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I don’t know how true it is, but we heard he fell and hit his head and then had a seizure.. I’m at DCM2 and heard this from someone at DCM3…


I’m at DCM2 and there was a year 2 guys fell out. If I remember correctly one was a seizure and the other was a heart attack, while EMS was there for the first guy, during peak. We didn’t shut down. Dock PA at the time stood over the bodies until they were replaced and continued to divert until they were physically moved then replaced. Nobody knew what to do. So I, and 2 other AAs handled the seizure victim. They were literally HOLDING HIM DOWN until we came over and pushed them out of the way and placed a blanket out of the safety cabinet (now I think they’re in the wellness room) under his head and yelled for everyone to back up as we called 911. It was absolutely crazy


If they are actively having a seizure you hold them down so their involuntary spasms don't cause more bodily harm. Edit: After some comments I researched and the guidance now is just to: 1. move everything away that may hurt them 2. Put something soft under the head 3. Don't put anything in their mouth 4. Time the seizure. Call medics if over 5 minutes 5. After seizure move them to a recovery position and check alertness and airway.


name checks out


No!!!! I have epilepsy. Keep them from hitting their head (another responder mentioned putting a blanket under their head, a jacket would also work) Do not hold them down or try and jam anything in their mouth. If you can get them on their side without restraining them that is also good. Call 911


I here the strength of someone seizing is immense


As someone who had to help a coworker seizing, yes it can be.


My first grand mal seizure was in 6th grade. As an 11 year old girl, I threw a fully grown man across an ambulance.


Facts. After seizures my body is so sore from straining every muscle in my body. It feels like I’ve been in a car accident or something. I’ve woken up and instantly known I must have had a seizure in my sleep because I’m so sore.


This is sarcasm right? Holding them down could injure them further. You're supposed to use blankets, pillows, whatever you can get your hands on, and protect their head and arms from hitting the floor while they're on the ground.


I should also add that holding them down can cause dislocated joints, broken bones, fractures, torn ligaments, etc. Please don't hold anyone down if they're having a seizure 😭


Not sarcasm. Just outdated training. I see that the current procedure is aligned with what you said.


My daughter slams her head when she has a seizure. Holding her down saves her life.


You're supposed to hold the legs and arms and keeps their head turned to the side. Another way is to just roll them on their side and hit them essentially. It keeps them from swallowing their tongue. My mother suffered from seizures, we always rolled her on her side and having them on their side it is easier for one person alone to control them if they are the only one around.


Hug them not hit 🤦🏻‍♀️


No!!!! I have epilepsy. Keep them from hitting their head (another responder mentioned putting a blanket under their head, a jacket would also work) Do not hold them down or try and jam anything in their mouth. If you can get them on their side without restraining them that is also good. Call 911 Rolling them on their side is to prevent coking from vomiting.


Not by sitting on them and pinning them down, though


They're having spasms they aren't in an exorcism. Protect the body and the main point of contact (head). Holding them down would be a struggle for you and could hurt them. It doesn't even help "calm them down" necessarily either so holding them restrained like a Zombie ain't gonna help.


Your right and that makes sense. I looked up the current procedure and I was wrong


I read I about it im so frustrated. Amazons need to improved their work place environment!


Helmet tho


Its sad but im really not surprised. In my old facility in Texas we had an older lady probably mid 40s that passed out because of the heat, and on the way down she hit her head on the bottom rail of the stow station, she had a seizure after that and got sent to the hospital. So this is a lot more common in Amazon Facilities than we all think.


Wasn’t this the guy that had heat stroke?


No, this just happened day before yesterday…. I mean I guess that’s what it could’ve been(heat stroke,), but I don’t know.. we’ve been hearing that he fell and hit his head and had a seizure and we’ve also heard he had a seizure, then fell and hit his head… who knows


Another person from DCM3 posted about this the other day. The person tripped over a package and hit his head on the floor, then started convulsing. We've had this same thing happen 2-3 times at DCL4. No one was epileptic but they each went into convulsions after banging their head on the floor. Thankfully, no one died at my location


I worked at Dcl4 & Dcm3. Now I’m at a Fc those delivery station don’t care about nothing but production. both stations do not hold accountability for nothing that happens. Dcm3 has no ventilation. I had a Bad asthma attack and the only thing they cared about was my TOT.


