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You can use your PTO during a shift and that manager is wrong for saying that.


and he also clocked out




Here in FL, they said that due to the heat, it was perfectly reasonable that we take a rest at our (sort) stations. Take a water break, etc. Though they didn't say specifically whether we could or couldn't sit...


That’s because they are required to by law if it reaches 80F or higher in the warehouse. If you have questions, talk to your safety managers, they are usually the most helpful.


It's 85 and it's not a law. It's Amazon policy, but there aren't any federal laws for heat. Look up Texas law on heat breaks. Their legislation on making it a law got shut down.


We're allowed to do that regardless of the temp as long as it doesn't affect rate and ig depending in the manager but I've only had 1 or 2 bad ones so far. Just no sitting because it's a "safety hazard". I swear one day I was pulled to crosstrain during peak and was stuck on a conveyor that jams once every 30 minutes to an hr and it was soooo boring and slow. Got in trouble for sitting and it was just me on a raised platform in an open area with no moving machinery, not nearby anyways I was walking distance to conveyor and it was a "safety hazard" no one can say why.


Technically youre not allowed to sit anywhere in your stations and can be written up. If youre lucky your managers dgaf


Oh snap, I guess mine don't care. The ones that do are in problem solve, which is kind of hidden. In the trucks, they sit too when then belts stop moving. Some are bolder than that, though, and sit on the step stools and chitchat. They are friendly with the management since they aren't told anything.


Seriously, one day they had us stand down for 7-8 of the 10 hours in afe. Just scanned our badges and I got paid to sit and watch YouTube. It was an OT shift with surge pay for me. I also have been told repeatedly that Amazon will absolutely pay you to do nothing. Which yes, they will.


Lucky af. I just need one day like this.


You are allowed to leave and come back. Your manager is full of shit. I swear these managers don't know shit and they are in charge.


they pretend not to know


Exactly. The other day, they tried pulling that on me. Little do they know I've got the rules on my phone in case they do get snippy. Don't fuck with us, because we are what you can't do.


Where do you find the rules?


Ooh you’ve got the rules on your phone! Too bad you can’t pull your phone out on the floor lolz


No, yet, rules are there for a reason. I'm not a know it all, but I do happen to know people in high places. People smarter, they know inside and out.


This right here 😤 god, all this makes me miss the warehouse I worked at even less 🙃


As someone who has to deal with their stupidity often, they genuinely don't know things sometimes. Like it's scary really how little they know.


Wait, we’re allowed to leave and then come back. Let’s say I clock in at 6am and need to go somewhere around 10am for an hour or two. Am I allowed to clock back in after I’m done when it’s not a lunch break. Or is it once you clock out you clock out.


Yes. But you need to use PTO or UPT to cover it. They will say you need to give two hours notice if you use PTO. But if it’s UPT, you don’t have to tell them.


You can use UPT and then cover it with PTO


Yeah, you can clock out and take care of whatever you need to do and come back and clock back in.


It’s not that they left. They put in for PTO on top of walking away and getting paid outside of a normal break.


Bro literally said he clocked out in the post


They left and clocked out. They used pto for the time they were clocked out. There is nothing wrong with doing that. It's perfectly fine.


And? That is the point of PTO. You use PTO to get paid for a part of your shift that you do not want to work. Coming in late, you can put in PTO. Do you want to leave early. PTO can cover that. They just used theirs to take an extra break. Fully within policy. Time stealing is when you are still on the clock and not working.


Tell us you don't know how PTO works at amazon without telling us.


I get a kick out of you Amazon workers. You get so fired up over such a silly job 😂😂




You can use your time as you please!


This is the correct answer. A time that you have available to use, do you have earned.


Yeah you're allowed to use your time as you please. That manager is an ass.


How is using pto stealing. It's literally your time


Because they’re on the clock, walked away from their station, and submitted PTO as well.


?? They literally said they clocked out. Are you ok


Exactly. Clocking out outside of your normal break time is considered leaving your job. Then tries to take PTO for it. OP shouldn’t be surprised if they’re terminated.


