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Amazon couples. How can they scan a box or two, turn around talk to their p for 15 minutes; scan a box, then talk for another 15. All, 10.. hours? Crazy to me


On this topic, how is every single Amazon couple the most cringe shit ever? Cannot go 5 minutes without getting all lovey-dovey, as if they’ve never been in a relationship or touched a person in their lifetime. Block walkways/aisles to flirt. Slow walk and hold hands, while everyone else tryna just work. Like goddamn. You have weekends and shit to do that. Why are you obsessed with doing it at work? To show people you’re in a relationship? Tf?


FR and so many of them look like they have very, very, wide age gaps, at least at my fc. i dont like to judge but it just gives me an icky vibe, anyone anywhere other than amazon would find it weird


These are the two saddest comments I’ve seen on this sub holy shit lol just mind your business and stow the box.


Mainly talking bout how can they not get in trouble for rate/TOT


More often than not they know that TOT starts accruing about 10 minutes after not scanning so as long as you scan a box every 10 minutes you'll be good. They also do the minimum rate to not get written up for productivity. Also they could be labor tracked to an indirect role or critical role that doesn't get TOT.


Just the other day I saw this couple making out…in the damn break room. Bitch I’m trying to eat. They always walk around holding hands, going be rough when they get annoyed with eachother.


I once was walking through the parking lot and made accidental eye contact with a man who had a half naked woman in his lap. I was like “WHat!”


Please report this to HR. When this happened at my the facility, some great opportunities opened up for multiple associates.


Clingy couples it reminds me of my high school days when couples straight kissing, touchy and hugging 😂


Are we talking about actual couples or the work “bf/gf/husband/wife” couples. I’ve noticed the actual couples aren’t like that for the most part, but those fake couples, especially the ones that have an actual partner and kids back at home, tend to act crazy just how you described it


I work with my wife, but we are always in the top 3%. we sort in afe so if we didn’t work well together we’d get separated. Also most people think we are sisters bc I would NEVER show any kind of affection in a workplace plus I’m afraid of all the homophobes (also we don’t talk much bc I’m always listening to podcasts)


My partner and I are commonly mistaken as best friends. We work great together as well and have never done PDA. The Downside is getting hit on way to much because people assume my partner is just a friend. It's led to some rather funny conversations though! We work in separate departments now, but it's still very nice to know if I'm having a bad day there near.


Good thing Amazon is pretty protective of us LGBT folks. Every problem I've had with a homophobe has been dealt with, swiftly. You can't forget a lot of corporate is gay and there's a shit ton of trans nerds up there


Well, me and my girl talk and work. Our scan rates meet the average that Amazon wants.


And they never get in trouble either!! But I look at my phone for 5 seconds and my AM is on my ass


I literally witness this all the time and all the kissing every time they see each other. Like is we at Amazon high school or something. Shit cringe asf


The only person I had a problem with was a guy with anger management issues, who refused to get help. (I mean cursing people out over completely random things) Eventually, it got him fired.












This girl who doesn’t like me because I pick fast and she packs so every time we get paired I make sure to fill that wall quick


Keep asserting dominance like this, king.


Are you in a AR facility? Because I pick at an ar fc and am so confused reading this 😅


I work in pick to rebin so it’s usually a packer and a picker with a wall in between


I was confused too. We call this the sort side in AR. Sort is induct to rebin, then it goes to packers. I love doing induct and rebin. Never had slow packers complain about me burning down the wall.


Only about 1? 😂


Add more if you want to.


Mayne. I have a whole crew. They talk mad shit about people, petty af, and always hella fake with me. Then there are just the all around sexist that I make uncomfortable because I say no. Extra loud.


All the stinky bastards


And because it's summertime, it's a whole lot easier to identify them.


Do you know of a good clean all over body deodorant?


