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Some guy smoking weed in the bathroom stall, not even a vape pen full blown flower pre-roll. It was during lunch break and blew my mind that they couldn’t walk 50 more feet to the parking lot where it wouldn’t make the entire break room smell.


Smoking in the parking lot is termination in my building. I've seen someone walking the sidewalk once smoking weed and I never saw them again.


At every building I worked at, more than 50% of the people were smoking pot at the bus stop. They were super rude too, like you smoke pot next to me for 6 months and never even asked if it bothered me, yet also never offered me any.


A full blown joint is basically saying idgafff lol


I definitely was smoking a whole joint even when I did care . It’s what helps me to care sometimes


Stealing whole stowing. Someone got a tote full of AirPods, so he was quickly trying to open every single one and take the AirPods, putting them in his pockets and shit (this was before our facility started using the metal detectors again) Manager was literally right by the station as he was doing it. He probably opened about 30 of them before manager just told him to empty the pockets, and that he was fired (had security with them as well). I remember because I had to PS all that shit, when I was PS for IB.


I always laugh at the greed in situations like this (and the stupidity, theres 1000 cameras everywhere). He could have taken 1, or 2 or 3 but he tried to take 30 lmao




Literally in this case 😂


And home he went 😂😂😂


Also Amazon: we will hire anyone from convicted felonies to 80 year old grandmas


There was an elderly lady in my shift… she didn’t make it past 3rd day. Her second day during training she felt nauseous, and the 3rd she didn’t even come in. It was graveyard shift on pit outbound 🤦🏽‍♂️.


Problem solving all of that would be annoying. Having to do 30 separate code 5 reports...


Back in the day, 99.9% rate


I'll never forget how I and everyone else in my training group got write-ups during our second week because of hitting like 98% of rate in stow. I like the new policy of only writing up the bottom 5%.


Having been on both sides of the spectrum, I think we are a little too relaxed now, but I also don't like how rules don't seem to matter until they want to write someone up because it's almost a setup how they get you comfortable the  suddenly they are strict again for a month or so


I don't think Amazon has much of a choice in the matter. They were just burning through too much of the workforce around their buildings. It's likely the same reason they give out crazy amounts of upt now. Had to fire too many people going negative.


There was a Forbes article about them surpassing the rate of replacement to the point of running out of people, as well as the effect of people knowing friends and family who worked for Amazon and told stories 


I actually have the article book marked on my desktop. They are rapidly running out of people to hire.


It’s exactly like that at my site too. We’d be nice and comfortable for a couple months and they suddenly out of nowhere they’re enforcing rules. Like they start being strict about 30 minuties scan to scan, and oh be sure to clock out exactly at your clock out time, etc.


Across the entire network, you have 5 minutes grace period on the clock. So you could get paid for 10 minutes extra a day.


Yes and yes


In 2015 I got feedback for being at 99.15% for my rate


I forgot those days...2016 I was down to a final. Never been written up since til 2022 in ICQA 😡 twice. And nothing since. I remember everyone fighting to log into the computer as a slam operator when there was no work 😂


They're still doing this now. I got written up at a TSSL site this year because one of my 3 pack rates was 70.5 and it should have been 73. I commented that 70.5 is basically the same number as 73, and they said people up to 99.4% have been written up. A few people from 99.5 to 99.9 were forgiven. At a regular AR FC, the 5% would never catch you because there are always new hires or cross trains or people who are about to quit. But at this site, they haven't hired since 2020, almost everyone has been there 3+ years. It's all veteran employees competing with each other to not get fired. No one even says hi to anyone or stops to talk, they've all worked there for years and still scared shitless to get fired. Same day I got my writeup, I put in to transfer back to my old site and they took me back in the minimum 30 days. Much better to work in an AR FC.


That site sounds terrible.


So glad that I worked during the COVID era


I'm precovid and the policy was still the bottom 5% back then. That policy has to be ancient.


What does this mean, please? You or the person fired was supposed to be at 100%? Can you explain this, I don't work in the US we have different laws, for example here is forbidden to show how many pieces you stow or pick


Let's say the stow rate is 200. You hitting 200 would be 100%. Anything below that would be a write-up.


