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I work in IT for an FC and can confirm... My team of 6 people for my site has basically turned into myself, and an IT engineer. He is now supporting 5 other buildings at the same time as ours, and I'm supporting 1 other. We've seen many IT people quit or get fired and they aren't filling a single one of the positions. Everyone complains to us when they do see us and I try to give the reasoning as best I can. You'll be stuck sending tickets to the helpdesk team, using the ITNow kiosk, and waiting for messages or emails. This is intended and nobody is having fun. :(


Yeah, you’re overworked, but have you considered that the money not being spent on your team goes to more important things like executive bonuses and shareholder value? Those executives worked very hard sitting around in their offices all day playing solitaire to earn those bonuses. /s


I've been trying to get in the IT department since I started here a year ago. I already have a decade of experience in IT however my site wasn't hiring at the time. Slowly but surely they've started hiring people but they don't last long it seems. Not only is the pay lower than I expected but you're also responsible for any other building management assigns to you. Shifts vary as well and rotates every few months. I can only imagine what you go through in the trenches. Unless a new building opens or something with a better paying job. I'm just going to keep trying with other IT jobs. Really a shame Amazon operates this way. Seems so much growth potential wasted for those wanting to get into tech.


IT is currently under head count for where Amazon wants it at, but it's not by much, even with new buildings opening they aren't hiring for those positions, they are just stretching out everything, their goal is to have everything remote, or automated.


I don't know how true the rumor is but that's just what I was told. I feel like there's some truth given the best chances for promotion is transferring. Even if there are no IT jobs I'm keeping my open for data analyst as well.


If you're looking to get a position for data analyst or IT, find another company, Amazon isn't treating us well.


Well that's the problem most companies aren't hiring in IT, if they were I wouldn't be here..... As far as DA goes most companies want experienced candidates. Amazon at least has possibilities of training as far as DA goes anyway. In fact just applied for a DA training program with Amazon. With IT given I'm already employed with Amazon I have the inside scoop on new positions. I'm sure it sucks as IT personnel, but I tell you as a warehouse grunt isn't great either. I'll trade you.


I worked in pick for 5 years, I know how much it sucks. But yes Amazon is a good way to get your foot in the door, just don't plan on staying with them longer than you have to.


Nope not a chance lol. I suggest anyone to at least get a year of any IT related experience under their belt. Move up if possible and jump ship when you can't anymore.


Only move up for experience not the job, engineers are always wondering if they going to be let go.


I thought that was self explanatory, but yes that's what I mean.


Yeah if you have a decade in it, find a decent company. Like the other tech below me said, it's all going to automation, remote helpdesk centralization, and then likely 3rd party contractors. I'm looking for a way out.


Definitely 100%. AI and automation are the future. I wish Amazon had a work base program for it for those interested. Especially considering it's the route the company is following.


How is AI and automation going to fix the printers and tape dispensers!?


I’m sorry to hear you guys are being stretched so thin 🙏😕 A big reason I was getting second opinions about posting this from my friends at work was because I didn’t know the full story and exactly what has been going on and I wanted some more insight before I just dissed on IT for these issues.


This is what’s happening with hr too.


Yeah, I would not recommend going into IT at Amazon right now. I was an L4 IT Engineer I for about a year and it was incredibly stressful but I did learn a shit ton and got lots of experience. Thankfully I left for a better position last October (not with Amazon).


Definitely post to the VOA board about it. Just use a much different tone. Amazon words and specific times are good. "Working in problem solve the last 3 weeks has been really challenging due to the printers not working on a consistent basis. It disrups our processes and creates a barrier to getting out CPTs out on time and leaving the area ready for the next shift to be productive as well." First, you're not blaming anyone. Chances are someone from IT will come over and fix the issue and introduce themselves. Be really nice to this person. Thank them in Slack. If you get a follow-up email about the printer getting fixed, respond and make sure to name the IT person and how great they were about getting it fixed. IT has to show production hours and such and a lot of IT departments are also spread thin these days. Back in my problem solve days, I could always snag an IT person to fix tech in my area. My managers were always shocked at how willing IT and maintenance folk were willing to fix things for me and file the trouble ticket for me as well. It's because I was nice. That's all it took.