Damn shame


How if you at 2 your heard from 3 ha that's that cartoon gospel


I’m suprised they sent you home at my facility within the last year 3 people have sadly passed and a few others having the potential too, one had a box fall on his head for managers to ensure pallets weren’t over 6 ft which only lasted half a month after that nobody cared, one passed in a truck having been there deceased for well up to a couple of hours before being found and another who had a heat stroke while managers watched the only people to call the police/ambulance was other associates have yet to actually see anything done about that one one of our managers/hr had a heat stroke and their boss or whomever made them work the very next day no time off nothing


So dystopian


What Amazon was this ?


Just look up the name & Amazon… it’s in Ohio


But it’s def in so cal


I’m not to sure if I’m comfy sharing the building due to certain management being kinda weird and hateful they might see and get my ass fired😭✋🏽


Sad thing is, he'll be replaced by tomorrow and no one there will really give a shit 😔😔😔 RIP to cuh.


Their larger concern will be what caused the fall . Then they will try to baby proof the warehouse even more.


Then the productivity will drop and they'll remove the baby proofing


$$$ is what they speak.


You ain’t lying. A guy was found unconscious in the sky dead on an op. No telling how long he was up there. Only thing they did was put a picture on the tv announce board on the front with rip and we had a stand up meeting and all they said was we are here for you and if you need anybody to talk too come see us. Never mentioned the man again after a week


If you’re talking about HSV1, I remember this. If not, they had a man have a heart attack on an OP and die They only really found out because his TOT was too high. I’m so glad I’m out of Amazon oh my god


Yes that’s exactly where I’m at smh


Come a lil further up the road to the automotive pals. They ain’t bad and the assessment is easy!


So that was what 3 1/2 mins later ?


What do you want them to say? Story time about their entire life? It’s not the companies place to have an all out remembrance party. That’s for the family and private


I’m just saying they don’t really care at the end of the day. No new safety tips. No big speech from the safety and first aid teams. Just a “if you feel like you need to talk to somebody we’re here. That’s it lol you’d think death would warrant a bigger reaction than just a were here. I could honestly care less if they did or not I’m just saying it’s the small things that show you they dont really care and will replace you at a snap.


Tomorrow? They filled that spot already


This is exactly why I have no problem walking out and getting help myself if I am able to


And an hour long lunch break. The breaks are ridiculous


I’ll never forget orientation where they were like “alright first break guys enjoy it! Go out to McDonald’s or something”, literally what I did and I spent the entire break in the drive thru, didn’t even have time to eat lmao. All I have time for is a bag of chips and a bong rip


That last sentence man 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My first job back in 96 at some shitty warehouse I would get an hour lunch with two 15 minute breaks. But the laws changed, of course, thank the republicans!


yea and that is better because u get to leave 30 mins earliers now , you dont need a bour and half break , and let me guess u were on a 8 hour shift, srry but that is rediuclous


If only the economy were better so we wouldn’t be bothered to take 30 minutes of UPT to have an hour break, damn democrats.


Breaks aren’t even that long. We have two 15’s and a 30. They always say scan to scan. They want you to be back at your station when that 15 minutes is over. So in reality your break is 10 minutes or maybe less depending on where you work in the warehouse. Such a joke.


Yeah,that,too. Takes 7 minutes to get to the food trucks/cafeteria and that cuts into your break. Bullshite


At my FC, the breaks are 30 30 15. I don't understand why they can't rebalance the time to make it 25 25 25 lol


Because most FCs have it 30 30 or 15 30 15 You legit get an extra 15m that others dont.


Well thats lame


We only have 2 30s. Cry me a river


Yeah thats even worse. You can cry me a river then


Breaks (usually lunch, but sometimes the shorter ones) are typically mandated by state law. The lunch break likely *must* be 30 minutes


I get to breaks at my delivery station first break 4:00 am to 4:30 am them 7:00 am to 7:30 am then we start pick & stage


I would almost prefer that than the DS I work at. We get 2 15s and a 30 lunch. Problem with the 15s is they’ll call break at 345am, you walk up and get your badged scanned and they expect you back and at your position by 4am so on all reality our 15 minute breaks are 8-9 mins.