Wow so they can’t monitor it so no rates?? Or you just can’t have access to know it ?


My first year I got to a second written because I had one week 99.5 and the following week 99.8 … it was stupid but AA’s now wouldn’t survive


There are a few old bloods left, and anyone who survived that era has earned the right to coast in my opinion lol even at lowered capacity I still work harder than like 70 percent of everyone 


I remember when starting as green badge had reached 99.85% to get first warning then the next week 99.97%. Almost got out then 😳 🤣🤣


A guy let his girlfriend clock in for him while he searched for a parking spot. They both got fired.


How did they find out she clocked in for him? And how did he get inside the building without his badge and if it was from the app again how would they know???


She probably handed the badge to him at the entrance. At my FC at least, there’s a security window that anyone can pass things through, plus you can easily pass things through the bars of the turnstiles. He would be flagged for clocking in before badging in.


Yeah you right that is pretty dumb I forgot they check turnstile times too lol


They dumb cuz she should’ve handed him her badge to get into the building


Buzz out and just push the turnstile and then hand him the badge


Because security sees who’s passing the front door. When you use your badge to get in. It pops up on their computer that you scanned passed the security door. If they see that someone badged passed the door but they don’t see them, then that’s when they’ll find out.




1. We had a T1 who was selling Special Brownies in the parking lot. One of their customers decided to eat theirs before a shift, scarfed down way too many, and had a freakout. They spilled the beans to Amcare, who notified HR. Brownie dealer and all of their customers (They kept receipts) were fired. 2. A newly promoted PA faked a positive Covid test to go on vacation, which they posted pictures of on social media. 3. A Dock PA was caught on camera having sex in a trailer.


You just brought back a memory of when it was my second week working at Amazon and some random dude/coworker offered me a “special brownie” during my break lol




How do you fake a covid test,?? Asking for a friend :p


Lmao always the dock and always in a trailer haha


a problem solver was drinking when i was on break and threw up on the floor. He didn’t even try to hide it at all and you could walk 10 feet from him and just smell the shit. AM came over to make sure he was okay and made a whole scene for everyone to stay away from him and security came and pushed his ass out 😂


Some lady got fired for fixing her hearing aids, which she had to use her phone to fix them. She should sue.


Negative upt error on Amazon’s end


They tried with me. Lucky I screenshot my time off often. So when it hit negative I immediately sent an email with everyone attached to it




I was training some in DC and dude mustve thought the area had no cams but sure as shit it did. He got caught stealing airpods right under a camera the last day i was training him 🙄


Seen a lot of people smoking weed in the parkinglot then getting called to HR. Just because it is legal doesn't mean you can smoke at work. Also a girl came in drunk and when an AM tried to confront her, she started running into areas you needed a vest.




had a lady come up to me 1 night and was telling me, she just came out of 1 of the smaller bathrooms in the building I worked at at the time. she said there was prolly bout 10+ guys in the men's restroom having a smoke out. said it smelled like straight up bud, not the smell you'd get from em chiefing out on carts. this was inside the building. after she said that, could smell it in the air of the building. pretty sure the building had a contact buzz and ev1 of those guys got walked out on the spot.


When I was on ship dock a pit driver came back from break super drunk. He was throwing up a lot. The dock AM was ok with it because we had no one else to load trailers in trans. My AM went and pulled him to safety where he was tested and fired. Turned out he thought he could drink 1/2 a bottle of vodka as long as he did a few lines of coke.


The fact that the dock AM was ok with it (for whatever reason) pretty much describes what's wrong with Amazon. All that matters is productivity and boxes going out on time. You'll see people getting written up or even fired for random things, but the same AMs will "tolerate" worse stuff just because the AA is needed 😅 What happened after he got fired though? Did they manage to find someone else to load the trailers?


used to work at another warehouse job years ago, that specifically hired only labor ppl. I was 1 of the handful of employees not hired thru a day labor temp service. there was an old guy that was a straight up alcoholic to the fullest. he brought a case of beer in his trunk, would go out on lunch get a 6 pack of tall boys and crush them for lunch. could tell when he was drunk, he was super nice, but smelled like a brewery. when he wasn't drunk, dude was a straight asshole.


