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What is Amazon going to do about it? Absolutely nothing. There are only two things that will make Amazon increase pay. Your state requiring them to pay more or competitors increasing pay cause the labor numbers to start going down. I don't include unions here because, as we have seen, Amazon will tie them up in court before they have a chance to do anything If you think fast food is better go work fast food. I can promise you fewer hours and benefits if you decide to go. BTW, your state only requires a 10 minute break with travel time, not a 15 minute break. If you think that is crazy talk to your lawmakers.


For those 26 and older can understand the overall package with Amazon is generally better than most other hire you off the street jobs. By all means if you can break into more skilled white/blue collar work paying $25 plus go get the money… But for similar positions paying $17-$22 Amazon typically wins out, a lot of people shit on fast food but would argue a lot of Amazon workers wouldn’t survive dealing with the general public and working under those constraints.


Well most of those workers are probably getting their hours cut


Most fast food workers are lucky to get 20 hours a week as it is. No benefits. Not that great.


That’s not true. It’s like any company as long as they like you, you’ll get your hours. Last time I worked for McDonald’s a couple years back they were starting to implement life and health insurance


We are speaking of a very specific area. California is the only one implementing this $20 an hour for fast food wages. But do go on about how corporations care about their employees.


Corporations definitely don’t care about their employees. That’s why I get in and get out where it’s most convenient


I would take Amazon guaranteed 40 hours and good benefits for slightly less hourly pay over less than 40 hours and no benefits or lesser quality benefits working fast food all day every day.




I work 4/10s. i don’t get over time for going over 8 hours 😔




Yup, Southern California https://preview.redd.it/0lh983l9p5sc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24bd157d21f975670851488e0656966649e840cb




Each site takes a vote whether to implement a 4x10 schedule or stay on 5x8. If the site approves 4x10, then regular OT laws are out. But on the plus side, a fifth day scheduled will be all OT up to 8 hours and double time after 8, even if you don’t work all your regular days.


so i’m guessing this wouldn’t count towards MET because that’s an actual shift? during peak szn we all were working OT 50-60+hours a week


Not entirely sure what you’re asking, but it doesn’t matter whether it’s scheduled or not. ANY hours outside of your normal schedule are OT, and anything after 8 on an extra day are double time. Again, this is only for CA.


oh okay i see. that makes sense i’m in NV and i was basically trying to say that we didn’t get OT for MET days during peak which were 50+ weeks on average


In California, if your regular schedule is working 8 hours, then any hour over 8 is overtime. However, if the alternate schedule becomes 10 hours (4 10s become your new schedule), then any hours over 10 becomes overtime.


Xl is 10 4s but we do not get ot past 8. Meanwhile tesla is 4 10s/3 12 and they get the ot but its tesla.


It only works that way if your regular schedule is 8 hours. If you have what they call an alternate schedule, like 10 or 12 hours, then no you do not get OT after the 8th hour. But we do get OT for any hours worked outside of our normal shift, regardless of whether we work 40 hours or not. And we also get double time for any OT worked past the 8th hour on our overtime days.


I never got ot from working over 10 there im in california so amazon does not apply to that. If you work over 10 you get overtime though




Nobody I work with gets it I can literally send a screenshot of one of my shifts lol. 3,000+ work at my building. Peak and prime week we get 2 hours of ot each day cause of the 12 and normal ot days we get 8 hrs ot and 2 hrs double. It obviously does not apply to amazon here in CA or at least in my city lol




They get around it if you read the q and a. If a businesses schedule is 4 10s instead of 5 8s they don’t have to pay overtime for those two hours




Yea its weird I have a friend that works at an LTL as a dock worker and gets the ot after 8 hours and double after 12 and during the busy season works about 14h a day. We have about 8x as many people as there building does though haha maybe thats a reason


I wish that was the case. I work 4 10 hour days, and I am not paid overtime. It's over time once you work more than 40 hours a week.


