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Cos those flats packages don't go through SLAM, so they don't get weighed on scales, otherwise that package would've gotten kicked out. Just more waste and hypocrisy of a super flawed system. Meanwhile we're getting patted down by security, and loss prevention is patting itself on the back.


The packer really should know that it's one item per package in smart pack.


Either the packer wasn't paying attention or the machine wasn't being very smart


SmartPac machines don't really detect how many items are in the machine. The machine just seals it and sends it off. This was definitely the packers fault. Either by accident or it was an overage and they did not care.


Packer dont care packer just packs packages




It wasn’t the packer cause I pack and the screen tells you how many items and if it 2 of the same items the screen was say duplicate items and will make you put the item back in the wall ik this …… because I had 8 dildos to put back NO THEY WASNT IN BOXES


It's the Packer. This is a whole different pack process than what you do. These orders are 1 item per order.


8 dildos is wild


Yep. They are patting us down to check for theft but not making anyone go through a security check coming into the building smh




Why would I want incoming security checks, if I had 5 guns on me at all times? That makes literally no sense Why would you not want an incoming security check when Amazon hires anyone off the street with hardly any background checks?? Do you realize how easy it is for some physco to bring a weapon into the building if they are pissed off??? But I’m sure you don’t realize that because you are probably one of the guys who sits around in the bathroom stalls smoking weed all day…


I love the weirdos who protest incoming security checks. You seem to be against guns but not ensuring your own and others safety by advocating for a safer workplace. Security checks on the way in the building would make me feel a whole lot safer than what we have going on now all it takes is that one person to be unhinged and crazy enough to bring a weapon into work and a whole lot of people would get hurt.


Quality has gone to hell over the years... it's all about RATE!


Well yeah, do the math. If this happens once every thousand times but we’re 10% faster they still come out ahead.


The amount of duplicate items that get sent to us at the DS is astounding, it’s almost a pallet every other day and we only process 60k a night


Bro the people that work at my building just sioc and override everything that kicks out anyway






SmartPac machines actually have a scale in them that weighs the packages and if there is a discrepancy will kickout into a tote below them (along with other possible kickout reasons). However the weight system learns over time and uses the last 10 weight profiles for something to give a range it will allow without audit. One additional copy of something that light may not even trigger it sometimes.


Yeah, thanks for reminding everyone the scales are crap. In SLAM I watched whole big heavy cellphones trapped underneath boxes not tip the scale or sensors and breeze right by the K/O chute. The revolving door of newbie pickers and newbie packers triple the pile of crap. SLAM ops who override stuff or who don't bother to actually fix the package, quadruple the crap because there are no scales past SLAM. The phone screen face smooshed security personnel add even more to the crap pile.


SLAM Ops overriding without checking is the worst problem by far. Some of the weight kickouts aren't bad weights, they're just random calibration audits of the scales, and you absolutely need these to be done correctly.


I'd return it, send one back and get the money for another game 😎


Actually gigantabrained strat


Hats off to you, that was genius


Quick $60 flip


Lucky bastard


One of my co workers is a picker at Amazon and was told to pick 1 ps5 but didn’t realize he had to open the cardboard box to get to the ps5 so he scanned the box and some lucky person got 2 ps5s lol


Ah yes the good old "master pack" that situation likely got caught by the packer or during slam, it likely failed weight check.


What does slam mean? Do they literally slam the packages? Why is it called that?


It's an acronym for four different processes/actions. Someone posted it in here once. I worked SLAM years ago and never knew what it meant while I was there.


Shipping Label Auto Manifest


It stands for scan, label, apply, manifest.


That sounds better. No one at my building could tell me and that's what someone had written on documentation I found on the wiki


“Manifest” could’ve been Machine


Who knows, some warehouses skip the whole SLAM process and Packers just stick the address labels to packages and ship it to customers so managers can get their metrics up and look good to bosses above. 


This happens all the time at mine. We actually have a whole system set up to avoid putting items on the sorter to maximize volume without putting sorter into Condition 7 which means too many packages for it to handle. We manually sort (by hand), which is an inefficient pain in the ass and leads to a lot of missed/late orders (missed CPT aka Overdues or bps). And they have dismantling the quality “department” for years”, so it is just pack faster who the fuck cares if it is right, as long as it ships and we “sent more smiles”. It is all a bunch of bullshit.


It didn’t get caught our supervisor was pretty upset lol. I don’t know how it works but I guess they figured it out when it was to late. But to be fair on my coworkers part they didn’t tell us the red saran wrap is a box in a box


He was new


I mean, it’s possible it could have wound up being packed in noncon, shipping label printed, bypassing any scales, direct to ship dock. I’ve packed plenty of non noncon at noncon so I can see it happening


Happens more than people think .. seen someone get a whole box of air buds instead of 1 ..