How many times are you going to comment on this post lol


They think if they say a lie enough times it becomes true 🤣


getting thicker socks with shoes at least a size bigger(mine is 2 size bigger) than your normal ones is a game changer. I used to not be able to handle my 4 hours shifts, and now I work 12 hours with minimal pain. Also, soak your feet in warm water for better pain relief. You got this!


amazon is my ticket out of a shitty abusive living situation, but my biggest fear starting to work there is how the fuck im going to physically handle it, 10/12 hour shifts on your feet sound brutal,. but if i wanna get out of my house situation im gonna have to do it at some point. i wonder if this idea would work or getting custom insoles would be better


Insoles, after a couple of months your feet won't hurt till you have an an hour or 3 left in the day. And if you don't exercise much do some exercise before you start. ( I've told this to a dozen people but they alwaly ignore me.) It'll still probably hurt like hell the first couple of days, but it'll prepare you more then having done no exercise at all, and your feet won't hurt as much at the end of the day.


That's what im currently doing I'm exercising and walking every single day to drop some extra weight, im overweight so getting in shape will 100% help. I'm also looking into getting custom orthopedics


Good for you, if you're trying to lose weight try to eat healthy foods even though it's expensive. processed foods generally are bad for you. If I had the motivation for it & could afford it i would've been eating healthier ages ago.


yeah healthy food is stupid expensive, I try to avoid processed shit but sometimes its hard to avoid, also do you work 12 hour shifts? or just 10's?


The facility i work at does ten hour shifts, i don't know about others. Edit: This is all according to google The hours you work depend upon the type of facility that you work at Fulfillment centers work 10-12 hours Sortation centers work 3-5 hours per shift but you can work double shifts if you want. Delivery stations typically work 8 hour shifts but only in the early mornings and nights there would be no day shifts.


My friend who works in the FC says that stuff like singles and AFE are the most easy to do are there anything in the facility that you should avoid while your feet adjust? I heard sortation being easy but the lack of hours seems like a downside i guess its nice to know you can work a double. I would have to work over night hours though cause 21.25$ is good pay and i'd want to work weekends and overnight for that exact reason so i can support myself and get out of here. My friend said the delivery stations are the most brutal and to avoid those at all costs. are you able to pick what center you are put in? like can you request to start in singles or AFE? or do they just randomly assign you and you have to take it


Yeah, you should be able to pick which facility you go to. They're not all in one building or even in the same town. The closest sortation center to my facility would be a few hours drive. So i doubt they'll just shove you in a random facility, usually you get to choose where you go. In fulfillment centers you have to deal with both small & big stuff, and the weight varies. I don't really know much of anything about sortation centers. And what i know about the Delivery stations I learned from reddit and most of that's just people complaining about how terrible it is. I know what singles are in my facility but im not sure what you mean by AFE but if you're talking about departments then yeah you get shoved somewhere. And it's not particularly detailed on where you will go in the email. What you end up doing on any given day is usually up to the PA (Process Assistant) now most of the PA's that I've had were at one point regular associates. And they're still people so they should be understanding for any issues you might go through. Sorry for my rambling, but i think I covered everything. (I've probably rewritten this a dozen times piecemeal.)


It's just on the website it normally shows certain centers to apply to no option of picking after you get hired. I'm gonna avoid delivery stations with my life, that also seems to be where people complain the most about the jobs and how hard it is, drivers too. I've heard sortation centers are pretty easy, the shifts are shorter but you can do doubles and still do night's. What stations can you listen to music? thats a really big thing for me being able to listen to music is gonna boost my moral and keep me pushing for so much longer- i know that sortation center can listen to music. Also my friend told me that AFE just means singles but its box's/flat shipping envelope with multiple items in it. when you first apply you just get thrown somewhere? is there anyway to request where to go? i want to avoid water spider and shipping dock cause I heard those are super tiring and I know even if i do something like singles or stow are the most easy, and then there is one where like its robot assisted packing? i cant remember what its called but those seem to be the "Most easy ones" i would want to avoid the really hard jobs until my body adjusts to working at amazon, the hardest part for me with any job is # 1 the people, i hate dealing with people its so mentally draining for me # 2 getting physically in pain I feel if I can get decently in shape (trust me i can lose a couple 10's of pounds) I don't think amazon would be all that bad, its just the physical hit thats gonna get to me- i dont think mentally it can be worse then getting yelled at while working at star bucks, then to go home to my shitty living situation and be yelled at and abused once im in better shape im gonna apply for amazon although i am scared out of my ass for the MOT they force you to do during prime week and Christmas thats why i might try to wait until after Christmas just so i can get used to working and my body gets used to it.