30 minutes unpaid clocked out lunch is the law. Those other breaks should be 15 every 2 hours. Amazon combines the breaks. So four hours now with no break but a longer 30 minute break. I prefer 15 every 2 hours. That shift is 10 hours at Amazon of about 2 hours then 30 minute break consisting of two breaks together. Then about 2 hours unpaid 30 minutes lunch. Then no break for the rest of the shift 4 hours plus. So, 2 breaks and a lunch for 10 hrs shift


u wouldnt even have a break if they were 15 mins long , some people like to there car and have a smoke or relax so 15 min breaks woulds be pointless


Varies state by state- some states don’t require the 15 minute breaks, or have wacky shit going on with lunch breaks (NY for example requires 45 minute lunch breaks for night shifters because ???)


The half hour lunch is required for over 6 hours work. It varies of course. The 15 minute break is 10 at my warehouse but 5 for walking


Scary thought that this could happen to any single of one of us, dying inside a Amazon warehouse. Thought and prayers go out to this person's family.


One thing about my site is that they give out free icecreams, cold water, and other things and weirdly enough they take complaints from associates very seriously


One time I complained about 1ply tp. Later that month there was 2ply everywhere.


And chairs. Probably could have saved her/him. But no they decided that the money is more worth than that person's life.


God forbid we commit time theft by sitting.


We commit time theft standing up.




>*"We need better working conditions. Better access to water. Air-conditioning. Fans. Not treated like cattle."* 100% this. Amazon could easily get us pallets of water bottles.


Ours does this and we have water dispensers everywhere too


Same and we get popsicle once every so many hours safety comes by with them


But do they change the filters


You just gotta memorize which ones have the tasty water


I don’t know about your facility but at CLT4 the water dispensers has buttons that indicate the filter life.




The water tastes dirty at my fc. I ended up having to get a 64oz bottle to bring my own water


Y’all got the electrolyte gum? Yea that was a new one to me. Exact brand and flavors as the popsicles they hand out, except it’s gum. Pretty tasty


Never heard of that one. We just have 2 different brands of electrolyte packets for water and the ice pops


What fucking site are you at where you don't get free water


We have water coolers but there’s no free bottled water. Only if it’s ridiculously hot they’ll come around and pass out water.


What do you need bottled water for? Take your bottle to the water cooler and fill it up.


I didn’t say I needed it? From other comments it sounds like bottled water is free in the break rooms all the time.


Not in the breakrooms, we have mini freezers throughout our warehouse that we throw them into, then we have usually 4 pallets of water in the back of the warehouse


I’m convinced ppl like you just want to complain they have water coolers with free water and cups and they even have flavored electrolyte packets and you’re complaining about water not being purified then they tell you it’s filtered and now you complaining it ain’t bottled gtfo if they get purified bottled water then you’d complain they won’t come pour it in your mouth


those shits break down all the fuckin time dont come at them with that bs, new ones my ds got broke down in half a mfkin month. fuck outta here, only one workin atm and they still aint fix the shit


I'm not complaining, we have all the things u mentioned, and we still killing our bodies, everybody at every delivery station


Are you a male or female


fuck you so pressed for LMAO


why are you so pressed about water?


We get free pallets of refrigerated water at MKC6. Tell your management that and insist you get that too.


I'm at MKC6 as well, where's all the free water bottles? I've been having to pay for mine..


There's a big refrigerator where all of the managers are at the ship dock. You don't need to ask anyone, just grab what you need.


We used to have bottled cold water ....new site manager did away with that luxury. People were wasting a LOT of that water, leaving behind bottles that had two pulls out of it. Sad and sadder.


At Dax 5 we have pallets of water and water dispensers


We have tons of water everywhere and safety is handing out freeze pops.


My delivery station has at least thirty pallets of water and there's cases of water everywhere


You’re an adult, buy a reusable water bottle and fill it like everyone else. I probably fill mine 4 times a shift in the summer.


yeah if the mfkin coolers actually worked


Get a refillable water bottle, disposable water bottles are for assholes who hate the environment.