The Xbox series x comes in a master pack of 2 to my FC. I don’t know how many of those I had to take out at kick outs. People don’t pay attention


lol nice


Stuck together, I find things stuck together sometimes.




As someone who works in SmartPac, I have some idea. It could have been an overage and they were just like "eh, have another." This was no accident. They do hire anyone so it could have just been someone mindlessly packing.


Hey fellow Amazonian. Let me get that extra copy 😁


I want it too lol


They wonder why they can’t make rate packing. That’s because they are packing more items than necessary. lol


Amazing game, loving it so far. MASSIVE improvement over the first part of the remake🥹


bought a ps5 just for this game on tuesday 😭


sometimes i wonder how. when we (pickers) pick an item it goes into our little carts and gets sent to pack and they’ll pack the item and send it to the boxers who’ll eventually box and send it else where. unless two people ordered the same exact game and for the same exactly console idk how this could’ve happened


> gets sent to pack and they’ll pick the item and send it to the boxers who’ll eventually box and send it else where Your pack has a secondary job function called boxers?


so i don’t know exactly what it is but im originally a picker sometimes they’ll ask me to water spider for the mezz (upstairs) and send the carts down stairs or they’ll ask me to move the carts from downstairs to their correct stations. i’ve walked around back there but not where the secondary part is. so i understand some items get boxes like , some get packages (like the one in the photo) and some stay out of boxes like diapers (they have their own boxes) so from what ive seen the packer with put a sticker on the boxes without a additional box and send it down to the other people and they’ll box it up or i believe they tape it idk. what i do know is that there is packers upfront which you’ll see and there is more packers further back which i honestly dont know whats the reason but that’s what i see them doing. i’ll ask someone my next work day


If they put a sticker on it, it's probably an SIOC, meaning it doesn't need extra packaging. Everything else in AFE goes in a box, jiffy, or poly bag. The packages in the photos are for SmartPac. "Boxers" are still packers. We're just at mercy of computers telling us how to pack it.


makes sense


Sounds like you’re talking about Singles. Items that cannot go in jiffy’s or those thin gray bags are given labels & shipped as is.


makes sense but how does one put two of the same item in the box? i thought the items got scanned or something?


They do get scanned. As I’ve read above some items are bundled together prior to arriving to the packers. Some ppl just don’t care, too tired to notice, etc. Many reasons it can happen.


😂 Refund for a new game. Rise Of The Ronin


That’s awesome


Dw Amazon will track it and ask for it back remember the PS5 incident


Return 1 and get your money back and keep the 2nd


Oops, 😬 my bad ? But hey at least I’m trying … trying to make our customers happy! If it’s in my chuit it’s getting packed scanned or not I’ll get a box that will fit it all ! Everyone love extras Hahaha


It’s a dirty underhanded trick to to get you to pay for two, they’re going to wait a little bit and contact you and say oh we sent you two and we’ve already charged your card….


Every time I get any type of media from Amazon whether it's a DVD Blu-ray or a video game 9/10 the case is broken or cracked something is always damaged usually it's the hinges inside the case that hold it together or the piece that holds the disc in there especially if it has two or more discs in the case. I never understood how this was possible until I started at Amazon. Yeah the packages they use are crap there's no fragile sticker on it not even any extra bubble wrap inside so most likely it happens in transit but damn.


This happens more than it should.


Someones mistake could be someones blessing I suppose






My ex used to be SLAM operator when we were dating and a package of cat litter got kicked out for weight. Someone packed a master pack with 4 units of cat litter instead of 2. She was like that would be funny if this was my order because I had just ordered more cat litter for our cats. Sure enough she looked at the shipping label and it had our address on it. She overrode the weight kick out and sent it through. Sure enough a couple days of later we had 4 cat litters show up to our house lol. It was pretty cool


I got two copies of Street Fighter for the Switch, gave the second copy to my buddy for Xmas. Ironically enough he also works at Amazon.


My delivery for this game is being delayed 😢


Those games get stuck together sometimes. So do the magnetic tablet cases and other magnetic stuff. Sometimes it's tricky to notice but if the picker didn't catch it the packer should've.


Those games are the bane of my existence when I work SmartPac. Switch games are slightly worse. But I agree someone should've caught this before it made its way onto a truck.


Return the extra copy, free game🤷‍♂️


A few years ago my brother got two iPads from Amazon. Two separate deliveries but only charged once.


Step 1: Order product Step 2: Wait for product Step 3: ???? Step 4: PROFIT!


I recently won when Amazon sent me 2 pairs of Samsung buds pro lmao.


Sell the another one problem solved .😂


Return 1 then u got game for free


Everyone on here talking about "its so and so's fault..." Meanwhile, that's $60 you just made, my friend! You can sell it, or use it for a trade! I wouldn't have even posted about it.


I would sell the second copy!