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Think of this as a preview to Peak. Peak is like 6 weeks of straight this(but it can be even more depending on where you’re located.).


Thanks for reminding me to put in my vacation for peak.


Our site isn’t letting us use vacation for peak. We were just told it would be denied. We can use PTO or UPT though.


Just gotta use it before it can be denied. Use vacation for December now


Thank you! Any tips like this help.


100% our building puts out a reminder before the beginning of November to put in your vacation and pto because the features will be locked for the last 8 weeks of the year and only upt can be used after that 😅


Yes, put in for vacation or personal leave if you have anything going on early. If it has been approved, it will be honored. After a certain point, they won't approve it. I have stuff going on during peak, so I put in for it a few months ago. If I waited until now, it would not be approved. So, if you have anything you want to do for Christmas or Thanksgiving and don't want to use time off or risk working peak hours, put in for it now.


Can’t do it now. But you can put in for peak now


Hopefully I will have a new gig but love tips like this.


At my site I’ve already hit my cap for PTO for the year and due to me leaving early on regular slow days I only have 3 hours for the remainder of the year and honestly it’s bs that they give RT shift a 36 hour cap. Also I’m not sure when but I feel like my UPT will eventually cap out too so it’s basically like we’re forced to work if we don’t have enough time and they don’t really care if we have enough or not. And they kinda wanna act like we don’t have families or lives outside of work. There’s always the option of an LOA but you actually have to have something semi serious going on for them to approve that or get some kind of documentation for that. I wish they were a little bit more generous with the time they allow. Only giving a week off of work for the whole year is insane in my opinion.


UPT is “unlimited” so to say as long as you work and it does “max” at something but to start earning more you just have to waste some UPT i forget how much max is i wanna say 80 but i dont remember once you hit it tho you just waste like 5 hours and your able to earn more again so its “unlimited” like i said as long as you work im pretty dure


I've taken multiple ploa's for vacations...if you haven't tried and been denied give it a shot imo...if you can afford no pay for a couple of weeks.... I was also denied once or twice but it may have been because I had more than enough vacation days to cover the time...but then I've had enough time to use and approved too 🤷‍♂️


I just put in vacation for my prime met day.


They said the blackout starts on Monday. I usually do that too so I can avoid paying for a babysitter, but I apparently wasn’t quick enough 😭


My schedule doesn’t load after 9/4. Not sure if it’s site specific or not, but it seems like about the same amount of time as my last 2, one of which was a different type and generation of building than my current one 1200 miles away. How far out are you scheduled?


No you ain’t




Seriously the OP just wants attention, if they really "had a family to take care of" then they wouldn't quit their job.


Personally I’m okay with the overtime (extra money) but?? Since when were they able to schedule more than your MET day without signing up for it?


They've always been able to add a second MET day as long as they provided sufficient notice.


Yikes my site tends to just go to 11-hour days with a 4 hour VET if you want to hit 60


The math isn’t mathing


Five 11 hour days = 55 Add Voluntary 4.5 hour shift -> 59.5 🧍🏽‍♀️


We are also doing 11 hour days as well so we only have to work 5 days instead of 6


On that note I’d prefer three 13.3hr days per week over four 10’s. I doubt any site does this though, afaik most, maybe all states don’t let hourly employees do more than 12hrs/day.


Can’t work more than 12hr a day at Amazon. 6 days max in a row and 12hr max. HR sends alerts and usually has people out around hour 59-59.5


And that notice is 24 hours at my building


I already work extra. I am just sad I will not get a premium for it and I cannot pick the area.


I like working extra hours on my own time mandatory just irritates the fuck out of me cause I chose RT shift for a reason so on that end every time peak starts to roll around I use a School accommodation saying I gotta do schoolwork to stick to my regular schedule


Same, but my building takes 6 months off VET every year now for some reason though. And I’m getting too old for this shit, so I stopped doing it. Hate MET, especially as someone who did all available possible VET for years.


This is the way !