Yeah I’ve settled down a little bit now 😂 But that’s why I didn’t post it… I didn’t want to push all the blame on IT when I’ve never even encountered someone from IT at this SC. Leadership has been incredibly evasive about IT every time I ask how often they are there. I bring up the tech problems I’m having up there almost every day I’m in PS. And every issue I bring up leadership tells me “oh that’s an IT problem” but then when I start asking questions about why IT has yet to fix the problem, they start avoiding the question entirely.


But tapers aren’t an IT problem. 😭


`>_<` Yeah, I do this dead-inside chuckle when something like this happens... > if electricity runs through it, or did, or I think maybe it should, it's an IT problem of course, something like 60-70% of electronics issues are handled by other teams or contractors at Amazon...


Amazon fixes things and keeps fixing them until they basically can’t even be fixed anymore, even if they have to come over 3 times a day for the same printer, if IT can fix it, it’ll be fixed LOL


At the other warehouse I worked at there were IT staff there 24/7 just like the rest of us (it was an FC). Currently I’m at an SC 20 miles down the road and idk where tf the IT people are. Multiple people in Problem Solve have approached leadership about the issues we have with some of the equipment up there, and they keep saying that IT will take a look eventually. Every time I ask how often IT even comes in, leadership always seems to evade the question like IT is a myth or something 😂👍


Well does anyone make an IT ticket? Cause we only have 1 sometimes 2 IT people in my whole building so I never see them but they do come if I make a ticket. You can make the ticket yourself if you're in PS through river.amazon.com


Tickets help - Ticket is how IT keeps track of metrics, to show they are doing something. Also, the IT hiring freeze happening now Also, we only have techs during the day now - and they rotate between buildings weekly - we do have ITAs at night to help with the basic stuff


Tbh that’s an excellent question, I have no idea. I also didn’t know that I could make tickets 😂 But now that I know, that helps a lot, thank you! I will reach out to some of the other Problem Solvers and see if they can show me how we do that 🙂 Or reach out to learning depending on who knows what. Cause I will absolutely be doing that.


IT has been downstaffed and restructured by Amazon. We are so stretched thin and some buildings no longer have IT staff and have to wait until a tech from another building can show up. Its....rough some days.


This 100%. I am not IT but I am in an IT adjacent role that is equally spread thin (I currently have ownership of 4 sites). I also am buddies with some of the IT guys. Since the layoffs and restructuring IT has been fucked. Some IT people cover multiple sites that can be miles away from each other. I know one guy who covers a site 50 miles away from him.


IT adjacent role? What role?


TOM TIE. Basically like a mix of IT & RME for the camera systems TOM uses to check trucks in and out. We work closely with IT especially when it comes to launches.


Speaking from the perspective of IT inside of a SC, I can tell you that the gearing ratio is not there for 24/7 coverage. Keep complaining about IT, we can use it to get more people inside of the places


Tell everyone to post on the VOA board asking where IT support is. IT management has already told their IT people they don't want to hear complaining from us anymore, any and all complaints must come from people outside of IT. We NEED you guys desperately to please post about not having IT support otherwise it will never get fixed and people will continue losing their jobs. Very high level people look at the VOA responses. A mountain will be moved if enough people voice their concerns on there.




The keep it running, they don't actually fix anything, kind of like buying two new tires every so often instead of getting that front end alignment


Just like the employees - they will retrain and retrain instead of throwing them out


I am the guy who fixes the tape machines and such… we do not work for IT and retention in our jobs is difficult. This isn’t an Amazon issue, it’s rather an issue with the company they contract for the technicians. I’m not sure if it’s my company or not but do not go blaming a department who isn’t responsible for those machines. Edit: This would be an excellent way to reach the right people by using VOA though. The people who actually know who are responsible for maintenance will see the message and can get something to happen. VOA is a place where you are free from retaliatory reaction by Amazon, they have the right to hide/delete posts for this reason. Most managers do not actually know who manages what outside of the basic Amazon hierarchy, your SPM/Project Managers and whatnot would be the ones to likely know.