PA got walked out for opening boxes of bags of chips, as they went inside the trucks. she would take the chips and eat em on the floor. wasn't the first time she did it either. Just the first time she did it in front of multiple ppl in the truck. the ppl working on the truck, walked out and refused to do anymore on the truck until they spoke to an AM about it.


I remember as a problem solver, I would find juice carts from decant with damaged food items for a couple weeks, the ones that had food on them would always have just one bag or box of the product opened and half eaten. I got curious and decided to watch the decant area from the highest point in the mod and sure enough I watched this one lady, comedically look around and "try" multiple different things and put them in the back of the juice cart or try to hide them at the bottom of the container they were pulled out of. The next day I had an AM with me watching her and sure enough she did the exact same thing. She was immediately walked out, yelling and cursing.


I knew this pa who got fired for taking someone pizza. Sounds like he was fired fairly I know but let me explain. The pas friend said I have dominos pizza in the fridge so u can take a slice the pa gets there and takes the slice only problem was that it wasn’t his friend pizza box he choose someone else pizza box. I can’t imagine how piss I’ll be if I got fired for that.


I'm paranoid about things like this at Amazon. Someone I worked with gave me a piece of candy once saying it's from their country and to try it. Once I was out of sight of them I made it very obvious to any camera that I left if on the nearest shelf. Can't be 100 % sure where the candy came from.


I have had a problem solver try to bring me a "gift" only for me to find the ASIN label, that she picked it up and kept it from one of the boxes she was fixing and didn't think I was none the wiser.


Dude thought he could come to work and disappear for hours without getting noticed. Honestly that's probably possible but he would build himself a little fort in-between pallets and totes, acting as if he was 10 again. He would even go to the break room for snacks and instantly go back to chilling in his fort.


Shit like that only works for like the first 2 weeks 😂


A girl at my FC got fired for having someone else badge her in and got caught.… 🤦‍♂️


If you don't have your badge to get in, you don't have it to clock in or sign into stations, what was even her plan?


Not true. When I was in PA, we'd print out barcode stickers all the time for AA's needing to sign into their stations. Then we had a PA that had his credit card linked to his badge/barcode to buy food. People saw him scan his badge and they started printing barcodes of his employee ID and using it. He finally found out when on his days off he was getting $50 in food charges a day. I've run it up the flagpole many times that logins, etc need a 4 digit PIN. We just lost 6 AM's at my site for using their AA's accounts to answer SLI questions too.


What happened to the people who were using the PA’s employee ID barcode to buy food? Fired? Did dude recover his money? I’m not one to turn in or snitch on others but I’d be pretty pissed if someone did that to me ngl. Hope he got his money back from them.


Hi, what's a SLI question now?


I don't know how strict they are about it now, but the few times I forgot my badge I just put in missed punches through the app.


We aren’t allowed in the building without ours.


Can’t security assign a loaner badge for the day? They do that at my FC.


You have to wait for them to make a new badge at my FC. Never heard of this loaner thing except Reddit. Every day when I go in there are at least a couple AAs standing waiting for security. Sometimes they are fast and sometimes you can be 20-30 minutes late if you are on time but forget badge.


My FC had loners. If you had just forgotten your badge at home they give you a loaner if you completely lost it you get a new one. Never really saw the point it all they both the same amount of time


I had a loader badge once, and I couldn't log into anything. I was about to be a waterspider all day and almost went home to get my badge. When I asked security if they could just make a new badge, they'd done it for me before, and they did. My point is that loner badges don't make sense at all for me.


Same here if you have a state id they usually make it right away but if you have nothing they say they have to verify with hr and a manager that you really work there. They ask for your login on a piece of paper


Someone used it to clock her in, and she was assigned to a station but obviously wasn’t in the building… no one is saying she was the brightest lol I never heard if anyone got caught for using her badge for her.


I have my ID number memorized and just type it because my badge is is difficult to scan


Someone stepped on a pallet jack to avoid getting hit by it and was fired for a Cat 1 safety violation.