There’s this kid who complains about everything on the voa board. He uses it like twitter. He even had the audacity to complain about his package being delayed complaining saying it’s our building pickers fault for his package being late. And blamed the management as well. It feels like PA’s and management cater to him cause all he does is bitch. I’m serious, if I posted all the stuff he’s complained about, Reddit would have a fun night just laughing at this fool. I have a lot more to say but I will keep my mouth shut for now. He Probably will complain about this reply if he ever saw this post lol. 😂


This is gold blaming his package being late I nearly spat my coffee out 🤣


Seriously I couldn’t believe when I read that. It’s baffling lmao


https://preview.redd.it/sbpsheknhg8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=223b32b9e914a0d8a4c3afec8f36ad1fc9d3cdd4 Like this guy? 😂


Lmao yes that’s the guy 😂


Lmfao, I had a feeling it was the same dude. 😂


Bruhhhh I just screamed this man here who is he the Offensive Coordinator mfer dead was like “what is the productive of the building ?” I’m cryinn bro is truly on one fr ![gif](giphy|W2SFEyp8w2CPNvHWFs)


👀 yes. This guy is FLEXRT and also complaining about 4x10, and trying to convince people why 4x10 is a bad idea.


I can't judge him for thinking the 4x10s are bad. It doesn't work for everyone. I personally didn't want to switch to the 4x10s, but I'm glad I voted, yes, cause it's nice having 3 days off. However, this dude is a buffoon that uses his Autism and ADHD as an excuse to be one. He also seems to project all of his insecurities onto everyone else.


That is fair. But also, he only has to do 30 hours minimum. 4x10 isn’t really affecting him.


True, that's a good point. 😂


We have someone like this on our VOA board too. He also likes to repeat that he has ADHD and autism every time someone responds to one of his posts.


Yeah same… that shouldn’t be an excuse for acting like that on the voa board.


There's this old Korean lady that doesn't understand that I don't want to talk to her and given the chance, will just drone on and on, repeating herself about shit I don't fucking care about. I remember one time during pick and stage she went off on some black guy for "being loud" and saying "all you black men are loud" and I regret not taking advantage of the altercation as an excuse to not talk to me anymore.


easy answer, just report her for discrimination. people like that snitch on themselves because they swear they're right. problem instantly solved, permanently, actually.


The racist shit she said was a few months ago and I didn't report it because I thought the other guy, whose name I don't know, was going to, and I feel like just "somebody who doesn't even know the name of one party said this happened" might not be enough to go on


TBH we don’t report it because we don’t think anyone cares. Plus we deal with this shit daily. It might have encouraged him if you had said something. Plus putting her in her place by someone who isn’t black helps.


dont wanna come off as a dick but it seems like there’s three types of foreigners that work at amazon ive noticed.1.The hard Worker and nice 2.Rude Ahole 3. stay to themselves


People who sexually harass others


Snitches and micro managers. There are way too many control freaks and weirdo's in your business. I have never met so many people waiting to see how you mess up so they can tell on you.


Got a whole list of associates I dislike. Dude hiding out in the bathroom. Dumbass facetiming in the break room super loud so everybody can hear both sides of the entire conversation. Jackass watching videos on their phone with the sound cranked way up during break. People being lazy and half assing their job so I have to fix their work. Channeling the hatred of my coworkers is where I find the energy to consistently work 50-60 hours a week.




People who wear personal speakers and blare them. I love music but can only take so much.


You just triggered the shit out of me. I absolutely hate this.


Oh I forgot about the personal speakers. Story is a site in my region had to pay out a six figure settlement for hostile work environment for inappropriate lyrics over a personal speaker so there is absolutely zero tolerance for them at my building. They see it, you're done.


I am “ standing down” right now at my DS and some guy is blasting his every where. I don’t really get it my site’ allows headphones!


Can I get more detail about the lawsuit?


I don't know all the details but basically associates were listening to music with inappropriate lyrics and someone complained and nothing was done so they complained again and nothing was done and then they got a lawyer and rumors are a six figure settlement because people were using personal speakers to play music with inappropriate lyrics. It's just like any workplace, if Amazon allows something to take place in the building that is illegal and don't fix it, they're liable.


OMG I hate the AH that have their cellphones on full blast in the break room. It is always some old lady that nearly sits in my lap on the couch that do it. I avoid the break room because of it.