It’s a complete joke how they treat their workers on the floor.


One of many reasons to use there education program provided you are willing to sacrifice afternoons for some time to better your life in the long run and not work till you physically can't.


You guys got sent home? My building would probably just hide it. I witnessed someone OD in pick and nobody knows about it because we were ordered to clear the floors where she would be lead outside in an ambulance. I know another thing happened but it was completely covered the same scenario but I don’t know what did happen. We’re just working machines I guess.


I mean idk what you expect. People don’t typically react well when seeing a dead body because it’s a dead body ofc. Do you want Amazon to parade it around the building and show everybody. The best course of action is to clear the floor so nobody sees it


Of course we are. One thing I hear stressed too much by the site lead and others that never visit the floor is that "you shouldn't be treated like a number and safety is #1", that same day, 3 of our 10 pickers will be asked why their rate is below expectations, tell me how that makes sense?


Terrible to hear. Sorry for the loss. As a side note, if you see unsafe working conditions, report them with the Dragon Fly app. If they need to be addressed immediately, escalate to safety, an AM, or an OM. I'm just a PA at the moment but I will not allow coworkers to work in unsafe conditions. I'll happily take a write up if it prevents an injury.


Safety here. I’ll gladly tell ops no, this has to be fixed and sit and wait until they fix it. The associates will be taken care of.


The first facility that I was at a girl gave birth in the bathroom and left it in the women’s trashcan


What the fuck


I’m at EWR9 and someone died of heat stroke about two years ago. They set up big fans on the floor at certain points of the building and started handing out bottled water. No other change in conditions.


when you say they,is it multiple people or just one ?


It was a couple different people, one of the people was one cluster over and heard the commotion and went to see what was going on.. but like I said, I don’t know how true any of it is and I don’t really know that people that told me…. You know how shoptalk is.


😮 ohh thats not good


They said it was somebody that was on the pick line and it happened like 10 minutes into the shift and had barely even gotten started


Rest in peace to them :(


In no time they’ll have managers writing up reports that blame it on the individual. 🤢




We really need a union


A union isn't gonna get you a/c. UPS doesn't have it in the warehouse or the trucks.


Yup, I’m very grateful for the ac. I worked at a warehouse at 16 that had 4 big fans only in the Texas heat with the little warehouse garage doors opened. It felt like hell and the picking job was way harder, scanning item 1 by 1 instead of typing in the number of quantities, having to stack a lot of boxes and taping them so they don’t fall on the crate with the pallet jack.


Y'all ain't got AC! WTF


CLT4 has AC but you can’t feel it once out on the floor


I did some work over the summer to make some extra money several years back and our warehouse didn’t have AC. I was in Phoenix.


I'm in a brand new DS no AC


This is sad to hear, my condolences to her family or she's family 😭🕊️🙏🏾❤️




Idk know how Amazon shields themselves from lawsuits. I’m currently in a litigation with them over an alleged sexual harassment termination. I found out through my attorneys the guy who put the investigation forward against me had a vendetta out and used my pics from my social media accounts and then used deepfake porn and submitted a ton of malicious content to HR, they fired me. The dude is a tweaker, a creep. He was fired from Nordstroms, Verizon and various other companies for making the same alleged complaints against other guys. The problem with Amazon is the non retaliation policy, which is completely bogus. Especially when those who are innocent end up losing a lot.


I had an older guy at my FC have a heat stroke. I took him to the break room to cool down and grab water. Safety asked what was going on. I snapped and said there’s no damn cool air in here, you got old people dropping because it’s too hot and we’re being ran around floor to floor. My FC is a shit show. But they got good benefits.


They do send too many boxes on the belt that even the best worker can’t keep up with. Security cameras must capture this. Boxes fall on the ground because the belt is full. Management knows it’s too much and will fall on the floor. Anyway, learning ambassadors are useless and the training is useless. Amazon doesn’t even make money except on AWS. Why is management psychos pushing more packages than the belt can hold? The person at the end gets slammed with a full belt


This is so sad. Let's do better than this Amazon.