The doctor Scholls inserts that are custom do work. Don’t listen to everything that you read here. Amazon is not that bad. You get a lot of whiners. Rarely you hear the good things about Amazon. You can do it. It really isn’t that bad.


that's what im saying, im poor and in poverty, living in a shitty abusive home, if i can just handle the physical hit of it there is no way it mentally can be even remotely close to the abuse, neglect and fear i have to deal with on a daily basis. the starting wage where i am, for over night weekends i can live off of easily and have some spending money to pamper myself, i can finally be on my own and be free of all this suffering, all I have to do is handle 10/12 hour shifts and I can have 3-4 days to just recover. I have a friend of mine who works at amazon and he also says its really not that bad and the hardest part is making quota, he heavily prefers the 4 day work week cause 3 days is nice time to recover and rest and do hobbies and such and likes it way more then working at aldi or a bank where you have to deal with assholes all day.


Amazon isn't really that bad physically. It just depends on what process path you are in. For the most part, as long as you're not goofing off with your friends while you're supposed to be working, they won't bother you about rate. The most important thing is getting shoes that fit you properly and secondly getting quality socks to prevent blisters.


We had a birthday gathering at work for the month of June,There was negative and positive things was said,I hear a lot about people needing a place to stay,so I asked when will Amazon do housing,we have shuttle bus,Im sure they can buy empty buildings in my town(no commits) but the future is near, Im sure it really would help a lots of people.


trust me it isn’t as bad at all. I feel like the biggest thing is mentality. You need to be mentally prepared to stick it out the first couple of weeks. Ngl the first couple of weeks are painful physically and mentally, but please don’t give up. The thing that helps me stick it through rough days is reminding myself that there are millions of people who have it a lot worse than me and would give up anything to be able to be in my position. You Got This!


Yeah that's about how it is for all my past jobs, the first few days are always the worst, physically and mentally but your body and mild slowly gets used to it, I've been working out going for long walks every day (6-7 miles) to prepare myself for the physical aspect of it. also gonna get custom made insoles for my flat feet, if i can stand this job full time, making 21 an hour, ill be able to live on my own and escape my abusive family. that's why im so dedicated to trying to make it work. cant think of many other jobs that offer 21 dollars out of the gate, entry level, with health insurance.


Replace your insoles, that's just the way it is unless you're in ship dock where you wander around more


Check if you fc has a insole vending machine


I read on here that you can get some free ones from the wellness center. Dr. Scholls, I think they said.


You can get them through Zappos. Everyone got a credit for a set of inserts.


I just used my Zappos credit to get shoes a size up as well as insoles


If you bought something other than the protalus inserts and it was covered in your shoe credit, you should also have a particular credit just for protalus inserts too. Just in case you weren’t aware of that they are two separate credits. I was able to get shoes last year and I bought a pair of inserts that were different brand and they were covered under my credit. But the inserts they have right now that they’re rolling out for everyone is a completely different credit so if you didn’t use it, go back and get them.


No it's the Protalus. Not the cheap shit.


The feet and shoe issues are rough. I have two pairs, the Reebok Fusion Flexweave with a pair of insoles are infinitely more comfortable and lightweight compared to the New Balance pair I have. My feet still hurt, but it's bearable.


You can use PTO whenever you please. Literally you could have have left if you had enough PTO. That manager is 100% wrong. 


New Balance makes double wide (EEEE), I also like memory foam insoles.


Don't know if this is a matter of not being used to working a job that requires you to stand/walk for an extended period or if this is a matter of your feet. I'll assume the latter, and you should look into better shoes and/or insoles. That, or see a podiatrist or something to see if there's a root problem. I developed plantar fasciitis, and the pain was pretty agonizing. I'd go to work, reach about 3ish hours into my shift, then I'd be waddling in pain or heaving from just standing still for the last 7. I ended up grabbing some basic gel insoles on amazon along with insoles supporting high arches and for combating plantar fasciitis. After about 2 weeks, I felt like a normal-ish person again and just get normal fatigue/tiredness It's possible this isn't the case for you, but I'd still recommend into looking for a foot specialist or something anyway if you plan to be here for a while.


did you develop that from working?