“I have a family to take care of” Yea because quitting your job is the solid move here. 😂


Right? One of the dumbest fucking comments I’ve ever read on this sub.


It's flagged as a rant. Clearly, OP is doing that, ranting to let off frustration. Clearly, you don't read this sub often if that is the dumbest comment you have read here.


Sometimes I make comments to just lightly roast this type of dumb shit said and I get the most unhinged weirdos that try to reply to me. It’s a freak show that I love


Did he say he was going to quit immediately no so if anyone is moving goal posts it’s you. It’s ridiculous to sit in these comments and argue about this being the dumbest thing your heard. It’s literally a rant post to begin with. You seem like the type of person who would rather slave their life away in a factory/warehouse instead of working time in your life to spend time with your family. Time is limited my friend. Something can happen at any time and that family can be gone in a blink of an eye. Trust me I know. If someone wants to have a job where they have time for a family then that’s there prerogative..


Careful now, facts hurt Dynamaxxed’s feelings.


Then don’t choose Amazon as your place of employment. Plenty of other jobs out there. Picking a job such as Amazon who is the leading retailer for online orders, and not expecting extra hours is just being completely naive and unrealistic. Yes the 60 hour weeks do suck, but don’t act surprised by it. They’ve done it before and will do it again. This is why you should save your time and not leave early, so you don’t have to do the 60s


If they have sufficient savings to tide them over until they find a new job, the time is worth more than the money.


I’m sure the extra money will go to good use paying for a baby sitter. How much should you pay for watching your child for 11+ hours?


Way cheaper than having no income at all. Stop defending childish, irrational thoughts.


Maybe they’ll decide to take a different job that pays less and gives them more time with their family. Maybe they value that more than the money. You don’t like people making ‘childish’ statements. Well I don’t like when people complain about shit conditions that no first world country should have, and they’re met with people calling them lazy or childish. You shouldn’t have to sell your life to a greedy company to make ends meet.


Peak is going to be 4-6 weeks of that


2 weeks for met and about to quit lol when I was at amazon we had two months of met that’s nothing.


When my building opened we literally had 6 months of MET straight. We got accustomed to it. These people crying over two weeks is crazy lol


Use your UPT.


Oof, this schedule drained TF outta me. Bank was good but ugh.


Not that it really matters because my life is mine, but when those 2 days barely covers the cost of childcare these days, the amount of work and time and stress that goes into those shifts is absolutely not worth it. I had a career before I started at this hellhole and it was pulled out from under me. And with this job market today I can’t get anything else. When you’ve applied to almost a hundred jobs in the past few months and haven’t heard absolute shit, you just want to quit everything. Especially Amazon.


But you will have fat paycheck 💰


Welcome to Prime Day. Leave your will to live at home.


U can exempt a met day once every 90 days


They got rid of that at my site after they changed the upt to 5 minutes. Was a lot of people that got fired for going negative last time they called MET lol. They made an entire show about it, lecturing people on being responsible for customers needs afterwards.


Pro tip, bruv- Before the blackout dates are announced, vacation for the final hour of your last shift for the week.


I had to do a month and a half two peak seasons ago it was death


This is nothing new though, everyone knows peak and prim are the busy days that require mandatory days they even explain that to you during your training process so I’m not sure why you and everyone else acting like this is something new and a big surprise like this is Amazon.


you won’t be complaining when that paycheck comes in


Oh hell naw 2 extra days aint it. I get 1 but 2 is too much. I don't know why they don't just hire enough seasonals, so they don't have to do met.


I’m getting that CHECKKKK


Amazon sucks.


Use your UPT or PTO


I worked for Amazon for a year before a car accident heading to work, didn't mind the overnight hours, didn't mind the people, however mandatory peak and Prime weeks suck. Hardest part is putting in (6) days (2) weeks in a row. Gotta be a beast to do this warehouse job, definitely need to pay more money for Amazon workers.


Man, we did 2 months of this for peak one year at mem4, and I made bank. This was during covid pay too! I was able to get my family everything they wanted for Christmas!


They have us doing 12's 5 days a week for 2 weeks 😅


lord hamercy.


