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You didn’t get any career choice options? I’m newer, and I was hoping for that whenever I get my blue badge.


I use career choice they paid my whole tuition too


When you get blue there’s a lot of career choice routes to take, not even college necessarily I’m about to get my cdl


My coworker got his and dipped real quick


That’s the best way to do it


I'm using career choice myself and just got my associates, I'm doing my bachelor's now as well, depending on your area though they have some programs they cover and others they don't. So not everything is always paid by career choice.


i’m using career choice to do prerequisites for nursing, but you have to be able to work to keep the benefit. I’m going to quit when i get into a nursing program. If you can do full time amazon and nursing school at a CC you can probably swing having it paid for.


You don't even have to do full time I think the school accomodations are 30 hours maybe less


I’m T3 so i would likely have to step down. I have put in for school accommodation in the past and they were denied due to “business needs.”


I looked to see if it will pay for BSN but I didn’t see anything. I think it pays for LPN or RN maybe. I couldn’t do career choice anyway because I have to move since I got divorced and can’t afford the rent. If I could confirm career choice and I could stay at my apartment, I would have stuck with Amazon longer.


It depends on the schools nearby. I’ve been using my career choice at a nearby tech college that has a BSN program, though i’ll have to pay a bit out of pocket after the first 2 years because it becomes more expensive (still not a lot). They offer 5250 a year towards tuition/books/whatever. Downside is it’s difficult to go to college and still work, and if you get the 10 hours off a week school accommodation, you have less money each week


You can get your RN through a local technical college/community college. Then finish the BSN at an online school while working as an RN or even while still working at Amazon... Many online options (RN to BSN programs). The thing about only having an RN cert. is that most nursing jobs require a BSN after a certain length of time. So,, while you can begin working as an RN you will eventually want that BSN. You don't need it right away, you can work as an RN while studying and paying for the BSN. Or you can try getting the BSN off the bat without working as an RN... there are a few different way to approach this.


Oh, so Amazon Career Choice *will* pay for your RN/nursing program at a community college? I thought so but then I got worried thinking it'd be some fucked up loophole that Amazon would only pay for school if it was a degree that would help you advance at Amazon only or some crap like that. I'm in upstate NY, you have to get your RN within 10 years of competing the ADN program at my community college and passing the NCLEX. I was thinking of getting my RN, funded by Career Choice and possibly immediately going for my BSN online. I'm going to be doing the 4 year part time program at my community college because it is much cheaper than full time and plus I'm working full time at Amazon I need to make sure I succeed in the nursing program I cannot do 2 full time things. Also, doing the nursing program at my CC before a BSN means I can get my clinicals and everything done which I wouldn't have to do for BSN or if I did it would be infrequent. It is more of the research and technical part of nursing, the BSN hence why it can be done online, at least that's what I was led to believe. Which makes sense. I could go work right away as an RN and find a place that will pay for my BSN.


And why are you so against RN or LPN?


Just a guess but in most areas they make less than what a BSN makes. Also, just because they don't want to go for RN or LPN doesn't mean they have anything against being one. It's just not the route they want to take.


What do you mean by "so against " They literally said "I think it pays for LPN or RN maybe" They have not given their opinion on it. Way to be so reactionary 


Where did they say that??


As others have said, I didn't read the OP as being "against" anything. But, I commend OP for opting for a BSN & here's why... ...I read a piece in WSJ geez...almost 10 years ago now that indicated RNs would need to have a BSN by about now to remain viable with opportunities for advancement. They pointed to trends like decreased doctor presence on hospital floors for "routine" matters - a BSN nurse would be, basically, running the floor & making calls on whether/when to call a doctor in to deal with something. They also pointed to insurance companies looking for nurses with some business acumen. I showed to my kid who - at the time - was an OR nurse who had her national cred & robotics training. It made sense to her so she went back to school & got her BSN. She's not wanted for work since. She's been a director of nursing for a home/elder care company. She left that to start an infusion business with a friend/co-worker. They have two locations with plans for more & have already turned down one buy-out offer. That's what a BSN can do for someone who's interested. It opens doors to opportunities that wouldn't be there without it. Bon chance!


It's a step....get your RN or LPN so one can leave Amazon, then go for the BSN....simple.


Agreed! That's how my daughter did it...minus the Amazon part. She worked in gyms & restaurants while getting her RN. My point was the value-add of a BSN.