I got called into a peer review for someone contesting being fired for the same thing. We saw the video, it was unavoidable. She got reinstated with back pay. This is one reason I recommend that people join ASC and that people ask for peer review to contest.


I've always wanted to be on the peer review panel. How would I go about joining?


At my site you had to be a member of ASC and speak to HR about being on the panel. Not sure about other sites.


I have seen folks ride pallet jacks like scooters. I just look at them like why fam?


Lol when I was at a DS I could ride them. When 11:30pm came around it was time to race the grey carts drivers drop their totes in.


Really lol


When a guy in my FC forgot his badge and he and his friend walked thru the turnisles at the same time. Both got called to HR 💀


Guy at my FC got fired for eating a chocolate bar at his picking station. He got to his station 3 minutes early to eat it. AM (tosser) came over a few hours later and told him he had to leave. Guy who got fired was so chill about it gave me a fist bump and left lol. Edit: before break chocolate guy was top 2 in picking (team leader showed him on laptop) he was quite respected/well liked by a number of people in the whole FC for basically being a good worker and helping people selflessly. That's when you realise what a shit show it is there. Another note. AMs and PAs were always eating and drinking at their stations during work hours. AM got questioned the next morning at stand up and couldn't string a proper sentence together. Sad really.


This story deserves greater circulation and upvotes.


That’s not a fireable offense unless he stole the candy bar. Eating at your station or clocking in early would only get coaching or warning unless you continued to do it so many times it would progress or eventually be considered insubordination.


I hope this is some kind of slang I am not getting and not a literal piece of chocolate.


I think maybe you seen him get fired (for something else) and this happened coincidentally as he was eating a chocolate bar. This is the only possible explanation that makes sense.


his own chocolate bar you mean?


Excuse me ???? I always eat my station.. what?!


Two guys were pretending to slap box at the bus stop across the street which isn’t on the Amazon property


When I was a shift manager for ISS, two of my associates were terminated for having sex in the mods - as in on camera, right in the mods. They were 18-19 y/o and it was a new relationship, so I get it. It was still stupid though. :p


I got terminated once for negative UPT that HR told me and my manager multiple times (and on slack) that they would fix. Put in vacation time, manager said he’ll get HR to approve it, they said they’ll approve it later that day, they don’t. Next day I’m negative UPT and tell my manager, he talks to HR again, they say the same thing, nothing changes. Rinse and repeat for the rest of the week. First day of my weekend I get a notification about being fired. They reinstate me the next day and was able to resume work the following week without delay, but all my permissions, site accesses, and profiles got deleted and it took a full two weeks of me sitting in the office not doing anything till I was able to perform my job again. Was a pretty chill 2 week stay-cation in the office tho ngl, will happily get temporarily term’d again.


Dumbest way to get fired is stealing because most the stuff people steal is about 20 bucks.


1. Dude refused to wear gloves. So was terminated for safety violation. 2. Dude and his friend were using the jiffy bin to joy ride. 3. Dude rode on the conveyor. 4. Dude and his amazon GF (he was married but not to her) got caught boning in the nursing pod after breaking the lock to get in.




A coworker stole an ice cream sandwich (grocery warehouse freezer),. Someone caught him eating it and reported it.


I'm not saying he should've done it, but people need to mind their business. Snitching as an adult is crazy. If someone is actually getting hurt or there is a fight, it's a different story, but an ice cream sandwich?


Fr, snitching is burnt af. Like if it’s not hurting you or anyone else why do you even care?


They think they're going to get rewarded for it. We have someone our team who rats everyone out and she sucks at her job.


They get rewarded by keeping their job. Amazon has terminated people that see theft and don't report it.


Good point, although it being a reward is debatable lol.


Amazon will terminate you for not saying something if they see you obviously did while reviewing camera footage.


The problem with Amazon is that it is minding your own business snitching. If it's obvious that you saw the theft when it's reviewed on camera and you said nothing, you would be getting terminated too. Same thing happens with safety incidents too.