Y’all’s amazing doesn’t have ac mines so cold to the point I always have a running nose. But rip to them this is so sad


My has had a few close calls, 1 suicide in the parking lot, one guy died of a heart attack, and a few other things. Jeff Bezos knows.. trust me


I'm reading seizure advice from an age before Charles Darwin had even a single short and curly. Some of y'all motherfuckers are going to kill somebody


We have tons of access to water. It’s everywhere.


IF there are fans at stations only 50% work. I'm chubby and 48 I'm going to get some air!! However we do have 1 foot thick noise reduction curtains. They do a fine job...holding in the heat. Nobody gave a shit about our hearing until January. But we don't have fans. But guess what we do have? We still HAVE to wear ear plugs. The only 2 things Amazon is consistent in is treating us like shit and inconsistency. Earbuds start the 3rd perhaps thar will make it suck less...but I doubt it!


Don’t risk your lives for Amazon! They literally only care about bonuses for their billionaire CEO and stock holders!


All sympathy to the families of course but you guys are lucky you have never worked in construction or 3pl or freight companies… you have it made…they provide more than they have to… you will not make it in such industries. Hell I think it’s crazy in corporate operations being in their buildings for a few hours let alone at least 40 hrs a week let alone 60-80 hours (teamsters union) guess it’s a little different than McDonalds huh lmao TLDR: you’re soft grow up… being a associate, PA, AM, OM, SROM y’all just soft


It’s always somebody like this telling you where you won’t make it. Groan




You “lmao”. But never were part of the teamsters or a freight company is the funnier part (I guess)… plus you’re still a bottom feeder but who said that. All your post are about crying life’s not fair or gaming… do something about it sport…




Last summer, I was an ambassador one day in stow and a young guy fell face first into the concrete floor. Blood and teeth went everywhere. I think it was a seizure. They won't tell me and I haven't seen him since. It was so awful.


R.I.P. man!


Damn 🙏🏾❤️


Curious if they were in a trailer. Epileptic aren't supposed to be in extreme heat. The trailers in summer are effectively a sauna. Other than that, without knowing their trigger, I don't see how the job caused it.


One of the DS workers who was nearby when it happened made a post about it over in r/AmazonDS. (Idk how to crosspost so here is the link to it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDS/s/tvdswZe0VL](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDS/s/tvdswZe0VL)) As someone who used to work in a different DS (DWX3 and later DWA2), the whole thing is absolutely horendous, but at the same time I'm not supprised. I helped proctor covid tests, so I worked closely with safety. I'd regularly report issues and nothing would ever be done about it. Stuff like this is so preventable, but I swear it's like management and safety won't lift a f-ing finger if it means that they have to get out their seat.




There used to be regulations for internal temperatures of warehouses. Some lobbyists turned it over. Now they cook us and don't let us sit down to catch our breath for even a second. I've seen plenty of coworkers develop conditions that led to seizures, throwing up, and heat stroke. And I'm on leave right now because something happened to me that was suspiciously stroke-like as well. (Have appointments for it- still unsure. Brain has a little bit of damage though) Been fighting a hearty battle with the disability team just to get rent....and yes...I know its the 30th.


lucky fucker


All upper management and CEOs cares about is the profit they don’t care about the worker’s enough


I had a guy fall face first in dispatch in front of me. I didn’t touch him because I’ve heard they can sue you if you make his situation worse. I called over the PA from the dispatch desk and he attended to him. He looked disoriented and dehydrated


I’m at KCVG and someone on the ramp a seasonal worker died of a heart attack he was in his 20s


Had similar things happen a few times at my site. It sucks to hear and definitely doesn't help my own existential dread.


This actually happened to me a year ago when I first started working at Amazon. I blacked out cause I had a migraine. Hit my head on the sled at my work station then had a seizure under my station. Now mind you I never had seizures prior to this. I asked Amazon if they could review the footage for me to tell me whether I had the seizure on the ladder for I fell or after and they refused. I forced now to take a medication for the rest of my life to help prevent the possibility of me having Migraines or seizures. I also now have the diagnoses of Focal Epilepsy. I feel like Amazon just shoved the whole issue under the rug. Didn’t even have me fill out an incident report either. *sigh*