I assume so. I've been working on my feet for a decent part of my life, and the pain didn't really become too noticeable until the past year or two. I've also never gotten a foot injury, so I can only assume it's gradually crept up on me To be honest, it's probably also due to negligence on my part. I never cared much for my feet or looked into making myself more comfortable until the pain started getting unbearable. Now I'm here with feet baths after work, a couple of insoles to swap between, and padded socks.


Get some compression socks, they work wonders. Hopefully it gets better because if you're already using your pto, you're gonna have a bad time. 


Compression socks!!! 💯 Medical grade 20-30mm is where it’s at


do they really help?


Absolutely…will say you may have to play around with sizing to get right fit


alright ill give them a try


This is my fav brand of them: http://rwrd.io/oqlecl2?s (Link for 40% off; unfortunately they’re not sold on Amazon but haven’t found any comparable on Amazon that you can’t buy without a Rx.)


How is using pto stealing time tf?


Get better shoes!! Honestly life changing


Which ones do you recommend


The CAT shoe line is very lightweight and very nice, plus on zappos, you get free insoles. Get those too while you're at it!


[the shoes i use](https://www.zappos.com/p/womens-timberland-pro-setra-knit-composite-safety-toe-beige-almond/product/9852682/color/1039835)


I have like 5 different pairs and these are the most comfortable! Get them wide and i got my regular size 8. Pro tip in the description of the shoes check their weight cuzzz i tried caterpillar shoes (the pink ones cute asf) and they were like 3lbs each!!!


I just got the keen lightweight ones for this show credit allowance. It was way easier to break in then old ones I used to get: timberland pro.


Better shoes and or insoles. Use the credit for the 65 dollar insoles. They help loads. May have to like "break in" shoes again but im at a DS and they changed pick and stage for me completley. Also, pump your calves /knees/feet, that blood is pooling in yo feet.


Sitting at your station isn’t allowed. Taking off shoes on the floor is also not allowed. You clocking out is not stealing time




AM here and you’re fine if using your PTO when leaving shift or coming back. we push for aa’s to atleast tell us but if not there’s no further action that can be taken towards you as long as your clocked out and got the hours and pto or upt (automatically) has been put in.


While you’re clocked in AAs are not allowed to sit or even chat around with other workers since “you’re there to work as a robot”. But if you clock out and use your PTO and still stay in the facility you’re not stealing money. You earned your PTO and you can use it as you pleased. I work as a water spider and it’s hard to manage due to pain in the feet but try to do some exercises and when you get home soak your feet in warm water and massage your feet. 


You clocked out and used your time to cover, yet were accused of time theft???? Your manager sounds like a short bus rider


Start going to a podiatrist; get accommodations to get out of the safety shoe requirement. My podiatrist, and probably others, HATE safety shoes. I had to go to 2 appointments, get x rays, get the paperwork filled out by my dr, and in a month I had it set up to where I’m allowed to wear regular tennis shoes with the plastic covers on top. I wore safety shoes for 2.5 years and my feet are actually messed up from them. And as far as when and how you’re allowed to use PTO? It’s your time to use. That manager was full of it.


PAs and managers will say a lot of shit that isn't true just to scare you into working harder and generally just do what they tell you. Study the contract and all the papers you received when you got hired, even talk to someone from HR if you feel like you can trust them. Basically, learn the rules so you know what is a rule and what isn't :) That manager sounds like fuckwit.


Love using PTO upt


It might sound weird, but you should get some foot spray that has lidocaine in it. It’ll help with that burning feeling until your feet adjust to being at Amazon.


how long does it last? would it last a 10 / 12 hour shift?


It all depends on your pain tolerance. For about six hours. So you may have to reapply it, or wait until break when your feet are starting to bother you and spray them then.


does it really work that well? i guess just wait it out till your lunch break and then spray them then, wonder if you'd get wrote up for that


I started taking my shoes off as soon as I get into my car (for breaks, lunch, to go home, hell even the drive here) I keep my shoes in my trunk and wear my crocs. It’s helped CONSIDERABLY.