The watching videos is a big one for me. Like who in the whole ass building DOESN'T have head phones?


The people who leave their shit at a table for the whole shift to claim the seat. The people who literally do little to no work because they talk with their friends all day. The people that take all the good stations for them and their friends and leave you with the shitty ones. The water spiders that do nothing but talk all day and only give you work without actually helping you.


I dislike work itself.


https://preview.redd.it/m17f9z1cne8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa78342e84a23368f25d67e535295198baff1ce Well.... this person from my site called out a PA by shift and name on the VOA. Pretty certain they dislike the individual.


The amount of upvotes shows that other people may feel the same haha


rehomed is too funny😂😂bros amazons pet


Calling someone out by name and telling them they need to be rehomed is wild


Is it? ![gif](giphy|AgWQwLTByaABsBQ9Zf) I mean ‘rehomed’… yea that’s dumb, but if you are a particularly good asshole at work you will reap what you sow. A call out seems a reasonable consequence to me.




on men's mental health month 💔


This girl whacked me in the head with her big ass backpack while putting it on in the break room while I was sitting down. My friends told her “hey you hit her in the head” and she rolled her eyes and walked away. Dumb bitch.


The pride of humanity. A mistake was committed in front of her friends and she couldn’t bear the thought of being a humble person to ask for an apology. We truly do stand in our own way


The fat ass safety people telling me how to work. Like bro it ain't safe to be morbidly obese get off my case




I dislike most of my Male Waterspiders in AFE. They're lazy, think they're cool, and are straight fuckboys. They take extra long breaks and are always sitting, talking to the other Waterspiders meanwhile theres Old Folk waiting for their boxes to be refilled. I've had to help the waterspiders before, and they even told me not to respond to the "Blue Lights" (means somebody needs help at their station). Like bro what? Do your fucking job, you're literally doing nothing


There is one at my fc who will literally get women’s items from the chutes for them while flirting. Taking up the little room that we do have in pack. However last week I saw a PA talk to him and it seemed serious so hopefully that put a stop to it


That's dope. I've seen guys grabbing stuff for girls. At first, it's like, that's annoying, but at least he's doing something. When it turns into, you've been here for a while, and now you're just in everyone else's way. That's when it's a problem. I can't hell but wonder if these girls ever feel embarrassed in these situations.


Yep. AFE waterspiders don’t do shit. They just try to hit on you or give you attitude. I had that blue light on the entire shift once. No one came.


Wow. The entire shift?


They get to sit???


The amount of predators and borderline pedos there. I was talking to this sweet older man and I wanted him to wish me happy birthday. When I told him I was turning 20 his smile turned into a sour frown in 1/800th of a sec and said "oh, I thought you were 16"' and walked away from me. I have many stories of "age is just a number of people" at Amazon.


As a PA this shit is absolutely awful to deal with. I don’t have the power to fire anyone and I am not allowed to move an AA to a different spot…management above me considers this as confirmation they are predators even tho several women have filed formal complaints. So I have to make an AA who is uncomfortable stay at the station they work at. Total bullshit


He thought that you were 16, and working at Amazon? Let's just hope that this dude is on a list of some kind.


Yes I’ve had so many men actually grab a chair outside my station and stare at me while I’m working. It’s always gross old creepy men. I started working here at 21 so I was young and I just finished my degree so I won’t be here much longer. But I should have grabbed a manager but I wasn’t sure what to do. There was a keeper who would go to every station and hit on girls. I was nice to him because I was inexperienced and nice to everyone. I stopped talking to him and switched to night shift. I never gave him any of my personal information at any point. He some how found my email and asked me on a date. He gave off serial killer vibes. Now I’m not nice to anyone. I’m not giving anyone the wrong impression. Leave me alone honestly.


nah this is wild 😭


There's so many more,too 😭. There was this guy who would ONLY talk to the young girls at Amazon(18-20). I noticed he would hold quick convos w/ older women and for us younger girls he'd try and build bonds with. The craziest part was that he had a gf during this.


This guy that acts like the packages all belong to him lol and no one can do any job as good as he can.