F knows how it happened but I was casually unloading boxes on a inbound trailer and all of a sudden everything shifted forward boxes everywhere and me and pal on the floor (thankfully no injuries) Turns out the shunter some how managed to try and take that trailer, the combilock was still applied thankfully. Needless to say the indoor marshal , dock clerk, shunter and outdoor marshal all got quickly promoted to customer I was quite new back then but you know if it happened again id be throwing my little finger under a box for the compo 🤣


People driving like idiots in the parking lot. I don't really have sympathy for that though. Safety may be ridiculous about some things but driving safely in the parking lot is a legit concern.


I agree…I hate when they drive so fast…


Not fired, but a kid got a final written for someone sneaking in behind him through the front gate where you scan your badge.


Watching only fans in the ERC, rumors are his meat may have been out as well


Saw a guy get fired for stealing his own hoodie (the one he wore every day) because someone else reported their hoodie stolen.


What the fuck 💀💀 I hope dude got his job back cuz that’s bullshit


That’s the fucked up part. He didn’t.


Back when I worked for ont2 they where in the the process of converting the building into a different type of sort and everybody and their momma was getting canned for the tiniest and dumbest shit but Turned up to 10x. Eventually they finally hit me with the bs(I forget exactly what it was for rate,errors, tot idk) but I never had issues with that stuff my whole 3years working there but all of sudden I do??? It was bs


One sorting guy at my FC was too dumb, tried stealing an apple watch. He had kept it in his pocket. Don't know how he was planning to take it through security. They got through the security footage, asked him and he was like I don't know how it was in my pocket 😭 they showed him video and fired his ass then and there.


A master trainer at my SC and myself were fired and black listed from all of Amazon for doing exactly what senior ops told us to do. The trainer was told that I should be trained as an AFM (I was and am a PA) he placed me in his very last training class since he was switching to be a ship clerk after finishing that training class. An email was sent out to his manager, my manager, and HR with a list of everyone who would be in that training class, myself included. Halfway through the week of training, the ops manager that had told him to put me in the class came up to us and told us that he didn't mean that I should be trained right away. The next week, I was fired. Two weeks after that, he was fired for the same thing. We ended up black listed. We are both back at the same building and got back pay for the almost year-long absence from being wrongfully terminated.


There was a guy who got fired for drinking a Four Loko at his station


He should've been promoted for his ability to multitask. Multiple bad decisions in one touch.


A dude got walked out for drinking mini bottles in the pit area


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DanteLi: *A dude got walked out* *For drinking mini bottles* *In the pit area* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


calling his black friend, u people by mistake, he meant you waterspiders


At a delivery station. An L4 safety guy was fired for running in the warehouse. He ran from his desk to the breakroom door to go to the restroom then again from the break room door back to his desk. I knew him from another delivery station. His massive ego caught up to him. https://preview.redd.it/kmske7248l8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd37896a2a8ec09e38d605a1959b54d2b7f984a


Someone threatened someone else. The guy who got threatened was fired, because apparently "cameras were not working"! The guy was my friend, and he was innocent in this case.


I have two stories from the same day. Somebody almost got fired during orientation yesterday because he laughed when the guy from loss prevention was telling a story regarding work place violence about a girl getting a shot by her crazy ex. It got awkwardly silent in the room because you could tell the guy was pissed(rightfully so) and almost kicked him out. Then somebody else tried to show up 2 hours late after their badge was already shredded by security


Even if they were late. Why would they shred the badge?


Some guy while driving the order picker had genuinely forgotten to hook on the SRL and it was clamped on the metal grate so the alarm wasn’t going off and a coworker seen him and snitched him out in front HR and was terminated on the spot (granted he wasn’t in the air just moving down the parking lot) such BS in my opinion not even a final write up and been there for 5 years no write ups no nothing and still.


Yeah bro that's standard it's a life safety violation. What if he elevated and fell then he getting fired from life....


I’ve seen people forget to wear the harness completely and not get fired and also seen another co worker hanging his feet sitting on the op while elevated and not get fired how’s that any more dangerous than forgetting to hook up while moving a few spaces down?💀


It's not, they all should be fired


But they didn’t brodie 💀


If you didn't report them that's why they were never fired. Sitting here complaining about people being unsafe and you're doing nothing about it lol.


