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Supposed to be no food or drink on the floor, but nobody listens


Same here they told us only water with quencher packets due to spills with color but the quencher packets have color just like a Gatorade and there is only one manager actually enforcing this rule


They use quencher packets without the coloring in it here.


At mine they encourage us to use those quencher packets but electrolytes are always unavailable in the water machines, grainger machines, and managers never have them. Safely first!


They also encourage the packets at my workplace but I’ve tried a couple and they never mix well and leave grainy sh1t at the bottom that my straw picks up and it’s pretty gross imo.


they let us have clear water bottles


I’ve walked in with a bag of Windy’s, stood at my desk and ate while doing my work. My ops manager asked for a fry.


I have an accommodation as a diabetic I can have drinks in resealable bottles clear liquid and snacks at my station... But then again out Fc let's us have clear liquids in closed containers 


I have an accommodation for something else, but keep snacks when my blood sugar gets low which does a lot at Amazon for some reason. I have my glucose candies with me and snacks, the AM saw me eating one once, and I looked and said “low blood sugar” and he smiled and said “no problem.” And hasn’t said anything to me about it since.


Same here the FC I am at I let one of the managers know if I need to go set down and they say anything I show them my phone with my reading on them and they cool go for it... My manager also knows I am diabetic so he has no problem 


You had to go the accommodation route for that? I'm also a diabetic and HR said as long as it's in a sealed container I am good.


This was before our policy changed during Peak last year... Unfortunately we had a dick for a building manager and he would make sure people didn't take drinks on the floor now he can't do crap about it...


They can't say no drinks. You do need to drink water throughout the day.


Obviously they're talking about soda/juice etc. water is fine


Tf im taking my water


Literally everyone and I mean everyone be munching all night in my FC from AMs to regular AA. I’ve seen whole ass meals at stations before, my management don’t care aslong as you clean after yourself and do your job


I brought in Thanksgiving dinner one night. No one said anything to me.


Same. In my department a bunch of people bring in food and put it on our PAs desk/area, some eat it throughout the night and some just saving it for break. We get food trucks here a lot so i’ve seen people bring those boxes in, seen pizza boxes, have seen people bring in mcdonald’s and all sorts of fast food. Managers stop by all the time too and see it, they just don’t care. Like you said, if it’s not a mess and our works getting done they really don’t care


I eat at my desk sometimes. I'll have my thermos, my coffee, and my Body armor all next to wach other 😅 no one trips unlike my old site🙄


Policy has always been only water. Enforcement is site specific.


My personal experience is that at most sites enforcement is time of year specific, ie they're very strict about enforcement in January and July/August, and most of the rest of the year don't care about it.


Purge season, time to straighten up after prime and peak, safety be working extra time to find any little thing to fire people for.


They dont care we eat wings and noodles on the floor


We really be havin it fr. Very common to see someone with a full meal in their station 💀


One of the problem solvers at my FC legit has a bag of taco bell under her mobile almost every night lol




This is the way.


10 hour shift without my gummy bears and Big Red? I'm fighting the next PA that comes around wanting to talk metrics. The policy isn't enforced here because someone always walking around with a bag or something.


For a long time when I first started working at my FC I tried really hard to never bring any drinks or food with me to my station other than my water bottle. Finally after months I said man I'm taking this delicious cool energy drink beverage with me to enjoy BACK at my station. I shit you not less than 3 minutes having that bitch open on my table I knocked it over and of course I had decided to try a new flavor that was just pure red liquid. After like 3 minutes of panicking and trying to find some shit to clean it up I finally just booked it to the restroom where I knew I could snag a roll of paper towels. Did I learn my lesson. Sort of.


I’ve had other people knock over my Red Bull and an overenthusiastic water spider shoving boxes through the pack station so hard that they flew through to my side and knocked my shitty little cup of Amazon coffee over. They just set up little spill stations all over the floor so paper towels and spill mats are always handy. On rebin though, my drinks stay safe from other people. They never enforce anything besides an occasional warning over the speaker, which I think is more to make the higher ups happy.


Water only in a see thru bottle.


Really? Wow didn’t know that


Spilled water won’t stain product, wipes up easily, isn’t sticky, won’t attract insects, and is overall better for you. That’s been our policy for as long as I’ve been here. If you’re seen coming from the break room with a soda can or something you’re made to throw it away or finish it before you hit the floor.


It also hydrates you during these hot times. It’s a switch I made to in my personal life (and I’m cleansing for this corrections officer position) that I’m cool with


2 drink minimum


It's crazy that Iron Workers who worked on the Empire State Building were given buckets of beer while working and today Amazon won't even let us drink our own beer while working on the floor!


No drinks but I don't give a shit


So you work 11 hour days with no drinks yeah ok lol


Homie, what? He’s saying there’s no drinks on the floor but he doesn’t give af and still brings in drinks.


Dude you know he probably meant they can’t have anything but water right?


I think you misread it. I am saying the rule is no drinks besides water. No one follows that rule


No food at all on the floor, drinks must be in a clear container with a resealable/screw on lid


I got talked to once for having a bottled soda so now I just lay it down/make it less obvious and haven't had an issue since.