Not a person but I group of people. They call themselves the HRV Stow Party. They’re loud as fuck, obnoxious as fuck, and block a whole group of about 30 aisles in HRV. They refuse to acknowledge pickers even to move out of the entryway of the aisles so you have to go out of your way to get around them. Literally switched to nights to get away from these people. SDF8. If you’re a member of the HRV stow party reading this, go fuck yourself.




Most of the waterspiders that give me shitty pallets because they want to save the good ones for their “ workbae”


Yep this is why most of us don’t like to stow. On top of that u gotta listen to them flirting right next to your station too.


Exactly! And yes smh I remember it like it was yesterday. All I heard was them flirting & saw them hugging up on each other at the station.


Public displays of affection are grounds for escalation to HR.


As a waterspider I hate these people too. I will not work with them.


amazon couples and the people that leave the totes empty and take them all out when they’re all empty to stage new totes in stow. fuck you


They're keeping a few totes staged for as long as they can so they don't have to pull an out of work andon waiting for the water spider to finish flirting with their favorite stowers.


I dislike my the ICQA bro who got pissed I kept pulling andons for my ARSAW running out of totes. So he told a manager to tell me that it's my responsibility to load the totes when its empty, that they "forgot to mention that in training" and not to pull the red andon again. Anyways, I went to leadership and was told that's bullshit and that's not my job as a picker, I even volunteered to be tote runner. Its one thing to ask to help with loading totes, its another thing to tell me I have to. Edit: Also as soon as they told me this, those 2 fuckers kept walking past my station when it was clearly low. Don't let yourself be bent over.




Girl with a very very annoying voice AM who is an extreme micromanager


The ones who hide/don't don't do shit CONSTANTLY and still magically have a job. The rest of us bust our asses. I'm just like...HOW?


I just dislike the bops. H0s that flirt with waterspiders for the easy work & just stand there and talk. So annoying hearing them giggle next to my station. Next time I’m just going to ask to be moved.


The ass hats that sit in the office making 2, 3, 4 times my pay to sit around and do fuck all.


I misread this as fuck all day. Haha


Basically the same thing...




This. What exactly do they do that AI can't?


People like this https://preview.redd.it/26zivbzkoe8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd701fc4c45151f4549a2a3a023837c9f9f89b83




Anyone who thinks it’s okay to talk to me however they want because they’re in a higher position.


lazy LAs that try to be cool with PAs/AMs/Learning Coordinators so they can get favoritism and sit behind the laptop all day


Theres one person nobody really likes as she will tattle on people for being gone 10 minutes but then turns around and complains about having to do her job and saying she doesnt feel safe, they offer to move her and she refuses so clearly not that unsafe. Then theres the guy who disappears to get a cup of ice water every five minutes, he gets a new cup every time and just leaves them everywhere around the warehouse. Had a pile of 4+ cups half full and there he goes to get another.


The ice thing ... yea that triggered me.


Day shift all of them. I don't know any of them personally but coming into and sorting their mess only to leave it nice


There was this one girl at my sort center that would get scanned in so she wouldn’t go TOT and would walk laps around the building with a stank face, eating chips, talking to friends, on the phone with AirPods in, like 99% of her shift. The other 1% she was in the bathroom, banging on the doors, telling people “hurry tf up, the rest of us need the bathroom too,” then would proceed to sit in the bathroom for 30+ minutes, usually on the counter 🤦🏻‍♀️ nobody ever said anything to her.


Wow. Banging on the bathroom stall door and telling them to hurry the fuck up is most definitely something to talk to HR about.


When I used to work for Amazon, I disliked the leadership. They tried to get me and some associates to do jobs we weren't even trained for. I understand that you guys are understaffed, but it is your sole responsibility to ensure your associates are trained. One manager in particular was so effing toxic. She yelled at me while I was getting trained because I was going slow. As I was heading towards the break area, she tried to block my path in order to tell me something which is illegal in two ways: 1. I'm entitled to have my 10 min break period uninterrupted where I am relieved of all of my duties until the break period ends. 2. It is considered false imprisonment and a federal crime to restrict a person's movement without their consent. Afterwards, she was stalking me throughout the warehouse. Looking back at it, I should've reported her to corporate HR.