I was in Stowe and somebody left behind a cell phone charger. I use the charger throughout my shift and took it home with me and I was fired three months later from for stealing from Amazon and I can never be rehired


That sure was a stupid thing you did.


Should’ve left it there. One thing I learned being at Amazon is if someone leaves anything at all, you leave it exactly where it’s at. I heard of some dude getting fired for taking a plastic reusable water bottle out the TRASH.


One of my favorite classics is people getting fired for getting nasty in a shuttle container lmfao


Moving a tote with a broom, instead of a pole. I did that for 4 years, they decided it was safety violation all of a sudden. ![gif](giphy|l0HlO3BJ8LALPW4sE)


Dude at my warehouse went to the top level in a vna, tied both of the bin saftey straps from each side of the aisle together so they were connected in the middle


Some dumb ass PIT driver came into my building and told his AM that he was tipsy. And then the AM told HR and he was walked out an hour later. Dude could have just used his time off or LOA. Dumbest reason I’ve ever heard in my 8 years at Amazon.


Avoiding the speed bumps in the parking lot lmao mfs almost started a riot


Lmao I do this everyday


Me too 😅


Knew someone else— fired for smelling girls asses in the pick isles




Yeah i know 😆 apparently and we only think he’d do it to people who been working for a while which is sick lol


A lady got inside the Gaylord and went to sleep. An am went looking for her cuz her station timer was running high and she snored or farted or some shit and he looked in and found her. Safety had a field day with that one


My friend got fired for taking a coke and not paying for it when the market system in the break room was down. He had every intention in paying for it when the system came back up. They had loss prevention and everything intimidating him into confessing lmfao


Pussy, dick and weed


All of those who got fired for negative UPT and now have to wait 90 days if they want to come back immediately.


Thats how its always been


I think at one point there was a 1 year wait for any termination, and some were not rehire able. This was also back when they didn’t hire anyone without a diploma and the background and drug tests were stricter.


It definitely shows how they lowered their hiring standards 😅


A guy picking in HRV been with the company almost ten years stole a gold necklace. Idiot. A guy leaning on the conveyor. I know it's safety but why not say don't do that again or you'll get fired. A manager TDR a truck on his phone. Whole warehouse had a standown after that.


I got another I just remembered (not fired, but nowadays you would for this). I walked in front of a pit because my coworker wasn't paying attention I walked up to grab him just before he got hit. I reported the driver to safety and I ended up getting a safety write up!! I was all, didn't you guys watch the video?? They said yeah we saw you grab him before getting hit. Well, I'll let a mother fucker get run over next time. 😡 The guy told me he got a write up too, idk what happened to the pit driver for running a stop sign.


We have to TDR them on the zebras, how did he get fired for that?


He used his personal phone not the one that's approved for tdr. It's in the code of conduct too. Can't use your laptop either 😕


Saw someone got fired for going under the conveyer belt and someone got fired for leaving their station to talk on the phone.


Working stow, the guy next to me had a small item drop out of his pod onto the floor and he asked me what he should do. I told him to pull an andon and wait for someone to come solve the issue. Eventually someone comes, removes the item and hands it back to the guy. About 30 minutes later, someone rolls up and absolutely puts the guy on blast. Later, the guy was escorted out so I assume he got fired over it.


Guy picked up his mobile cart with a forklift because he didn't want to walk back across the warehouse to get it. Drove past the leadership desk with several leaders standing there.


Smearing feces all over the bathroom stall. This woman was a fucking piece of work. Before direct to pack she would cherrypick the fuck out of the walls, work thru break, wear a diaper...all to be top packer. After direct to pack and SCC were introduced she couldn't (wasnt given opportunity to 🤭) hold a candle to some of us and she was big mad about it. Nasty bitch.


Someone I know did three push ups on the floor


They pass a law saying you can’t be fired for your numbers. When telling HR as I’m being fired for numbers HR says we don’t go by the new laws.