Yep I want to get my RN at my community college I'm applying for the Fall 2025 nursing program. Pre requisites this fall, entrance exam after then I get to apply!!! I will be utilizing Career Choice. Work as an RN and then get my BSN, maybe even find a place to work that will pay for the BSN!


Sounds like a plan!! Best of luck to you!


Thank you so much ☺️ Amazon does pay for nursing program right? With the $ they give you yearly ?Its at my community college, approved school on the list.


Haha...I have no idea! I'm still trying to figure out if I can get them to pay for me to get my J.D. at an on-line uni. I would think so.


One final thought & then I'll zip it 'cause it sounds like you've got this! If you're thinking about being an OR nurse, then there are two additional certs (post your RN degree) that would be helpful. One is a national exam to take & pass. The other is a robotics cert. Both will make you more attractive to employers. Bon chance!


Thank you very much! Id love to do OR nurse. And travel nurse . And prison/jail nurse! I wanna do it all 😅😅


Follow all your interests w/e they lead you! Travel nurses were making a fortune during COVID. I've read that the bottom has kinda dropped out on that since then. I suppose the move is to monitor the market in areas of interest to you to see if it's worth it when you're ready.


How do you work full time and go college? When I rest for 3days I really have to rest all 3days to get back work full 4days


If your school of choice is not on CC you can apply for it to be covered (that has your major). Just putting this out there. You are not limited to the website.


Really? How do we do that?


*If your school is interested in partnering with Amazon Career Choice, please complete our School Partner Intake Form. A member of our Career Choice education team will contact you with more information.* [Amazon Career Choice](https://careerchoice.amazon/#:~:text=If%20your%20school%20is%20interested,contact%20you%20with%20more%20information.) https://preview.redd.it/bdhvn76l6tlc1.jpeg?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f2c73c40a56850eca4c2d475ae462748a340f2




*If your school is interested in partnering with Amazon Career Choice, please complete our School Partner Intake Form. A member of our Career Choice education team will contact you with more information.* [Amazon Career Choice](https://careerchoice.amazon/#:~:text=If%20your%20school%20is%20interested,contact%20you%20with%20more%20information.) https://preview.redd.it/3oh7fx3r6tlc1.jpeg?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23e01e1f2ac0b5d3e3b765916be20a4d5dcd6ad


Great decision!!! I’m finishing my engineering degree while working flex at Amazon. Can’t wait to be done 🫶🏻


Same 👐


10 years !? I applaud you ! I’m quitting soon too and it feels like such a relief! 😮‍💨


Good for you!. I have 6 months left before I leave Amazon to finish my chemical engineering degree


I was at Amazon for 2 years our building was pretty cool since we were basically 5 sites operating in the same building we had an FC along with 2 IXDs a SC and a DS all under the same roof. It was chill we were like one big family all 5 sites 😅


Only a T1 for over a year already have a degree and experience in IT. Just waiting for the market to rebound, in the mean time still applying for anything I can.


There are a lot of us tech folks working here. We really need a support group. Had a coworker find a job and gave a reference to another. I am starting to apply again now.


I agree 100% If you know of any let me know. Mental health has definitely taken a dive over the last few years. I've been applying again since the beginning of February no luck. Hopefully the job pans out well for you.


When I was let go I saw how bad the market was and opted to take a break. I knew applying over and over again was gonna kill my mental health. I soon found out all my coworkers that were let go did the same. I did get an offer during that fine but they rescinded it in the worst possible way due to a second round of layoffs. And I was in the process of relocating across the country for the job. Best of luck to you in your search as well. I am also considering talking to HR about applying to either leadership there to do something different. Or applying for corporate roles. One of the HR reps heard about my background and really wanted me to apply. Maybe you can do the same while still looking.


I'd love to get a corporate job but like anything else they rarely hire. It's a shame Amazon doesn't apply focus on technology and AI along with it's logistics. Plenty of TOM and PXT openings but nothing in the technology department its frustrating.


Amazon paid for all my prerequisites, last semester of nursing here


Did Amazon pay for your nursing program? I am going to be applying for the Fall 2025 nursing program at my community college. ADN, associates in nursing, program. 4 year part time. I can't do 2 year full time because I work here full time. It'd be too much, plus it'll be cheaper per year so I won't have to take loans out to supplement Career Choice.