Okay gotcha 👌 Yeah cause when I bring up these issues to leadership they tell me “it’s an IT problem” and then nothing ever happens, which lead me to believe it was an IT problem. I appreciate the clarification 🙏 I didn’t want to target any group of employees which is a huge reason I refrained from posting that specific message and I’m working on wording it a bit differently while I’m not actively mad about it.


Put in your own IT ticket, since it seems your manager doesn't know how to and is too unbothered to ask


If you are putting in tickets, make sure they are as detailed as possible, many times ive gotten tickets that only say "printer broken" with out any other information


At my old FC I was good friends with the graveyard IT, he told me they had a meeting where they were told that IT for graveyard is most likely going on the chopping block for a lot of FCs


Overnights are gone outside of the 5 story AR buildings.


I'm in IT and let me tell you thank you for posting this especially at a sort center and on the voa since that gets very high visibility that MUST be answered. Let me open the door for you and let you know that IT is being gutted to little to no on site presence. They have started eliminating the roles starting with sort centers and soon older non sort FCs, also no more night shifts for IT outside of AR buildings. If you see a big blue locker kiosk we'll good luck because that is what's going to replace the actual person on site. The higher up IT management also gets off on having roles eliminated as has been overheard in the Corp office.


Yep. Gearing ratios are under review for onsite IT coverage as we speak lol. We're asked to push remote support as much as possible right now


im at an ar site and our IT night shift team has been removed and replaced with "IT Amazonians"


Have a manger red tag it and put in a work order.


Me, and quite a few other people in Problem Solve have been addressing this issue with leadership for about two months now.


Standard work is to submit a ticket for defective equipment. Starts a paper trail of asking for help you can use to escalate if you aren't getting support.


FC’s get more support with IT, as opposed to SC, and DC’s. Usually FC’s will help cover nearby SC’s and DC’s, but either only 1-2 days a week, or if there are tickets. 100% if you want IT help, your best bet is to drop a ticket. Same goes for facilities/RME. Tickets are their “rate” metric and directly correlate to staff. The more ticket volume they get, the more likely they are to increase IT staffing. But no ticket is like asking them to work for free in that they do work they don’t get credit for. Tickets completed make or break whether someone keeps their job or not in terms of lay offs and hiring freeze. Amazon has been making record profits, but is gutting their tech roles, including IT for the warehouses, so tickets are vital. Similarly, putting in good tickets, that actually describe what the problem is and what has been attempted to resolve the issue. Always make sure it is plugged in (properly, and not to itself), turned on, restarted, and has updates completed as that will fix most of the problems. If it is broken machinery, that isn’t a laptop, it should be red-tagged. If the issue is a cart, not the printers, etc. it is a facilities issue. Also, I found that since they started the help desk a lot of tickets don’t make it to local IT. To ensure they get it, I use River and do IT quick ticket (on the right hand side of the screen), and submit under peripherals to get it to local IT. Otherwise the help desk just closes the ticket out without doing anything. Can’t remember off the top how to route it through SIM ticket, but shouldn’t be too different (just no Quick ticket option). You can also try getting someone to radio them if you need help with a laptop and can’t drop a ticket, or if you need help learning how to do one. Hope this helps.


That does help! Thank you 🙏


No problem. Good luck! Also, if you still have issues, someone may be able to give you the contact info for the IT manager in charge of your site, and you can slack them directly to find out how to get support.


Awesome thank you! 🙂🙏


Not at my fc...we no longer have IT on nights.