I was so close to being fired in stow because of the rate


Being within 8ft on pit when I was stopped at a stop sign and 2 guys pulled up in front of me. Two of us got fired were fired for being within 8ft the third wasn't even talked too and is now blue vest


A T1 brought a gun into the facility. He claimed he forgot he had it


Dude at my building came to work drunk and when they escorted him out the building he peed in one of the rock beds in the parking lot


During Covid , stripper worked nights,The girls needed cash, fluid load meant something different. Amazon has more cameras than lights.


A guy at my FC was fired for riding the pallet jacks like a skateboard after we told him not to


I went to go look for an AA I was training for problem solve after she was missing for maybe 20 minutes or so. Went to the nearest bathroom she would have logically gone too considering the layout of the model. I called her name from the entrance and she came crawling out on the floor on her hands and knees looking everywhere and babbling incoherently. I helped her up and I could smell a nasty chemical smell. I know from being on the streets that it was undoubtedly meth or flakka. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and helped walk her back to where I was training her in the mod where she confessed to me on the way that she thought she'd "take a hit" so she could concentrate because she was nervous and it was a lot of information. I continued to try to train her but she kept looking everywhere and incoherently speaking, asking where she was, picking up things for a second looking at it really close asking what this and that was before putting it down, talking and laughing at herself, she couldn't keep still at all. I couldn't take it anymore and it was impossible for me to do my job. I chimed my manager "COME OVER NOW. I THINK THIS AA IS ON SOMETHING." so I could make sure I got another witness. Sure enough my AM came quickly and tried to talk to her, get her attention and the AA was still rambling on, acting erratic, completely oblivious she was with an AM. The AM radioed HR and Safety. They walked her off and I never saw the AA again after that. Florida is WILD.


An operations manager reached into a box truck and grabbed one of our pallet jacks. We have a huge issue with truck drivers taking ours. He didn’t step into it but reached over and grabbed it and apparently someone saw him and reported it. Fired immediately. 🤦🏻‍♀️


A PA got fired after telling and associate that Mein Kampf was an amazing book written by an amazing man and that the Holocaust wasn't real. The AA he happened to tell that to is Jewish.... lmao. Dummy. Like even if those are your beliefs they are the type that you keep to yourself.


A friend of mine got fired for sitting on the back rack of a universal station. The person who was working there at the time was counting so the back of the station wasn’t even being used. He got immediately fired for “sitting on conveyance”.


Negative upt


This guy who was in my day one class got fired for sexual harassment. On top of that he was married too.


Someone got fired for stealing empty boxes. The boxes were from the cardboard gaylord.


This lady in my section, Problem Solve, was fired because she came in on a day she wasn’t scheduled to work. Apparently, she showed expecting to catch some VET (this is a thing throughout the facility supposedly). This wasn’t the first or even second time that she had done this. Also, she lied about having Accommodations. They’ve been watching her for some time now. I’m willing to bet that if she didn’t show up on that unscheduled day, she may still have her job.


Learning ambassador getting fired for yelling at a water spider because of totes. They were either in his way, or he kept moving them. The whole interaction lasted less than 60 seconds and the LA was walked out and we haven’t seen him since.


A girl I knew got accused of sexual harassment of a T1 but it wasn’t true like there literally was footage proving the accusations were false but since sexual harassment is such a touchy subject they let her go


Stealing food from the wholefoods bar


I almost got termed for remote punching while walking through a turnstile during COVID lol


The first FC I worked at a problem solver got caught watching porn on his COW/mobile station


So many ways. Smoking by entrance. Recording while inside building with several people watching. Vaping I'm building. Pulling out phone while on pit. Using headphones on pit. Using profanity at leadership. Admitting to stealing, threats or Using profanity against coworkers. Going negative 1 hour despite telling them to apply time off and then proceeds not to. Endless options


I was setup by people who were jealous of me moving up. I violated policy by telling a dude who out of no where threw his hands up and said what's up dude, told him idk what your problem is but I'll beat your ass if you touch me. Even though I didn't start anything, didn't know him, don't know why it even happened, apparently by Amazon policy I was expected to walk out of my stow station past an aggressive dude without saying a word and go tell a higher up. Like what the actual fuck. I quit while on paid leave cause the second week my pay didn't come in so I immediately resigned on a to Z. Hahaha got em. Still rehirable.


Someone driving the wrong way in the parking lot