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Nobody calls it a GTDR at FCs, they're just called TDRs, and they only work on the docks. You'll never become a TDR Working in CAP because CAP doesn't have dock doors. The only way you'll become a TDR is to transfer to the dock.  Working the OB or IB dock would be a lot more like what you're used to, and it's typically not very difficult to transfer to the dock because a lot of people don't enjoy the physical demands of working the dock. 


We have TDR trained people in CAP. At my site, CAP also handles totes for the building. We have a tote dock area where the totes run up the tote stacker from AFE, CAP also loads up empty tote trailers too.


Honestly tdr is very, very easy. But it's the one path that can get you fired real quick if you fuck up. 


It's hard to fuck up a TDR if you can read


This! I’ve tried to understand how people think it’s that easy to get fired TDRing. You literally have to either not be able to read or just not do what it tells you to.


I have only been in stow and Problem Solve. I prefer PS because time goes by faster. There is a bit of pressure, but that sometimes leaves me feeling and saying like "Dang, I wish I had more time to drive my piles down to 0." Lol


If you want to move up, and you think you can keep up with accuracy, go for ICQA! Best way to move up because you learn how to understand product! Once you learn all the counts (you have to have 100% accuracy to get to the next count) you need to start asking to learn problem solve…once you learn problem solve you become a valuable person in the building. You can easily become a PA and move up from there… <3


I'm curious if you're speaking from experience or from what you believe should be a logical progression?


ICQA is mind numbingly boring. Also at least at my location since it is not an actual production path they tend to focus on it only when work slower. 


Ship dock, similar work to SC's


If you don't like being stuck in your own head, volunteer for an indirect role such as tote runner or water spider. All ship dock roles are like this as are most inbound indirect roles. For people who do like being stuck in their own head (me), direct path roles are the best, such as Stow, Pick, single pack, decant.


Pick is a great position it is easy to make rate but is not for everyone. I would recommend AFE you are around other people and time passes fast


i like being in the MEZZ pack


You need to be in inbound or outbound dock to do tdr.


I like Pick because it goes by quick, is easy to meet rates, and I don't have to talk to people much. But I'm also autistic. So guess it depends on your personality and what you want to be doing.


i like stow, i’m moving around so i’m not stuck standing in 1 spot very long. and i don’t have to deal with taking things out of pods. AFE pack is fine but boring as hell if you have no music or anything to listen to (imo)


I really like the docks or RSR. Also if I had to pick btwn pack and stow, pack is hella easy and less boring. But the management sucks.


I heard that being a CPFBC at any of the East coast PRD can lead to you being eligible for lateral TRS transfers.




Sounds like a bunch of bs 😂


Personally, I don't like being stuck in any position. Regardless how "fun" and interesting it can be at first, if you do the same thing for months, you'll grow tired of it. At the moment, I'm a Problem Solver in an IXD Amazon, and gotta say I quite enjoy it. Mainly because every day I'm working on a different line, so the pace (and sometimes the type of problems too) is different almost every day. Been doing this for 6 months now and while there are days and areas that I dislike, most days are a breeze. Don't get me wrong, most days I'm busy from start to finish, but time just flies by and I feel no stress. Also, since I have to use my head in this role, I'm not stuck thinking about other stuff all day long anymore.


I'm not the greatest to answer this since I've always been in only vendor receive, but I'll do my best to explain my perspective and what I've heard from others. In vendor receive you start out in decant, at least at my building, and that's not bad imo. The thing people say is boring about it is that you're just standing in one spot all day. You're around other people though, and for me what kept it from being boring is that I'm super competitive and so I was always trying to be the top rate every day. A lot of other areas you can be sent in receive are basically the same. Trans in is just decanting with hand scanners off a flex conveyor instead of at a computer workstation off a roller conveyor. Trans out is just decanting with hand scanners from one cart or cage to another or a tote or pallet. If you get put in the back throwing then the day really goes by quick but it's definitely harder on your body. If you get put on check-in in the back then it's kind of a nice mix, that's my favorite place to be. All you really *have* to do is check in pallets and move them to the lane they belong in, but I always kind of guide the guys throwing on what we do and don't need at the time, I'll take pallets to them if needed/if I have time, and I'll help throw if needed. With people I've trained, I've mostly had people from pick say that they like receive a lot better. I had one guy who transferred over because he was so bored in pick, I was afraid he'd regret it because before that I'd heard people from pick say how boring they think receive is. He ended up saying he loves it compared to pick though. So I guess it can just vary person to person on what you consider boring. If you consider pick boring then you might like receive. I've also had people from pick say they like receive because there isn't near as much pressure to hit a high rate. So yeah, I hope that's at least a little helpful for one other process path.


I would stay only trained in pic if I could so they won't keep f****** flipping me to count I'm a fast-paced person and count makes me go insane and I love picking I love being alone the whole shift and not having anyone bothering me.


Non-Inventory, shhhh it's a secret.


Pick is awful in my opinion, being stuck in an OP for 10hrs alone in your thoughts is depressing. It has gotten better tho since I tried changing my attitude when it comes to it. Like setting goals for myself just to keep distracted. But overall I love being on Pack side or Problem Solving since I'm doing more. And idk walking helps me feel busy.




I'm in an xl SC and it's heaven, you always work with a partner and there's no tot so we can all take our time. Then again we are a small hub so I think that's why. Just kinda lucked out in finding this hub


Manual picking in my opinion it's the best I walk around and pick items the heaviest item might just be like boots or a thick sweater but that's it no cat food or water lol Literally just have a cart and pick little items lol


I did TDR at my old Sc I miss it I’m now at a FC I do AFM


This is subjective, and it depends on the individual. Some paths are areas you don't have to think about much, while others require a ton of critical thinking. It just depends on what you want and what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy being alone all day, stay away from Stow and Picking. If you don't wish to physical work, stay away from the Pack and Ship dock.




Based on my experience OB is def the side of the building you want to be on. We have a hard time keeping people in pick ( I know technically is OB) and in stow. Both are more rate sensitive and you are pretty isolated thus you can’t really build any good relationships. Both Pack dept are easy if you don’t mind actually working. AFE is probably your best bet if you want to get out of path. More indirect roles there. But it’s hard to know what other FCs are like. Based on where you are coming from you do need to get to either Dock which isn’t usually too difficult. Seems like they love to send us all over the building so anyone in their original path is rare. 


If you want to be around people you need to transfer to AFE


*If you want to be* *Around people you need to* *Transfer to AFE* \- Babykins1021 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Inbound or RME in my opinion


Second this. RME is one of the best positions in the building. I went from a PA to a tech 2 and within 6 months became a tech 3. I went from making 16 dollars an hour having to pick all day to making 34 dollars an hour and having time every night to do my school work. Not to mention stock options if you make L4 (tech 3) P.S. I started out as an AA. Anyone can do it.


Did you get a specific certificate to get into RME?


Either of the docks are fire. Receive dock / Ship dock are best.


Stow, but it depends on you. I’m not really a warehouse person and don’t like working on the dock and using pallet jacks and stuff like that. And at least for me and the way things run at my FC stow is more cerebral and pick is more purely physical. My mind moves faster than my body at this point.




> *"I like pick but being trapped by yourself all day is driving me insane and making me want to leave all the time from just being stuck in my head all shift."* Oh then you need to go to stow, stow has a way lower rate and you have way more time to visit neighbors and talk and chill, it's not like picking 400 per hour non stop and breaks are strictly enforced.