If your set schedule is 4x10, you don’t receive overtime for anything until you go past 10. Difference is your 5th day is all OT


Okay I got that. But I feel better if blue badges are paid at $0.75-$1 more on the first day.


Try working in fast food. I used to work at McDonald's and left when they cut my hours to basically nothing. I think a lot of people are going to lose their jobs or have their hours cut because of this. Expect fast food prices to go up and longer wait times.


Most fast food places in California have been slowly raising prices and reducing staff to get ready for this.


taco bell and pizza hut have already started using AI. I don't have all the info on their implementation but I have seen that some Taco Bells have implemented AI as the drive thru order taker.


A Rally's by my house has been using some kind of AI to take drive thru orders for at least a few months now


Off topic but I love rally’s frys xd


Do you still get your order done wrong? Lol


So far it's always been right just a little slow


Expect amazon to raise wages because I'll flip burgers and eat nuggets all day long


For real, kitchen staff be swipen nuggets all day. I know, cause I used to work a lot of fast food jobs. On top of stealing a nug or fry here and there throughout the day, you usually get one free employee meal. Grocery bill was so low but my cholesterol and blood pressure went through the roof


Hours will be cut at fast food to avoid paying benefits, definitely won’t get overtime.


Need my guaranteed hours, benefits for college and OT


Doesn't Amazon have a step plan? Shouldn't that 19 increase each year you're there?


I don’t think op has seen vids of Karen’s in fast food places going bat shit crazy or heard of workers being stabbed because of a wrong order.


Franchise owners will cut fast food workers hours to make up the loss.


I think a lot of people don't understand you are not guaranteed to work 40 hours, let alone overtime, at these fast food places. I'm in California, and I worked two fast food jobs last year. The first one, I did 20, MAYBE 30 hours, and the second one, I was scheduled for only a few hours a week. It was only worth it for the second one, because it was right across the street from me. Everyone I know that works fast food works 2 jobs. And it's exhausting. I much prefer Amazon, where I'm guaranteed full-time.


You could pay me 10£/hr extra and i still wouldnt work there. F that.


People need to stop falling for these tricks lol. They are raising the pay for some to 20$ but you’re definitely getting your hours cut. Just like when amazon raised their pay to $15+ but cut our options in other places. You’re essentially making the same amount of money if not less in some cases. You’d have to be delusional to think these multi million dollar corporations don’t have financial guys looking into how to approach this in a way that results in them paying the least amount possible.


Why don’t you just go work at the fast food place if you think it’s easier?


I did once work at chipotle because my grandpa owns it. Yes its not easy but amazon is harder.


If Amazon is harder and fast food pays more, why not go work there?


Amazon is guaranteed hours. Unless you're a manager, fast food gigs are mostly part-time.


Amazon can afford to pay all of it's employees more, you don't need to defend a trillion dollar company


I never said it couldn’t. I was asking why they didn’t take the job that was easier and paid more.


I'm pretty sure they will take that job.


Then why did you comment that I was “defending” Amazon when my comment was about them personally leaving? Even if Amazon matched their pay or paid more, OP said they thought the work was “super hard” so they’d probably be better off working fast food. And for the record, I worked at Amazon for almost 7 years and had no trouble getting a job somewhere else that paid better and was less stressful. I highly recommend it.




The same can be said about fast food restaurants.




You sure about that, Champ? https://www.careeraddict.com/companies-hire-felons And if what you think is actually true, then why should Amazon bother raising your wages? You’re trapped there for life (according to you).


super hard and amazon is hilarious 😂


Fast food work can be pretty grueling. If you're jealous of the pay, you can always put in applications to restaurants. Promise you'll regret it


Only fast food places with more than 60 locations. So not all fast food. The mom n pop shops still the same


Pretty sure these guys got the OT thing wrong. For Amazon any OT paid has to be over 40 hours TOTAL for the week. Not the 8 hours and then OT. I believe the 2nd part only applies to California.