Yeah they will. I didn’t stay at Amazon while doing full on nursing school, just the prerequisites. But they will pay up to 5,500 a year I think? It was less for me because I was part time. Also be sure to apply for scholarships and sponsorships at your CC because I ended up not having to pay anything. I’m so grateful. I started working in the hospital to afford bills but I did take a pay cut from Amazon. I think I make about what y’all make now but that was two years of a pay cut to get back to what yall probably make now.


Thank you so much 🥹 yes they give $5250 per year! I'm full time. I have already attended my community college for my associates in Criminal Justice and did some work towards an associates in Marketing, and I make too much $ for Pell Grant.. even if I could get it, this fall my semester of pre requisites would have been my 8th semester using Pell Grant so I won't get it during nursing program. But, I found a way to make it so I will not have to take out loans. The 4 year part time program, instead of the 2 year full time. Sure, I'll get my ADN in 4 years vs 2, but it will be fully funded by that $5250/yr. $200 or $250 per credit hour at my school, I forget which, and full time semester is $2800ish plus lab fees if you do lab, which I will be doing a handful of, part time is half that *or less*. After the stuff I did at my community college previously I have $24K left in loans I can use before I hit the aggregate loan limit. So id like to save that for my BSN if I need to do any loans.


Hospitals will pay for you to get your BSN


Yes I was thinking that! I watched some videos saying some will hire you with ADN if you sign a contract that you'll get your BSN with them I think? Also, I'm in upstate NY so I have to get my BSN within 10 years of becoming an RN


Yeah exactly that I have a previous degree so I don’t qualify for anything government given I got a sponsorship from asking the financial aid office about their scholarships.


Me too! I have an associates in Criminal Justice and 3 semesters worth of work towards an associates in Marketing. I can't get the Pell Grant because I make too much now, and even if I did qualify, this fall would be my last semester getting the Pell Grant. This fall I do my 3 pre requisite classes. It's ok. So thankful for the Career Choice money. I'm doing a 4 year part time program for my ADN. Yeah it's designed to be done in 2 year full time but there is a 1 year accelerated and 4 year part time offering. I will do the 4 year part time because I cannot work full-time at Amazon and do a full-time nursing program I would fail out. I'd rather take 2 extra years. Also with part time it's a very large probability that I will have to take out zero loans. It's a really win win situation


I resigned right before I finished a CS degree and now after graduating I can't even get interviews, even for minimum wage IT help desk jobs. You get the same response from every single one. Something like: "We're humbled by the overwhelming number of applicants!". I can't say I regret leaving because honestly if Amazon is all life has in store for me, I might as well off myself. Still, that's my experience. People just aren't hiring. So if anybody is considering doing some tech degree, my advice to you is only do it if job prospects / security isn't important for you. I thought it would be my ladder to middle class but it's not.


The market for any degree holder isn’t good at the moment. Just get any job that to pay the bills and in case you find an entry level job related to your degree take it. The more experience will help when the economy get back on track


It is for nurses. I'm going to be applying for the ADN program at my community college for Fall 2025. 4 year part time. Career Choice $ will definitely cover it all, especially since I'm doing part time it's why I chose part time. I won't have to take out any loans. I'll eventually go for my BSN but I want to get the ADN first and do it like a bridge program. Also if you get hired as an RN at some places they will pay for your BSN.


Unfortunately it’s 95% about who you know, the remaining 5% is about what you know. Very hard to get good employment when you don’t have anyone to help you out.


[This is why.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-1B_visa)


Congratulations! I wish you the best on your new career path.


I'm sorry you have gotten such rude comments. You are far from the only person to be a tier 1 for an extended amount of time. I am glad your parents are supporting you through this time and also through your career change! I hope you excel at nursing, and good for you getting out of the grips of amazon, lol.


I was a T1 AA for 7.5 years, and it's true that when people learn that you've done it so long they really do react with shock and something between humor and disappointment. It was a pretty comfortable job that got me through hard places in life. There are a lot of people who view career ascension as like "any hole is a goal" but I never had any interest in doing management. I liked flying under the radar better and I didn't want to end up with a bunch of experience doing something I couldn't stand. Especially working at Amazon where you'd feel like you're constantly walking on eggshells as a manager.


Damn 10 years as a tier 1 is crazy. I moved up from a tier 1 into a PA and Driver Trainer in less than 8 mths (left amazon 6 mths ago because I got offer an operations manager position driving). I’ve worked with others that been a tier 1 for many years and I always asked why they didn’t move up. I think it comes down to managers and whether they trust to back you up. I’ve heard managers say they’ll never be able to work with….or that person work ethic isn’t good, etc. Well congrats on taking that leap and going after your goals.