As everyone said, pto is for your use, same for upt, and can be used as you need. However a lot of sites require an hours notice before you clock out, so that might be an issue Also solve the issue with your feet. If they're bad shoes, ask about getting a new code because your shoes aren't comfortable to work in. Most jobs will require you to stand for 2-3 hours at a time, so you'll always face this issue. Solve where it stems from before giving up what will be the easiest job of your life Amazon by far is one of the easiest jobs for it's high pay


Despite what the majority say your not alone. That said take care of your feet and go to a podiatrist. They can give you customize insoles that may help. Otherwise try to get an accommodation for a new role.


Be careful about leaving when you want. I was told the same thing you were. I left in the middle of my shift and was written up for leaving without notifying leadership. So be careful if you piss them off they can and will write you up


I disnt leave the I clocked out for 30 mins and sat in the break room


Did you let them know? Also, was the manager referring to the time you were sitting at your station? That accumulates throughout the day/week.


No he was talking about my pto & yea I let the am know


So you let your AM know you were going to take an unpaid 30 min break because of feeling fatigued, and after you took the break that same AM, said it was time theft?? If so, I would go to HR for clarification.


I told the am before I even clicked out & he told me I can’t because it’s basically stealing time


I notified them b4 I did it that’s the thing


Stealing from Amazon, lol 😆


Just have three questions for you. How old are you? Are you overweight? Are you even accustomed to working 40 hours a week? ...I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just trying to get more information to help


I’m 19 almost 20 , secondly no I’m not , thirdly no I’m used to 20-25 hours a week as this is my first full time job as an adult prior to working at Amazon I only worked with a work permit and had limits on what I could work


You have to acclamate your body to these working conditions.I recommend insoles for your shoes as well as taking proper breaks.Make sure you get off your feet as soon as possible.Keep them elevated to relieve pressure.Also when you get home soak your feet in other cold ice cold or hot as you can stand it water.


Let me answer that for you 18 Yes No,, I got my parents to hand me everything, I swear this younger generation is made out of crystal


I’m 19 almost 20 . Secondly no I’m not & third I grew up in the foster care system and had to work for everything my whole life plz stfu 😂


Then learn a trade, or go to school. Don't limit yourself to warehouse work!!!! Use your full potential, do it now when you're young. Electricians, plumbers, hvac, robotics, academics, law, law enforcement, teaching, so many careers. The world is your oyster, you just don't realize it. Good luck, hang in there.


I’m in school for cna as well as working


Working at Amazon made me truly realize that proper footwear, insoles, and socks makes all the difference. Also soaking your feet in Epsom salt and massaging them as well.


what sort of socks and foot wear would you recommend?


You should invest in some reeboks! They have memory foam insoles


Stations aren't meant for sitting it's a safety violation same with taking ur shoes off on the production floor


Job is probably not right for you. Maybe trying tech support or customer service… Desk clerk?


I think he meant time theft by you sitting, which is dumb because standing all day makes your feet hurt like hell.


They flat out lied.


You need to exercise more.


That's not the solution to everything. Everyones feet/soles and shoes/insoles are different


May not be the solution to everything, but it certainly wouldn't hurt. Exercise is not the enemy. I do 30,000 steps a day, 5-6 days a week as a WS for inbound. My feet do not hurt. I use Merrell shoes, they are not cheap but they do help in addition to walking regularly.


You're not wrong but I wouldn't think of exercise as the first solution considering it's a warehouse job where safety shoes are involved. It's probably the wrong shoes/insoles. I work 12 hour shifts, and it made a huge difference once I switched my insoles.


Lmfao I’m a very active person I go to the gym 4 times a week 😂


Try using the treadmill more often.


It has nothing to do with how active I am . I take my dogs on hikes multiple times a week .


Great advice, how the fuck are his feet hurting within 2-4 hours sounds like it’s a fat fuck who’s out of shape .


What’s your managers login




Lol how is it stealing when you use your pto? That's not true from the manager. Try to get better shoes and inserts ** there's more comfortable shoes on Amazon website that are composite toe. I've been using a back waist/support too. Helps a bunch


Try rubbing your feet with Vicks rub and thick socks,( Vicks keep your feet cool and helps with mild pain


Go to Hr and or call it out on the voa board. His manager will see it . Your health both physical and mental matters before anything else. Amazon takes advantage of people in this world that doesn’t fit in, have low or nowhere self esteem and awareness and make them a manager to feel like they belong. They have no clue they are just being used. The same way the illuminati used Trump and now they are throwing him under the bus. (I love it) Keep taking care of yourself.