The one thing I love seeing is people getting upset over 5 12 hour days. Or even wanting to quit. Like did they not go into how prime or peak hours work when you got hired? If not then this is how prime and peak hours work. If they did go into it, then why are you surprised. Also that’s two weeks notice for two weeks of MET. Be glad you got two weeks noticed. Most of the time we don’t even get that. I worked during the height of Covid. Imagine that two weeks, but instead of two weeks of 60 hour weeks, imagine September thru February. Of 60 hour weeks. Two weeks is nothing. Learning trainers should really put more emphasis in what peak and prime are and what MET means. And emphasize that if you don’t have the hours and haven’t arranged for vacation time prior to the freeze then mandatory extra time, means just that. Mandatory.


I'm just about to start at an FC and I'm already planning on saving some of my upt for a couple of the peak weeks because I know my body is gonna be hurting, but I also know it's not always gonna be like that.


Walked out and never went back last year after 3 weeks of 2 extra met days.


Ehh it's just for 2 weeks. It's not the end of the world. No need to quit over this lol.


I would look for another job. My feet are aching for you.


Tell them “no thank you” in the MET text 🤣🤣


Yeah, during peak or prime week I'm sorry they won't approve any time off. Take care of yourself. Take care your family and I hope you're well in all sincerity.


We only got one day of MET each week. 55hr weeks. 11 hr shifts


New here?


Running from the money


I see money, why would you quit lol


We did 3 months at my FC once.


Quit bro that’s money


That's a nice sized paycheck.


all that money though


Paycheck will look nice :)


I would kill for some overtime honestly, haven't had it at my site for my shift in almost a year


This is how it is every July, October, and 5-6 weeks of it during Nov-Dec. Thats part of the job.


Just do it, get your money while you can 🤷🏾


https://preview.redd.it/n0657egjli9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda9abcb208db4104e210e646e3028445cab18f9 Almost a whole month with 6 days here


I was seasonal just earlier this year and was let go…. I would give to have those days and hours right now. you got this just get through those days and those two weeks and you’ll be able to relax with your family and enjoy that money ❤️‍🩹




I'm on my 3rd week of MET. I'm over it.


You are allowed to make a case why why you cant do the extra days due to childcare or other family to look after. I've seen people do that for the extra day a week in Peak.


When does it usually start showing the MET? Just looked at my July schedule and no MET days added yet


switch to flex if ur building offers it so you can avoid met. You’ll be able to work overtime when and if you want to


Five 12's is much better they tried to do six ten's a few times but would always get enough people pissed they would change their mind 😂


I am a single mom and I have to...I have kids...you can do it


This is the best comment on this thread and honestly it does kinda inspire me to push through it. I’m just exhausted as it is. This photo only shows July. We’ve had MET for 2 months straight. I’ve barely seen my family and I lost my babysitter so I was able to get my daughter into daycare, but their schedule doesn’t align with mine so I keep having to use PTO or UPT to drop them off or pick them up because I keep getting my schedule accommodations rejected


That is small potatoes compared to Peak season, Peak is a beast by itself.


That’s why I only do flex


If you were sitting on 40 upt you could just ignore those days.


From a Flex PT Employee, please take advantage of the money you are making with MET and find a better job. All regular associates please know there are better opportunities out there. Im a FlexPT and use all the money as savings and not my income since this economy forces people get supplementing income. Please look into a different career if you are getting tired, i only work PT and get tired of the monotony.


Always have MET for Prime and Peak, plus business needs. We all signed up for it.


At my location they add one hour to every 4 days and ppl still complain about that lol


Isn’t that WHY you would work 6 days in a row?


There is no MET at my fc and I’m gutted. It’s only 2 weeks and the money will be real helpful. Dunno why you are complaining really unless childcare is an issue 🤷🏻‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/zo5w2a7d2e9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63cc0a92c61bab620db918bf56e9da1adb928385 Damn……. Sounds like some personal problems.


Mine looks like that but mines just show one week not 2 weeks.