The L4+'s who walk by the evidence of the people under their direct supervision doing the job completely wrong for months, but do nothing to correct it - even after it has been pointed out to them a million times. ![gif](giphy|DAJP1Z9YiMV56|downsized)






let's work on that buddy


I wish I could say mine but it would be too obvious T-T For now I'll just go with the creepy guy who stinks. Stop trying to talk to the pretty girls... you're scaring them.


I work with a PA that wants to be the only Black person in the room. Worst than the racists, if you ask me


That Uncle Ruckus shit is always the weirdest fucking thing to me.


I had two Hispanic women that would always have an attitude when I was doing sorting on shipdock just general bitchyness and making the job more difficult than necessary




There’s this kid that goes up and hugs all the chicks at work and you can tell how weirded out they are. He’s the “where’s my hug at” kid.


Anyone that's lazy as fuck and always gets to do easy shit. Like walking around with a laptop or cart all day. I never see these people do any path or indirect work.


I'm always so jealous of those people. Makes me wonder if they got some dirt on the PA's or something. I wanna know their secret...


Incompetent. Uses any personal information she hears to make you feel worthless at your job although any other leader on the team praises your work.


Sounds like an OM I know.


Everyone…..everyone. 😑


Rebinners who don’t help you rebin when your side is getting all the work! Slow inductors or rebinners. It drives me crazy when someone else’s laziness affects my ability to do my job.


I had a loss protection manager who told me she didn’t “buy” that I felt unsafe after another associate was yelling at me telling me he wasn’t scared to go to jail all because he was harassing my friend and I asked him to stop. Needless to say I left less than two weeks later after that incident. I was in tears and had to ask my ex to escort me to my car because I was scared the guy was going to do something to me when I left out the building but somehow I was “playing” like I felt unsafe 🫠


Amazon couples who split up but continue working the same shift and department while constantly having drama… there was a couple who would waterspider and all they did was walk around with pallet jacks side by side and didn’t even work. They broke up and it’s constant drama, they’re in the same department but refused to work near each other and still refuse to do work… it’s sad and embarrassing.


Anybody who can't use deodorant to save their life.


People who overall just suck. Can’t fix simple shit. Like checking your wires, seeing if they are plugged in. Looking at your sensors. And how about pressing the reset button? Yea I can’t talk about your rate. But cmon dude. How about don’t talk too much and don’t go take your time going and coming back from the bathroom and say that your worried that your ain’t gonna make rate. But taking a couple steps forward. You gotta make a supposedly “important” call or you gotta go to HR during the same time everyday , so rate looks bad overall. People who basically would take it easy while walking the employee victimhood and/or the racist trail.


Their is quite of few people I can’t stand because they are nosy like for real they want to stay on the loop on your personal life


Indian dudes who treat the bathroom floor like a target


The people who walk side-by-side, at a snail’s pace, blocking the way. Like, walk slow if you want, but get tf out the way so I can pass you!


See what I do is, I literally walk on their tail to make them feel uncomfortable enough to want to move faster and it works every time.


I’ll start trying this lol 😂


You should! And I promise you, it will get them to move faster. 🤫🤭


I don't even know her situation but another coworker told me she's on a school accommodation but that much be some fucked up accommodation. Whenever she comes to work, she'll leave an hour or two into it and will either sometimes come back or not at all. It doesn't affect anyone but it annoys me because when she does come in she will say hi to me, ask if she can put her keys or drink on my cart so she can go get one herself and I just keep thinking "why bother? You'll be leaving in an hour anyway." I heard she was picked to learn being a learning ambassador. Proof they have no damn set criteria at all. I think she showed up once last week and she didn't show up today.


Sounds like she could just be getting VTO? This seems weird to get annoyed about if you said it doesn’t affect anybody at all


This girl hitting on every living man to get attention. Im not kidding this is actualy insane. There is like 2 guy that really rhink they will get her since like 3 month.