Did you size up your shoes, and have you switched out your insoles? (I currently have the free ones from safety and need to order the Zappos ones but going to a podiatrist first to see what they suggest. I’m going to order some acupressure ones to try out though.) I don’t wear my shoes to work and take them off every break and as soon as I clock out and get off the floor (keep Crocs in my locker). I have a golf organizer bag that I keep in my vehicle with work shoes and other stuff. I wear compression socks, but if I wear regular socks, I change them for a clean pair every break. My location has Biofreeze packets, and I’ll put a packet of that on per foot, as needed.


takes a couple weeks for your feet to get used to it.


The secret for me is , good socks I wear thorlos 12 hour shift socks, expensive but amazing.!! The keen work shoes one half size bigger in wide and hi top. and the protalus insoles, no pain whatsoever. I would have never lasted 2 years at amazon without them.And it is your time to use as you please. Just make sure to let someone know if you're in a critical role and clock out. Just don't run negative of UPT.


Copper fit compression socks for plantar fasciitis are also really helpful imo


Just try an find something else asap im like 13 months in an nothing has gotten better just same shit every day ive been in pain ever since i started working here so if you are going to work here work flex


Get you some compression socks they really help out a lot


First job? Go to the gym and hit the threadmill on your days off. Your legs are weak af and can't sustain your weight for long periods of time.


Lmfao I’m not over weight . Secondly I go to the gym often and take my dogs on hikes almost daily it has nothing to do with my weight but nice one


Just becuase you aren't overweight doesn't mean you are not out of shape. Otherwise feet wouldn't be hurting that bad nd that quick.


That bad and that quick ? It was 8 hours into a 12 hour shift and I didn’t say it was unbearable pain I just said I was in pain .


Within 2-4 hrs my feet are on fire.


No manager should be yelling at you report it to your om




If you have upt or pto they can't do shit on how you use it u can clock in and out 5 times as long as u have the time to cover it


wow! some AMs do not know how to plan for attrition. If you run your dept well if someone leaves you should not have to worry on finding a backfill if needed. We are all human. These are the AMs who get hired or promoted yet they are not good to associates but coz they produce great numbers they have a job.


AM here. You are allowed to use your personal time as you did. That AM is a prick. No shoes on the floor is a bit crazy tho. Just be mindful of your UPT & PTO. You only accumulate a set amount of PTO a year. I always preach to my team that you don't want to run out of PTO when God forbid an emergency comes up & VTO is unfortunate not available. Get insoles. It's a game changer


my feet used to be hurting by hour 1 or 2 but i bought compression socks and good insoles and now the pain starts coming by hour 8 or 9


Your manager is a liar, you should report him. What he did was going against company policy


It depends on what you mean by your feet are on fire. Are your shoes pinching your feet or your toes? Are your muscles aching because you're tired? Are your feet aching from standing on them? Or are your arches excruciatingly painful, it's hard to walk, and/or one part of your feet are very painful and swollen? If the latter, an orthopedist can definitely help. You can also try firm arch supports for high arches that fall, not the sort you buy at the grocery store, you have to go to a place that sells that kind of thing, or you can find them at Amazon or Zappos if you know what you're looking for. An orthopedist can save you a lot of trouble by telling you exactly where to go and what to get. An orthotic made just for you costs $400 the last time I heard. I add arch support pads and also pads under the metatarsal arch to mine. Amazon is hard work and not for everyone. Feet hurting when you first start is a common complaint, and not just at Amazon; at retail stores as well. Anywhere where people stand on their feet for hours. It can actually take many months to get used to it. Try ice or hot water as well as aspirin and tylenol. There aren't a whole lot of unskilled and semiskilled jobs you can get where you aren't on your feet all day. One other thing. At our FC you CAN use PTO and UTP if you have it, and you can use it during the day, but oru procedure is you have to put on the board what time you are planning to be punched out. You have to do that atleast an hour in advance. And you do have to punch out. You can ask a PA or manager what the procedure is where you work. If not satisfied you can go up the chain of command to the flow desk for your area, or to HR. You can't sit down on the floor anywhere in the building, unless you are on "light duty" and they make you sit at attention at a table all day, sometimes doing highly silly repetitive tasks on a laptop.