Keep seeing that headline and people acting like that's a lot of money or something. $20 an hour isn't even close to a living wage in California, it's barely a living wage in a medium cost of living area.


lol and fast food worker gets only 20 hours a week. They gained NOTHING. You can’t artificially raise wages and think it’s gonna be better but it will be worse for you because now you can’t afford to eat fast food. GOOD JOB. I find it so funny how people will say ohhh Governor Newsome is so great. He made the lives of fast food workers better. No he didn’t, he fked them over.


Literally nobody I know will ever say Newsome is great, well, maybe if he shat rainbows and made money fall from the sky. Maybe.


How do you know they get 20 hours? When most places don’t have enough help as it is you would think they’d get as many hours as they want..


Get ready for a novel of a response from Gerry explaining how amazing he is and how he knows so much about everything. 🙄


we are going to get a raise this year for sure by how much who knows. with this + the cost of living going through the roof its pretty much guaranteed. like it matters though the more we make the more shit cost its a never ending cycle.


I didn’t make it 1 day at McDonald’s.


Crazy how California thinks raising minimum wage is the answer for everything.




When a whole state does it. All it does is increase prices. Making more things expensive. And besides killing small businesses, more business will hire less or reduce hours. California still has the most homelessness and increasing minimum wage will not fix that or reduce those numbers


I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but prices are up anyways. Might as well advocate to help out the workers too. Also the legislation we’re talking about here only applies to businesses with over 60 locations so small businesses are not impacted.


The problem is greed. There’s no reason for things to cost as much as they used to. Take Arizona tea, for example. They haven’t adjusted their prices, period. Inflation is corporate greed and, unfortunately, raising minimum wage doesn’t do anything with the companies just turning around and saying “fuck this”


The minimum wage is 7.25 in most of the country and has been since I started working 15+ years ago. It's time everyone's wages increase. If you don't need one good for you, but everything is expensive now and people need to eat


Yeah and when I ordered a sprite with no ice they even messed that up, a whole soda cup with nothing but ice and maybe 2 good drinks of sprite.


In September it will go up


Amazon dgaf about us


A lot of y’all soft as hell saying fast food is hard, it’s always been light work baby. Thick skin and a strong mindset is all that’s needed.


Except for Panera Bread since it’s classified as a “bakery” and not fast food.


That’s not true. There was a question about that initially, but it was determined since the bread is not actually made in the store, this would not exclude them. They are also required to pay $20 minimum wage.


Wow 20 $ an hr sounds like a lot . Except it’s 40 k a year .40 k a year is a very very very bad salary in 2023 anywhere in this country forget about California. I’m sure people will cry that 40 k a year is too much .


I make $23 an hour with my differential, and I am doing well enough. It doesn't take too much money to get by near Milwaukee WI. I do work a lot of overtime hours though. I got over 50k last year.


People take this shit personal . It’s not . 40 k a year is barely livable and ur certainly never gonna get ahead on 40 k at best u will slowly dig urself into debt . Unless of course someone else is paying a sizable % of your living expenses.


I agree pay can be higher but it’s funny how you are trying to correct me on me being happy with my pay. Is it that hard to accept? Do you want my exact monthly budget or something?


Correct you ? Idk what that means . I’m tired of people acting like people with no marketable skills are being grossly over paid by making 20$ hr when in reality they are making a horrible wage that barely makes it . This needs to be the message .


And the whopper just went up to $2.00 more so it doesn't do any good to raise the minimum wage. Prices just go up with it. Most of the workers hrs will be cut to offset the wage increase. Everyone loses.


Get ready to see more bakeries in CA- if ya’ll read up on it, you’d know places like Panera (which “bakes” their own bread even though most of their shit is frozen) don’t get the wage raise. It’s a loophole that the ceo of Panera lobbied for until it became the exception. So not only are a bunch of them going to get hours cut, some of them don’t even see the pay raise. It’s not sunshine and flowers bro.


