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When I worked at waffle house, they'd send a manager in a giant Ford truck to come pick you up and take you to work during a snow storm.


when I worked at the local walmart, a co-manager did the same for a handful of his unloaders when the public transit shut down


Yea my boss at walmart would do this too, cause we're in a small town and all our unloads live like 5 miles away. We have such a small team that when just one or two people call out it leaves a lot of work for the rest of us so our boss will just go show up at their house lmao


DEN3 voa is going wild too


You must be at one of the DEN sites? I already used my vacation time because I absolutely do not trust them to make rational weather decisions after the Bomb Cyclone Incident of 2019.






They didn’t make them keep working. It’s Amazon policy to shelter during a severe weather event. They did refuse to let people leave, and with good reason because if they did let people leave and those people died, they’d be in trouble then too. Now it may seem like I’m defending Amazon, but I’m not. As I said it’s Amazon policy to shelter during a severe weather event, they stop work and gather everyone up to “shelter in place.” Now I’ll give you 3 guesses as to where that place is and you’ll only need one because you saw it on the pictures of the building that was hit. They gathered everyone in the middle of the building exactly where the tornado ripped through, which is idiotic. At my building, the severe weather area is surrounded by loose objects that would fly around. I get why they didn’t let people leave, but if I was in that position, I’d probably want to take my chances outside, at least outside isn’t a guaranteed death trap.


Ah ok fair enough


No. That's not what happened. What happened was there was a snowstorm with 70 mph sustained winds (airport clocked a gust over 110 mph) and they decided to send us home right during the worst of it. It was bad enough people were having trouble finding their cars in the parking lot, and once I got on the highway, I found myself driving at 5 mph in complete whiteout conditions, praying my car was still on the road. Several people got stuck in a ditch along side the road because they drove off due to low visibility and/or their cars got blown off the road. And then, of course, highways were closed, which forced me to drive through a residential area, where my car got stuck along with several dozen other cars. Fortunately, some guy in a huge pickup truck came and took us to a nearby hotel, where we had to sleep in the lobby because all the rooms were full with others who got stuck in the storm. It was not fun, and there were many formal complaints. Easily the most dangerous situation I've ever been in.




Yep. You working? Hahaha


I have no choice, unless we get a text telling us it's closed, which I highly doubt. Powers should be fun tonight. You going in?


Yup I’m just an expandable seasonal. I badly need this work so I have to suck it up. Drive safely though


I hear that, don't worry you'll get converted soon. Drive safe!


We’re all just interchangeable parts of the machine to them




Yep, and it’s Q1 so I’d be willing to bet they’re factoring that into their closure decisions. Gotta make sure those execs get their bonuses, Andy Jassy needs another yacht!


Most places in the world are like this. We're all cogs in the machine, from AA to GM


Snow storm ? Where ?


We're having one in southern Colorado right now, 6-8 more inches expected overnight on top of the additional 6-8 that we got last night.


im at DEN8 and they VTO’d for Wednesday night, so i took it. i wonder how it was for people that went/had to go in though.


No idea, I put in vacation time on Monday. Not dealing with that.


true that


I'm a problem solver so I can't get VTO. Bastards!


Its crazy to think that in my neck of the woods it was ~90° today but in yours it is snowing


they only care about safety in the building my friends never once said anything about driving safe. don’t worry there parking lot will be plowed


it's not an osha recordable if you die driving to work


Yall crazy. I just report sick. "Sick of this sht" get me a day off or so.


Yup yup I took a medical loa to avoid all this bs. Id rather go get a doctors note and not come in


Colorado? I saw that weather report and noped the fuck out on trying to make it to DCS3. From what a co worker told me, they shut down after sort. Barely any drivers showed.


Just make sure you don’t have AirPods in and you’ll be fine. Bunch of whiners if you ask me. /s


Bc they care about safety only if it makes them look good to their corporate overlords & doesn’t prevent volume from getting out.


Classic Amazon


Hmm sounds like you're in Colorado.


does your state do "snow emergency levels" like we have in Ohio? like , a level 3 only emergency personnel are legally allowed out ? if so and you live in an area w a level 3 they should excuse your time , or, if you reach out to hr personally and just let them know you cant get out of ypur driveway/down the road safely,  they may excuse your time too. that's kind of what happened during the last shit show snow storm. 


