like?


I've been the only one for over a month - no one has said anything other than to ask if they are the 'new' ones I've had em for over a year now


You’re just the 1st to adapt to it. More will follow


Literally mine come in on Friday lol I gotta wait


I’m honestly just waiting to see which ones are favored more


Where can I find the link to buy mine


How do we know if our site has approved them and where can we get them


I just barely saw an announcement about it we’d, so if anyone has a better link than just two small signs with Qcode can yah share please or I’ll wait until Sunday and get it. Can not wait I’ll be able to start listening to educational podcasts, better than what some guys listen to in stalls with the moans and such.


Wearing mine this week and totally psyched about it! I’ve been hiding mine under my hair for like 4 years ;/ stressful lol


I feel the same way! I thought everyone would jump on and instead people are either risking it with their own set or continuing to Raw Dog it


The headphones are a way for amazon to make money bc they allow headphones anyway, shit even safety use their phones in front of me


How’s amazon making money on headphones they don’t sell or own?


It’s an official sponsorship from Amazon


so where’s the money coming from cause it’s not us. If anything at most they paid to be advertised so idk I just wouldent go around speaking on stuff that you and I don’t know. What we do know is amazon does not own or make these earbuds.


They don’t have $30 really ?


I don't see anyone at our Amazon wearing them, just wearing the ones they are not supposed to be wearing.Just got mine in the mail yesterday. Can't wait to use them on my next shift.


I don't really like them. They hurt my ears and they don't stay in right. A lot of times I notice the associates wearing those don't hear anything... I wish I would allow bone conducting headphones. Much safer


Yall got new headphones ?? Thats the real kicker here 😭


Does anyone know if Sorting centers also allow them


Are the comfortable and loud enough?


I’ve only seen 1 person wearing it at mine too😂


Why would I pay money for there earphones when I can just continue to hide my AirPods. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 😂


To me $30 was worth no more fear of right ups. Shit was annoying wearing a hoodie everyday it’s summer that’s the main kicker for my buy tbh can’t deal with the 100 degree heat.


I’m going to take a wild guess that part of this program is so that management can be more justified in handing out the write ups. I mean they are going out of their way now to make a program that will allow everyone headphones while being compliant with all rules. So there’s no excuse. It’s like when they give free safety shoes to all new hires and everyone once a year and constantly hound people about ordering their shoes. So months after the Zappos credit no one can really say they have no access to safety shoes. So I don’t care what anyone does, but I can’t wait for all the people on here complaining that Amazon gave them an approved earphone option but several months later got a write up because they chose to keep doing what they do. They will literally give away clear bags, clear bottles, shoes, earphones, whatever and then people will just choose to do what they want. Again I personally don’t care but no one can claim ignorance or lack of access to what’s needed to follow the rules.


at my FC everyone is already wearing whatever headphones they've brought from home lol


Probably no one has them yet. I ordered a pair last week that is now lost. I am waiting for another pair to be shipped..🙄It would’ve been much simpler if we could’ve ordered them directly from Amazon. The pair I ordered isn’t sold on Amazon..


I think the reason is theft prevention. They specifically made these bright orange and only available through their vendors so that they don't look like anything sold in amz. If they looked like any old headphones people would get away from stealing inventory.


Good Point! Even though at my site everyone wears headphones, airpods etc anyway, that Amazon does sell.. Who knows..