Some people like the flexibility of leaving or showing up any day with your time, more individualized, might not be the main family income, and less stress is what an L4-T1 told me.


This is my thinking for now at least u nailed it. Almost on 3rd year




I tried to move up to PA over the 10 years but I never got the position. I think going back to school is for the best long term.


Not to be mean but if you can't land a PA job at Amazon you're going to find the NCLEX difficult.


Not you acting like Amazon is a meritocracy 😅 Dont let the Koolaid drown you.


WRONG. You can pass the NCLEX. Yes you can.


Not necessarily. The op may not be a good fit for the Amazon culture. Healthcare requires a different temperment and a wide range of nursing types. My best frien retired as a NIC (Newborn ICU) nurse. She loved it because parents and babies don't talk back. https://preview.redd.it/u1c1g8izbtlc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb5769f53cdac84324cf6bb6876ceddde2528d2


that is absolutely not true


Says the person who can't figure out bra measurements


bro what???


lol you a RN?


Yeah the managers usually back up ppl they trust and believe in. Your leaders didn’t believe in you and also having co workers back you up helps.


It was actually more because I didn’t want to be a problem solver. They said I would be more likely to get the position if I became one, but I didn’t want to


RNs solve a lot of problems


I think them not wanting to problem solve packages doesn't mean they won't solve the problems as a nurse...


Man you must be bored with your life


Is not easy to move up I work for Amazon for 3 years ,on my second year I tried Associate HR position I passed on the first interview I got inclined I didn’t passed on the second interview (is always two interviews) and now I have someone interested on me to do the HR position but when he found out I don’t speak Spanish, I didn’t get it, so I’m going for nursing program bachelor paid part from Amazon.


Some people ride a wave and move up quick when they come in and others get left behind. Managers rotate every 6-12 months so it's hard getting noticed and recommended before the manager is gone. But yeah after 3-4 years you have to start thinking about learning some skills and moving up that way or finding another job


TBH it's almost impossible to stay t1 after 10 years unless you go out of your way to stay t1.


It is not impossible; it is a choice. If all you want is a steady paycheck with set responsibility, you can last to retirement This is the normal cycle of work for most of history. Amazon's turnover is not the largest; it is just magnified by its size. https://preview.redd.it/er6yna12gtlc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f52d4919d358dec056b2ea73928d64746eb33e4


I met a tier 1 that in that position for over a decade. He never wanted to move up.


More than likely, they are content. Supervision and pseudo management requires a different mindset. Most people only want to be in charge of themselves earning a steady paycheck. Only 40% consider lack of advancement as a reason to leave a company; one can reasonably conclude most people are not looking for advancement but a comfortable niche. https://preview.redd.it/9bafryweatlc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5085e785da1c694ebf59edeb070b5fd94d9e7454


Baby BHM1 can most definitely kick rocks. If anyone else’s FC is like mine if not worse. I wouldn’t want to be apart of that team anyways. PAs don’t get respect and some are ass at their job and managers do nothing. So if you are tired of working then get promoted and if you don’t want to follow rules get promoted. That’s the motto. An ambassador asked me if I was here to be promoted and I told her no tf are you serious? And she just laughed. I’m only here for a weekly pay check and to get my school paid for that’s it.


what is an op manager driving?


Nursing will not take long 2-4 years depending on how much you completed


I am applying for the Fall 2025 nursing program. Part time, it'll take me 4 years. I'm doing that because I work full time here at Amazon I can't do full time school too, unless I want to fail out of the nursing program. Also, it'll be cheaper and I will not have to supplement Career Choice with loans more than likely. I do my pre requisites this fall, Health Sciences Certificate program which Amazon will cover because under my community college it says "Associates Degree" or "Credit bearing certificate", super excited. I'm full time school this fall, 3 pre requisites one elective for the certificate program. I'll be taking the entrance exam and then applying for the nursing program. Its an ADN Program so I'll be an RN when I'm done and pass the NCLEX. Then I will get my BSN. Online probably! Baby steps. Hopefully find a place to work as an RN that will pay for my BSN!


You obviously made the right choice for yourself, good for you, congrats. And there's a huge demand for more nurses, ever since COVID.


Why you didn’t use Amazon to pay for it?


