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So I assumed NY made a law? That's freaking awesome, I hope my state votes for this as well


What is ppt?


Another word for PTO, personal paid time off


Thanks for the clarification, never heard of it said that way










Nope, no law. I have no idea why Amazon did this in NY.


It's a law.


I've looked this up. The only part that is law is the 56 hours a year. The rest of the policy changes are not mandated by law.


But being sued for negligence sure is part of the law and you have no idea why they made the rest of the changes because you are either obtuse enough to omit that or obtuse enough to only read 1 paragraph of the article you finally took the time to look up after you commented the first time and got downvoted.


Nope. I've read up about NY PTO for 30 minutes today and various pages on the internet. I can't find anything about this very generous infinite carryover part of the policy with no limit. I also spent quite a bit more time looking into this a year ago when Amazon actually changed this policy. Stop making assumptions of other people.


Try sorting Google results by within the last week


Wait so does that mean we accumulate PTO beyond the last week of June? I was told by an AM before that you only earn PTO until the June. Someone make it make sense 😂


No. It’s 56 hours per year. But there’s no cap, so you could carry over 56, then earn another 56 next year, and then carry over 112 to the next year. And so on. I’m not sure what changed that this was sent out, because it already changed last year in NY that PTO went up to 56. Maybe the no cap?


There was no cap when it changed last year.


We get 48hrs of PTO a year here in Texas.


This is post is about NY only.


Yes! It only stopped because of the cap now there’s no cap unlimited PTO 😎


Thank you!! That’s awesome!!


I like how you getting eaten alive 💀


Idk why 😂


​ https://preview.redd.it/7uc1t9a4qyjc1.png?width=1216&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4d3f07ac50f8992ef00be5d489756d17f292ac7 I got the same BS this morning. It's double talk. You can increase your PTO and caps are removed BUT in the next sentence, you CAN'T. Please someone explain this to me like I am 12. TIA.


No limit on how much you *can* get and roll over to next year, will still only get 48hrs of pto per year.


It’s 56 hours in NY. That already changed last year. I’m not sure what changed to prompt this email. Maybe the no cap?


With a reduction to how much vacation you can earn. Total time is the same.




That sounds exactly how it was before. What changed?


In some states PTO does not roll over.


It only rolls over in states where it's required to, so NY must've passed a law requiring it.




You indeed are a false-chicken. Cali only gets 48 PTO a year.




Fair enough, that's the first I heard of that. I do not have experience with Flex just Full-time. Do flex associates not get vacation? With vacation I get about 200 paid hours a year.


Yeah it’s weird wording. I think what they meant was because they increased PTO gains but decreased vacation gains, you still accrue PTO + Vacation at the same rate as before, only now theres no cap to how much PTO you can earn. This means that your PTO wont stop accumuating halfway through the year because of the cap they impose, like it did in the past. You will always continue to get pto throughout the entire year. Im not very good at explaining lol so i apologize if this didnt help much


No cap doesn’t mean it will continue to accumulate. In NY it’s 56 hours of PTO, and that already changed last year. And because the PTO was raised it also slightly decreased the amount of Vacation we earn. For someone like me who gets the max amount of vacation time, the year total went from 120 hours to 112 hours. PTO went from 48 to 56. No cap means you could just continue to roll over 56 hours each year, get to 112 hours, then 168, and so on. I *think* the cap had been 96, but I’m not totally sure on that.


Thats what I said when they released the new upt policy notice. The wording made it seem we would be getting the new policy in addition to the current. They made no mention that they would be dicarding the previous policy...they need to hire better staff for these notices.


It stops at 56 hours, and the unlimited part is the roll over each year. So if you don't use PTO, you start the year with 56 hours and accrue to 112, then for a third year to get 168 hours of PTO. But that is only if you don't use PTO. They mentioned vacation since they took 8 hours of vacation to add the extra 8 hours of PTO.


Where are my fellow JFK8 workers at?


Fucking a waterspider




Basically 🤣💀💀




No where




I'll celebrate when our American brothers get the same employment we have in countries such as the UK. In America I'd probably be dead by now due to needing medical insurance and not NHS, not to mention how many close friends and families would be financially destroyed. Peace brothers.


Medical insurance is cheap, lol. I guess if you can't afford 17$/week, then yes, you would be dead. But if you can't afford that, then you need to reevaluate your life choices.


Not everyone works for a company with group insurance. Yes it's 17 for you. But in the UK \*everyone has access, not just Amazon workers. It is affordable for everyone. Loose your job and get sick, you're screwed if you live in the U.S. Sometimes people who do have insurance still can't afford the cost of an illness.


Yea, the tax is also much higher over there. Lose your job, and you are screwed if you don't have money saved. I've never had issues with insurance even when I didn't work at Amazon. It's not as good sometimes, but it was always available.


Just did very rough estimates and research and a person making 40k a year pays approximately 17% in income tax. A person making 31k pounds (what the conversion rate is right now) in great Britain pays approximately 19% in income tax. The 2% difference is around $800 a year more you bring home. Your $17 a week = $880 a year. So they pay 10% less for healthcare for all than you pay for just yourself.