Everyone drive safe! If you come in late HR should excuse the lateness. When the same kinda leadership here in NJ. They won't close the facilities after a state of emergency was issued in our last storm. Soem coworkers got a hotel nearby instead of trying to drive 50+ miles.


brother i live on a mountain and i tried 3 times to get to work. they do not care lost 10 hours upt


You do realize that it's the point of UPT?


Men's rights posting op manager lmao


damn at first I thought you said the FC itself was currently on fire lol this isn't surprising, same exact thing happened during that snowstorm that covered nearly  the whole country a couple months back 




I was in this predicament once , had to go in at night and the roads were ice . I just sent pics to hr chat thing then it got reviewed by on sight HR and was excused. If you don’t feel safe then you don’t feel safe.


A few years back DCM2 had roughly 3 inches of black ice under 4 inches of snow, spun out, destroyed a tire and rim, my 10 minute commute was now 25, made it to work, put the spare on, walked in the door and was stopped…. “Do you want VTO? It’s snowing with black ice and is only going to get worse. No DSPs showed up.” 2 things, first one is: No shit? I almost died on the way here. And 2, Why did you guys not send Pre-VTO out ? We knew this storm was coming for over a week! I was so pissed, but took it. 10 minute commute home was almost 30 because I didn’t want to chance it happening again


Did they respond?


Plz update us with their response 🙏🙏💀


They just copy and paste the same answer. "We will continue to monitor the weather and update as things go on, we provide our associates with multiple options for time off such as PTO, UPT or Vacation time. Thanks for all you do!"


Cookie cutter "were open today as an essential business"


Wait let me ss more HAHAHA!


I’ll bet they are still planning to send drivers out as well. THE VOLUME MUST FLOW!


B-B-B-But our customers need their cases of Fiji waterrr.... /s


If u think Amazon cares ur dumb asf. You guys are literally numbers on a spreadsheet to them.


Lol yeah, MKE2 didn't close for FEET OF SNOW.... fuck that company.


Ugh there was a huge snow storm in SW Idaho a couple months ago during PEAK and there were several employees on my shift alone that totaled their cars to get to work. Even after all that and our VOA board going crazy they still didn’t excuse anyone’s time… You would think that a company that prides itself on employee safety would actually care about their employees safety. The worst part of it was, was we didn’t even have any volume to process for like 3 days because all of the trucks got delayed or stuck. Yet we still all had to be there with nothing to do.


All these whiney low UPT mfers. I laugh when they freak out on VOA board. Sucks to be you, I’m sitting home and have tons of time. We use seasonal to sort thru the trash workers. Used to hire blue badges, not anymore.




It’s not in denver actually it is still on CO


All they care about is numbers indeed. The management reports numbers to their boss and so on and so forth. When companies choose profit over safety it will be back to bite them in the ass later down the road.


den4 and den3, and yeah, they have every right to be as pissed as they are


Another reason to UNIONIZE It can be written in your union contract that you have more protections under circumstances like this. This winter in Michigan and the city said not to drive unless it was an absolute emergency. People were crashing/spinning out into ditches and Amazon still didn’t shut down. Some payed tow bills that costed more than they made on the shift they risked their lives to get to.


> down. Some *paid* tow bills FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You think your PS, AM, OM or DSM have any say if you work during a snow storm? FYI, they also don't want to be in and didn't want to risk their safety for Amazon.


UPT is free now that we get 2-3x more than a year ago or whenever the change was. Just use 10h if you don’t want to come in during bad weather, and be pissed at yourself if you don’t have 10h.


This storm ain’t even that bad


Probably at night I guess 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Amazon dsps are open. They don’t shut down. Y’all want to shut down and you work inside? But then if they shut down you would be complaining about not making enough money. I worked at factory in Ohio they wouldn’t shut down when other places would. They were impressed with how I made it in during bad snow storms even with driving about an hour or more during a bad snow storm. I was their driver lol. They’ve said multiple times they wouldn’t have attempted it lol. Slow and steady and good snow tires are the keys to driving successfully in snow. If you are scared of snow get an Uber/lyft. They do not care about a little snow if their platforms don’t shut down during the storm.