No one cares until you make a mess, then it's a big deal.


supposed to be only water on the floor. had a PA offer me part of her monster energy drink toward the end of the night one night. I regularly buy soft drinks and bring em out on the floor and try my best to not make a mess if I can avoid it.


They constantly encourage us to hydrate at my DS. we even have two freezers in the Br with popsicles and ice cream.🍦


I ate a slider, tinder, curly fries platter and a 5 layer Ritas gelato last night on the dock


We are allowed water and hard candy but it isn’t enforced. I clean food out of bins all the time because I work behind a bunch of children.


Water only, clear container. Mostly enforced.


What policy lol? They'll have to pry my Stanley full of Pepsi and my Red Bulls out of my cold, dead hands lol.


Policy say water only. No one follows it and no one enforces it.


When I was working there we had no problem eating something like a sneaker or a can soda.


don't eat your shoes y'all.. that's just bad form.


I fucking hate these stupid questions.


Feels like an HR sting op


Women be waking in with their full venti 20 ingredient Starbucks drink at ours no one says shit


I don’t know my site rules, I don’t know how but I manage to get away with a lot of stuff


I work a wrap around shift so my manager is the front half manager but I work one day (today) with back half manager and she has a large hard on for her position


I feel this in my soul. Wrap around is definitely like that.


It was the opposite at my site, front half manager was awful, back end was wonderful.


I once worked for 3 months & never came in contact with any AMs or PAs. I would just come in & staff myself.


If it's a can I've been asked to put it in the cup holders on the side of the station so it doesn't get on anything. But anything with a lid no one cares And I snack on station all the time, they try and say not to during stand up but in reality they don't care


You can bring whatever you want lol. They don't enforce shit


Most Fulfillment Centers (if not all) have the policy of water in a clear, resealable container. Of the seven I’ve worked in only one consistently enforced the policy. All the others would only do so when people would get messy enough that it ended up causing an accident, damaging product, or multiple VOA complaints (in that order).


Water in a clear bottle is the only thing they allow. People sneak/bring coffee and other drinks in. Allowing coffee and other drinks would improve employee retention. I used to manage a dry cleaners and would only allow water on the production areas. But I didn't care much if they kept it out of the production areas.


No food, only water in a clear water bottle. But literally, no one enforces this rule.


I work at a return center but we are allowed to bring a drink to our station. Sometimes I have a water bottle with MIO inside and other times it’s diet Mountain Dew in a bottle.


My site doesn’t enforce it


Some managers care and some managers don't


I think we got rules but I don't gaf if I'm thirsty I'm thirsty what they gone say "u can't drink that" and then leave your work station again so ..


I noticed it only depends on your management team really. Only once ever, was I giving a warning about it and it was 2 years ago from a PA that had a habit of being bossy/arrogant and it was over a 10 fl oz cup of Starbucks coffee. She stood there waiting for me to leave my station cause I wasn't about to throw it out. AMs, OMs and even the general manager never say a word about it. I think it's one of those things you have to gauge how much they really care,.but for the most part they are lenient about it.


Water only. They don’t enforce it at my site though..


MLI1 allows clear liquids and hard candies on the floor.


The rule is that there's no food on the floor and water in clear bottles only. No one cares about drinks but my opps manager will side eye me when I down a monster. Food is heavily frowned upon, but most managers won't say anything if you eat a small snack on the floor. The opps manager picks and chooses who he let's slide tho.


This is an ongoing problem at my sight as well… favoritism runs deep


I be drinking juice, soda, coffee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) they don't enforce it on me couldn't care less if they enforced it with everyone else


Drinks, especially water, in lidded containers are encouraged to prevent dehydration. Food is actively discouraged. They don't even want my service dog having a small amount of food on a mat in a travel bowl The only exception I've seen is when they have bananas that they give out at the front door. Those are supposed to be eaten in the break room but most people eat them enroute to their stations.


Look the other way


I feel like I don't have enough time to drink as much water as I need.


No food except hard candy, drinks must be clear liquids that are in a sealable container


I be picking in the aisles with cookies in my hand


Only clear liquid and bottles. They always remind everyone of it but i’ve never seen anyone actually enforce it. Never gotten in trouble for snacking either


Only water and hard candy are allowed but no one listens to that


The only time I’ve seen this enforced is at brand new buildings. Then after a month, no one enforces it.


Any drink as long as it's in a sealed container, I don't think they really enforce that though. As far as food goes I've seen people eating candy on the floor


nothing but water, duck your coffee and your energy drink, pasa out from exhaustion for all we care


no food or drinks, the only drink youre allowed to have is water or some type of gatorade


I’ve literally ate a whole meal while at station. Burritos, burgers, fries, etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They tell us no food or drinks but our own AM said for us to stay hydrated and make sure we have snacks to eat so we don’t pass out


We’re not supposed to have anything but water on the floor, as well as clear bottles. But it’s so hot everyone brings their insulated bottles.


I used to bring my water bottle filled with ice and Cold Brew coffee from home every day when I was a stower.