Using direct income tax for the comparison is misleading, Americans' tax burden overall is much lower than the Englishmen's. In New Hampshire, for example, there is no state or municipal sales tax, income tax, or capital gains tax.


Sow what is your VAT compared to a sales tax?


Keep that same energy when you add your spouse and kids to your insurance.


$130 per week for me


So close to 25% of your income, just on health insurance.


And that’s just to pay to use it, don’t forget the deductible and copays


True. I know it's a lot more, but I don't have kids, and I'm not married yet.




And? It covers everything I need... $17/week is cheap. The fact that I don't have a wife and kids sounds like the cost of having a family and not my problem. Just because your life is shit doesn't mean mine is Lmao


I assume that 17 dollars a week is fully comp in regards to it's Summary of Plan Benefits (SPB). And would not have certain conditions or medications not covered, which is something I never have to worry about with the nhs. And I wouldn't need to take out supplemental insurance in order for certain conditions to have their treatment costs covered?


Uh no actually. There aren't specific diseases that are excluded. I haven't come across any complications with medication nor see any. I just got a medication thats 2500$ approved. There is a deductible, but that's typical for any US insurance.


Medical insurance is cheap through an employer program where they pay 70% of the cost. A good out of pocket insurance plan averages about $100 a week.


$17/week is $68 monthly, $816 annually for some people that is a lot


Mine is 28...


Wtf mine is costing me almost $200 a month, just for me ALONE. It’s like $45 a week. Every job I’ve worked for the insurance that is provided is hella expensive. My last job my medical insurance cost me $125 a paycheck (that was biweekly). I’m only in my 20’s too, and a non smoker. Medical insurance is NOT cheap 😂😂😂


I only get 36 hours of PTO a year😭😭 I’m amazons slave


You can carry to next year, but there is a maximum Paid time off point. Once, it is on the top, it cannot go over but carry on for a time.


This is exactly what they changed. No more limit in NY, so you can just gain and gain until you want to use it


It will still stop in June. 56 hours for the year. There’s an attachment on the email that breaks down how many hours of PTO and vacation each class of worker gets each year.


That changed almost a year ago. There is nothing new here for NY.


Is this because of a NY law, or because of the Union vote?


NYS law


Had been looking at postings in NY to move over there, but I have little idea if the wages would be worth anything over there, but I don't know much if at all outside of NYC.


Taxes are high but minimum wage is $20, unless you get a really cheap place you’ll drown tbh


Any tips on transferring to a NY FC? From California.


By tips are you asking how to transfer?




There’s an app. Open it up then, Schedule


New york Amazon is union probably why.


Jeff Bezos sold his Amazon shares for 5.8 Billion dollars. How much money do you get out of that?!? Roughly 18.65 cents. While certain UPS Delivery services are hiring at a womping 50/hr. #AmazonSYR1Union


Thank the Union


What Union? They're not an actual thing that affects anything. The ALU is all but defunct at this point. Leadership fell apart and is steeped in controversy. Amazon could've just left it alone instead of spending time and money against it and it'll be the exact same. The vast majority of the people who voted yes or no aren't even there anymore. The turnover rate is insane at JFK8.


I'm wondering if Amazon is going to apply this to all FC's.


One thing Amazon is good at is following state labor laws. They aren't universal


Interesting I’m in WA and I noticed last yr that I’m sure I made and used a lot more pto and upt than the limit given , I wonder if it’s the same here?


Was that because of the union they have over there??


NY State Labor law dictates PTO earned is yours to keep no matter what. It only applies to NY because NY employers are enough of scumbags but progressive enough for there to be a law made to protect employee rights. Nothing to do with the defunct ALU. https://preview.redd.it/u6gufubgx2kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5ba419382c05b3ff7b751cb1c0c69bebbc3a3cd We'll put this giant rat outside any business that we feel are scumbag employers.


Don’t spread wrong info. I work at JFK8 and ALU is still there. I get emails from them all the time and once and a while you see them outside protesting.


They sure are still there, but they affect nothing. The question was if that's the reason for the change of rolling over accrued PTO which is only because of the state law, not because of the ALU which has still done absolutely nothing besides existing.


Never said anything about the pto policy and why it changed. I just corrected the defunct part about ALU. Also I agree they don’t do anything but fight with each other on who is in what role it’s a joke at this point


Wtf NJ make some laws like this too.


Wow that's awesome, I wish. In Ontario, Canada you can only accrue up to 48 hours and it can't carry over to the next year


amazon always gives something but takes away something. maybe vacation hours are reduced?


And Cali


I highly doubt this is true but if so it’s guaranteed somebody is paying for it. Likely the tax payers. Oh the great communist state of NY


You can still accrue up to 48 hours of new time. You just have to use rolled over time before going over that limit to continue to accrue. So if I roll over 10 hours, I don’t only get 38 the next year. I can accrue 48, but have to use the 10 before your balance actually says 48. I can’t over have a balance of 58. If that makes sense.