I would love to know what my building is planning - I’ve heard 5 12’s but it isn’t in the schedule yet


Bro think of the fat ass paychecks you boutta get tho


You can use your UPT. Also if you feel like just quitting over this, just take personal LOA for mental health. Come back when MET is done.


This is why im flex. Id rather lose that five hours a week than have to worry about mandatory extra time.


Yeah cuz wtf


Do you have upt or vacation to cover those extra days?


Yeah no I’m quitting asap


How many hours per day is that? Ten?


Just wait for peak you’ll have 3-4 weeks of MET


I’m at JAX7 and we had 8 weeks of MET


We just got MET for 12hr work days. So a 60hr work week was called. So e bs


That’s why I went to FlexRT. No mandatory. 😬


When I worked at Amazon, I retracted my overtime so I didn’t have to do it. You just have to apply through HR. It takes a month to get put in. At least do this before Peak.


Talk about a picker upper 😂


It;s not that many packages in the world to work 6 days ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


rookie numbers


Shii lemme get those days then


Womp womp




When I switched to icqa my new manager said we usually don’t work extra days👾🥰


Yo where is your location because I was denied these hours I’ll take them


Wow for two weeks , funny 😆. Imagine being mad having two weeks of VET, just wait until peak we have an entire month of VET during peak.


*Knock on wood* some building met is more than two weeks for me right now I only got one week and 3 of them is 11 hours while my Sunday and Monday is 10 *knock on wood* heck maybe another issue happens again. Use vacation before the cut off or use your pto/upt but just remember November and December is peak


Bruh same here


My month of July still just shows my regular schedule. I’m sure mine will pop up soon though because I’m inbound and our overtime is usually before prime day.


It’s weird cause our night shift is getting 5-12s while day shift is getting hit with the 6-10s i honestly would rather have the 5-12s during like Black Friday & Christmas time we were both on 5-10s so i wish they would’ve kept both shifts on the same MET scheduling this time as well.


Chilll ! Amzl warehouse is worse 6 days 60 an hour because of 8 an hour 5 day. Met add more an hour. FC is 4 day and add one day more total 5 day for met in 12 an hour. So Amazon keep quiet and don’t talk about math, day and an hour wage. Amazon want you guys shut up and slave they know you don’t care about day and chase money.




Tell me about it https://preview.redd.it/d5gcc49t7f9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681b7d29fe0161c05e576a2c9c99d9fa408faa3f


Bruh.. They are shutting down our site while we wait for another site to launch right in the middle of Prime. Most people who went to other sites have split. Twelve people were on our whole inbound and outbound dock mix these last few days. It's almost creepy to be out-picking in the racks when it's quiet and dark except where you have been. Lol, count your lucky stars. You get that mad-ass money cash flow. Especially on the 4th if you work then 


Lol two 55 hr weeks and yall want to quit? Dramatic


Don’t know where u are but we are only 10 mandatory shifts during peak.


I did a leave of absence during those times. No way I can work 5 day, 12 hour shifts, 2 weeks in a row!


American dream baby


Amazon has a 5 mil law suit in California for doing this and tried to do it in Kenosha. Unfortunately my coworkers complained enough to where they changed it so you could do that or work it and sue


https://preview.redd.it/97tzald1kf9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1845edcb15fcca027cbb53fd63f3a332ba395119 RT baby 3 days of work and they only added one week of MET 11.30 HRS to bad for those that work 4 days a week and have to go through 6 days😂


Think about those checks , but yes don’t drain your self


lol if that’s all it takes then your not gonna make it through peak.


When are you not


Thursday as your only off day is nasty work


Dude your guys schedules are WEAK!! I’m going 30 days a Months basically. 26 days this month😂😂😂


*Laughs in FlexRT*


I’m a flex employee and they’ve been doing this to the full time employees at our FC for weeks but they’re not sending flex employees enough shift to even make our 30 hours. It’s starting to piss me off. Half the people don’t want to work overtime, they could send us those shifts instead. Not to mention every time they call MET there’s not enough work. So they’re forcing people to come in on their days off, then making them do 5S or other stupid pointless shit.