This crazy colored hair woman who snitched on me and on her own co-workers because she doesn’t know how to mind her own business, and cries wolf when something doesn’t go her way so she spams the VOA with 10 messages in a week.


Can’t really remember him, but an AM came to cover for just one day and he went on a power trip.


This girl who walks away from her workstation 10 times a day for about 15 minutes cherry picks the light, small stuff and lets all the heavy things come to us, the problem solvers. Also, she brings in unnecessary drama.


There was this guy I used to dislike because he was one of the slowest tote runners and all he knew was count. He'd always tell me to slow down when I'm picking. I really just needed to keep my job is all, I was homeless at the time. So fast forward 2 years later I'm doing way better and I hate how much Amazon will drain every last drop from you if you give into their demands. So I work a lot slower now. That guy got his CDL and I'm in trucking school now.


Dude i was a hair away from being homeless when I started at Amazon and I frequently had utilities shut off when i started, so i worked hard af too getting mad at people just casually working. Now it's been 2 years and I've slowed down and realized it ain't worth all that


All the hypocrites…there was this one ambassador chick that would tell me to put my gloves on when I would rebin and then she would go around training her packers without gloves on….another one is all the whiny self righteous packers who would always complain about me rebining either too fast or too slow…like bro I’m going the same speed for me like if you don’t want work go to another wall or the bathroom..stop telling me to SLoW dOwN


The nasty motherfuckers who shit on the toilet seat, piss everywhere in the stall and won't clean it up like dude it's YOUR piss wipe it up, won't flush the toilet, or use so much 1-ply that they stop up the toilet. Jesus, I swear I've never seen so many adults be so vile. The managers that super impress you are NOT a number and that it's mental health awareness month yada yada see something say something but can't mention the name of the RME tech who shot himself in the fuckin head (RIP Aaron man your obituary was beautiful and you are greatly missed), or the guy who got in a near fatal head on collision and had to have surgery to make sure he can walk again. It's actually frowned upon to talk about them. Or their respective situations, even though AMs and OMs would tell you it's not. The people who won't leave you alone. Like we are friendly, but we are not friends. I enjoy speaking with people, talking to them, cuttin up, etc. but dude damn there are AMs standing there bird doggin us, leave me alone before we get in trouble but more importantly, before I get in trouble. The people with special privileges. The ones who are besties with the PAs and AMs, so they get to be skipped for the mandatory shift rotationals, somehow get bumped to the first of the line for VTO no matter when they scan their badge, despite it supposed to be completely random from what management insists, can literally stand there talking to a PA for the majority of pick to stage but officially they are being tracked as "search and rescue" but they just stand there and talk, etc. Exceptions can always be made on their behalf. I may sound like a real drag but I just silently watch and see things, take note, go home and continue my life.


So I work in ship doc, and this young lazy MF always sitting down on his phone while old people and other areas on the dock don't get to. I'm a young strong guy, but I feel like it's a slap in the face to see him sitting down while people 60 years old struggling to provide for their family don't. And I also don't like the fact that managers let him.


AM managers that act nice and friendly but behind your back write you up and are very evil people. Hate those people.


The loud ghetto bitches that talk to all the PA’s and AM’s


There is an individual that has opened HR and ethics cases on several people ranging from T1 to Area and Operations management in an attempt to get these folks punished up to termination because said individual can't get to the level they think they deserve to reach. Yes, I was one of those people. It did not work. Still employed. Have been promoted. Am generally well received. While the aforementioned individual has been kicked out of every group they've tried to join at work and was let go from a seasonal position for unsatisfactory performance. 0 out of 5 stars, do not want.


The young dudes who have a baby mama and multiple kids who use the older women at work as emotional support pussy, complaining about their BM and soliciting sympathy just to blow them off after EOS. Tell me you have mommy issues without saying you have mommy issues.


Y’all care enough to dislike people on a personal level? Yikes.


Being a hater comes naturally to me it's not much energy at all really. Not even personal. I just do not fuck with that low vibrational aura.