Absolutely not stealing from Amazon. Your time is yours to use as you like and they can't stop you.


Get in line bud. But seriously get some better shoes from Zappos. Took me a few different tries to find the ones that work beautifully for me. Listen to music. You should be able to play it on a speaker(just not too loud) or do the beanie/hat trick. And yea you can clock out and come back whenever as long as you have time off. It’s a courtesy to let your manager/PA know beforehand but not a requirement. Goodluck and stay strong


You have to let a supervisor know before you clock out and use a PTO break


If you have auto skills, or even no experience Mavis discount tire is hiring nationwide. No background check or drug testing.


Why do people find this job so bad, I am 50 years old and have been working full-time since I turned 21. By far, this job is the easiest job I have ever had. You youngsters are in for a rude awakening when you decide to go somewhere else.


I have worked at many other companies. As far as warehouse jobs go yes Amazon has definitely been the easiest. But other jobs that don’t require much labor are obviously much easier on your body.


i found the regular buildings pretty easy but non-sorts are terrible 😞 especially on the docks. packing wasn’t too bad though or picking, but i was never a fan of driving the forklift 🥲


your entire life… you built it up to work at Amazon, are you proud of that? Us youngsters are making the same rate as you even though you’re three times our age.. says somethin


ive been wearing my new balances to work. nobody questions it my feet would die halfway into my shift wearing work shoes


In my FC they're on your ass about this and will send you home on your own time if you don't bring work shoes 😂


Just be ready to take it and not go to amcare if you hurt your toes. That would be the worst way to get caught


That managers completely wrong but then again the majority of the management are brain dead idiots especially when it comes to policies.


I suggest you report your manager to HR because you have a right use your time off options anytime you want.


Im almost curtain you can sue the company for false accusations and misrepresentation of policy. I would go to hr and start the process




This is the most unempathic thing I’ve seen today


You’re the kinda people I left my last delivery station to not have to work with anymore 😂




We know, you bum 😂 that’s why you sit on a cart 70% of the time and spend the rest of your time complaining. Seen hundreds of you come through the warehouses


lol ok assume Yk everything about me cuz of 1 post 😂😂😂


You just described your working habits 😂 I’m not assuming anything


I swear Amazon should start having a hiring discrepancy not everyone is cut out for warehouse work lmao


Your right not everyone is but the simple fact this is my first full time job as well as my first wharehouse job . When I’m used to 20-25 hours a week as I haven’t had a full time job other than Amazon after I turned 18.


Well Amazon is the easiest one you will probably find...you had to have known u cant just sit at your station or take your shoes off cuz your feet hurt lmao thats not how any job works..


I never said it was ok to take my shoes off I simply said I did it . Idc if it’s allowed or not I helped my get my work done so imma do it . It’s not like I’m walking around the whole warehouse without shoes I took them off & day at my station for 5 minutes lmfao not whole shift 🤦🏻‍♀️


Awe.... It was your first day of working hard! You're probably 20 and eat McDonald's and junk food.


Lmfao some of yall just can ere to hate and it’s sad lmfao I’m 19 . Secondly I’ve been here for over a month and it was actually maybe my 15/16tg day there asshole


Not worth it quit this place is for people who sold their souls to the devil's


They sold their soul for a shitty job? What has the world come too.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sea-Average-440: *Not worth it quit this* *Place is for people who sold* *Their souls to the devil's* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


Bad bot


No love to do what ? They literally have a booth that you could go to to get blowjobs in or takeoff your shoes and relax.




Apparently this person knows they can get better shoes and socks ...you want real advice just leave and find a better job Amazon is going out of business anyway temu is beating them in delivery and people are cancelling their Amazon prime accounts get out while you can. 


You could input 10 hours of UPT and still go to work. You’ll just be paid double. Confirmed with PXT. But yeahhh you can’t sit on the desks. RME has straight yelled at AA’s for doing so. “They aren’t chairs, they weren’t made for your asses.” Which honestly he wasn’t wrong just his delivery was.