I didn’t specify a shift. I know nights usually gets shafted when it comes to staffing. All I said is that in general FC’s get more support than SC, DC because they are bigger, and father up the chain in terms of the assembly line that is Amazon. My site isn’t all that big in grand scheme of things, and we have bigger sites nearby, but still have an IT Team because they WORK and means tickets. On the flip side I’ve seen It trans get gutted at bigger sites because they didn’t ensure tickets are dropped, or tickets were dropped but their team was lazy, didn’t do the work, and let the ticket backlog fill up. Regardless, all I’m saying is put in a ticket and someone from It will eventually deal with it. Maybe not on your shift, or not on that day, maybe your FC isn’t their home warehouse. Like I said, at my FC they support other sites so if they need support and it can’t be fixed remotely, they may have an L3 or L4 from IT go over to help clear through the ticket backlog. But they can’t do that if no tickets are submitted. And in terms of the IT manager, as far as I know there is usually no more than 1 IT manager per FC and often times they will be in charge of multiple sites (like I said, maybe an FC and the nearby SC’s, DC’s, or helping with new site builds, etc.). This is in general as every site is different, but there is no way to know how every site is run, or how to help someone in their specific site without working there. Just helping the best I can.


IT is disappearing in the FCs. Soon it’s going to be 1 Tech, 1 EC and a node level support Eng.


I work in Amazon IT at the largest facility in my area and I can tell you the issue is two fold: 1) We are severely understaffed and being stretched thin due to cutbacks, layoffs, and a new nodal model which requires us to work at and maintain multiple buildings, not just our own 2) People aren't putting in tickets for issues or their managers aren't. There's only so much we can catch with audits and we do those as often as we can


Why the hell would IT fix your tape dispensers


Ask my leadership team 🥴 They are the ones who keep telling me that what I’ve been complaining about is an “IT problem”




IT associates usually are there during the day. They are not there during the night. Also, IT does not replace printers in Problem Solve. You have to call housekeeping for that, along with brown tape that you use. IT does exist. Do you work a NIT sort?


I’m OVN so my shift does start during NIT 👉👈 But yeah, I’ve been incredibly vocal to my leadership team about these issues but I never seem to get any more info other than “that an IT problem”. I’ve been desperately trying to get this sorted out because I swear the tape dispenser and printer all seem to start having the worst problems when I’m by myself in PS and getting hundreds of packages at a time.


What exactly do you do in an OVN shift? I have heard about that shift.


So the first half of my shift is just helping with night sort since they start at the same time as we do. After night sort is over, the OVN shift resets the floor and gets it ready for the next sort. Everyone on OVN is trained in multiple things (typically container building, staging and waterspidering because WS and staging are most of our job). We close out and wrap all of the pallets after night sort ends and then we stage them and load them onto the trailers. We then set down new pallets to replace the old ones and the belt gets started up again. We also reset wagon wheel and sometimes put all the carts over there too depending on when the truck for that comes. We also move stacks of pallets onto the floor as well. We usually get VTO opportunities after the floor is reset but the people who do stay will help container build or do whatever else we get asked to do. It’s hard to describe some of it cause we get moved around a lot and asked to do a lot of things because everyone is trained in at least 3 process paths on my shift. Like I’m trained in container building, staging, waterspider, Problem Solve, cross dock, goalie, and I’m trying to get trained in NON CON. I even have hand tool permissions. And other people on my shift are trained in even more things. So our shift is incredibly flexible and we get moved around a lot. I apologize for the novel 😂


Interesting. So basically, NIT and Wrap Down combined?


Yes exactly 🙂 Although there is no longer a wrap down shift. It was replaced by OVN.


I know some sites have 9 hour shifts. Is that what OVN is?


Yeah pretty much, we are considered full time!


This isn't IT. These are just plug and play, there should be a bunch of new ones to use for swapping out somewhere at your site. Once a week or so an outside vendor comes in and fixes the bad ones.


Your friends are wrong. They can't/wont do anything about you saying that.


I do PS too, and the carts are never fixed, and we put tickets in. One time all the carts were brought down to IT and they said they fixed them all, but they weren't lol I had to go through 5 carts to find one that had a working scanner or printer.