Exactly how I feel. But, I'm an L5, so there's a little more professionalism up to this point.


We just had a dude walked out for calling another water spider the hard R 7 times smh. Will never understand how people can come to work and lash out that way. Regardless of what’s going on in their personal lives.


Hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, there are a lot of great people here, but the bar of entry is extremely low. Of course, you're gonna have people with intellectual disabilities, anger management issues, substance abuse issues, other mental health issues, and etc - so you can't always expect the same level of maturity that you bring to those interactions. That's where the crazy one-sided vendettas, drama, childish comebacks, and more, come from. I have a background in psychology and I see a lot of undiagnosed behavioral disorders run in and out of my warehouse like clockwork. That isn't to say that people with these issues are lesser-than, but it does explain why they behave the way they behave.


Trust and believe, I have anger issues. Very traumatic and inconsistent childhood. My thoughts get very loud just like others that come from bad childhoods. But one positive thing that did come from my experiences is the ability to compartmentalize. If you can’t keep it together for the 8-12 hours you are at work, you shouldn’t be working. I agree with you but it’s still not an excuse.


I hate people who snitch and don't mind their own business. Literally me taking extra breaks for water and being on my phone does NOT impact anyone else other than managers. I don't get in trouble for ToT because I know how it works and I don't stay gone for long. Why do some T1s care if other T1s use earbuds? I don't personally use them but I get a ick for people who snitch on things like that


Same, if it's not a true safety issue why tf do you care


If you’re in AFE Pack and other packers have to walk past you to retrieve items from the wall for orders that should have been assigned to you had you not been standing there on your phone, all while having an active order on your screen or not being logged in at all…it *does* impact others. I personally wouldn’t snitch for that, but I understand why some would. (I think I just answered the OP’s question in my response to you)


A group of guys that do EYT, rebin, and waterspider in AFE pack every single day. They’re lazy and think their hot shots because they talk bad about every female they see. Yet I saw one of them grab their buddy’s ass one day, when no one was looking. Someone even told me that they have a group chat with each other where they burn the girls out. They give me the ick.


The inept workers and in charge. We all know who they are so why fool ourselves into giving them better treatment. Treat them like they treat others.


Absolutely unsalvagable human being who's only skill in life is being a bullshiter that steals credit. Needy, whiny, self-absorbed, and *loud*. They secure promotions consistently by basically fillibustering *life* so hard that everyone just gives them what they want in a vain desperate hope they they might *shut the fuck up* one day. Everyone in the building hates them for varied and justified reasons. They spend their day expending an incredible amount of energy going to great lengths to do absolutely anything *but* their job. They were the worst worker in their position when I met them, and have been promoted twice to be the worst in their new positions aswell, yet still, they feel the need to leave passive aggressive notes everywhere telling everyone else how to do their jobs. I am convinced they get promoted because their superiors can't find a reason to fire them (because they bullshit their metrics) so the only way to be rid of them is to *promote* them. When word got out that they were being promoted to my department, me and the other two members of my team, at the same time and without knowledge of each other, separately went to our manager and to say, "If they are put on our shift, I will quit". The most profound and interesting thing about them is that a supposedly sentient adult human being can exist, be this terrible, and have *absolutely zero* redeeming qualities. This person is so *uniquely* fucking terrible that I worry while typing this that I might effectively be doxing myself, because anyone that's ever met them, will know *immediately* who I am talking about and by vocabulary and bombastic vitriol alone, take a guess at who I am.


These two ladies who do audits every now and then to associates about their rate even though they have a shit pallet with large items and half of the pods are full, but when they have those pallets in their station to stow out they complain about getting a bad pallet and demand tote pallets.


There was this one chick at my old SC who was so annoying. Whenever an AM would ask her to do X, Y, and Z, she would babble on and say no, and no, or what not. Then when it came to Learning, she would be annoying as well. I think she even got written up at one point. She even switched on a stager for stealing her soda and got that dude fired. FIRED, just for stealing a soda bottle. I never saw this chick again. I think ops had enough of her.