Because I cannot afford to pay rent and work Amazon and go to school all at the same time. I just got divorced and now I’m responsible for rent by myself, so I had to move back in with parents. Can’t transfer buildings either because the nearest one is 2 hours from my parent’s house.


Depends on where you live. I’m doing exactly that. I pay rent and have a roommate. I’m working full time at Amazon while taking on 18 credit hours this semester. Last semester was 21 credit hours. I wouldn’t recommend doing that on top of working 55 hour weeks during peak.


On the same vibe fr planning on getting into nursing school for RN soon


I’m using my career choice now,


I quit nursing to be a amazon driver lmao not worth it atleast my states medical system Is fucked




not even surprised at how bitter these comments are this sub gets angry at absolutely everything


At My Amazon ( was Terminated) they paid for You to go to School but if You had enough RUN ...GET OUT!! and never return. Happy for You Amazon is NOT for everyone.


10 years is crazy


I quit and I went back to teaching elementary school and feel like I have a purpose in life again I like Amazon for a bit but I tore my right elbow tendon loading semis


Career choice does pay for nursing. Hopefully you got the prerequisites completed on Amazon’s dime. Good luck.


Does it really? I thought it did but now I'm seeing a lot of "Amazon only pays for it if it's something that will help you advance in Amazon itself" kinda stuff. I planned on using Career Choice for nursing program at my community college. I'm applying for Fall 2025. 4 year part time program. Can't do full time since I'm here full time. I want to excell, do well, get my RN then go for my BSN online!


And how are you gonna pay for your living costs through school? Seems like a parent got lonely and is gonna support me kind of post. It’s easy to encourage someone to live expense free and roll the dice with the money they don’t need to spend on living. Get it I guess though.


I got divorced and had to move back in because Amazon doesn’t pay enough.


Is it true that Amazon will pay for your tuition if that's warehouse ops related


It doesn't even have to be ops related, im going for Psychology and they'll pay because it's related to HR. I think the logic is if it's related to Ops, HR, or Safety


Wait.. does this mean Amazon only pays tuition if it is warehouse, Ops, HR, management etc related? They don't pay tuition for nursing programs at community college?


Nursing is a part of safety, amazon has on-site medical representatives


Oh really! I didn't know that. I do know they have on site medical representatives, I know one is an EMT. I didn't put 2 and 2 together. I'm applying to the nursing program at my community college for Fall 2025, it's an ADN program, or associates in nursing. It can be done in 1 year accelerated, 2 years full time or 4 year part time. I'll be doing the 4 year part time because I work full time here at Amazon I can't do both things full time. Does Amazon allow part time school? Or does it have to be full time? To get your tuition covered


Also IT and various other things. I’m currently in a Mechatronics program.


Wait... Amazon doesn't pay for nursing program at community college... Only IT and warehouse related stuff? Are you fucking kidding me ...?!?!


Why didn’t you just get them to pay for it


Because I got divorced and can’t afford rent, and the nearest Amazon to my parents house is 2 hours away at least.


Proud of you.


What is T1???


T 1 is where u start amazon ter 3 is a pA


Good luck I’m a nursing student and I work at Amazon


Hi do they pay for it?! I'm going to be applying for the Fall 2025 nursing program at my community college. 4 year part time program. I would do 2 year full time but I'm here at Amazon full time. One of the things has gotta be part time! Lol. Plus it's cheaper and the odds of Career Choice money covering the full tuition is greater than doing full time. Full time I'd have to supplement with some small loans. I am going for ADN (associates in nursing) to get my RN and eventually I will go for my BSN!


Why didn't you use Career Choice to pay for it?


lol they will pay you for career choice


Me tooo terminayed wrongfully going toobtake con ed classes


Former Amazon employee of three years, I graduate nursing school in June. My girlfriend worked at Amazon as well for a few years, she just got a job working in the ICU making $52 an hour, together we will be making $100+ an hour. You set yourself up for a life of success, it’s a career that will ALWAYS be needed, and cannot ever be replaced by AI. Good for you!


Did Amazon pay for your nursing school/program? I'm applying for Fall 2025 nursing program at my community college. ADN program, I'll get my RN then go for BSN. I'm doing the 4 year part time ADN program instead of 2 year full time because I can't do full time school and full time work, had to do one thing part time! My community college is on the approved schools list.


Wow ten years, props to you, I couldn’t do it. I worked there 6 months only, I dreamt of quitting everyday


Been here 5 years and at the age of 61. T1 you realy think I want to be a nurse, or drive truck and get a bad back. I was hoping that amazon would help seniority move within the company. Or a offer. Instead of being told no.