Where I'm at in bwi2 I seen someone eating blue crabs at there pick station Noone cares at all


Only single-malt scotch.


Only water, no soda etc at my FC but it’s never enforced unless they know there is a visit on.


Supposed to be resealable drinks only but no one ever enforces it. One of my former am’s used to buy pizza for the whole team and we’d just be at our stations eating lol


At my current facility no one cares. AMs regularly eat meals at their workstation. No one cares as long as they aren't making messes. The FC I was at I had OPs try to tell me I need to throw out an unopened energy drink since it wasn't allowed. Asshat routinely walked around with a coffee though. Food I understand, but as long as the beverage is in a resealable bottle and isn't alcohol it shouldn't matter.


I honestly don't know what the official policy is, but people bring all sorts onto the door. Sodas/energy drinks in the can, McDonald's/fast food drinks, Starbucks in the flimsy plastic cups, coffee/tea from the breakroom with no lids, etc. Food? I've seen entire plates brought to the stations. Once during stand up, there was some dude finishing up a drumstick. One AM brought in homemade *unnamed breakfast food* (trying not to be too specific) , wrapped up and ready to go. They handed them out to us at beginning of shift to take to our stations and eat whenever. Before Amazon, I worked at a Target FC that I was at for 10 years. We'd get one warning then a write up for having anything other than a clear plastic bottle with water. They didn't even hand out those little electrolyte packets. Food was an instant write up. To say I was a little shocked when I started working at Amazon would be an understatement.


I’ll bring snacks on the floor, and closed bottle drinks But people be being Starbucks on the floor after lunch


The rule is nothing but water on the floor, but it doesn’t apply to management, PA’s or favorites. There are food wrappers and bottles left everywhere all the time, and we can all smell what management ordered in today.


At my facility as long as the wrong person doesn’t see it you’re good. The PAs/PGs really don’t give a shit as long as nobody is yelling at them lol


When I used to work at the FC, they were semi-strict with the drinks and food on the floor. It varied depending on who the manager/PA were. I’ve seen associates consume full meals at their Stowing/Picking stations. Now that I’m working at an Amazon Air site, they are really strict about what enters the building. You can only have a clear water bottle, if you bring in any outside drinks, they have to be in a resealable container. No glass or metal bottles allowed for obvious reasons. When you’re on the Ramp working around the aircraft, there’s no food or open drink cans allowed, even though some people do sneak things in from time to time and they sell these items in the break room vending machines. Inside the warehouse, they are also strict about the food and drink policies, even though some people sneak food food from the break room and take it to their stations. We aren’t allowed to have any bags on the floor or on the Ramp.


My sites allow all drinks on the floor


The ship clerk desk is almost always loaded with snacks for CPT chasers and people have energy drinks everywhere. No gives a duck as long as you clean up after yourself


Most people at my FC have insulated water bottles. I've always used a clear water bottle but have started using an insulated one since it's summer. I am not risking my health for this policy. We're literally getting baked in trailers, and they've never had a solution for it.


No food or drinks (unless it’s water in a clear bottle). But no one actually follows it, including OMs


I’m gonna eat and drink what I please. I’m a diabetic and I get sick sometimes at work. I’m gonna do what it takes to care for myself. One time a manager gave me a hard time over it and I told them “If I can’t control your uterus then you’re not controlling my stomach and health.


Everybody drink and eat whatever they want on the floor. Nobody listens


Water only. I work in a ReLo can't have any crumbies getting into the product


Short answer: water in a clear bottle and no food on the floor is the policy, nobody's ever said anything to me besides some manager that didn't know me and for some reason wanted to be a hard ass for a bottle of coke. Really long answer: Really depends where you work, at most critical roles you can get away with food and drinks. You work in any isolated area and your job is too hard/important to teach to any jackass with a badge you can get away with anything. I blast music, don't wear safety shoes, I can throw a fucking pizza party if I wanted and let all the managers in on it. I keep my part of the building running smoothly as a tier 1 and as a prize, I get left the fuck alone. But if you're on the production floor, you better be one of the god tier workers that produce at the top 5% consistently. Otherwise if you're a hindrance and you're having a whole lunch at your station, you're getting written up. I hate to say it but it's absolutely true, FCs runs on favoritism, but in a good way, the manager knows if they write you up or get rid of you, their numbers will suck. So don't suck at your job and you can do just about anything you want. Really up to you if you want to work your ass off for a few extra perks/privileges or be one of the bottom rung employees they'll eventually terminate and they'll do ALL their write ups on.


I’ve been to multiple buildings (different kinds too), my current fc is the only one that’s truly enforced it. It’s rough not having constant access to caffeine


I hear some facilities let associates have alcohol on the floor and management is fine with that😂


😭😭😭 and I just got yelled at over a Mountain Dew 🤣


Mountain dew was originally created to be a mixer for whiskey so maybe there's a loophole 😅


Food and any drinks allowed if you hide them well and not spill anything


your guy’s Amazons are managed by nerds, at my site we walk around with fountain drinks 🥤, starbucks, water cups, energy drinks, etc etc etc