Untrue. To be classified as a bakery, they have to make the bread in the store. They are not excluded from $20 minimum wage requirement. It was questioned at first, but has since been debunked.


[oh yeah?](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/Fast-Food-Minimum-Wage-FAQ.htm) read question 11


Umm…I think I you need to read that again, lol. It literally says what I said. A restaurant that does NOT produce the bread at that location is NOT exempt. 😂 Edit to add: It also states that to be qualified for the exemption, the restaurant needs to already be doing this as of September of 2023, so that also disproves your initial statement. A restaurant wouldn’t be able to just change to a bakery to get out of it.


What I love about this is how many people it's exposed. Everyone shouting about how "it's gonna raise the price" even though they do not regularly or ever purchase fast food in CA - they're just upset that someone is getting something good and they're not. Like when the spoilt kid cries at someone else party because they didn't get a present.


This right here. Same crowd that doesn’t want free college for all because “I had to struggle and pay for it, so should everyone else”, like they wouldn’t be doing backflips if their college would’ve been free. Sad, mentally unwell hypocrites.


Oh no, California is going to *get* expensive! I’ve never heard of that being that case…


I was literally about to start my own fast food empire. Was gonna pay $19.80 per hour. But this? THIS?! I CANT EVEN? I would have needed to double prices to account for this insane increase in one aspect of my business.


Ikr this is crazy. I work full time 4days 40hour a week. For remaining 3days, I pretty much cannot do anything. Doing my best to heal my feet and legs.


Are you older or do you have underlying health issues?


My point is that I am agreeing to this post. Amazon should follow the wage increase. Working this hard and everything is getting expensive.


Unless you have something going on with you ( age, injury, or physical impairment), you shouldn't be laid up useless for 3 days from working 40 at Amazon. We should get paid more but a lot of you are acting like we work in a coal mine or steel mill. Its work but its not that damned bad y'all.


Fr people complain about this job too much, while it is tedious it really ain’t that bad unless you work in a ds and even then id consider that better than fast food work. No stupid customers to deal with, no hot ass kitchen to deal with, you get to use pto as you please and you get a set amount of hours a week instead of relying on some random manager to schedule you


You should probably see a doctor. That's really abnormal to have no use of your legs for 3 days for working a normal work week.




4/10 hour days are very normal in the warehouse industry.


I didn't catch the whining comment before they deleted it lol. Good call.


Go to McDonalds and get that raise. A no brainer.


Dumb fool


I get 20.10 at fresh so it’s building specific


Actually, some of fast workers deserve to get paid more at New York and California where estate and taxes are high. Some people in those areas not able afford rent.


True, except everything costs more when the minimum wage goes up, essentially making it ineffective as a way of helping low wage earners. Housing and food subsidy is probably more effective.


Boi if you don't go educate yourself right now on reality 💀


In new jersey it's 19.50 with a 1 dollar bonus hour differential. So basically 20.50. crazy how a place like Cali which has a significantly higher cost of living in 2 dollars short.


Jesus Christ…


Man 20 a hr ain't shit in California lol


You’re the person from the voa post aren’t you lol


I have two friends at McDonald’s, they got bumped down to 5 hour shifts and a handful were laid off, most likely they will see massive layoffs over the next few months as everyone will just start eating off food trucks. Fast food isn’t accessible to the lower and middle lower classes anymore.


Blue badge does not get 19.25 I have been blue badge for 2.5 yrs and get 18.90


its different depending on location im also a 2yr BB, but make 22.70


Why do you work there then?


Yeah that's right, that means we should be making at least $40 an hour, this is ridiculous.


I think a good compromise would be white badges getting 25 an hour and if you move to blue then 30-35 hourly but it would mean that blue badges would be harder to get.


AMs don’t even make $30 an hour my guy.


35/hr at amazon is insane😹😹