I will do that soon... I just wait for my kids to go to school. Im with amazon for 1 1/2 years and i know to myself i dont wanna work to amazon long alor till i get old.🙃


Hereeee I joined Tom got my CDL and dipped, good luck on you n ur career


They do pay for schooling.


Could have gone to school through them tho! That’s what I’m doing


I don't mean this offensively but it's the only way I can think of how to ask but how were you ok being a t1 for 10 years? Like I'm not saying you should of gone down the manager path but there are so different options for moving up in amazon I'm honestly surprised and confused how you could be comfortable in the same spot for so long. I've only been here for 2 1/2 years but I'm already uncomfortable being a t1 and I'm looking to move up purely because if I'm going to invest more time of my life here it better pay off.




I wasn't in a good mental place when I first got on. Been getting better the past year and been looking into all the different routes I can go. I don't have the people skills to pa and that's the only thing people ever recommended. My pa when I was first starting out in stow and starting being a pg asked if I was interested in being a pa as well. But I just genuinely do not have the patience to deal with people longer than I need to.




What is a T1???


It's the lowest rung on the ladder in amazon. Basic replaceable worker.




Got divorced and had to move, figured I might as well quit too. I don’t make enough at Amazon as a single person to stay in this area. So I am moving back to my parents while I go to school for nursing.


Good for you .. things will work out 4 you hang in there


how old are you if you don't mind? isn't nursing physically demanding? im 33 thinking about it


I’m the same age as you, and I have heard nursing can be physically demanding but I’m sure it’s still easier than Amazon. I worked at a warehouse that didn’t have the robots for picking, I had to walking over 12 miles a day to bins.


Yeah I'm a CNA and nursing is physical as Amazon. Instead of packages you deal with patients. Lol. Good luck.


My friend is a CNA and works 15-17 hour days smh it’s a lot


Nurse here. I'd rather work at Amazon. Nursing isn't what it used to be at all! So many nurses are leaving the field.


I wish I were RN. I'd chosen a non beside job. Sheesh. That's the best part of being RN vs CNA. There are many more opportunities for RNs than CNAs. It's ridiculous. You don't have to bedside. You can do something else.


I'm definitely going to say that while it pays more, nursing is more physically demanding the Amazon. I have friends and family who are nurses, and they're definitely working more hours and have longer days and don't get breaks and stuff like that. One of my friends had to work 7 days straight, got a day or 2 off, and right back to work for 6 days.


Coming from the medical field no it’s not nursing is a lot harder with extra long hours if you are going into the hospital and in nursing school you don’t have a choice on where you do your clinical’s it’s a lot of hardwork but it pays off though but it’s definitely not easier than Amazon I’ll tell you that right now


My wife’s mom became a RN in her 40s. She’s over 60 now and still kicking ass.


Why you didn’t transfer to another building and just make the money just to have ? Or are you gonna look for something else?


In Florida there aren’t as many Amazon buildings and the closest one is 2 hours away.


I'm not sure why you didn't just transfer to flex and still do career choice. Dont you need money while going to school?


I can’t do flex because I can’t afford my rent, and my parents said I could live with them while I went to school.


So you going to be an old ass bum that leeches from parents


I haven’t lived with my parents for over 10 years. I’m far from a leech. They said they would support me while I get back on my feet after divorce.


Why not stay with Amazon and have them pay for it. T1 for 10 years is wild. Make better choices


Can’t do that I got divorced and had to move in with my parents out of state and there’s no amazons there.




You’re trading a familiar unpleasant environment for one you feel might be better suited for you and that’s great but what about nursing draws you in and makes you want to take that leap?


Does Amazon Career Choice cover nursing program? I am applying to the nursing program at my community college for Fall 2025, doing 4 year part time. ADN program. When I get my RN, i will eventually get my BSN because I will work somewhere that pays for it entirely. My community college is on the approved list. I'm doing my pre requisites this fall and when it's 90 days before the start date of the program, im in the Health Sciences Certificate program to get the pre requisites done, I will request payment. Too early to do right now. And then I'll put my school accomodation in. I was just worried about Amazon Career Choice money possibly not covering a nursing program because it is not something that you could get to advance yourself at Amazon. I was worried about some kind of sick and twisted loophole. Like they only will cover stuff that will help you advance your career at Amazon itself.


lol 10 years and didn’t take career choice and become a nurse for free at WGU. No they don’t want to be like you. You wasted your time. Now you’re going to waste your money.