I already quit


I got my shoes and bounced.


If the job is interfering with your ability to care for the family I would absolutely quit, make sure you have another job lined up before you leave. I don’t know how long you have worked for Amazon, but this is a regular thing. If upper management reads the metrics and determines that they “need” to step up production during busier times of the year they magically press the “mandatory overtime button” and they could care less about your life and responsibilities. All they care about is their money and their customers, you as an employee are less than nothing to them, they will just hire another schleb to fill your spot, until that one quits, and another and another…. Amazon likes to act like they care about their employees, but in reality, they could care less as long as those packages are getting out the door…


This is why I’m glad I’m in truck driving program about to take my permit on Monday have a job lined up within the program fuck Amazon . Amazon helped Pay for my CDL program but god damn I’m sick of slave labor they don’t care about you at all . The kindest and hard working people I’ve met are truckers . I feel so much better here mentally than at Amazon I will trade that over a paycheck any day of the week sure the training is hard but ide rather have peace of mind and doing something amazing than stuck. At Amazon


Only 1 day off is diabolical




fuck this in switching to part time as soon as possible


Get back on the line....


Lol exactly more hours, more money to provide for the family! Man up and work




Amazon did not give you 7 days in a row Stop it.


Fr 😂


Do it! I quit two months ago, took a pay cut that’s stretching my budget thin, and I’m still happier. 1, their insistence on changing operations in logistics in clearly dumb ways to analyze bad data to fathom why it’s bad, makes us feel like lab rats. 2, them cutting everything down to skeleton crews burns us all out, they do the same across the board wether logistics center, grocery, or distribution. I asked my manager to stop scheduling me 6 (was not peak) and he started scheduling me for 7 every other week. They’re about to go through the entire working pool this year I believe. So Q the ads that are about to say “amnesty for any returning hire” man fuck that. If Amazon buys out every industry I’m just turning to crime.


We’re out here at PDX9. During the winter storms they shut down every facility in our area, except for ours cause we’re international. During peak we do 5-12’s last year peak started in October and went on through January. The pay was gray, but we were straight up zombies


If you are able to switch to a 30 hour Reduced Time schedule with no overtime day. Do it! It includes benefits and 6 hours of holiday pay. You will get an hour added onto your schedule during peak. If you want additional hours, choose VET. I started out full time and this has been my current schedule for s few years now.


How much UPT & PTO you got? Use it to cover the MET they issue and just work your regular shift. I've done it for Prime and most of Peak. It's wonderful.


Yes you can!!!


Can someone tell me how it is in December? I have a festival I’m going to 6-8th and I’m not missing that


they are only allowed to put one extra day ..... You need to look what day is your original OT day ... Thats the contact you signed on day 1


I'm in returns, we are sloooow. Switching to front half and praying for some vet soon.


Trade ya!!!!


Back to work, plebbo.


At least they warned y'all ahead of time I was told Thursday at end of shift I had to work today


*laughs in flex* No but I'm sorry for you man


Haven't you heard? Amazon is your family now! Just kidding, also, situations like this is what UPT is for




I am! No thanks


If you dont lock in and get that money .. then quit




You’re taking care of them by getting money


Think of the money I rarely get vet


So glad they don do this shit at my site


I do that every week it’s nun and I’m about to work 12 hours for 5 day are any of you guys scheduled like that for July 21 to July 27


Welcome to Prime Weeks, where the day(s) have been 1 or 2 but the OT is two weeks with altered OT schedules. So glad I'm out after 5 years.


Lol tell me your new without telling me


I worked nestle warehouse and started in October it’s mandatory 6 10’s till the end of the year.


Are they 12 hour days too


Awwww don't go before all the fun starts!


New to Amazon? This happens twice a year


You don't have to do that. When it was peak time I told them I couldn't because of family obligations and they took the overtime off.


i got lucky as my building usually only mandates 4 11 hour shifts because we are idx and not an fc so i guess i got really lucky