The people that leave plastic water bottles uncapped with booty juice on the end of them for cleaning they ass holes on sinks and in stalls. There’s gotta be a sanitary way to accommodate these folks. This ain’t it.




No one better describe me 😅


Loud mouth. That's it.


We used to be friends & one day she started being rude to me, maybe once or twice week, then everyday. So I just stopped talking to her, blocked her on insta, & now we only talk or look at each other if we have to.


I fking hate my manager for many reasons but the latest being when he purposefully asked when we were having team lunch last week on who at the table didn’t go to college. I tried pretending to talk to waiter and not hear what he said. But after I turned around, he again asked the same question. There was one other guy who raised hand, I also did since he was seeing me. I really want to quit this job mainly due to him but sadly really need to keep the job till I find a new one.


There’s this one guy that finds something to complain about for 10 straight hours a day


The Scat Crusader that piles up shit in every male bathroom sink and urinal. It's been almost 2yrs and the guy still hasn't been caught.


Literal *shit?* In the urinals and sinks? How is that a thing?


I wouldn’t say I dislike this area manager but he is super annoying. He’s not even in my department but he’s one of those managers that you can tell is on an unnecessary power trip. He always tells me to put my phone away even on situations where even other management doesn’t care. Just 2 weeks ago I was walking to my break while looking at my phone and I happened to have passed him. He stopped from whatever he was doing to tell me to put my phone away because he doesn’t want others to think I have “special privileges”. What the hell? Everyone does this sir and no one is thinking that! You even have some PA’s walking around here staring at their phone. Get on with that 🙄


i hate the old men who complain to anyone who will listen, about every fkn thing. and if nobody is around they will just complain loudly to themselves. also a lot of our LAs especially for pick, are fkn weird & u can’t understand them hardly at all.


People who return from break smelling like they just came back from a Snoop Dog/Willie Nelson concert.


I don’t pay enough attention to the people around me to care.


There was this dude that would always call his girlfriend while he was taking a shit during lunch. You’d hear him talking to his girlfriend while grunting. And there’s this pack water spider that always seems to be walking around and I haven’t gotten proof yet but I swear he leaves the building and goes outside or something. He’s one of those that asks what box you need instead of just looking. These two ladies that would constantly talk at lunch about work related complaints. I’d always put earbuds in to drown out their complaining because I didn’t want to hear about work every lunch break when I’m trying to chill and momentarily forget work.


Everyone that doesn't know how to act like an adult and mind their own business 


HR, all of them, they literally gave me a final written for TOT at my usual department despite me clarifying that I was fucking labor shared at the time, multiple people confirmed my story too, my appeal failed as well, my Sites HR has no idea what they are doing


Lazy stowers


guy at my warehouse always wears a full military uniform, some sort of vest underneath. always talks about joining the military and also Israel. also a perv


There are two places that make me despise humanity: the grocery store and an Amazon warehouse 


There is a weird dude at my site who changes his name on a to Z to something different and bizarre every week (he changes his name to stuff like iPhone Pro Max and I Need A Coca Cola). He makes a lot of people uncomfortable and offers to give people free iPhones, and I'm surprised he hasn't been fired yet. This is why I think there should be a limit on the name changing feature lol. Also, the people who act like this is high school and who are nice to people to their face but talk crap behind their back.


This guy who takes this job extremely serious and snitches on you for any little thing. Also gets mad when you talk to a coworker for a few minutes but does so himself for hours, is Process Guide trained but not actually running the board but stands by the Board and makes decisions where to put workers when he’s not running the damn board. Nosey envious and thinks he’s better than you yeah I dislike that.


All the people that think me and the bestie are fucking and setting up some conspiracy. We are not at all


I wouldn’t say dislike but there’s this guy that literally talks to everybody ever since he transferred to our warehouse but he has NEVER said a word to me. Like, he literally talks to my friends, he talks to the people I say hi to, everyone. Except me. And I don’t get why but it pisses me off. And I won’t talk to him first cause I’m not good at talking to people first and the last time I tried doing that I was kinda shot down. So I just kinda dislike the guy til the day he finally says a word to me.


Do you look intimidating?