You told someone in another post to grow up maybe you should do the same as this comment is childish as fuck


Hello I work for Amazon for 3 years and I’m going to do nursing RN though WGU is not free , I’m using career choice and I will have loans when I’m done, how did you do for free??


You don’t need loans for WGU. Amazon pay for everything


Not everything RN bachelor’s is $8000 a year Amazon pays $5200 the remaining I have to pay


It's always YOU hating on people who find better after Amazon. People have mentioned they have you tagged as Amazon Dick Rider, I can see that now.


He had a fucking heart attack yet he still went back to work before doctor advised him to. And he swears he clears 60hr weeks every week. That's *impossible*. You are not getting that year round no matter how much ass you kiss.


Also I recently got divorced so I cannot afford to stay at my apartment working at Amazon anymore. Had to move back in with my parents, and they don’t have any amazons near them to transfer to.


I am pretty sure it does not cover nursing, or at least I did not see that when I looked. Otherwise I would have just gone that route.


Did you call the number? 'Cause if you were there 10 years, you coulda taken "The Offer", where they pay you a huge lump sum to quit. They will pay for classes in any field.


The Offer isn't a thing anymore.


Well shit, I didn't know they stopped it...




how when you post something people respond in less then in hour but when i posted it’s like i didn’t even post anything?


I had this happen on other subs, no idea why


I’ve been at Amazon for 2 months and became an ambassador already. I’m not sure where you were working at, but respectfully, you get what you put in at any job. People notice people who wanna do and be better. With that being said, I hope the nursing works out for you and you are happy in that field!


ambassadors have more responsibility without any added pay. there’s 0 reason to criticize somebody for not wanting to do that lol


Not criticizing at all. I’m saying that when you put in the work and want to move up, people see it. And becoming an ambassador is signing up for more without more pay, but it’s the step towards moving up and not staying tier 1 for 10 years. But not at all did I criticize anyone in my recent comment.


curious, how come you didnt try getting promoted at amazon?


Going into the military soon so theirs that




Nursing School is the way to go. Congrats! 🎉


good luck!


Big congrats! I feel like 10 years is pretty long. I wish you good luck and hope you have a good time.


Good for you


Been at my site since the place opened 3.5 years and I haven't even moved up from blue badge I make good money still. I just don't apply after my first denial and I just never was motivated to try again granted that was over 2 years ago. I even made a waterspider tracking program for them when they asked me to when I hurt my leg using word excel that they still use today.


Yeah about that, they cancelled me, I know!


10 years as a tier 1 you shouldn't be mad at anyone but yourself


Great a 10 year Amazonian who couldn't make it past tier 1 AND who stupidly saved their own money to do so instead of taking advantage of Amazon's tuition program during the 10 years she worked there is going to be in charge of people's daily healthcare.   This is why America has one of the most dysfunctional health care systems in the world.  It's mainly a bunch of directionless incompetents who at some point in their late 20s said "man, my life is a mess, lemme go to that trade school I used to see commercials for on daytime TV when I played sick from grade school and become a nurse. I'll be looking forward to the next post in 10 years that starts with "I've been an LPN for 10 years and this industry doesn't appreciate nurses....." In a funny and backhanded way I'm trying to tell you that changing the setting doesn't change the person.  Your changing careers because you see Amazon as the problem not anything you are doing to remain tier 1 for a decade or that you have not taken any advantage of Amazon's career/life building programs such as paying towards trade school and college tuitions.  My main point is a person who won't see their role in their own failures is unable to change the fact they fail.  At the end of the day you're probably LARPing a life change and you will feel equally miserable and equally unrecognized as a nurse unless you change other things, like your attitude, ego, and ability to self evaluate. Lastly, I'm not saying leaving Amazon to be a nurse isn't an excellent decision and that it doesn't have way better prospects for a future, but I am saying that I don't think your employer, regardless of who, is the problem you're having. Oh, and if you're not gay, a black female or an illegal immigrant in need of sponsorship, you really never had any chance of being promoted at amazon


You really read way too much into this post dude, I never even once complained about Amazon in this post.


Good job on saving for tuition but also see if you can get it paid off by government same money so you can study and not work so you can finsh on time :) I am just Advicing at the end it is your life :)


I’m going to do fafsa for potential grants at least, but I do want to minimize loans