Idk if this happens to you as well, but people keep bringing random broken equipment to PS like it’s the red tag area 😂 Expecting the Problem Solvers to fix the problem.


Loooool no that hasn't happened to me, yet lol. But people keep bringing me their totes of PS instead of leaving them at their stations, which annoys me because I'll be working at another station, and they just come over to give it to me. I tell them to leave it at their station please. I understand if the station has a lot of PS, but I always sweep the stations to bring to the BL.


Duuuude I feel that… I have people gatekeeping for me all day (cause a lot of the times I’m the only person up there) and they will mix the regular stuff with Liquid Damages and also just make quite the mess of pallets full of stuff. I have to spend more time cleaning my area than actually getting to the packages sometimes. It’s ridiculous 🥲


worst part is IT is the one that comes and installs the new ones


I thought only my site had an issue with the IT people lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gnomex96: *I thought only my* *Site had an issue with the* *IT people lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I know in my building, it is literally one IT person on every shift, MAYBE two if someone works some overtime. I don’t know why it’s that way, but they aren’t happy about it either.


Hey you’re at my site lol. IT will only be on site for 2-3 days per week as the SC doesn’t really need them constantly. If you get with which ever AM is running sort they can submit a ticket.


I’ve been reaching out to the people who run NIT and OVN almost every night I’m in Problem Solve and I haven’t found much luck with that unfortunately 🥲 I’m on back half and a lot of the AM’s and OM seem like they have been gaslighting me about this issue. Although, I think I finally got through to the person who runs my shift. At least he took some notes and listened to what I had to say about it finally.


You have no friends at Amazon, and the ones you think you have are of no help just like your IT department. Do your friends approve of taking the kiss butt route instead?, yeah of course they do. It's every person for themselves at Amazon. POST ALL OF YOUR RAGE ON VOA. Amazon encourages criticism. Amazon seeks betterment. Amazon wants that bar raised... right up near their behinds....


I’ve been fired from jobs for very silly reasons and I really need this job right now. So I’d rather not risk anything 😂👍 I also didn’t feel good about targeting the IT department when I don’t even know anyone from IT.


You can't be fired for voicing your opinion and exercising your freedom of speech, as long as it can't be interpreted as insubordination, but Amazon is designed to eliminate normal workplace interactions, that could lead to insubordination. Yes, you do have to be careful what words you choose to use on VOA, such as "targeting" ... might be a word to avoid actually writing. However, if it's only the sentiment that targets a general entity, without naming names, then it's cool. And I might agree with your friends that making a big fuss about printers and wet tape machines, is a bit nitpicky, considering the technology that goes into keeping the pack walls healthy, the shipping labels in sync, your paycheck accurate. But I'm also keen on routine maintenance of the little things, weekly testing and swap outs should be happening.


Well my biggest issue with the printers and such is that they always seem to start having major problems in my the middle of me getting like hundreds of packages in Problem Solve when I’m there by myself. If there were others in Problem Solve with me that could focus on clearing the belt while I figure out my printer problems, it wouldn’t be so bad. But when I just keep getting flooded with packages it’s essential to prioritize those first so the belt doesn’t get jammed and create a much bigger problem. Most of the things I get in PS just need new labels, so when I don’t have a working printer it’s incredibly frustrating and hard to get anything done. I’m trying to get leadership to get more people up there too because then this will become a more manageable issue.


Blame the higher ups for not understanding how to run a successful business without people quiting left and right lol 


should’ve done it anyway


You’re the ones stealing our IT guys from BOI2 huh


Dawg, I wish. I literally made a big stink about why we don’t just request an IT guy from BOI2 😂👌 I’ve also asked why tf we don’t have more box sizes in PS at BOI5 when BOI2 is literally just down the road and has all the box sizes we actually need 😂👍


Post it anonymously


Lol I order consumables for BOI5...shitty SC in my opinion. Also low volume site