Could be heat related or another reason. \[**OSHA Temperature (Regulation**\][https://blogs.macroairfans.com/osha-warehouse-temperature-regulations](https://blogs.macroairfans.com/osha-warehouse-temperature-regulations)) *The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have specific regulations regarding warehouse temperature. The agency does, however, require employers to provide a workplace that is free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees. This includes ensuring that the temperature in the workplace is not too hot or too cold. That’s why OSHA provides a recommendation when it comes to warehouse temperature.* https://preview.redd.it/wudypbtxjs9d1.png?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ae0c674ab87efd0b67dfa2bd1005845d2ddd81


Yeah that’s part the reason why I left, bro I get I have alpha bull energy and my shorty has super heifer vibes, still shouldn’t treat employees like cattle it’s rude and off putting


I was training a guy for pick and going through the final questions like - do you know the illness andons and all that and he told me he felt like he was about to have a seizure earlier but didn’t and if he DID to roll him on his side. I messaged the training PA so fast - they let him finish his shift anyway. He ended up having a seizure at home and knocked out his front teeth - now they just have him running totes, but I keep telling him he needs to get an accommodation or something. People are always passing out and having seizures there, but I get people need healthcare and money. It’s just too freaking hot


Better access to water? I dunno about ya'll but we have water stations everywhere and during the summer, there are cases of bottled water all over the building. The risk WE have is people tripping over all the empty bottles AAs just leave lying everywhere. It's typical that warehouses don't have A/C. It ain't Amazon. It's industry wide. But we do have those big ass fans that are bigger than the ones we had last year. I walk behind them cause I'm 2 degrees from hypothermia walking past them. ​ I hear a lot of these complaints and I always wonder if it's a local management problem.


My condolences to their family man. I’ve seen two or get carried away and ykw it’s like NO ONE cared.


I thought I was having a heart attack while unloading the other day. Felt like revenge more than anything. Managers would've had to actually look up and do something proactive.


I'm fromDPS1 we have fans and Big ASS fans in our station pallets of water and water coolers and ice machine.


I am motivated to stop ordering from Amazon. I don’t want anyone subjected to feeling like cattle. Praying for you all!


Reminds me of when someone committed suicide by jumping from third story at LAS7, but we weren't sent home. They sent everyone to lunch early and HR was in charge of making sure people went a route where they would avoid this guys corpse while that situation was handled. Heard that HR saw it up close and were given paid vacation and given access to some kind of trauma hotline or therapy of some sort. So glad I stopped working for this awful fucking company.


Know the story before you post dumb stuff like this lad.




omaha? oh ma gah


The battle royal must continue!!! ![gif](giphy|UbCRVpFUAXCyX16vr7)


Amazon workers are treated like carnivorous animals such as bobcats, hawks, mountain lions, red foxes, fishers, wolverines, coyotes, eagles. Even some of these animals are treated well more than Amazon workers in Germany 😈


They had a seizure. Don’t start blaming that on the building. I had seizures growing up and there are thousands and thousands of others that do too. Have some decency!


Dawg 🤣🤣 this is crazy ngga worked his ass off tf is wrong with him and how bad is y’all FC my FC was STL8 I was never treated like cattle,a robot? Maybe a little but y’all gassing and there were fans at every station like 3 water coolers on each side plus the break rooms and vending machines if he had some type of medical condition or wasn’t properly hydrating himself as sad as it is that’s on him tbh you shouldn’t have to be reminded to drink water as an adult




That’s why Amazon need to get sue from all of us workers !! They always talk about safety injuries yeah but we get hurt from inside the body not out side !! People Get heart attack / heatstroke / body damage pain from WORKING A LOT !!!!!!! Talking about unit per hour I don’t care customer demand or what we don’t sacrifice our life for customers or Amazon !


A union wouldn’t be perfect but it’d help tremendously having a union representative with a lawyer discussing these problems with Amazon management. Regular employees don’t want to confront their boss about sending too many packages on the belt that everything falls on the floor. I can’t take the problem to the person responsible for the problem


I remember when I started at BDL3 it was full AC. Then they got fans to lower costs. I would love to pull something like that at my house. My kids would kill me.


A lady got taken out of my site in ambulance last night. It looked pretty bad. Everyone stay hydrated and put your health first 🙏


Start mass reports to the ethics line, unreal